How To Display Scriptures That Are On Web Pages.

Firefox Add-On That Will Give Link To Cited Scriptures.

   There is a way to read scriptures that have been cited on web pages. You have to download Firefox web browser in order to be able to do it. You can get Firefox at .  Once you go to Mozilla’s website, scroll down and you will see a download button on the right. Don’t worry it is free and safe software. You will love this browser, it is very fast. Once you download and install it proceed to the next step.

Mozilla Firefox browser.

   Open Firefox browser. Then right click on the top of Firefox. In the Menu that comes up make sure there is a check in the Menu Bar, if there is not click on it so it will be checked.

Display menu
Displaying menu.

Now in the top left you will see the menu across the top. Click on Tools, then choose Add-Ons. Then click on extensions on the left you will see a search feature in the upper right corner. Type in the search bar  Bible Refalizer .

Add-ons manager
Firefox Add-ons

  Now in the add-on in the list that says Bible Refalizer there will be button that says install click it. When it is installed you will see were it says restart now click it and your browser will restart. Or you can close Firefox and wait about ten seconds and then reopen it.

Intalling Bible Refarizer
Bible Refarizer

   After you reopen Firefox go to Tools  then choose Add-Ons again. To the left you will see were it says extensions click on it. You will Bible see Refalizer in the list.  Click on the preference button for it. Now you can choose what website it will use for the scriptures. To the left were it says site you can click on it and choose from the list. I like it seems to work pretty good.

Setting preferred website.
Choosing Website

  Now below that you will see version. You can choose what version of the  scriptures you want to use. I have found the (ASV) American Standard Bible, (NLT) New Living Translation or (KJV21) 21st Century King James Version to be the easiest for me to read.  Make sure there is a check mark in the box at the bottom that says open references in new browser window so that when you click a scripture you won’t lose your page.  Then close the tab and you are ready to go.

Bible Version
Choosing Bible Version

All you have to do is click on the scripture and a new browser window will open to the scripture.

 Now try it out on these scriptures.    Psalms 83:18 , Romans 10:13John 17:26

    Keep in mind that most bibles have removed God’s name Jehovah from their bibles and replaced it with the general term God.

   I hope this helps someone.

Reasons For Studying The Bible.

If you don't read it how can you have faith. Benefits From Studying Your Bible.

     The bible list many benefits from studying and   applying God’s written words. This is just a small list of a few of the benefits.

                               1. Galatians 5:22  You will be blessed with the fruits of the spirit.

                               2. Proverbs 1:22,23  God will open  your eyes to the truth.

                               3. Galatians 6:10-13 God will help you become stronger by preparing to endure the battles     you will face  in life.

                               4.  2 Peter 3:9, Revelation 3:2,3  God desires none to be destroyed. By studying and applying the scriptures we will become strong enough and wise enough that we may survive the inevitable destruction of this system.

                                5. Proverbs 13:20 You will find true wisdom.

                                6. Acts 13:6-10 You are given authority over demons.

                                7. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-9, 1 Peter 3:12-15  We are going to suffer no matter what so wouldn’t it be better to suffer as a righteous person then unrighteous?   Relief will come for those who suffer as righteous.

                               Here is a link to a wonderful article on why God permits suffering.

Persecution Why And Who?

    If you don't read it how can you have faith.If You Worship In Truth You Will Be Persecuted.

Why Are People Persecuted?

  The bible warns us that those who are    pursuing true worship and righteousness will be persecuted. It

also warns us that the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. Having this knowledge helps us to realize that the persecution will come from many directions even from our own family (1 John 5:19) (Jeremiah 12:6) Not all will be persecuted for righteous reasons. Some will be persecuted for the disgusting sins they have committed in disobedience to God. In doing so they have caused God’s good name to be smeared. (Romans 2:17-24) Those who have done those detestable things are reaping what they have sown. The sad part is those false Christians make it appear as if they are being persecuted and falsely accused. I know true worshippers do not profess to be guilty when they are innocent. They trust God to clear their name. Instead of confessing their sins and accepting the punishment they continue in their lies and are still leading others into their detestable form of worship. (Matthew 7:21-23) The bible warns us that not all professing to be followers of Jesus would make it especially those being lead by those false teachers. Not only do they get involved in their sins but by worshipping with them they show their approval of that behaviour.

We have the example of Joseph in the bible who was wrongly accused and convicted of rape with no solid evidence. He put his faith in God, he never admitted to something he did not do. Yet those who are smearing God’s name and are guilty, still will not admit their guilt even with evidence against them.

Those who choose to worship in truth and follow the path Jesus laid out for us will be persecuted just as he was. Because they choose the spiritual things and not the things of the world, in which we know lies in the power of the wicked one, he and his children will persecute true worshippers(John 15:18-19) (1 Peter 2:21-23) One very important aspect of true worship that professed Christians ignore is the importance of using God’s name Jehovah. Because Israel had forgotten God’s name Jesus and the disciples had to make it known again. (John 17:26, Psalm 83:18)

Some Methods And Types Of Persecution.

          1. There will be a belief that the teachings of the truth is a new teaching. (Mark 1:27) (Acts 17:19)

          2. Because you do not choose the way of the world but choose God’s way and do not pursue wealth or material things or whatever else the world has to offer people will be confused, even to the point of thinking you lost your mind.

            (1 Peter 4:34) (Mark 3:21) (2 Corinthians 4:11-13) They will even look down on a true worshipper. Jesus own family thought that he lost his mind.

          3. Because true worship does not get caught up in the commercialism of worship by using idols and symbols which by now most people know is not permitted by God, or getting involved in traditional celebrations that were not ordained by God. Or because Jesus followers refuses to bow down to those idols or images the world will hate and be angered by it. (Collossians 2:18) (Jeremiah 10:2-5)

            (Acts 19:23-28) For some their greed over rides their reasoning so they get angered because when people stop buying their images for false worship they lose money.

          4. Because followers of Jesus try their best to obey God and share the truth as he did it exposes false worship. Also those who want to continue in false worship do not want their sins exposed. They will have a form of Godly devotion like the pharisees so they will oppose true worship. (Jeremiah 20:10)

          5. Just as Jesus has done, true worshippers will follow his example. They will not tickle peoples ears but will tell them what they need to hear. Satan’s seed will not want to hear the truth. (2 Timothy 4:3) Because of the demonic influences in the world many peoples minds have been molded by them. (James 3:13-16) Others will persecute just because they have the power to. So they will scheme things against true worship. (Micah 2:1)

          6. Some would view disobedience to God as sport. So persecuting Jesus modern day followers would be sport to them. (Proverbs 10:23, Proverbs 14:6-9)

          7. The world does not want reminded that they will be held accountable so they reject God, so they are going to reject his messengers. (John 8:42-44)

          8. Most of the world would view God’s warnings as a joke. (Genesis 19:14) So just as in times previously they would not seek to know God but get caught up in the world and the destruction will come on them before they have a chance to do anything to protect themselves. (Matthew 17:28-30)

          9. They will try to discredit true worshippers by contradicting everything they say. (Acts 13:45)

          10. Because the world lacks faith they would put their confidence in the world. So they do not desire to pursue spiritual things. (1 John 4:4)

          11. People will try to publicly humiliate those who worship in truth. They will attempt to make a spectacle of them to cause embarrassment. (Hebrews 10:33) (1Peter 4:16))

          12. When they can’t get Jesus followers to give in to the world and it’s ways they will mock, beat, imprison, kill them and even force them to live in poverty. God is aware of what his worshippers are enduring and God won’t forget what they have done for his names sake. (Hebrews 11:35-38) (1 Peter 4:16)

          13. Some will persecute just because they have the power to. They scheme things against God’s people. (Micah 2:1)

Next we will discuss the outcome for those who are persecuting those in true worship.

Results Of The Persecution On Those Who Persecute.

            1. The opposer’s sins can reach a level that God will no longer listen to their prayers. He won’t even listens to the prayers of others praying for them. (Jeremiah 11:14)

            2. In the past God’s people seemed defenseless to the persecutors. They will view his modern day people as defenseless. The results will be the same, their total destruction. Sometimes at their own hands when God turns them against each other. (1 Chronicles 20:1-4, Ezekiel 38:8-10,18-23) (Exodus 14:21-27)

            3. When people try to hinder God’s work they eventually are the ones that get embarrassed because they eventually realize that the work is being accomplished by God. (Nehemiah 6:16)

            4. People will ignore God’s warnings just as they have in former times. When the destruction comes it will be sudden. People will be carrying on with life ignoring God’s messengers until it is too late. Just as Jehovah closed the door on the ark in Noah’s days he will close the door to the heavenly kingdom in our times. (Genesis 7:11-16) (Luke 13:24-30)

            5. Even the demons will not escape the one true God’s judgement. (Jude 6)

Next we will consider the results of the persecution on those who remain loyal to God.

Results Of Persecution For Those Worshipping In Truth.

              1. Most are aware we are in the last days, because of this man as a whole will have to endure many things. True worshippers will depend on our heavenly father for guidance and wisdom. So their hearts and minds would be protected. (Philippians 4:6,7)

              2. Just as in the days of the Baal worshippers it would be difficult to distinguish true worship from false worship it will be likewise in our days. True worshippers will know God and be able to clearly identify false worship. So they will not suffer the same fate that the Baal worshippers did. Those who ridicule and oppose true worship will. (1 Kings 18:21,39) (Hebrews 8:10) (2 Peter 3:3,4)

              3. Satan has already been defeated even more so with the witnessing of the truth. They did not and will not let Satan’s attacks stop them because of their love for Jehovah God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:11)

              4. When the calamity comes the obedient will be protected just as in times past. (Daniel 3:15,25) (2 Kings 6:17,18:26)

              5. When all things on earth are done away with true worshippers will not lose their treasure because they are stored were no one not even Satan can take them away. (Matthew 5:11,12) (Matthew 6:19-21)

              6. The persecution with Gods help will build endurance, wisdom and strength in in those being persecuted. (James 2:1-5)

              7. Those who have true faith in God will see his invisible qualities and will be protected so no weapon will succeed against them weather it is spiritual or physical. Even if they get imprisoned wrongly God will take care of them. (Isaiah 54:17) (Hebrews 11:1,2) (Acts 55:17-20)

              8. The obedient ones are blessed with authority over demons instead of Satan and the demons having authority over them. A good reason why Satan and the demons put pressure on people to disobey  God. (Luke 9:1)

              9. Not even death can separate us from God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ love. (Romans 8:38)

If you are not being persecuted you may want to check your standing with God. The only way to do this is to get to know him by studying your bible daily. If you are persecuting anyone, remember you reap what you sow. These list are in no way comprehensive. There are many other forms of persecution and many other ways God punishes and rewards people. Research your bibles and look for those hidden gems.

If you desire to learn more about persecution their is a wonderful article here that can show you more.