Effects of trauma and chronic stress on the brain.

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry there are many typos. I got tired writing this. I will fix them when I get a chance.

I am writing this in hope it can make others aware. This is not medical advice if you are ill seek the help of a qualified and experienced professional who has knowledge and experience with these issues I will be discussing. I am writing this for educational purposes hoping others can become aware and maybe even realize when they need the help of a professional. One thing I do know when we have mental issues people will take advantage of that to harm us or put us in a vulnerable position. This can also cause ones to make decisions that can negatively effect them or someone else the rest of their lives. By being aware of these things a person could learn to correct it and it could help them find someone who is experienced and has had a proven success record it helping to correct the damage to these areas of the brain. It could make a person aware of problems they have so they can make better decisions by taking into consideration they have those issues mentally. We all can experience these symptoms at one time or another but those who’s brains have been damaged will experience them more spontaneously, more exaggerated and for a longer duration of time.

Those with healthy brains and hormone levels will recover from trauma or stress much more quickly and become focused much more quickly. Most of those with these issues are very functional until they experience severe trauma or stress. There are subtle things that they consistently do that makes them stand out if a person knows what to watch for. Sadly I have seen many therapist who do not address the underlying problem but tell them what they believe they need to hear instead of doing what they need to do. Maybe they think by calming them down it will help so they tell them what they want to hear instead of what they need to. But if you read the research it is not helping because they have to face their brains are damaged and start taking steps to heal it. By telling them what they want to hear they are making things worse.

One thing I noticed that is very important for healing is cholesterol. It is needed for healing throughout the body, for fighting infection, and for proper metabolism. The brain cannot function without cholesterol. When there is excess oxidative stress, excess inflammation or a deficiency it severely limits the body and the brains ability to heal. The oxidative stress and inflammation causes cholesterol to be diverted to healing the body from the injury of the oxidative stress and inflammation which deprives other areas of the body of the cholesterol needed. Cholesterol is needed to make hormones and steroid hormones to keep the brain healthy. Without cholesterol neurosterones cannot be produced to maintain the health of the brain.

Keep in mind any of us could show these symptoms at one time or another if we experience stress, trauma or infection but they rapidly go away when a person’s brain is not damaged. Those who do have these issues usually get good at hiding them. But when they experience trauma, stress, or or anxiety they become more more expressed and it takes them a much longer amount of time to recover enough them can hide them again. The damage occurs from them burying the trauma so they do not remember it. By burying the trauma it causes their brain to rewire itself.

Because many areas of the brain are connected dysfunction in one area can cause dysfunction in another area. There are so many things that can damage the brain such as inhibited blood flow which often times occurs with vaccine injury. Physical trauma that can cause many of the things I mentioned below to occur. But I am going to speak of the effects of trauma and chronic stress because they are heavily involved in damage that occurs to the brain. Often times it is a combination of things resulting in multiple areas of the brain being damage.

I will be generalizing , and mentioning the most common effects. This is because different areas such as the frontal cortex could be functioning in one area and not another. This could cause different behaviors. By lumping things together concerning certain areas of the brain it can give a person some idea of what areas of the brain have been effected. One of the reasons those who have been sexually molested as a child have more brain damage is because they tend to internalize their emotions. This causes a decrease in gray matter. Gray matter maintains overall health of the brain. Often times they internalize because of the shame, or sometimes they even want to protect the abuser because it is someone the family has deep respect for or care for. Sometimes the abuser makes threats to frighten the child so they will not tell others about the abuse that occurred. Sometimes when the child speaks of the abuse they are not believed and the abuse continues so to prevent the anger and other negative emotions that come with not being believed and protected can be another reason they internalize their emotions.

Each person is effected differently with damaged areas of the brain. They communicate with each other, for example if one person’s amygdala is less damaged then another person and they have damage in the brain in an area that another does not with similar issues then their symptoms may be more severe while the one with areas not damaged will only show certain symptoms from the damage to the amydala but will not show as many as the person with other damaged areas. Often times people with damaged areas of the brain will show no symptoms unless there is increased stress or trauma.

This occurs in those who have post traumatic stress syndrome and female children who have been sexually molested. It can also occur from chronic stress, infection, from toxins such as heavy metals and vaccine injury. The older they are the less severe the damage is. It causes alterations in their brain that are very difficult to correct because the behavior it causes. They tend to be bias in their thinking. Infection , toxins , and many medications especially fluoroquinolones can cause this to occur. If the person had been abused as a child their symptoms will become much worse. I was fortunate because when I was injured by fluoroqinolones and Lyme disease friends on Facebook taught me to do many of these things. Trauma alters the microbiome which also causes damage to the brain.

Females who were sexually assaulted at a young age have a difficult time correcting the types of brain damage caused by the assault. It causes them to be biased and non flexible in their thinking. It is the damage caused to their brains that causes this to happen. The damage is caused by the way they responded to the abuse, it is even worse if no one believed them or they hid it because they were afraid of the negative things that may happen by exposing the abuser. By being aware of these things maybe we will judge others less harshly and support them when possible. Hopefully some information may help someone who may have one of these problems and guide them to getting the help they need. The degrees of damage will vary so the symptoms for each person will very some may have more damage in certain areas then others. Many of the things I learned in this was from my research to learn to heal my brain from the damage Lyme and fluoroquinolone drugs caused to my brain.

Those under chronic stress, have experienced trauma or have PTSD have excess oxidative stress and inflammation which damages the brain. Those things need addressed in order to heal. Also damage to various are of the brain causes alterations in the microbiome, leaky gut and gut inflammation which cause brain inflammation and damage.

There are peptides that can rapidly heal the brain but I will not discuss them because I do not have enough knowledge of them to be certain of the safety. I do not trust the research until I have compared many research papers on something.

Studies have shown even with adjustments in diet if the person experiencing this type of damage does not get help form someone who is trained in knowledge of the damage caused and how to retrain the mind to help correct the dysfunction recovery is very very low.

In studies woman who were sexually assaulted or abused as a child had more damage to various regions of the brain. The older the woman was when it occurred the less severe the symptoms are because they have other memories they can relate to in order to make decisions. Parts of their brain had already been developed helping to prevent the damage. Each person who experienced trauma is effected differently. By learning we can help to figure out what areas of the brain need healing. Trauma damages the brain and many with PTSD suffer from these things but female children who have been sexually assaulted suffer the most severely from brain dysfunction.

When someone has PTSD their glucose and insulin becomes disregulated. It is very important to work on correcting them. Those with more severe PTSD can experience obesity or chronic fatigue. It inhibits ATP production. Adjustments in diet and nutrients can help to relieve this. Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods help to increase gray matter in the brain. Betaine (trimethyl glycine)(not beataine HCL or TMG-HCL but TMG alone. ) helps to increase gray matter. Coffee in moderation increases gray matter but if consumed in excess it does the opposite. Berry consumption increases gray matter. Consuming nuts and seeds especially pumpkin seeds increases gray matter. Vitamin C helps increase gray matter. Eggs and other foods that are high in choline increases gray matter by increasing acetylcholine. Lactobacillus planatarum, Staphylococcus aureus which most are deficient in now, Commensal E coli such as E coli nissle , produce acetylcholine. Bacillus subtilis produces acetycholine but must be taken with Bacillus coagulins or it will cause health issues. Bacillus acetylcholini produces acetylcholine from choline. B virtamins such as pyridoxal 5-phosphate, methyl folate, thiamine, vitamin B12, and niacin increase gray matter. Minerals and vitamins should be taken with food if not they will decrease the good microbes in your gut. Salt deficiency can cause a loss of gray matter. By consuming himalayan salt studies have shown the micronutrients in it help to prevent overconsumption of salt. A deficiency in cholesterol causes over all brain shrinking so it is important to get enough cholesterol. Vitamin E found in Cod liver oil has been shown to increase gray matter.

Low levels of butyric acid producing bacteria can cause a decrease in gray matter. Low ATP production occurs in those who have PTSD. It is important to correct this because it causes brain shrinkage. Those with PTSD usually have gut leakage and inflammation which shrinks the brain. These also need to be corrected. Lactose improves brain function but in high levels it can damage the brain . Levels get higher in those with inhibited ATP production so if it is not corrected consuming things that increase lactose levels can damage the brain even more. Maltose has been shown to reduce brain shrinkage and improve glucose levels. Inhibited ATP production also causes issues with fat metabolism and it can make symptoms worse if this is not corrected and fats are consumed.

Calcium improves brain function but in those who have had PTSD for decades they usually have issues with calcium regulation and will get worse taking calcium if they do not correct it.

Increasing gray matter will heal many areas of the brain. Gray matter is reduced in those who have experienced trauma especially as a child. Low gray matter levels can cause memory loss and dementia later in life. Low gray matter levels makes it difficult to see then end consequences of decisions and the end reward for actions. It can make a person more prone to seeing the negativity of things and less able to see the reward or positive outcomes. For example when a person with a healthy brain experiences stress the next time they are better able to deal with it and can see the positive effects of their previous trials and how it helped improve their decision making, those with low gray matter will only be able to focus on the negative effects of stress. Yoga, meditation and exercise increases gray matter. Excess exposure to media has been shown to decrease gray matter. Those who spend more time on social media, watch TV, listening to media broadcast have lower gray matter levels. The more the exposure the less gray matter they will have. Exposure to chronic stress can cause a loss of gray matter which will cause memory loss and cause poor decision making. Those who learn to inhibit the stress response have more gray matter. This takes special training and is usually not successful in those who experienced trauma early in life because the trauma causes them to have bias in their thinking. They tend to only see the possible negative outcome and cannot see picture positive outcomes in their mind. Mindful meditation improves gray matter. That means you meditate on your day and do not judge things but focus on what you have learned and how it can benefit you in making future decisions. You more focus on how mistakes or things that happened can help you make better decisions or avoid certain situations such as if we made a bad decision and it effected our life negatively we would not focus on the error but focus on how to avoid the error again. Because those who have experienced trauma in life early will have atrophied hippocampus they will have a difficult time doing this because it is needed for non-judgmental awareness.

Consuming rice or oats in the morning increases gray matter but consuming bread in the morning decreases it. Omega 3 fatty acids increases gray matter. Learning new things or learning new skills increases gray matter. Playing video games increases gray matter. Excess video game playing and violent games have the opposite effect and reduces gray matter levels.

Exposure to complex environments increases gray matter such as driving in heavy traffick. But in excess the stress can start to damage the brain. Experiencing novel new things increases gray matter in the brain. For example learning new things or experiencing new things, increases gray matter. Doing things that increase creativity increases gray matter. Sharing your ideas with others without fear of judgment and listening to their suggestions without judging helps to increase creativity. So acquire friends you can share ideas with and they will not judge them. Learning a new craft such as pottery or knitting can increase creativity. Often times those with PTSD do not want to learn a new craft but by forcing themselves to it can retrain their brain. Learning relaxation techniques increased gray matter. Looking to do things in a new way can also increase gray matter. For example combine old knowledge with newly acquired knowledge to solve problems. Listening to music that makes a person feel good can increase gray matter. Helping others and doing acts of kindness increases gray matter. Practicing empathy, forgiveness and kindness even when stressed can help to increase gray matter. Drawing, painting, doing word puzzles, can also increase gray matter. Singing or humming increases gray matter. Experiencing new foods increases gray matter. Lithium helps increase gray matter but decreases sex drive. Taking it long term can cause weight gain and many other negative health effects. Damage to the hippocampus makes it difficult for someone to remember facts or events accurately. When stressed has added to the trauma, a person with hippocampus damage can experience transient global amnesia. It develops suddenly then suddenly goes away when the stress or trauma has been reduced. I am certain I have seen this occur in people. I have seen them make a bad decision based on impulse because those with damaged areas of the brain are prone to do it, they were immoral decisions that negatively effected their life and the lives of others long term. When this occurs in people who have inhibited impulse control they do not think about the long term consequences until after they do them. So the stress induced by what they realize they have done probably causes the memory loss. Because after I seen those people do the things that did, you could tell they absolutely believed they did not do what they have done and had no memory recall of it.

When stressed those who have experienced trauma will act negatively to acts of kindness , touch and affection because oxytocin increases which can cause the memories of the trauma to return and the negative feelings that came with it. This can cause mood swings, anger, and even violent behavior.

When traumatized the ventral prefrontal cortex loses it’s ability to inhibit the amygdala and because upregulated it increases adrenal hormones, extend period of upregulation causes it to start to atrophy and lose function.

Most of the nutrients I mentioned earlier improve overall brain function.

Chronic trauma and stress causes serotonin resistance and inhibited ability for it to be released in the brain. Infection, heavy metals, eating foods high in glyphosate, some medications especially fluoroquinolone can cause this to occur. Serotonin receptor density becomes decreased. This results in decreased GABA. So this has to be corrected before other issues are corrected in the brain. This usually causes dopamine receptor resistance also. This will cause the person to be more competitive and seek risky and sometimes dangerous behavior in an effort to increase serotonin levels this could include risky sexual behavior if the prefrontal cortex is damaged also which occurs in those who experienced trauma as a child. This can also cause borderline personality disorder. It can increase anxiety, cause OCD, cause a loss of inhibition. Causing bad decision making that can negatively effect their life and the lives of others. It can cause severe depression, lack of self control causing impulsive behavior. This can cause an increase in aggressive behavior causing anger and even violent behavior. This also causes brain fog and difficulty making decisions. It reduces the brains ability to respond to stress because it effects many other areas of the brain. The effects of dopamine are very similar and many of the areas of the brain are effected by dopamine and serotonin so I will cover dopamine at the end of this article. The effects are very similar to serotonin.

Serotonin resistance which occurs in those who experienced trauma or chronic stress causes severe depression. Serotonin resistance impair the ability to sleep so those with serotonin resistance will not experience REM sleep so will not wake refreshed. People with serotonin resistance When they dream often times it will be nightmares. Serotonin resistance cause cause them to develop chronic fatigue. This can also cause fibromyaldia like symptoms and chronic pain. Serotonin deficiency causes poor memory and reduced ability to learn. They can have sudden trauma or stressful or traumatic memories will spring up suddenly in their minds. This can also cause sudden changes in mood and personality. This can cause a person to have trouble concentrating, become fidgety, chronically bored. They can become hyper. In order to try to increase serotonin they will get involved in risky and sometimes dangerous behavior. If it gets more severe a person can develop ADHD, dementia and schizophrenia. Those with damaged or low numbers of serotonin receptors take everything serious so they will take subtle jokes or comments as personal attacks. They may also experience frequent headaches. When there is damage or low responsive serotonin receptors a person will become easily annoyed and experience extreme rage easily. Those with low serotonin levels will have an increased sex drive and sometimes masturbate frequently.This can also cause them to not be inhibited and will cross boundaries, so often times have sexual relations with others even when they are married. But they do not have the emotional constructiveness so would not experience the satisfaction those who have normal functioning serotonin levels would when they have sex. Those with low serotonin receptor responsiveness often times will have low self esteem. They are more prone to being obese because they tend to crave carbohydrates . That is because the body uses carbohydrates to produce serotonin. But they will not respond to the serotonin so the cravings will continue. Those with low serotonin receptor responsiveness will sometimes experience restless leg syndrome. Those who’s receptors do not respond to serotonin will be easily stressed and will be less open to agreement. They are also sensitive to loud noises. Those with inhibited serotonin receptors have a difficult time fully connecting emotionally with others. Ironically their bodies will increase serotonin in an effort to compensate which will cause muscle twitching and muscle aches. The symptoms of non responsive serotonin receptors are similar to non responsive dopamine receptor.Those with low serotonin receptor responsiveness have low impulse control so often times will cross moral boundaries they should not and do dangerous things that can harm them or others. Those often times have high levels of serotonin but their bodies do not respond to the serotonin. this causes many health problems. Often times when someone shows symptoms of low serotonin they will give them serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This will cause them many health problems because their receptors are non responsive , so it does no good increasing serotonin the receptors need repaired. When serotonin levels are normal a person will feel more content, and happy. Low serotonin causes constipation and high serotonin levels can cause diarrhea. Excess serotonin in the gut can cause nausea. Most of the serotonin the body uses is produced in the gut. Low serotonin will cause wounds in the body to heal much more slowly. If serotonin levels get too high a person can become agitated restless, lose inhibitions sexually and because hypersexual, a person can become confused, dizzy, become disoriented have hallucinations and seizures. High serotonin is usually drug induced.

When more severe it can cause muscle tremors, Bell’s Palsey, loss of motor control causing clumsiness.

Things that can increases serotonin and dopamine receptors and their sensitivity are . Making subtle changes that can improve your life. Those with damaged serotonin and dopamine receptors tend to not like change and may have to force themselves to make changes. Even things like paining a room a different color can increase the receptors sensitivity. Getting sunlight especially in the morning increases receptor sensitivity. Dwelling on theories of things a person can do to improve their life and the possible positive outcome can increase the receptors sensitivity. Mindful meditation increases the receptors sensitivity. Exercise even yoga increases the receptors sensitivity. Slowly implementing them and working to bring about these changes helps. One must be careful those making too many changes too quickly can cause stress and have the opposite effect.

Excess social media, excess TV watching, excess news, excess internet surfing, Gambling, and pornography has been found to make the serotonin and dopamine receptors unresponsive. So limiting these will improve the receptors function. Protein rich foods especially ones that contain tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine improve the receptors function. Also magnesium, Omega 3 oils, CoQ10, acetylcarnitine,melatonin, and vitamin D increases their density making them more receptive.

St John’s wort, Periwinkle, and Bacopa improves the receptors health and function.

Increasing BDNF improves overall brain health. Tumeric, resvertrol in things like grape seed extract, panax gensing, rhodiola, gingko, extra virgin olive oil, saffron, lemon balm, and perriwinkle increases BDNF. Ashwangha increases BDNF and reduces adrenal hormone levels which helps with anxiety. These most likely should be taken in the morning with food because they increase motivation and the feeling of well being, and increase energy levels.

Avena sativa (oat straw), Lavender, mugwort, japanese honetsuckle tea, rooibos tea reduces cortisol levels helps to reduce fear and anxiety, and improve tolerance to stress but can have a relaxant effect so should be used later at night.

Arnica and wild daisy improves over all brain and body health.

Inositol increases serotonin and dopamine receptor density. Commensal E coli such as E coli nissle, Bifidobacterium infantis, Bacteroides ovatus, produce inositol. It is produce from phytic acid found in beans , legumes, nuts and seeds. This helps prevent depression, bipolarism, it also improve insulin sensitivity and improves glucose levels which improves brain function. This also helps to normalize hormone and neurotransmitter levels. It prevents high androgen levels helping to prevent PCOS.

This is damaged and inhibited in women who suffered sexual abuse or trauma as a child, this can also be damage by the many things mentioned previously. It is made worse in women because estrogen and progesterone cause increased dysfunction when a woman is under stress. This is also damaged in PTSD.

frontoparietal network is involved in executive function and goal oriented thinking. It is also involved in task that are mentally demanding. It is important in rule based learning and moral problem solving. Those deficient in this will tend to manipulate people and take advantage of them and not feel remorse. It is also involved in actively taking in information of our environment organizing it to be able to anticipate the most probable outcome. Those with frontoparietal network dysfunction will get confused when they are over stimulated by stressful events, they will have a difficult time planning and making decisions in the context of goal-directed behavior. Those who have disrupted frontoparietal networks tend to break rules and moral norms without feeling remorse. They lack the ability to stay focused to achieve long term goals. They also have a hard time in identifying when information is irrelevant when making decisions so often times make errors in their decision making. This also causes them to lose the ability to inhibit ineffective or inappropriate solutions. They lack flexibility in their thinking and are not open to suggestions. They have a short attention span. This can also cause vision decline and blurred vision. They are more prone to acting on impulsive and compulsive behavior seeking instant gratification without thinking about the long term consequences that they actions may have. They may cross moral boundaries when they are married and have sexual relations with someone else and they will not think of the long term consequences of their actions. They have a difficult time adjusting to changes in their environment. It is involved in visual attention , the ability to take in visual information and compare the information to past experience to make a decision. Those with disrupted frontoparietal network have a difficult time doing this and the more information they have to process the more difficult it is for them to make decisions. Often times it results in them making an incorrect or immoral decision. They get easily distracted by sudden movements or sounds.

Those with damage to frontoparietal cortex have a hard time coordinating visual information with motor skills. They can be clumsy. These ones can have a hard time with learning to drive or ride a bike because of the difficulty combining visual information with motor skills. Ever notice those people who run into doors ways a lot. This is something that those with low functioning frontoparietal networks do especially when under stress. The frontoparietal network is critical for our ability to coordinate behavior in a rapid, accurate, and flexible goal-driven manner. Those with healthy a frontoparietal network score higher on intelligence test. The frontoparietal network is involved in brain wide communication. It communicates with many other areas of the brain to improve cognitive function and decision making. It is also involved in a person’s ability to multitask. Because the frontoparietal network is involved in communicating with many areas of the brain it is involved in our sense of self. Those with low frontoparietal network function become disassociated. They lose their sense of self. These are the people who go through many friendships and relationships because they are emulating others, trying to established their identity. Sadly that only makes them use more of their sense of self. These ones usually are the people pleasers. They seem very kind but many of their relationships do not last because they cannot fully connect and relate to others because they have no sense of self so they try to do what they things would please others. Their personalities change based on who they have been associating with because they integrate their behavior into their own, they will try to like what others like instead of developing their own likes and dislikes.

Things mentioned above for other brain regions also improve the function of the frontoparietal network.

It’s function has been found to be disrupted in autism, schizophrenia, depression, dementia, and Alzheimer’s.

Mindfulness training improves it’s function. Practicing improving executive skills helps to improve it’s function. Setting goals by putting them in writing and practicing implementing them helps to improve it’s function. By teaching the brain to prepare for task or goals it improves frontoparietal function. Also trying to view mentally possible positive outcomes improves it’s function.

Frontal Cortex controls behavior and impulse control. It helps to regulate emotions and decision making and solve problems by balancing the two. It is involved in the retention of short term memory and being able to feel the rewards from task we have done or things we have accomplished. It also helps us to be aware of our environment and make accurate decisions based on the information we have taken in. Inhibited function causes poor judgment and bad decision making and lack of mood regulation. A person with damage to the frontal cortex will be more prone to breaking rules and crossing moral boundaries without feeling remorse. Those are the people who never apologize. This causes them to make frequent moral judgment errors in their decision making. They are more prone to fits of anger, violence, suicidal thinking, especially if there is increased stress. Low frontal cortex function causes a lack in the ability to focus and pay attention. During time of stress , depression or frustration they can become hyperactive and impulsive and make bad moral decisions. They have a hard time performing task when the decision involves something that requires them to determine what is right and what is wrong morally. They have difficulty distinguishing between right from wrong. They have difficulty controlling their thoughts and will tend to overthink things causing themselves to become more confused. It also is key in regulating information from other brain areas so stress will cause them to become very confused. Those with low frontal cortex function have an inhibited ability to fully connect with others. This also causes those with this type of damage to have a difficult time learning to drive or ride a bike. They also may run into door ways especially when stressed. I have met people like this and I noticed the quality of their life, their friends and relationships continually declined through their life. They hurt, lied to, betrayed , offended and wronged so many people that they figuratively burn all their bridges so have no one to turn to. So they have to accept what friends they can. Since the frontal cortex keeps us from acting recklessly by keeping our emotions and impulses under control, it prevents us from getting overwhelmed emotionally and doing reckless things. For example if it is functioning and we get overwhelmed and something annoys us we can usually think on it determine the importance and if it would be worth addressing or if it should be addressed. When the frontal cortex is not functioning properly and someone may annoy or offend us instead of having self control a person will lash out at someone and usually say or do things they should not. Damage to the frontal cortex can make it difficult for a person to control their emotions.

When the frontal cortex activity has gotten to low it can cause excess drowsiness, and they will not feel refreshed when they wake. They will have disrupted sleep and will be tired but have difficulty going to sleep. The mind can be trained to correct this. They also lose their ability to respond to environmental signals and lose spatial awareness causing them to lose motor function and become clumsy.

Those with low frontal cortex activity lack the ability to feel compassion, empathy, remorse or guilt. This can cause them to disassociate from people after a while because they only see their negative qualities and do not see their good qualities. This gets worse when they are under stress.

The frontal cortex allows us to adapt to changes in our environment and is needed for problem solving from the integration information taken in , and anticipatory problem solving and the performance of behavior based on them. Low frontal cortex activity causes decision bias. They tend to only focus on negative outcomes. It also effects their relationships because because they will only focus on their negative qualities and only recognize when the person is experiencing a negative emotion but not acknowledge when they are having a positive emotion. The bias thinking caused by this caused them to not be open to suggestions or alternative solutions to problems. They sometimes will make similar mistakes repeatedly. They focus on the possible negative outcome and lack the ability to imagine the positive outcome of things.

Those with frontal cortex dysfunction have problems with planning for things based on past memories and lack the ability to modify strategies or behavior when solving problems. They have difficulty paying attention to detail, and staying focused to complete a task. This causes them to make errors in decision making. This causes them to make poor decisions when making friends because they will make judgment errors about the person. They are unaware of deception and can be easily deceived. This can get them involved in bad decisions from not being aware of what they are getting involved in. They lack of impulse control can cause them to make immoral decisions or break rules that can cause them more stress adding to their mental dysfunction.

Those who have low frontal cortex function do not feel remorse or guilt for wrong doing. So if they have an angry outburst, betray someone, treat them poorly, or get violent with them they will not feel remorse or guilt these people do not apologize unless it is beneficial for them to. The have a tendency to manipulate people and use them to achieve instant gratification. They also will form many friendships in the believe that one of they will eventually bring them happiness. Since they only focus on the negative aspects of people they eventually start to be disassociated from people and will seek out a new friend. They experience frequent episodes of anger , depression and even suicidal thoughts. They tend to make decision based on instant gratification and cannot process the thoughts to determine what the long term outcomes could be. This causes them to make decision that can cause them to negatively impact their lives or others lives. Since the have low willpower they can be prone to making bad moral decisions without feeling remorse or guilt.

Those with low frontal cortex function will lack motivation and social flexibility they will repeatedly seek out people with certain qualities.

Low frontal cortex activity can cause high glutamate and low GABA levels which can cause the inability to sleep or get sleep that is refreshing. They also can experience frequent and severe headaches, anxiety, excess fear, depression, because excess glutamate has excitotoxic effects on the brain. Low GABA causes depression. This can cause suicidal thoughts and increased pain from the damage it causes to the cannabinoid receptors. Over time if this continues the brain becomes conditioned to make decisions based on fear which causes bad decision making.

Low frontal cortex activity can cause excess hunger and the person will not experience satiety after eating. The low ATP production from damage to the mitochondria and high adrenal activation can cause obeisty and severe fatigue. Those with low prefrontal cortex activity lack shyness because of the lack of inhibition. They have a tendency to be hypersexually active, hyperoralty, they will stick inappropriate things in their mouths.

Some with low prefrontal cortex activity tend to explore their environment with tactile exploration(touching or handling). This enhances prefrontal cortex function. , improves learning ability and problem solving. It increases tolerance to stress, reduces pain and increases cardiovascular health. Things such as working with the hands, building things, painting, drawing, knitting, making pottery, has been shown to improve prefrontal cortex function and over all brain health. This also improves those with low prefrontal cortex function to be able to properly bond with others. Often times because of their apathy and lack of motivation it will cause them to not want to do these things. But studies have shown if they force them to it improves frontal cortex health which improves mood, improves their positive outlook on things and increases their ability to handle stress.

This can also cause schizophrenia, and bipolarism when it becomes more severe. Even if they change their diet studies have shown of they do not seek professional help with someone experienced with retraining the mind successful recovery from thipsychosis s is very very low.

Some bacteria that increase GABA can improve overall brain health , the feeling of well being and improve sleep. Some strains stimulate the release and production of GABA in the brain. The ones that produce GABA prevent excess glutamate which in excess is an excitotoxin to the brain and neurons. munciniphila, Lactobacillus rhanmosus, L rhamnosus GG, L planatarum, L bulguricus, L brevis, L buchneri, L rossiae, L holgardii and Bifidobacterium dentium produces GABA. Also Bacillus fragilis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides fragilis, , Lactococcus species, and Alistipes species increases GABA. These also increase GABA receptor responsiveness. Overgrowth of Ruminococcus species and Fusobacterium species can cause low levels of GABA and damage the brain.

Probiotics that can increase the feeling of well being are Lactobacillus gasseri and L helviticus.

Improving vagus nerve health also improves the function of the prefrontal cortex and overall brain health. Humming and singing improves vagus nerve health. Also bifidobacterium longhum improves brain health.

Extinction training improves frontal cortex function and activity. Improves long term memory. Extinction trying involved writing down a positive future story full of optimism. Do not get caught up in hateful talk or gossip. Expressing gratitude improves frontal cortex function. Laughing increase prefrontal cortex function. Doing acts of kindness improves it’s function. Learning a new skill improves it’s function. Mindful meditation increases it’s function. Doing small task even when you do not want to increases hippocampus function.

Insular cortes (insula) helps to regulate emotion it can become atrophied especially in women who experience sexual abuse as a child. It is involved in emotions such as empathy, compassion, taste, motor control, self-awareness cognitive function, interpersonal experiences (social connectiveness). It is also involved in regulation of homeostatic emotions such as hunger , pain , fatigue, and thirst and blood pressure regulation during and after exercise. Its functions include compassion and empathy, taste, perception, motor control, self-awareness, cognitive functioning, and interpersonal experience. It is involved in cognitive awareness of your body and it’s functions. This gives us the ability to realize when something wrong in the body and respond. Reduced gray matter from the traumatic event reduces it’s function and can cause it to atrophy. The insula is where one imagines pain when seeing images of painful events and thinking about it happening to one’s own body. Other function insula is our perception of things such as passive listening to music, laughter, and crying, empathy and compassion, and language. Studies have shown when it is atrophied it can heal. Damage to the insula can cause vertigo and loss of balance. Chronic stress and increased cortisol levels which can be caused by health problems causes insula atrophy. Those with inhibited insula will cross moral boundaries that are not accepted as be normal like having sex with many people on impulse. They tend to break rules and moral boundaries.

Associative learning is the process by which a person or learns an association between two stimuli or events. In other words it is involved in the punish reward learning in the brain. When the insulin is atrophied this is inhibited and they will not learn or even recognize the possible negative outcomes of their actions. The also cannot visualize possible positive outcomes. It is also observed in observational learning especially when observing people. Through play, children learn social skills such as sharing and collaboration. Children develop emotional skills such as learning to deal with the emotion of anger, through play activities. Those who experienced trauma young have a reduced ability to acquire these types of skills.

Those with low insula function have an inhibited ability to feel empathy, and understand normal moral violations. It is also involved in normal emotional processing low function cause cause a loss in the feeling of well being, depression, anxiety. Loss of function can also inhibit the bodies ability to have an orgasm. It is involved in having a balanced anger, pain, happiness, and sadness response. It’s low function can cause a loss of this ability which can cause someone to feel disassociated from themselves and others.

It helps to maintain focus so someone does not make careless errors. Loss of insula function cause also cause a loss of language skills. The low ATP production from the increased adrenal hormones causes the energy supply to the brain to be blunted. This causes the insula to atrophy. Insula atrophy causes excess apathy and lack of motivation. When more severe it can cause visual hallucinations. Low insula function causes apathy motivation , loss of ability to feel compassion, empathy and the ability to forgive others. It can cause increased anger, and increased tendency towards violence. This is why those with Alzheimer’s can been calm and then have a sudden episode of violent actions. They have atrophied insula.

When function is severely inhibited a person can develop psychosis. A person will have difficulty determining what is real and what is not real. When this occurs they usually develop problems with sleep and will socially withdraw. They will develop beliefs that will not change not matter how solid the evidence is you present them with. They will ignore it and get angry often times lashing out at the person who presented the evidence. They will misidentify objects and persons. They can be prone to getting lost when driving because of this. They have a decreased response to external stimuli. Mothers with low insula function will often times ignore a crying baby, neglect them and even abuse them. They also lose the ability to feel pleasure so they can suffer from severe depression. They also suffer from severe cognitive decline. It is believe that insula atrophy contributes to Parkinson’s disease. Those with insula atrophy have an increased disgust towards things such as foods and people. Insula atrophy can cause obesity and fatigue. The insula is responsible for learning from painful experiences. It is why we remember them so vividly. Because of this we learn from painful experiences. If we cannot do anything about it we learn how to better deal with it. If it was because of an event that happened from a decision we made then we learn how to avoid those types of situations or adjust our behavior. Those with low insula function will have a reduced ability to do this so will not learn from mistakes that may have brought them pain. Often times they will make the same bad decision they can cause them more pain and even endanger them. Those with low insula function will often times repeatedly put themselves in situations were they can be harmed. Damage to the insula causes a person not to be afraid of future pain. This can cause them to make decisions that can put them in danger. I suspect that this may occur to prevent them from recalling the traumatic experience. They may have taught their brains to resist insular activation because when activated they would remember the traumatic event. The insula processes love, hate, disgust, pain, sadness, and happiness. From an anatomical perspective. So the insular is how we feel the physical effects of emotion. Because a persons with insula inhibition cannot feel the physical effects of things that make them happy, of love, hate or other emotions they do not learn and adapt. This causes them to make many errors in their relationships. This means they will not take the appropriate actions when they experience and emotion. Those with insula dysfunction will usually develop cardiovascular disease. When the insular is not functioning properly a person will have difficulty processing sound, images they see, and they will not experience the gratification from eating something they like because their sense of taste, smell and the feeling of happiness that a person would normally get is inhibited. Because those with insla dysfunction do not feel the physical effects of love they will base their decisions mostly on rationalizing which causes them often times make hurtful decisions because they do not feel empathy and compassion. This can cause their relationships to be stressful because they often times hurt people emotionally and do not feel remorse or empathy. These often times go through man friends or relationships.

Insula helps to maintain focus so those with low insula activity can make careless decisions that cause themselves or other harmed emotionally or even physically. Those with low insula activity can be prone to addiction to drugs and alcohol. Low insula function makes a person feel more vulnerable. Low insula function causes a persons ability to feel content or satisfaction when they have completed a task. Those with low insula function are not aware of their bodies so can get injured, or have an illness and not realize it until they are very sick. When the insula is damaged a person will have difficulty reciprocating trust. Normally when the insula is working correctly a person will reciprocate trust when it is warranted and without trust when it is not. Those with low insula function have a difficult time trusting others which effects there relationships. The insula is responsible for learning from painful experiences. It is why we remember them so vividly.

Mindfulness training improves the health of the insula. Meditating on possible positive outcomes of things can improve function of the insula. Performing task even when you do not desire to improves the health of the insula. Increasing oxygen with diaphragmatic breathing improves function of the insula and other areas of the brain. Improving sleep quality improves function of the insula. Also getting therapy to retrain the brain improves function of the insula. Excess alcohol consumption decreases insula function this is why alcoholic experience depression a lot. The insula shapes our belief system and when it is not functioning we can have a distorted beliefs from the inability to look at things objectively and unbiased. Helping others and do acts of kindness improves insula function. Extinction trying also involves recognizing when we are felling a bad or inappropriate thought and learning to teach our minds to not dwell on it. To think of more positive things. Over time those with low frontal cortex activity can become condition to respond a certain way whether good or bad. They need to learn to be aware when that is happening and learn the appropriate way to respond. Extinction training helps prevent the reactivation of fear caused by the past trauma.

With sleep got to bed at the same time whether you go to sleep or not it trains the body that is time to sleep. Studies have shown watching the sun set improves sleep quality. Thinking about positive things improves sleep quality. Those with prefrontal cortex dysregulation tend to reward themelves with bad behavior , be aware of this and work to replace it with more appropriate behavior that will not cause bad decisions and bring more stress on oneself.

People with damaged insula rarely apologize unless it will benefit them because they do not feel guilt or remorse.

The hippocampus- there are two in the brain one on the left and one on the right side of the brain. In those who experience excess trauma or stress especially female children of sexual abuse they have upregulated hippocampus levels. This has been found to be true in PTSD also. It is involved in the brains ability to stabilize short term memory-to long term memory. It is involved in spatial awareness which is awareness of our surrounding which helps us to navigate. Over activation for to long can cause a person to lose their ability to navigate. Increased levels caus loss of short term memory and disorientation. It causes the loss in the ability to recall the recent past, but we maintain long term memory. It is sensitive to conflict. When there is one goal that has both positive and negative outcomes for example getting married the increased hippocampus activation will make it difficult for the person to make a decision. This can cause someone to make errors in decision making if it is dysfunctional. Depression from other damaged to the brain can damage the hippocampus. The hippocampus is also involved in our ability to feel empathy and be creative. In victims of sexual assault the hippocampus is upregulated in some areas but atrophied in others inhibiting it’s ability to receive and send signals to other areas of the brain. This causes them to be insecure because they lose the ability to establish a stable, realistic and cohesive sense of self. So it is involved in our emotional state and identity. It makes us lose the sense of who we are when it is damaged. Cognitive behavior therapy has been shown to improve it’s function. Therapy to teach someone how to overcome depression. If the hippocampus is dysfunctional for too long a person can develop diabetes. Those with hippocampus damage will have no perception of self identity so will try to develop their identity by imitating others. They also may get lost when traveling. Damage to they hippocampus can increase a person’s willingness to lie. Some have became sexually perverted when their hippocampus has been damaged.

Reveratrol in grape seed extract improves hippocampus function. DIM (diindolymethane) improves hippocampus function. Carbohydrate deficiency can cause hippocampus dysfunction. Exercise increases hippocampus function even aerobics. These should mostly come from more complex carbohydrates and fruit. Most B vitamins improve hippocampus function. Dietary yeast can improve hippocampus function. Avoid stress try to learn to be more aware of the fact you have injury to the brain and are prone to making bad decisions and take the time to things them threw because the added stress from making a bad decision will harm the hippocampus. When the hippocampus is dysfunctional it can cause thiamine to become deficient. This can cause soreness in the ribs and sternum. It causes inflammaiton in connective tissue in the body. Learning new things has been shown to improve hippocampus function. Whole grains, nuts , and seeds improve hippocampus function. Mindful meditation improves hippocampus function. Doing puzzles and memorization games increases hippocampus function. Playing strategy type games improves hippocampus function. Eating fatty fish and berries improves hippocampus function. Avoid bad fats especially transfats that damage the brain. Practicing optimism, gratitude can help to improve hippocampus function. Working on having a more positive view of oneself improves hippocampus function. Write down things you like about yourself. I did the and it does help but it took a while for me to get the hang of it. Gotu kola can improve hippocampus health. Rhodiola, Panax gensing, Lions mane mushroom, and gingko can improve hippocampus health. Damage to they hippocamus can increase a person’s willingness to lie. Some have became sexually perverted when their hippocampus has been damaged. Often times ones with a damaged hippocampus becomes disassociated from themselves and others, so will have no sense of self identity. So they do not really know who they are. In order to compensate they will imitate the behavior of others and often times becomes people pleasers. This is an attempt to develop who they are but it blinds them to their own qualities causing them frustration and depression.

Amydala- the frontal cortex loses it’s ability to decrease activation of the amydala so it is over activated in those who experience chronic stress, trauma, or have PTSD. It’s primary function is in processing memories, decision making and emotional response and emotional memories. It is involved in fear conditioning and it is where memories of fear are stored. It is involved in the fight or flight response and our response to pheromones. When functioning properly it improves our ability to retain memory. Exposure to chronic stress or trauma can damage the amydala causing it to become dysfunctional. It can be over activated in those who have experienced trauma this causes a loss of fear, hypersexuality, hyperorality (sticking in appropriate objects in ones mouth), It can also cause the loss in the ability to recognize familiar objects. When I had Lyme very bad I lost the ability to recognize my family for a while. I worried that this would not come back but it did heal and my memories came back. Mothers with damage to the amygdala lack maternal behavior towards children and often times will neglect them or physically abuse them. Fear canuses it upregulation and damage to other areas of the brain can cause increased fear. For it to function properly the frontal cortex needs to be healed. It is involved in facial recognition and emotional intelligence.

Increased expression causes increased sexual arousal and aggressive behavior. When a women is stressed they are effected differently they lose serotonin receptors in the brain which effects the amygdala and many other areas of the brain so to heal the amydala that would also need addressed. When there are low expression of serotonin it causes and increase in amydala expression which increases adrenal hormones. If it goes on for an extended period of time this can inhibit ATP production , cause insulin, and lectin resistance and cause issues with glucose regulation which farther damages the brain. This causes anxiety and increased violent behavior.

Doing acts of kindness and charity improves amydala function and improves memory. Meditation on positive things improves amygdala function. Psychiatric therapy to unlearn the fear response can help improve amydala function. Recognize when it is being triggered and take step to relax and learn to handle stress more positively. Like if a life changing event took place of course it will change our life dramatically but we could try and dwell on the things we will do to make our life happier in the future and how we will adapt in a positive way to the changes. When this happens we start judging ourselves and others which can damage the amydala. We need to learn to let things go and stop holding onto them. If we made and error we need to forgive ourselves and take steps to prevent making error in the future. Being aware of the short comings this causes can helps us be aware when we are putting ourselves in a situation we my make a bad decision. Imagining yourself happy and being kind actually helps to improve amygdala function. Often times those with upregulated amygdala will seek the approval of others. Learn to be happy with who you are and what your likes and dislikes are. We all of care things that make us who we are, often times we do not entirely lose them. Focus on those things. Like what you like and dislike. If we become people pleasers we lose our identity and can be manipulated into making bad decisions. When we start emulating others because we want to fit in or want to please them we lose who we are. This can increase damage to the amygdala. Increasing GABA also improves amydala function. Experiencing new things improves amydala function. I remember a friend in one of our Lyme groups on Facebook said she took up pottery making , the thought at the time because of my brain damage repulsed me. But she said it really helped heal her amydala. So I decided to learn to read research papers as my new thing to learn. Many friend on Facebook spent hours teaching me. It seemed like my amydala was not going to heal then one day it was like a light switch was flipped on and things started working again. It takes about three months based on research to for the amygdala to heal. This is about how long it took for me to heal.

The amygdala learns through experience and association. This improves it’s function. If we avoid tackling certain problems because of fears then the amydala will remain dysfunctional. We may have to start out slowly in dealing with them and as our experience and association improve the function of the amydala improves. For example if we got stung by a bee we could develop fear of bees. We can retrain our minds to see the experience differently, for example I do not get to upset when I get stung by bees because it was usually and error I made and the bee was only trying to protect itself or the colony. So I learn from it and try to be more aware and more cautious. Because bees serve many useful functions I do my best to try and not harm them again. So may develop a fear of bees if say they had been walking through a yard full of clover in their bare feet and got stung by a bee. The sight, of the bee, the clover or a busing of a bee can set of the fear and panic. In this instance exposure to what cause the fear will help to remove the fear. This also teaches us how to avoid getting stung by the bee again. Some psychotherapist have them visualize those things before they expose themselves. I do not know the effectiveness of this I have not found studies on it.

People tend to avoid things that make them anxious or cause fear this prevent their amydala from learning and adapting. Learning to be aware of that fear and exposing ourselves to it and and slowly learning how to control how effects us it can help the amygdala function better. The fear seem real and seems it cannot be changed but it can be. Doing things can help us to stop thinking negative thoughts and start being able to see things more positively. If it is not dealt with it effects peoples perspective of the world and others which effects their relationships negatively. Healing the amydala helps to prevent us from overthinking the past and or overthinking the future and viewing it in a negative way.

Some supplements that may help are tyrosine, bacopa, rhodiola, NAC N-acetylcysteine ) improves amygdala function. Omega 3 oils , ashwangha, magnesium, St John’s wort, P5P in the form of pyridoxal 5-posphate not more then 50mg improves amygdala function.Vitamin B12 and thiamine improve amydala function. Increasing endogenous cannabinoids, lemon balm, reducing oxidative stress and inflammation improves amygdala protection.

Precuneus- It is involved in mental imagery, concerning oneself. It is involved in daily memory formation, visual spatial recognition, the ability to observe surroundings and predict the most probable outcome and prepare a response. It coordinates mental images with visual images which helps with creative thoughts and solutions to problems. It is also involved in attention shifting. When it’s function is inhibited it will make it difficult for a person to shift their attention from one person to another or one things and another it can cause them confusion and brain fog. It is involved in the judgment of people as to whether we will show them compassion , empathy or whether we will forgive them or we will not. When precuneus function is inhibited the person shows less empathy, compassion and is less forgiving. It is also involved in response inhibition. Those with inhibited precuneus do not think about what their response will be , their response will be spontaneous and often times inappropriate or cause injury emotionally or physically to others, but because of the other brain injuries they usually do not see their error and will not feel remorse. The precuneus is also the main area of the brain that a person feels happiness so when not functioning properly a person’s ability to be happy will be inhibited. The precuneus is also involved in our ability to be respectful, considerate and polite.

Precuneus function can be improved with mindfulness thinking . We do not overthink the past or the future but try and focus on the present. We label thoughts and feeling in the body with and objective manor and do not judge them. This can help us to more clearly make the appropriate adjustments, especially if we have made a mistake. Instead of judging what has happen we could thing what have we learned from it and what step could I do to prevent the error again? We should not be self critical when we do this. Avoiding pain prevents the brain from learning to deal with it effectively. But by viewing the pain objectively our minds can learn from it and learn to adapt. Each time we deal with painful things our minds get more efficient and better at handling them. We have to accept and observe certain types of thoughts rather then judging and avoiding them. This helps us to be better at handling stress, anxiety and pain and improves our ability to relax. This also improves our relationships with others. We are better able to understand them and their feelings.

Those who have been sexually assaulted as a child, chronic stress can cause low nucleas accumbens function. Nucleas accumbens function is low in PTSD. Usually women who have been sexually assaulted as a child experience more severe inhibition of the nucleas accumbens.

Nucleas accumbens mediates emotional and motivational processing. It also modulates pleasure and reward processing. When it is deficient a person can lose the ability to few pleasure and reward for good deeds or finishing a task. This cause them to have a lack of motivation and be apathetic. It is also involved in associative learning. Meaning learning occurs based on Stimulus, the nucleas accumbens groups information into one associative memory for example when we think of a car we may have had in the past we do not just think of the headlamp but we think of the many aspects of the car we remember. Memory can be recalled based on association. When the nucleas accumbens is not functioning properly it can cause us to only recall negative memories and have difficulty remembering the good memories. We recall memories based on association. For example we learn to be satisfied when we doe something often times by the end result and the rewards that came from it like when we work and get a paycheck. We also learn from people complementing us and encouraging us when we do something good or when we have finished a task. This becomes inhibited when nucleas accumbens function is inhibited. This can also cause increased feeling of pain in the body when they experience stress, or trauma.

Low nucleas accumbens function causes bias thinking especially when they are stressed. Or if they are in a position were they have to make quick or unexpected decisions. They will not be open to new information or suggestions. Fear and anxiety may increase. Their minds have been conditioned for negative expectations and it is very difficult to break this cycle. Adding to it the stress can bring the traumatic experience back to memory causing flash back farther increasing the confusion and decision making. They lack the ability to adapt to changes and have a difficult time seeing possible positive outcomes they can only focus on the negative. The more threats they perceive , which when the nucleas accumbens is inhibited they can be exaggerated the more difficult their decisions making becomes. This also increases neurological pain and fatigue even more. When stress is increased they can become emotionally detached from people and their environment. If severe enough they can develop psychosis or borderline personality disorder.

Low nucleas accumbens function causes negative recall bias. It is caused by the amydalla becoming over activated by the low nucleas accumbens function. This will cause someone to only see bad even when something very positive is present. For example if they had a friend and they had many good times with the friend but the friend said something to disturb them and make them angry . They will not focus on the many good times but the one time the friend did something negative. Because of this they can start categorizing people negatively and labeling them and start thinking of them as losers, failures or jerks. This caused them to constantly seek new friends and when this occurs again they start thinking negatively of the friend and will negatively categorize and label them and think negative thoughts about them. They can even get disgusted by them. This is a protective mechanism but is over exaggerated in those with low nucleas accumbens function. This causes their interpersonal relationships to be unstable. They also develop sleep disorders. They usually experience severe depression, anxiety and could experience suicidal thoughts.

They will have severe memory gaps and will not remember things they have done. There was once a woman having sex cheating on her husband did not remember. When her mind healed she started to remember. It is caused by basal forebrain amnesia. I wonder if the guilt, or thoughts of the consequences increased the stress causing the loss of memory. It can also lead to insecurities, sadness, anger, bitterness, and many other negative emotions.


Those with low nucleas accumbens function have a maladaptive response to stress. They will have a tendency to put task off, or try to avoid things that cause them stress. They will do things to distract themselves like surfing the internet or getting on social media. Or they may sit and daydream.

If the damage gets severe enough it can cause people to develop split personality disorder, develop OCD

Memory extinction therapy improves the function of the nucleas accumbens. Those who have been traumatized learn to change thinking by accepting new data and ideas. Also exposure therapy helps improve nucleas accumbens health, which improves the ability to adapt, take in new information, and improve flexibility in thinking.

Learning to celebrate small victories can help improve nucleas accumbens function. Using too much negative wording can damage the nucleas accumbens. For example if we make a mistake we should not have thoughts we are stupid. We could think I wish we would have made a better decision, I what can I learn from this so I can avoid the same mistake in the future. If we acted inappropriately instead of thinking I am a jerk. That was not a good way to react, I will work on correcting that. When we make errors dwell on how we can take what we learned in apply it in the future so we do not make future errors. Saying positive things to others and complimenting them improves the health of the nucleas accumbens. Trying to find humor in some situations can improve the function of the nucleas accumbens.

When faced with new task that is difficult we should not think this is difficult. If we think we are learning something new and dwell on the benefits of learning it we improve nucleas accumbens health.

Often times when the nucleas accumbens is deficient a person will feel like they are going to have a nervous break down. Things we endure build our ability to endure stress by training our brain and providing memories that make it easier to make decisions based on what we learned. This improves the function of many brain regions and makes us more flexible so we can move forward.

The bias thinking can be overcome by being open to new ideas, information or suggestions. This improves the ability to adapt our thinking and be more flexible in our thinking which can improve our ability to make decisions and decrease errors made in decision making.

Often times the dopamine receptors become damaged and are non responsive especially in children who have been sexually molested or abused and those who have PTSD. Those who have tick born illness often times have severely damaged dopamine receptors. Toxins such as mercury and other heavy metals can damage the dopamine and other receptors in the brain making them non responsive. When this occurs it will have no effect on the brain when dopamine is increased. Sometimes the body tries to increase dopamine to try and compensate but because the receptor in the brain are not able to respond to the dopamine it ends up causing health issues throughout the body. Damage to the dopamine receptors if not addressed can cause Parkinson’s disease. Low dopamine can cause someone to be prone to drug and alcohol abuse. Impaired dopamine cause a person to have a feeling of reward for things they accomplish. Have an impaired ability to avoid bad situations , learn from errors and from being punished. This causes them to be impulsive and make the same types of errors repeatedly. The lack of impulse control can cause some to become obese from eating unhealthy foods. Those with low dopamine receptor response will experience extreme sadness, will be apathetic, lack motivation, and they will have cold hands and feet. Because those with low dopamine receptor activity do not learn from post errors, and past dangers they put themselves in they fail to learn from the mistakes and continue to make the same decisions and put themselves in bad situations. They often times will be thrill seekers and deliberately do things in an attempt to increase dopamine. Those with low dopamine responsiveness are unable to learn how to avoid and even escape bad situations, sometimes they are not able to identify when they have put themselves in a bad situations. They will not avoid them, so will constantly do things that negatively impact their health, and even put their life in danger. Those with low dopamine will have a low sex drive, and will not feel gratifications from sex. Those with high dopamine will have an extremely increased sex drive. Those who’s dopamine receptors are damaged will have feelings of hopelessness. Those who have a damaged dopamine system may engage in addictive or taboo behavior in and attempt to increase dopamine because they do not feel the reward that others feel that having a functional dopamine system. For example people who get addicted to gambling often times have a damaged dopamine system. Low dopamine can cause symptoms similar to high serotonin. Low dopamine can cause symptoms similar to high serotonin. A person will get muscle tremors and feel muscle pain. Stiffness and difficulty moving. They will have loss of balance and disturbed sleep patterns. Excess dopamine can actually get someone to get stuck in fight or flight mode. Excess dopamine can cause salt cravings because it cause cause the body to remove too much salt. Low dopamine cause cause high insulin levels and high dopamine reduces insulin. When a person has the correct dopamine levels they will feel alert, focused , happy and more motivated.

Dopamine is what gives you the sense of satisfaction from doing task or completing something. Low dopamine gives you feeling of not being gratified. If dopamine levels are high it will make it seem like time is going slow but when dopamine levels are low and serotonin levels are high it will make a person have no sense of time and they will not be able to perceive if 15 minutes passed or 8 hours so they often times will be late for things. Low dopamine receptor response can make a person feel tired and they may lack motivation

High hydrogen sulfide levels inhibits the break down of dopamine. But it increases oxidative stress so would cause the lose of dopamine receptor so the high dopamine would be ineffective. Those with high H2S levels will have high serotonin, and low adrenal hormone levels. A deficiency in the methanogens , inflammation, oxidative stress, high mercury levels, fluorquinolone injury or eating foods high in glyphosate can cause high hydrogen sulfide levels.

Low dopamine can inhibit ATP production causing obesity and fatigue. Low ATP farther decreases dopamine and dopamine receptors because the oxidative stress causes dopamine to be oxidized and dopamine receptors to become damage. Increasing ATP, AMPK activators helps.

Excess inflammation and excess oxidative stress, or even stress can cause the to release dopamine instead of norepinephrine or epinephrine. This will cause anxiety and increased sensitivity to pain.

Pathogenic clostridium spp alters dopamine metabolism and causes damage to the dopamine receptors. This will make a person have manic behavior and be bipolar. Tyrosine is needed to produce dopamine. A lack of protein in the diet can cause low dopamine.

Oxidative stress and systemic inflammation can be caused by infection, toxins and leaky or inflamed gut, causes a loss of dopamine receptors. If a person loses dopamine receptors then they will not experience the sense of gratification when they accomplish things. Leaky gut causes high inflammation levels and high levels of lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins) which damage the dopamine receptors and causes high a-synuclein levels. A-synuclein causes Parkinson’s disease. High levels of unconjugated bile acid also cause high a-synuclein levels. This is cause by a lack of microbes that conjugates bile acid. A-synuclein build up in the brain blocking receptors in the brain especially the dopamine receptors.

Berberine containing herbs such as bayberry increases dopamine production by the microbes in the gut. But if the dopamine receptors are damaged increasing dopamine will not help. Balance is key. Excess dopamine and serotonin can have negative effects on health it is best to increase receptors to improve sensitivity to dopamine.

Butyrate producing microbes prevents the loss of dopamine receptors.

GLP-1 regulated by our gut microbes increases dopamine signaling in the brain, increases dopamine recycling and dopamine storage capacity.

Lactobacillus planatarum prevents oxidative stress reducing dopamine receptor loss.

Lactobacillus buchneri and Ruminococcus albus reduces oxidative stress which prevents dopamine receptor loss.

IFN-a and inflammatory cytokine increases under stress, infection, gut inflammation or leaky gut. It cause loss of dopamine receptors.

Akkermansia in low levels actually protects from leaky gut preventing loss of dopamine receptors but it’s overgrowth causes leaky gut causing dopamine receptor damage.

Most lactobacillus increases dopamine and improve adrenal function but if oxidative stress and inflammation is not addressed it will not mater because the receptors needed will be damaged making a person insensitive to the effects of dopamine and other catecholamines. They also will but insensitive to the effects of adrenal hormones mentally.

L rhanmosus increases IFG1. L rhamnosus prevents the break down of dopamine so increases it’s levels It inhibits MAO-B.

L planatarum produces acetylcholine from choline. Acetylcholine regulates neurotransmitters like dopamine. It protects against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. L planatrarum increases butyrate producing microbes. Butyrate protects the brain preventing loss of dopamine receptors. L casei shiroto, Bifidobacterium longum, also increases the butyrate producing microbes in the gut. Those who have high levels of H2S would not benefit from the effects of butyrate because hydrogen sulfide blocks the beneficial effects of butyrate. As a matter of fact in most test results I see often times those having issues with dopamine have high H2S levels and high butyrate levels. The levels of dopamine in their brains is usually high but they have a loss of dopamine receptors so do not reap the benefits of the dopamine. Bifidobacrterium infantis

It improves tryptophan metabolism. It improves melatonin, dopamine and serotonin levels.

Eubacterium Sp, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, commensal Clostridium, Flavonifractor plautii

, Butyriciococcus , Bacteroides nordii , Anaerostipes species, produces butyrate.

Some Prevotella produces butyrate and conjugates bile acids which helps prevent loss of dopamine and dopamine receptors. Prevotella is a double edged sword and needs balanced just like dopamine does because excess dopamine will cause a Prevotella overgrowth. So if you see a Prevotella overgrowth the person most likely has excess dopamine.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus DR7 is found in cows milk. It upregulates the tryptophan and serrotonin pathways and prevents tryptophan metabolism shunting to the kyneurine pathway which prevents anxiety , depression and mood swings. It increases the microbes that help to balance serotonin and dopamine in the body.

Bifidobacterium animalis reduces oxidative stress. It inhibits MAO. This increases feel good hormones and dopamine but could increase tyramine so those with low BH4 levels or inhibited beta oxidation need to correct those before taking this one. B animalis increases Akkersmansia. Reduces H pylori.

Bifidobacterium infantis improves melatonin, dopamine and serotonin levels. Helps restore healthy HPA axis function which would help with anxiety and Addison’s disease. Reduces pain and inflammation throughout the body.

Staphylococcus species produce dopamine. They can also convert L-dopa to dopamine. Staphylococcus produces dopamine from tyrosine and L-dopa. Staphylococcus produces most of the dopamine needed in the body.

Bacillus cereus produces dopamine. Fifty percent of dopamine is produced in the gut.

Bacillus subtillus produces GABA , ncreases dopamine and noradrenalin. It should not be taken alone but should be taken with Bacillus coagulans to prevent it causing health issues.

Bacillus mycoides increases dopamine and noradrenalin

Pathogenic streptococcus can increase serotonin. This can cause tryptophan issues and cause high dopamine levels.

Lactococcus species produces high amounts of dopamine

Ruminococcus spp decreases dopamine

Enterococcus faecalis produces dopamine

These things increase dopamine receptors:

Uridine expecially in the form of cytidine

inotsitol produce by commensal E coli



Caffeine in moderation



sunlight and far infrared

Acetyl L-carnitine

Lobelia increases dopamine receptors.



Cordyceps mushroom



Resisting urges especially ones involving addiction.

Doing puzzles or hobbies such as coloring, artwork, word puzzles.

Doing task we do not like to do.

Velvet bean increases dopamine but can damage dopamine receptors.

Increasing BDNF increases dopamine receptors. Lions mane mushroom, HDAC inhibitors such as increasing butyrate producing gut bacteria, forskilin, valproic acid, and niacinamide increases BDNF.

Things that contain scopoletin prevent the oxidation of dopamine to toxic dopamine analogues. Deadly belladonna, stinging nettles, chicory, passion flower, black haw, fenugreek, vinegar, and dandelion coffee contain scopoletin.

oleic acid (omega 9 oil) increases dopamine and oxytocin it is found in butter, olive oil, free range beef fat, avocado oil, most nuts, pumpkin and chia seeds, cheese and eggs.

Agmatine increases dopamine receptors. Foods that contain it are soy sauce, coffee, flour, sauerkraut, miso, fish oil and oily fish, milk kefir, aged white cheeses and coffee.

In order for BH4 to function properly vitamin C is needed, nitric oxide is needed, vitamins B1, B2, B3, SAMe, are needed. Also PQQ can help improve BH4 function. Low ATP levels can cause BH4 dysfunction D-ribose, niacinamide, CoQ10 can help to increase ATP levels. Betaine also known as TMG (trimethylglycine) can help to recycle metabolites needed for proper BH4 function. Issues causing low oxygen or iron dysfunction or deficiency need addressed because iron and oxygen is needed for proper BH4 function. BH4 increases dopamine release in the brain and stimulate VMAT2. VMAT2 is called the God receptor because it is stimulated when people pray or are involved in worship. When VMAT2 function is lost people lose their connectivity to God and other people. Vaccines are known for damaging the VMAT2 receptor. Eating GMOs, foods high in glyphosate and fluoroquinolone drugs can also damage the VMAT2 receptor.

If a person is experiencing any issues with neurotransmitters it would probably be wise to use antioxidants, NRF2 activators and do and anti-inflammatory diet along with taking anti-inflammatory herbs.

Trimethylamine speeds up aging of the brain this can be caused by low levels of methanogens in the gut or high levels of trimethylamine producing microbes in the gut. TMAO damages many neurons and receptors in the brain. Eubacterium spp also help to prevent high TMAO levels. Increased Prevotella levels can increase TMAO. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii helps reduce TMAO. Pathogenic Clostridium spp can increase TMAO levels. Pathogenic Eschericha spp can cause high TMAO levels. Eschericha Coli nissle and other commensal E coli actually prevent high TMAO levels. Enterococcus faecalis reduces TMAO levels. Methanobrevibacter smithii reduces TMAO. Colinsella spp. increases TMAO . Providencia rettgeri . Methanomassillicoccus coccus , Methanomassillicoccus luminylensis , Methanomicrococcus blatticola , Methanosphaera stadtmanae , Methanobrevibacter smithii , Methanomassiliicoccus intestinalis , Methanomethylophilus alvus prevent high H2S and high TMAO levels. Anaerotruncus spp, Anaerococcus species , Romboutsia spp, Lachnoclostridium sp , Tenericutes spp, Erysipelatoclostridium spp,. bdellovibrio bacteriovorus spp , Mica vibrio aeruginosavorous , Hugatella spp, produce Trimethylamine, so if overgrown they can cause high TMAO levels or if deficie

Before I discuss GABA I do need to warn about something. Those who have trauma from being molested by a trusted figure such as a family member or a religious figure with have many other issues and GABA could actually make them worse because their NMDA receptore is upregulated. Chronic stress and other trauma can also cause this to occur so it would be best to try and reduce inflammation and oxidative stress and heal the brain and let GABA balance out by supporting the body nutritionally. Ones who have been molested by a trusted figure will suffer from disassociation. Also their insula will have low function these ones cannot feel the physical effects of emotion. They often times have selective amnesia or dissociative amnesia. They will develop disassociative disorder. Children are much more prone to this. Dissociative amnesia is where a person cannot remember important information about their life. This can include their life history and or their identity. This also occurs when a person experiences chronic stress or trauma. They will remember most of a day but there will be specific parts they cannot remember. These things things occur more severely in children who have been molested by someone who was a trusted figure because they have to maintain two diametrically opposing views of the person who assaulted them.

GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) Mild stress can activate the GABA receptors but chronic stress inhibits them. GABA helps the cells in the brain communicate. GABA reduces stress, increases relaxation, reduces pain and improves sleep quality. GABA prevents over activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Low GABA can chronic stress from upactivtion of the sympathetic nervous system. Insomnia and disrupted sleep pattern. Low GABA activity can effect memory, make it difficult to consenstrate, cause muscle pain, and headaches. High GABA can cause tingling or flushing, constipation, burning throat, muscle weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath. High levels usually occur from supplementing with GABA. GABA helps to prevent over activation of the HPA by acting on other areas of the brain that are effected by adrenal hormones. It helps break the cycle by calming those areas. GABA is produced from glutamate and pyridoxal 5-phosphate a form of vitamin B produced in the body. Chronic stress , infection, toxins especially glyphosate , mercury and fluoroquinolone drugs can inhibit vitamin B6 conversion to P5P. This can cause glutamate to build up in the brain. Glutamate is excitotoxic to the brain in high levels and can cause an over activation of different areas of the brain and inhibit other areas. It especially activated the HPA and can cause someone to get stuck in fight or flight mode. Often time those who experienced trauma , chronic stress or have PTSD have high glutamate levels and low GABA levels. GABA can also be produced from putrescene by DAO enzymes. Taking GABA supplements in excess can cause digestive upset, muscle weakness, shortness of breath and low blood pressure. Taurine can be consumed to increase GABA receptor activity. Also magnesium bind to GABA receptors improving their sensitivity to GABA. L-theanine I am not comfortable with because it increases GABA, dopamine and serotonin. High dopamine can cause hyper sexuality. KAVA increases GABA levels in the brain. Gingko improves function of the GABA receptors. Magnolia bark binds to the GABA receptors which have very similar effects as GABA. Yoga has been found to increase GABA. Often time in those who experience chronic stress,trauma have PTSD or are chronically ill ATP production and the citric acid cycle are inhibited this inhibits the bodies ability to produce GABA from glutamate and can cause excess glutamate levels. I will discuss believe the symptoms of high glutamate. Low GABA levels can cause obesity.

GABA improves neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the brains ability to mold, reshape, and alter itself by by creating new neurons and neural networks. In those who experienced trauma as a child their neural networks are severely damaged. They are more prone to developing Azlheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Neurplasticity helps us adapt to stress, changes in environment, and learn new things. Scientist used to think the brain stopped growing once someone became and adult they have since learned that the brain continues to grow and adapt throughout life. They have also learned in healthy elderly their brains have become more efficient at taking in information and adapting. This is why they do not get stressed as easily. This is because of the memories they can access and use to solve problems. Neuroplasticity is also what gives us the ability to adapt to changes and learn new things. Neuroplasticity gives us the ability to recovers from stressful events, trauma, or set backs in life, and recover from fear based memories. Neuroplasticity is also how the body adapts when a limb is injured. For example if one of our legs was injured we would compensated by limping and putting more weight on the healthy leg so the injured one could heal.

Low frontal cortex activity from trauma, stress, or PTSD can cause high glutamate and low GABA levels which can cause the inability to sleep or get sleep that is refreshing. The person can experience frequent and severe headaches, anxiety, excess fear, depression, because excess glutamate has excitotoxic effects on the brain. Low GABA causes depression. This can cause suicidal thoughts and increased pain from the damage it causes to the cannabinoid receptors. Over time if this continues the brain becomes conditioned to make decisions based on fear which causes bad decision making. Low GABA cause fear or panic for no reason, anxiety, an overwhelming sense of fear or apprehension, inability to cope with stress, restlessness a person may be tired but cannot sleep, they will not be able to stay focused so their attention will jump from one things to another, sudden outburst of anger even for little things that most would not get angry about, excessive worrying they will worry about little things that most would not worry about and over think them, they may start developing phobias, when more severe they my develop tics throughout the body. Such as nose sniffing, shoulder shrugging, neck jerking, increased blinking, some may develop vocal tics. Low GABA also increases a person’s sensitivity to light , sound, and chemicals. Low GABA can cause blurred vision, tingling and numbness in extremities, slowed muscle reaction, muscle tension and weakness, and muscle pain such as found in fibromyalgia. It effects the digestive system also. When GABA is low it can cause vomiting. It can cause a person to alternate between diarrhea and constipation. It can also cause tachychardia resulting in could hands and feet. It can effect breathing because low GABA can induce asthma like symptoms, coughing or choking. Women may experience frequent urination, increased menstrual bleeding especially if they skip meals. Low GABA can also cause night sweats.

GABA increases growth hormones showing GABA supplementation may enter the brain through the pituitary. Low GABA can cause irregular heart beats. Just as low dopamine can cause carbohydrate cravings low GABA can also cause carbohydrate cravings.

GABA is also produced in the pancreas which helps to reduces it’s production of glucagon so can help protect the body from diabetes. It also promotes the replication and improves function of pancreatic B-cells. GABA also promotes the conversion of A-cells to B-cells.

There are probiotics we can take to increase GABA levels but studies have shown only a small amount of GABA from supplements and our gut microbes enter the brain. It does increase GABA levels but the amount it increases them are limited. What taking probiotics do that produce GABA is they prevent high glutamine levels because they use glutamine to prodce GABA. Also the GABA they produce would improve pancreatic health. Strains of bacteria that increase GABA can improve overall brain health , the feeling of well being and improve sleep. Akkermansia munciniphila, Lactobacillus rhanmosus, L rhamnosus GG, L planatarum, L bulguricus, L brevis, L buchneri, L rossiae, L holgardii and Bifidobacterium dentium produces GABA. Also Bacillus fragilis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides fragilis, , Lactococcus species, and Alistipes species increases GABA. These also increase GABA receptor responsiveness. Overgrowth of Ruminococcus species and Fusobacterium species can cause low levels of GABA and damage the brain.

Probiotics that can increase the feeling of well being are Lactobacillus gasseri and L helviticus.

There are foods that contain GABA such as GABA-rich foods include cruciferous vegetables, beans, peas, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, sprouted grains, rice especially brown rice, fermented foods , oolong and white tea.

There are foods that contain GABA such as GABA-rich foods include cruciferous vegetables, beans, peas, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, sprouted grains, rice especially brown rice, fermented foods , oolong and white tea.

Lemon Balm, and Rhodiola increases GABA activity in the brain.

Nutrients that help to reuduce glutamate levels and increase GABA are P5P no more then 50 mg, magnesium, zinc picolinate, taurine, glycine, vitamin C, selenium and L-lysine.

Those who have developed chronic fatigue and have a problem with gaining too much weight my have developed inhibited OXPHOS in mitochondria or their citric acid cycle has become dysfunctional. This can inhibit the bodies ability to produce GABA. If this occurs they will need to correct those issues in order to restore homeostasis.

One sign that GABA levels are increasing is some aging in the skin may be reversed because it increases growth hormones and improves collagen production in the body.

Lemon Balm, and Rhodiola increases GABA activity in the brain.

Nutrients that help to reuduce glutamate levels and increase GABA are P5P no more then 50 mg, magnesium, zinc picolinate, taurine, glycine, vitamin C, selenium and L-lysine.

Those who have developed chronic fatigue and have a problem with gaining too much weight my have developed inhibited OXPHOS in mitochondria or their citric acid cycle has become dysfunctional. This can inhibit the bodies ability to produce GABA. If this occurs they will need to correct those issues in order to restore homeostasis.

One sing that GABA levels are increasing is some aging in the skin may be reversed because it increases growth hormones and improves collagen production in the body.

Trauma, chronic stress, and PTSD alters the cholinergic system causing it’s over expression. This causes increased acetylcholine and increased acetylcholine receptor activity. Acetylcholine is involved in control of motor function in our muscles. Acetylcholine is involved in arousal, attension, motivation and memory. Constant activation can start making the acetylcholine receptors non responsive. Supplementing does not increase brain acetylcholine levels because it cannot cross the blood brain barrier. There are two classes of receptors nicotinic and muscarinic. When the muscarinic receptors are not responsive a person can stop producing saliva. Low acetylcholine levels or decrease musarinic receptor sensitivity can cause high blood pressure excess can cause low blood pressure because acetylcholine increases nitric oxide production. When functioning properly , and a person wakes in the morning they feel more alert, they will have better memory, and improved ability to pay attention. Low acetlycholine receptor function prevents a person from having REM sleep. When acetylcholine levels are low or the receptors are damaged a person will have difficulty learning new things and taking in new information. They will have a difficult time discriminating what information is factual and what information is not. Losing function of the acetylcholine receptors can cause enterograde amnesia. This often occurs in people who have made a bad decision and released the ling term effects it will have on their life. The increased stress and anxiety can damage the acetycholine recptors causing them to be unable to recall the recent past. So they will not remember the error they committed. Those who have low functioning acetylcholine choline receptors can have this occur if they experience stress or trauma. Low acetylcholine function can make it difficult to breath. Some antihistamine decrease acetylcholine levels, Benadryl is one of them. Those with issues in the cholinergic system will suffer gastrointestinal problems because it maintains vagas nerve health. The vagas nerve is needed for our brain to communicate with our guts and our microbiome. Low acetylcholine makes a person prone to infections.

When the acetylcholine receptors become non responsive or acetylcholine levels become low a person can experience muscle weakness, especially in the eyes and face, and they will have difficulty swallowing. Often times clues this is happening can be found by looking at the thymus it becomes enlarged. The muscle weakness involved is not painful or fatigue but they will lack the ability to use them. When acetylcholine levels are low or the receptors are not functioning a person will develop a sensitivity to light, and may have troubling chewing because of muscle weakness in the jaw. This can also cause them to have slurred or slow speech. They may appear to be sad because their eyelids drop and they will not be able to hold their mouth closed. If they try to smile it may look more like a snarl. When acetycholine receptor activity is inhibited the muscle lose their ability to contract.

Because acetylcholine inhibits other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin high levels of acetylcholine can make it appear that those are deficient. A person can have high acetylcholine levels but if there acetycholine receptors are damage they will be unresponsive making it appear they have low acetylcholine levels. If they appear to have low acetylcholine, serotonin and dopamine there acetylcholine receptors are most likely damaged. When this occurs a person will experience depression, lose the ability to feel pleasure, have difficulty consentrating, will not be able to have more complex problem solving thinking abilities, experience mental confusion and mental fatigue, they will be pessimistic and only able to see negative outcomes in the solution to problems, they will experience what many who have Lyme call ghost smells and ghost sounds. They will here things that are not there are smell aromas that are not present. They will experience headaches, and dry mouth, intestinal gas and bloating, tingling and numbness in legs or arms, flu or cold like symptoms, chills or the feeling you are cold, runny nose that is usually clear, they will only focus on their inner thoughts and not the thoughts of others, often times they won’t even acknowledge someone else thoughts. They prefer doing task and to work alone. They have a tendency to daydream a lot to work out a problem. High levels of acetylcholine can also cause anxiety. No that I covered symptoms of acetylcholine receptor dyfunction I will cover high and low acetylcholine. Those with poor function of the acetylcholine receptors with have poor impulse control, have bad decision making, make bad moral decisions, will have a difficult time planning for things and have a difficult time making more complex decisions. When functioning properly a person will be more alert, feel refreshed when they wake. Be happier and more content, and will have a more positive view of things and be able to see the possible positive outcomes. They will have improved memory especially of happy memories or of memories that made them feel good. They will have improve heart function. Low acetylcholine causes rapid heart rates and higher blood pressure. When functioning properly a person will have more energy, be more aroused and more alert and aware of things. Those who have PEMT issues in their livers will experience low acetycholine levels. Betaine (trimethylglycine, TMG) can help with that, these ones may have high estrogen levels. A diet deficient in choline will cause low acetylcholine levels. If the acetlycholine receptors are not function increasing acetycholine can cause severe depression. Taking high doses of vitamin D can cause excessively high acetylcholine levels. If a person is deficient in vitamin A,D or K it can cause acetylcholine receptor dysfunction.

When functioning properly acetylcholine allows the muscle to contract. Low levels makes it difficult to move your muscles they become stiff but there is no fatigue or pain. When functioning properly it improve the brains neuropasticity. When acetylcholine system is function properly a person will be able to better handle stress, have more positive attitude towards others and will have a more positive view point on solutions for problems instead of dwelling on the possible negative outcomes. When the cholinergic system is function properly a person will have better sleep quality and wake feeling refreshed.

Low acetylcholine will cause depression. Low acetylcholine levels causes systemic inflammation and can develop autoimmunity because the immune system becomes over activated. Acetylcholine balances inflammation and the immune response it does not reduce them if they are needed by the body to heal. Low acetycholine can cause constipation and gastroparesis. Low acetycholine levels can cause dry eyes and inhibit the ability to produce saliva, cause hypotension, loss of muscle tone and chronic inflammation, memory loss, and difficulty focusing. A person with low acetylcholine levels will lack the ability to stay focused, be depressed and have severe mood swings. Forgetfulness occurs when acetylcholine levels are low and often times a person will forget to complete a task. Low acetylcholine levels causes a person to become easily distracted. Low acetylcholine makes it difficult to recover after exercise or exerting oneself. A person will have a difficult time learning when acetylcholine levels are low. When acetycholine levels are low they will develop POTS which causes dizziness, light headedness, increased heart rate, weakness, confusion and nausea. Lyme sufferers refer to the mental issues low acetylcholine causes as brain fog.

High acetylcholine levels is usually induced by medications but stress, trauma , and infection can cause high levels. It can cause bronchial constriction, bradychardia, vomiting and abdominal cramping, muscle twitching which are similar to tremors but happen throughout the body including the heart, confusion, headache and drowsiness. Excess also inhibits the immune system so a person will experience frequent infections. Stress and trauma can cause excess acetylcholine levles. These can be correct by relaxations techniques. High acetylcholine levels can cause excessive sweating. Excess salivation, excess eye watering, blurred vision, muscular weakness and fasciculation which is similar to muscle twitching.Most lyme sufferers have experienced this. Increased depression and anxiety. They may experience confusion. Will lack the ability to get restful sleep and often times experience insomnia. If this occurs for an extended period of time the cholinergic system could become dysfunction.

Cod liver oil can increase acetylcholine levels. B1 deficiency can cause low acetylcholine levels. Vitamin D increases acetylcholine levels but if a person takes too much vitamin D it can increase levels too high. No more then 500IU should be taken.

Foods that contain choline include meat, fish, eggs, beans, whole grains, dairy products, nuts, and seeds. In addition, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage also contain high amounts of choline.

I believe it is best to improve cholinergic function before trying to increase or decrease acetycholine levels because when there is damage to it the body cannot properly regulate levels. This is why I believe those who have experienced child hood trauma or have tick born illness jump between having high levels and low levels so much. I will list things that improve cholinergic system function.

Omgega 3 oils improve cholinergic function but Omega 6 oils , and transfats can inhibit cholingeric function. Bacopa, gingko, and huperzine A which is extracted from toothed clubmoss. Things that contain berberine such as bayberry or coptis improve cholinergic function.

Antioxidants such as NRF2 acitivators and milk thistle seed improves cholingeric function. Oil soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, E and D. Vitamin D in high does can cause excess acetycholine production. NAC (N-acetylcysteine) improves over all brain health, Vitamins such as niacin, methyl folate, vitamin B12, P5P help to improve overall brain health.

Things that contain complex polysaccharides improve overall brain health because they increase the production of glycoproteins in the body, reduce inflammation and fight infection. Things high in these types of polysaccharides are aloe vera, wild yam, pectin, berries, beans, legumes, fennugreek seed, peaches, sea algae especially read and brown sea algae, syrup from birch tree, oats, mushrooms, plums, and peaches. These things can cause weight loss. These also improve pasticity in the brain. Cherries, and curcumin have been found to improve cognitive function. Ashwangha and ground cherries are chemically similar. Ashwangha improves verbal and working memory. Coffee in moderate amounts improves brain function but in excess it can do the opposite.

Panax gensing is neuroprotective and has been found to improve overall brain health. Lions mane mushroom has been found to be very good at improving overall brain health. Phospatidylserine has been found to improve memory.

If a person takes a supplement to increase choline I would recommend citicoline. Citicoline does not increase TMAO. Taking supplements such as Alph-GPC or citicoline in super high doses can increase acetylcholine levels so high that the body will start inhibiting the acetylcholine receptors so do not take high dose. If a person has PEMT issues TMG can help and it will also increase choline levels.

Foods high in choline are liver, eggs, legumes, goat milk, fish, water melon , cruciferous vegetables, shiitake mushrooms, wheat germ, chicken, turkey, quinoa, and cottage cheese.

Saffron improves cognitive function and memory recall. It is used in those who suffered trauma and have episodes of stress induced amnesia.

Acetylcholine is produced from glucose, acetic acid (vinegar and choline). I suspect some who have low acetylcholine levels may have low levels of acetic acid producing bacteria.

Magneium is needed for the cholinergic system to function properly but in excess it can inhibit the cholinergic system and cause high acetylcholine levels. Zinc picolinate can improve function of the chlolinergic system. Selenium is a potent antioxidant so improves function of the cholinergic system.

Things that can inhibit acetylcholine are nicotine, forskolin, high dose glycine, over production of butyrate in the gut, excess branch chain amino acids which can be acquired from food or microbial production in the gut. Lipoic acid, and kava.

Lyme disease, inflammation, fluoroquinolone injury , eating foods high in glyphosate, gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, or gut inflammation can cause inflammation and excess oxidative stress which cause causes leptin resistance, this causes high leptin levels which activates choline acetyltransferase. This can cause high acetycholine levels.

Those who have suffered from severe trauma, chronic stress may benefit more from supporting the brain nutritional wise and doing things to decrease NMDA receptor expression. If a person reacts and their symptoms get worse it would most likely indicate they have an over expression of the NMDA receptor. This is very common in those who have been molested by a trusted figure. With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment , and they may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships. I will discuss borderline personality disorder below. Using agonist and antagonist on the NMDA receptor is tough because what helps one person can make another worse. This is probably a result of each having damage to different areas of the brain.

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) plays a major role in neuronal plasticity, cognition and memory. Dysfunction in it can cause borderline personality disorder. Those who have suffered from severe trauma, chronic stress may benefit more from supporting the brain nutritional wise and doing things to decrease NMDA receptor expression. If a person reacts and their symptoms get worse it would most likely indicate they have an over expression of the NMDA receptor. This is very common in those who have been molested by a trusted figure. With borderline personality disorder, you have an intense fear of abandonment , and they may have difficulty tolerating being alone. Yet inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings may push others away, even though you want to have loving and lasting relationships. I will discuss borderline personality disorder below. Using agonist and antagonist on the NMDA receptor is tough because what helps one person can make another worse. This is probably a result of each having damage to different areas of the brain.

Stress-induced neuronal death involves multiple systems, such as the catecholamine, glucocorticoid, free radicals and glutamate mechanisms. Stress activates catecholamine responses and NMDA neurotransmission. Excessive NMDA Recptor stimulation leads to free radicals, which have been associated with oxidative stress and can destroy the cells. Continuation of or reexposure to stress results in unregulated excitation of glutamate neurons. unregulated excitation of glutamate neurons indicates glutamatergic neurotransmission in stress-induced hippocampal atrophy and death. When this occurs reverse learning is effected. Reverse learning is our ability to learn and then unlearn certain behavior. When the NMDA is dysfunctional a person will make errors because they will not recognize the negative outcomes of their decisions. This is common in those who have borderline personality disorder. NMDA also regulate dopamine function so dysfunction in it can cause dysfunction with dopamine. It helps to transport dopamine to the correct areas of the brain.

I cannot find studies on the effects of excess NMDA receptor activation so I will list the symptoms of low NMDA receptor activity. The only information is NMDA over activation can cause excessive fear and anxiety and that is probably a sign that glutamate levels are high. When glutamate levels are high and the NMDA receptor is activated it increased the mental problems caused by damage to other areas of the brain so I would suggest doing a protocol to reduce glutamate before activating the NMDA receptor. NMDA receptor increase extracellular glutamate is is probably why some react badly when the NMDA recptor is activated. Glutamate and dopamine work to balance each other. Glutamate increase dopamine, showing the balance needed. High glutamate would mean high dopamine levels. I am not going to post much information on activating the NMDA because it also increases release of norepinephrine, glutamate and acetylcholine. A person would have to make sure those are balanced first before they even attempt to increase NMDA activity.

NMDA can also enhance GABA release and releases pregnenolone and IGF-1. Pregnenolone is very good at balancing hormones in the brain and body. IGF-1 is considered a logevity geen because of it’s many health benefits so I believe activating the NMDA receptor would most likely have more benefits then harm. But I do not believe increasing GABA is the answer because often times increasing a hormone or neurotransmitter someone is deficient in inhibits the receptors. Activating the NMDA receptor while glutamate levels are high can actually cause even more dysfunction in the NMDA receptor. If a person is low in nitric oxide the NMDA receptor can become over activated.

Obesity can be a sign of inhibited NMDA receptor activity especially if a person is fatigued also because it increases many things in the body that increases energy production and fat burning. Depression, lack of REM sleep which is the stage you dream, and muscle wasting is a sign the NMDA receptor is not functioning.

Low function of the NMDA receptor , causes glutamate production to no longer be inhibited causing high glutamate levels. So even though the NMDA receptor can increase glutamate levels , it’s inhibition can increase glutamate levels even higher. Supplementing with GABA can increase glutamine because it can be converted back into GABA in the body. When you supplement with GABA very little of it reaches the brain because of the size of the molecule.

Reducing inflammation and oxidative stress improves function of the NMDA receptor. NAC has been shown to improve NMDA receptor function. Vitamin C is an NMDA receptor agonist but reduces glutamine levels so would most likely improve NMDA function. Glutamate in excess is an excitotoxin. It overactivates the NMDA receptor. This can be caused by consuming too much glutamate, or even a nutrient deficiency inhibiting the bodies ability to produce glutamate. High levels could also occur if the microbes in the gut that convert Glutamate to GABA are deficient. L-carnitine has been found to improve overall brain function.

When things are balanced in the brain then NMDA agonist can improve the function of many areas of the brain. d-aspartic acid is an NMDA agonist improves focus and clarity of thought. Histamine is an NMDA receptor agonist. This is why histamine blockers such as benadryl can increase NMDA activity. Cannabis increases glutamate and decreases GABA. Glycine is an NMDA agonist (activator), alanine, sarcosine, spermidine, spermine, serine, DHEA and theanine are NMDA agonist. Curcumin is an NMDA agonist.

Excess zinc and excess copper inhibits NMDA receptor function. Alcohol is an NMDA antagonist (inhibitor). NMDA receptor antagonist induce sleep and can induce hallucinations. kynurenic acid produced in the brain from tryptophan is an NMDA agonist. Excessive NMDA inhibition can cause hallucinations, paranoid delusions, confusion, difficulty concentrating, agitation, alterations in mood, nightmares, muscle rigidiy,,difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, excess sleeping, and learning and memory deficits. Huperzine A is an inhibitor of the NMDA receptor. Arginine is a NMDA receptor antagonist. NMDA agonnist causes severe psychiatric issues. Studies claim magnesium inhibits the NMDA receptor but that is not true it only occurs if vitamin D is low. It decreases glutamate and increases GABA when vitamin D is adequate.

Glutamate seem to be the main regulator of many receptors in the brain especially the NMDA receptor so we should be aware of symptoms of high and low levels. Inability to focus, sleeplessness, anxiety, chronic pain, high glutamate has been linked to many mental disorders and age related diseases involving mental decline. A restless mind occurs with high glutamate levels you cannot shut your mind down. It causes the inability to organize thoughts and mental confusion, low tolerance to stress and get overwhelmed easily, severe depression, very severe headaches, symptoms of PANDAS. Intolerance to methyl donors. When I looked at studies high glutamine was connected to almost every type of mental illness and most diseases involved in age related cognitive decline. If glutamate levels are high then calcium should not be supplemented it will increase the excitotoxic effects of the glutamine. Zinc is supposed to inhibit the NMDA receptor but it reduces gluatamine. If someone takes zinc , zinc picolinate would probably be best it reduces brain inflammation. Vitamin D and Vitamin k are needed to properly regulate glutamate. Something to take note of inflammation, and oxidative stress can interfere with pathways involved in the pathways that convert GABA to glutamate and the pathways that are involved in reducing glutamate are inhibited in those with trauma, chronic stress induced or PTSD, studies have shown they have excess inflammation and oxidative stress. So those would also need addressed. Glutamine is in many foods so it most likely would not need to be supplemented if a person wanted to increase GABA and it could cause high glutamine levels. Issues with glutamate metabolism in the body can cause weight gain because it is used in the pathways for OXPHOS. I have seen many websites recommending argine to increase GABA. I would not do this because it would increase glutamate more then it would increase GABA. High glutamate can be an indication ATP levels are low.

Things that cause high glutamate are high ammonia levels in the body, infection, some medications, consuming foods high in glyphosate, stress, trauma, consuming too much foods that contain glutamate such as foods that contain MSM. The high ammonia indicates a metabolic issue, there are problems in the citric acid cycle and an alternative pathway to metabolize glutamate is being used in the citric acid cycle. You would think it would reduce glutamate but the ammonia causes cells to release glutamate. This occurs when OXPHOS is inhibited. Also having a deficiency in the microbes in the gut that convert glutamate to GABA can increase levels. Vitamin B6 deficiency can cause high glutamate levels. If a person has MELAS syndrome they should avoid things that increase lactate, alanine and branch chain amino acids until the metabolic issues causing it are addressed. Those with MELAS syndrome need to correct their OXPHOS. Those who are obese will probably react when they increase calcium intake and suffer mentally because they have inhibited ATP production which increases cellular calcium in the NMDA receptor when ATP levels are low which increases cell death. Glutamate uptake into the cells actually improves plasticity of cells in the brain showing the importance of reducing ammonia levels if they are high. Increasing helps to reduce ammonia levels. Increasing nitric oxide levels reduces high ammonia levels. Panax gensing, pomegranate, and beets increases nitric oxide levels. Low cGMP can indicate low serotonin levels or low vitamin C levels. Artichoke cinnamon, Butea Superba, horny goat weed, grape seed extract, pine bark extract increase cGMP. They also increase OXPHOS which would help increase ATP levels. Low cGMP could also be an indication of low insulin levels. When the cells ability to uptake glutamate is inhibited by ammonia muscles will become sore and cannot easily heal. This also happens to cells in the brain. Glutamate increases energy levels in the cells. So a person with high ammonia will also suffer from brain fog and muscle fatigue. Low intracellular gluatamate can cause excess blood clotting. Some pathways need betaine to prevent high ammonia levels so supplementing with betaine will help prevent high ammonia levels. Urease producing bacteria in the gut can also cause high ammonia levels. Consuming activated charcoal could help to prevent the absorption of of urease into the body if the high ammonia levels are microbial related. Those with high glutamate and high ammonia levels should avoid methyl folate because they will react to methyl donors and they will react the most to methyl folate. They need to reduce ammonia and glutamate levels.

Taurine can help to reduce the neurotoxic effects of glutamate and other excitotoxins in the brain. Taurine also helps to reduce cortisol levels helping a person be more relaxed. Magnesium taurate has been found to be one of the most effective forms of taurine for reducing over excitation of the nervous system.

Proline helps to reduce glutamate release. Glycine and Omega 3 fatty acids improve NMDA function. NAC improves NMDA function. Milk thistle and inositol produced by some microbes in the gut improves NMDA function. Perriwinkle has been found to improve overall brain health. There are natural COX-2 inhibitors that can improve NMDA function.

Niacine, ribose, thiamine, CoQ10 and increasing nitric oxide by increasing nitrate and nitrite consumption can improve function of the mitochondria helping to prevent high ammonia and high glutamate levels.

Things that improve overall brain health are gingko, bacopa, panax gensing, B vitamins, coconut oil because it has many nutrient that heal the brain that can usually only be found in a mothers breast milk. Grape seed extract improves brain function. Astaxanin dramatically improves brain health but some complain they get headaches. I believe this is because they are taking the man made Astaxanthin instead of Astaxanthan acquired from natural sources. Man made Astaxanthin is toxic to the body just as man made folic acid is toxic to the body.

Borderline personality disorder affects how you feel about yourself, how you relate to others and how you behave. They have an intense fear of abandonment or rejection. They idealize a person one moment then suddenly believe they do not care enough or they are cruel. They have rapid changed in self image and self identity. They can experience stress related paranoia that can last minutes or hours. Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating or drug abuse. They will often times have suicidal thoughts. Wide mood swings lasting from a few hours to a few days, which can include intense happiness, irritability, shame or anxiety. This is because the NMDA receptor interacts with many other areas of the body. They will have angry outburst but will have a stoic reaction when they are faced with anger from someone else and they will try to ignore it. They tend to have a bias perception and interpretation of emotionals signals. When they are face with trauma or stress they may have a partial and temporary collapse of mentalization. Those with BPD have poor impulse control and poor emotional control . Fear conditioning and extinction, both considered forms of new learning, are dependent on proper function of NMDA neurotransmission

Fear conditioning is where you learn from past errors that cause you pain, resulted in punishment or endangered you. Those who have dysfunction in the NMDA have a reduced ability for learning through fear conditioning so will often times make bad decisions repeatedly that can effect their lives negatively. Those who have experienced trauma as a child do not have a fully developed or functional NMDA receptor which can cause disassociative disorder commonly found in those with BPD. Those suffering from BPD often times experience identity diffusion or confusion, amnesic episodes, feelings of estrangement, and impairment or loss of sensory and motor function. Identity diffusion is the failure to develop and identity of oneself. These are the people who will imitate the behavior of those they associate with in an attempt to establish their identity. Your identity is based on your values, your experiences, your beliefs, your experiences and relationships. Because of the impaired ability to remember certain aspects of their life their ability to develop self identity is impaired. They have a difficult time identifying their purpose in life. They often times experience depersonalization when under stress. being a detached observer of oneself. They feel they have changed and that the world has become vague, dreamlike, less real, lacking in significance or being outside reality while looking in. It can be described as feeling like one is on “autopilot” and that the person’s sense of individuality or selfhood has been hindered or suppressed. This can happen to anyone during trauma or stress but usually persist in those with BPD. Often times they have an increased tolerance to pain.

Those with BPD tend to project the traits, feelings, emotions or thoughts they are having onto others. Projecting something internal about ourselves onto someone is an unconscious act. It is a defense mechanism. If we get upset when this occurs we can hinder their healing because it helps them let what is bothering them go. Psychotherapy has been shown to help with BPD. Therapists help patients to identify emotions and social cues, enhance interpersonal and emotion regulation skills, and increase the ability to mentalize through clarification, interpretation, education, validation, teaching and exercise according to the theoretical models. Once the patients can identify and appropriately interpret their own and others’ state of mind, they learn how to prevent or modulate previously pathological or detrimental, often impulsive behaviours. So supporting brain function and improving NMDA function along with therapy should improve symptoms of BPD.

Borderline personality disorder affects how you feel about yourself, how you relate to others and how you behave. They have an intense fear of abandonment or rejection. They idealize a person one moment then suddenly believe they do not care enough or they are cruel. They have rapid changed in self image and self identity. They can experience stress related paranoia that can last minutes or hours. Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating or drug abuse. They will often times have suicidal thoughts. Wide mood swings lasting from a few hours to a few days, which can include intense happiness, irritability, shame or anxiety. This is because the NMDA receptor interacts with many other areas of the body. They will have angry outburst but will have a stoic reaction when they are faced with anger from someone else and they will try to ignore it. They tend to have a bias perception and interpretation of emotionals signals. When they are face with trauma or stress they may have a partial and temporary collapse of mentalization. Those with BPD have poor impulse control and poor emotional control . Fear conditioning and extinction, both considered forms of new learning, are dependent on proper function of NMDA neurotransmission

Fear conditioning is where you learn from past errors that cause you pain, resulted in punishment or endangered you. Those who have dysfunction in the NMDA have a reduced ability for learning through fear conditioning so will often times make bad decisions repeatedly that can effect their lives negatively. Those who have experienced trauma as a child do not have a fully developed or functional NMDA receptor which can cause disassociative disorder commonly found in those with BPD. Those suffering from BPD often times experience identity diffusion or confusion, amnesic episodes, feelings of estrangement, and impairment or loss of sensory and motor function. Identity diffusion is the failure to develop and identity of oneself. These are the people who will imitate the behavior of those they associate with in an attempt to establish their identity. Your identity is based on your values, your experiences, your beliefs, your experiences and relationships. Because of the impaired ability to remember certain aspects of their life their ability to develop self identity is impaired. They have a

I have found those who use cannabis usually react when they increase endogenous cannabinoids. Sadly they are much more potent for healing the cannabis. Vitamin D deficiency causes low endogenous cannabinoids. Omega 3 oils increases endogenous cannabinoids. Akkermansia muciniphila and Lactobacillus planatarum increases endogenous cannabinoids. Lactobacillus planatarum improves cannabinoid receptor function.

Anandamide is and endogenous cannabinoid. Anandamide improves brain function, increases the feeling of well being, improves memory, increases motivation and alertness, improve high thought processing, improves motor control in the body, reduces anxiety and prevents depression. Anandamide increases the good feelings you get from completing a task or from something such as eating a meal you enjoy. FAAH enzyme activity increases during trauma and chronic stress this causes a decrease in anandamide. Children who have experienced trauma and those who have PTSD have increased expression of FAAH enzymes. Also chronic stress or trauma increases FAAH expression. Anandamide works mostly with CB1 receptors. I am not going to discuss anandamide very much because increasing it can harm the body if it is increased too high. If a person inhibits FAAH enzymes I would not do it often.

Black pepper increasers anandamide because it inhibits it’s reuptake. Chocolate contains anandamide. Normal levels of anandamide improves overall health of the brain high levels cause cell death in the brain. This is why those who use cannabis excessively experience excess cell death in the brain. Those with excess anandamide are unable to feel fear which could cause problems and cause them to endanger themselves.

Many beans and legumes contain FAAH inhibors. Biochanin A highest levels are found in red clover, chick peas, alfalfa sprouts and chick peas , Keampferol inhibits FAAH. Maca root inhibits FAAH. Foods highest in keamperol are water cress, mustard greens, arugula, kale, endive, blue berry, water melon, kiwi, strawberries, elderberries, apricots and cherries.

2-AG (2-arachidonoylglycerol) is also and endogenous cannibinoid. Works with CB1 and CB2 receptors, as well as the receptors from a neurosignaling system dealing with body temperature regulation, the TRVP1 receptor. TRVP1 receptor activates when we feel pain. It also helps prevent excess anxiety when we feel pain. Excess 2-AG causes constipation, hypothermia, and increased endurance for pain. 2-AG is a potent anti-inflammatory. 2-AG improves the ability to remain calm during trauma, chronic stress or adversity. 2-AG increases dopamine but cannabis decreases it and induces psychosis. 2-AG also prevents an over active immune response. 2-AG is low in those who experienced trauma as a child, in PTSD, and when someone is under chronic stress.

The physiological effects independently of CB1 and CB2 receptors, for instance by binding to and activating GABAA, PPARγ , Adenosine A3, TRPV1 , and GPR55. Once side effect of 2-AG is it can increase food intake but it increases metabolism promoting a lean body type. 2-AG reduces inflammation in the brain and helps to protect the brain. 2-AG also prevents the build up of amyloid in the body which would prevent fibroid build up in the body and help prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. When adrenal hormones are released 2-AG is recruited to prevent HPA over activation which is over activated in man in many types of mental diseases. 2-AG also reduces anxiety. 2-AG improves the function of the GABA receptors by helping heal them. 2-AG is also released when we experience severe pain it reduces the severity of the pain. 2-AG improves the ability of the brain to tolerate and adapt to stress.

2-AGimproves habituation, which is the ability to sort out thing that are inconsequential stimulus. For example if we hear a loud noise we have never heard before we usually react by getting distracted and will want to learn what the noise is. After we have learned what that noise is we learn to determine if the noise is of consequence or if it is not. This preserves memory and brain resources to be used more efficiently. Most who have experienced trauma have an inhibited ability to for habituation. This causes a decreased reaction to whatever the stimulating object was in the environment because our brain can rapidly process the information. The more we experience the more quickly our brains can process information from our environment. But those who have experienced trauma as a child or have PTSD or during episodes of chronic stress have an inhibited ability for habituation. Habituation also helps us decide what we like and what we do not like. So those with the inability to habituate will have difficulty understanding what they like and what they do not like.

Inhibiting Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) increases 2-AG. MAGL is usually highly expressed in most types of cancer inhibiting it reduces cancer. cordalis yanhusou is one of the most potent inhibitors of Hops is also a potent inhibitor of MAGL. Red sage also known as Danshen is a potent MAGL inhibitor.

This shows you how extensive the damage to a child’s brain can be when they have suffered abuse and the knowledge a therapist needs to have in order to help them heal. It is a very difficult thing to recover from and the person has to admit they have a problem . But often times the problems they created in their life they blame on others because they don’t realize their behavior is not appropriate and they experience types of amnesia so don’t even remember many of their bad decisions they have made.