How safe are the Covid shots?

Written by Lee Stevenson sorry I am a lousy editor.

We need to ask ourselves are we doing our research or are we being led by the pharmaceutical industry , medical industry or media who is heavily funded by both those and they all profit from people being ill. Should we really be trusting a government that promotes abortion yet claims vaccines save lives. Should we trust those who profit from people being ill as our source of information. Not only that but much of the pharmaceutical industries research had been shown to be severely flawed and even outright faked. Should we trust a government that only looks at corporate sponsored research but refuses to look at independent research which is what the frequently do. We need to do our own research and look for independent sources who will not profit from us being ill. The pharmaceutical industry has a long criminal history, is this the people we want to put our trust in? I present the evidence that vaccines are not safe and our government, the medical industry and pharmaceutical industries know it.

I am writing this to set matters straight many are being harmed by the pharmaceutical industry and medical industries and they and the media are down playing it. The corruption in the government has them colluding with all the above mentioned to hide the harm being down. Studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported meaning most adverse reactions never get reported. The medical industry ignores the vaccine injured and figurative sweeps them under they carpet. All of them have blood guilt and will have to meet our maker some day. He does not accept excuses for wrong doing. The reason they get away with it is because adverse reactions to vaccines can take up to 28 days so it is easy to convince the patient something else caused their illness. It is very very important to keep very detailed medical records.

Many are being harmed by the pharmaceutical industry and medical industries and the media is down playing it. The corruption in the government has them colluding with all the above mentioned to hide the harm being down. Studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported meaning most adverse reactions never get reported. The medical industry ignores the vaccine injured and figuratively sweeps them under they carpet. All of them have blood guilt and will have to meet our makers some day. He does not accept excuses for wrong doing. The reason they get away with it is because adverse reactions to vaccines can take up to 28 days so it is easy to convince the patient something else caused their illness. It is very very important to keep very detailed medical records and to keep copies so you can report the adverse vaccine reaction. The odds are most do not ever get a hearing and are turned down when they do report and adverse vaccine reaction or death. The government does everything they can to try and not acknowledge the harm being down.

That being said I will discuss how the medical community and the government lie and down play the harm being done. What inspired this blog post I am seeing people harmed more then ever with the new Covid shots which technically cannot be called a vaccine. These shots are still in the experimental phase so twenty percent of the people will not experience severe adverse reactions. The media is using that 20% as proof to claim the shots are safe but there are many people who have been injured and just as in times past they ignore adverse reactions to vaccines and do not report them it is happening on a scale now like I have never seen before. The deception and lies have piled up so high it has people who used to support vaccines asking questions. Only those who have blind faith or are stupid would be blind to the harm being done now.

Many people are vaccine injure and do not know it. I am writing this to clarify things for people and to let them know we need to hold those doing the harm accountable. They are destroying peoples lives with the harm they are doing.

Our own government admitted vaccine are inherently unsafe. In order to protect the medical and pharmaceutical industry they passed a bill to protect them from the liability of the injuries and deaths they cause. Studies have shown many medical professionals do not even know when and where to file and adverse reaction to a vaccine and many don’t even know how to identify vaccine injury let alone report it. If you ever read the training manuals on vaccines they are not even taught about adverse reactions they are only taught how to gas light if a patient is vaccine injured and how to divert their health complaints and blame it on other things like comorbities, genetics, life style or stress. They will try to make the patient think they are paranoid or read too much and are imagining the symptoms. If someone does die from the vaccine they blame it on something else.

Then there is the problem that patients tend to want to believe their medical professionals care about them and would not do something that would harm them. Many may not even know the harm being done because often times it can take a day to twenty eight days to have an adverse reaction. The patient usually goes to the emergency room and they do not check their vaccine history so the illness gets brushed off as stress , their imagination convincing them they are ill, or they will be told the cause is unknown or genetic. The more corrupt and dishonest doctors will even brush it off if the patient makes an appointment and explains their health concerns and often times if they mention they believe it was the vaccine that caused it the medical professional will write it off as paranoia, something they read making them believe they are vaccine injured. It can take years for a person who is vaccine injured to find out what is truly wrong with their health.

With this Covid shot it has been the most corrupt I have seen . Many people are being ignored when they are injured by it and many injuries and deaths are not being reported. If only one percent of vaccine adverse reactions have been reported in the past it means there are not thousands out there who are vaccine injured and being lied to or told the cause of their illness is not known or genetic but millions world wide. Now consider that the corruption surrounding this Covid shot is worse then in times past there is going to be millions and millions who are injured and do not know it. So I am going to list the most common injuries the Covid shots are causing and the symptoms. Many of them are life threatening and if not corrected can cost a person their life over the months or even years. Death from vaccine injury does not always occur suddenly but it is happening with the Covid shot. The most common injuries from vaccines are Myocarditis, thrombosis, Behcet’s syndrome, Lupus, Psoriasis, leukocytosis, Temporal arterisis, thyroiditis, ASIA syndrome, Pancreatitis, Purpuric skin rash, vasculitis, graves disease, and Guillian Barre syndrome. Vaccines cause autoimmunity by causing the body to attack itself and causing systemic inflammation and these processes do not shut down. They injure the body in a way that the body can no longer properly regulate inflammation and the immune system. It is very possible to have more then one of these conditions. All of the forms of autoimmunity caused by vaccines increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Thrombosis is excess clotting, vaccine have been shown to induce thrombosis but the Covid shots have a very high rate of inducing thrombosis. It is life threatening and can cause strokes , heart failure and death.

Symptoms of thrombosis:

Chest pain or shortness of breath.

Swelling in limbs often on one side of the body.

Confusion, being disoriented , dizziness, brain fog, or irritability.


Blurred vision

slurred speech

numbness or weakness on one side of the body

Muscle stiffness

Swelling and redness in the affected area

abdominal pain

Shortness of breath

Weakness and decreased alertness.

Loss of mobility.



Blurred vision.

Pain in calf muscles, inner thigh muscles or chest pain.

Testing for thrombosis a complete blood cell count, prothrombin time, D-dimer test, fibrinogen test, PF4-heparin enzyme test.

Myocarditis is caused by heart inflammation. If this goes untreated it can result in death. Myocarditis often times gets ignored or disregarded and many medical professionals do not know how to identify it on and EKG especially cardiologist surprisingly.

Symptoms of myocarditits are:

Vague chest pain that is hard to describe. Aching a squeezing pressure in the chest.

Abnormal or rapid heart beat.

Low endurance

Feeling of flu like symptoms

Fluid retention resulting in swelling in the legs and ankles.

Weight gain

Frequent urinating at night

POTS which causes lightheadedness when standing or exerting oneself. This can also bey caused by neurological issues, and autoimmunity.

Behcet’s Disease caused by blood vessel inflammation can be life threatening.

Recurrent sores in mouth and genital area.

Skin and joint pain, swelling and redness and tenderness in effected areas.

Inflammation in eyes

abdominal pain

Skin lesions, when skin is pricked red bumps will appear.

Loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting


Esophageal ulcerations.

Symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Extreme fatigue

Pain and swelling in joints, hands, feet and around eyes.

Severe headaches

Sensitivity to sunlight or fluorescent lights

butterfly rash especially on checks and nose.

Chest pain when breathing

hair loss

sores in mouth or nose

Raynaulds disease. Fingers and toes turn white or blue and feel numb when a person gets cold or stressed.

Low red blood cell count or platelets. The low platelets are from excess blood clotting.

Kidney pain and dysfunction.

Confusion, depression, seizures


fluid around the heart

dry eyes

stomach pain

swollen lymph glands

Test used are antinuclear antibody test and clinical observation.

Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Patches of flaky dry skin. Excessive itchiness.

Pitted and cracked nails

Joint pain

testing skin sample is viewed under a microscope.

Leukocytosis caused by excess infection, inflammation and autoimmunity.

High white blood cell count

Weight loss





stomach ache

skin rash

systemic pain


confusion, difficulty making decisions or thinking clearly.

problems with vision

frequent bruising or bleeding in skin.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation

Frequent sweating


pain or tingling in lower extremities

Enlarged liver , spleen and lymphs

excess blood clotting.

Temporal Arteritis caused by excess inflammation and autoimmunity.

Jaw pain, difficulty chewing or talking.

Throbbing headache


tenderness in scalp or temple

double, blurred or vision loss which can become permanent.

Muscle aches in upper arms , shoulders hips, upper thighs , lower back and buttocks.

Stiffness and pain in joints and neck.

Flu like feeling.

Test used erthorcyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive, test for anemia, MRI or PET scan.


Systemic pain



jaw pain and stiffness or muscle fatigue in face

feeling of being constantly tired


irregular sleep patterns

Irritable bowel syndrome

tingling or numbness in hands and feet

painful menstrual periods

restless leg syndrome

heat and cold sensitivity

brain fog

vision problems


Pelvic and urinary problems

feeling like you have a cold or the flu.

Depression or anxiety

difficulty breathing

Symptoms can become worse with changes in the season or weather.


Inflamed thyroid

a person will be stressed easy or be worrisome, have a feeling of irritability

difficulty sleeping

rapid heart rate


unplanned weight loss

increase in sweating and heat intolerance

anxiety or nervousness

increased appetite



difficulty performing physical exercise

decreased ability to concentrate or focus

dry skin

Test used TSH, T3, T4, TPO or TRAb test, ESR Sed rate, ultrasound, RAIU test.

ASIA syndrome caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.



chronic fatigue

dry mouth

nuerological problems

cognitive problems difficulty remembering things.

Sleep is not refreshing

Pancreatitis caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.


nausea or vomiting

fast heart beat

swollen or tender abdomen, pain increases after eating

back pain

diarrhea and greasy stools which are foul smelling

weight loss

shortness of breath

yellowing of skin or whites of eyes

frequent gall stones

Vasculitis inflammation in blood vessels caused by autoimmunity.

Blood in urine



feeling of being ill

feeling weak, fatigued

skin rashes

joint pain

abdominal pain

kidney pain

numbness or weakness

systemic pain

cough or shortness of breath

Graves disease cause by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Increased appetite but has weight loss

anxiety or irritability or mood swings


heat intolerance or excess sweating

chest pains

rapid or irregular heart beats

increased stool frequency

irregular or stopped menstrual periods

muscle weakness


reduce libido or erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

enlarged lymph gland

Thyroid eye disease

skin thickening

increased metabolic rate

trembling in hands.

Guillain Barre syndrome

tingling in feet and hands or pain.

Pain in legs and back

Weakness on both sides of the body

widespread nerve damage

Bell’s Palsy

Difficulty with eye muscles and vision

Needle like sensations in hands or feet

Difficulty with coordination

Problems with digestion

Problems with bladder control

There are many many other types of autoimmunity caused by vaccines and this Covid shot has been the worst one. It is causing harm on a scale like never before. The deaths and injury from these Covid shoots have been extremely high but as usually they are hiding the harm being done.

Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and medical industry so they will be more inclined to serve them. It is up to us to do our research the information is out there on the harm being done. Many have worked very hard to warn people. When the information is readily available and people choose to ignore it then God holds them accountable because they chose to be ignorant and they carry blood guilt for the harm they leave occur to themselves or their family. Many seen the danger and warned people so they carry no guilt it is all on those who choose to ignore the warnings.

You can heal from these things but it takes a functional medicine practitioner because allopathic medicine is only designed to treat the symptoms of illness there is no profit in treating the cause. If you heal the patient you lose a customer. If you treat the symptoms then you have a life time return customer. Should you really trust those who profit from you to decide what is best for your health? Should you really trust a government who has repeatedly gotten caught covering up the harm the medical and pharmaceutical industries are doing?

You are responsible for you own health no matter who nice your medical professional of choice may seem if they are brushing your health issues aside they are protecting themselves, the pharmaceutical industry and helping to hide the harm modern medicine is doing and they do not care about your health.

Death in which the CDC is hiding.

12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Covid shots are causing autoimmunity through molecular mimicry.


Vaccine induced thrombosis.





Purpuric skin rash

Graves disease.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Identifying the symptoms of vaccine injury.

symptoms Myocarditis and Symptoms of Pots

Symptoms of thrombosis

Behcet’s Syndrome




Temporal arteritis



ASIA syndrome



Graves disease

Guillian Barre syndrome

s and to keep copies so you can report the adverse vaccine reaction. The odds are most do not ever get a hearing and are turned down when they do report and adverse vaccine reaction or death. The government does everything they can to try and not acknowledge the harm being down.

That being said I will discuss how the medical community and the government lie and down platy the harm being down. What inspired this blog post I am seeing people harmed more then ever with the new Covid shots which technically cannot be called a vaccine. These shots are still in the experimental phase so twenty percent of the people will not experience severe adverse reactions. The media is using that 20% as proof to claim the shots are safe but there are many people who have been injured and just as in times post they ignore adverse reactions to vaccine and do not report them it is happening on a scale now like I have never seen before. The deception and lies have piled up so high it has even people who used to support vaccines asking questions.

Many people are vaccine injure and do not know it. I am writing this to clarify things for people and to let them know we need to hold those doing the harm accountable. They are destroying peoples lives with the harm they are doing.

Our own government admitted vaccine are inherently unsafe. In order to protect the medical and pharmaceutical industry they passed a bill to protect them from the liability of the injuries and deaths they cause. Studies have shown many medical professionals do not even know when and where to file and adverse reaction to a vaccine and many don’t even know how to identify vaccine injury let alone report it. If you ever read the training manuals on vaccines they are not even taught about adverse reactions they are only taught how to gas light if a patient is vaccine injured and how to divert their health complaints and blame it on other things like comorbities, genetics, life style or stress. They will try to make the patient think they are paranoid or read too much and are imagining the symptoms. If someone does die from the vaccine they blame it on something else.

Then there is the problem that patients tend to want to believe their medical professionals care about them and would not do something that would harm them. Many may not even know the harm being done because often times it can take a day to twenty eight days to have an adverse reaction. The patient usually goes to the emergency room and they do not check their vaccine history so the illness gets brushed off as stress , their imaginations convincing them they are ill, or they will be told the cause is unknown or genetic. The more corrupt and dishonest doctors will even brush it off if the patient makes and appointment and explains their health concerns and often times if they mention they believe it was the vaccine that caused it the medical professional will write it off as paranoia, something they read making them believe they are vaccine injured. It can take years for a person who is vaccine injured to find out what is truly wrong with their health.

With this Covid shot it has been the most corrupt I have seen . Many people are being ignored when they are injured by it and many injuries and deaths are not being reported. If only one percent of vaccine adverse reactions have been reported in the past it means there are not thousands out there who are vaccine injured and being lied to and told the cause of their illness is not known or genetic but millions world wide. Now consider that the corruption surrounding this Covid shot is worse then in times past there is going to be millions and millions who are injured and do not know it. So I am going to list the most common injuries the Covid shots are causing and the symptoms. Many of them are life threatening and if not corrected can cost a person their life over the months or even years. Death from vaccine injury does not always occur suddenly but it is happening with the Covid shot. The most common injuries from vaccines are Myocarditis, thrombosis, Behcet’s syndrome, Lupus, Psoriasis, leukocytosis, Temporal arterisis, thyroiditis, ASIA syndrome, Pancreatitis, Purpuric skin rash, vasculitis, graves disease, and Guillian Barre syndrome. Vaccines cause autoimmunity by causing the body to attack itself and causing systemic inflammation and these processes do not shut down. They injure the body in a way that the body can no longer properly regulate inflammation and the immune system. It is very possible to have more then one of these conditions. All of the forms of autoimmunity caused by vaccines increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Thrombosis is excess clotting, vaccine have been shown to induce thrombosis but the Covid shots have a very high rate of inducing thrombosis. It is life threatening and can cause strokes , heart failure and death.

Symptoms of thrombosis:

Chest pain or shortness of breath.

Swelling in limbs often on one side of the body.

Confusion, being disoriented , dizziness, brain fog, or irritability.


Blurred vision

slurred speech

numbness or weakness on one side of the body

Muscle stiffness

Swelling and redness in the affected area

abdominal pain

Shortness of breath

Weakness and decreased alertness.

Loss of mobility.



Blurred vision.

Pain in calf muscles, inner thigh muscles or chest pain.

Testing for thrombosis a complete blood cell count, prothrombin time, D-dimer test, fibrinogen test, PF4-heparin enzyme test.

Myocarditis is caused by heart inflammation. If this goes untreated it can result in death. Myocarditis often times gets ignored or disregarded and many medical professionals do not know how to identify it on and EKG especially cardiologist surprisingly.

Symptoms of myocarditits are:

Vague chest pain that is hard to describe. Aching a squeezing pressure in the chest.

Abnormal or rapid heart beat.

Low endurance

Feeling of flu like symptoms

Fluid retention resulting in swelling in the legs and ankles.

Weight gain

Frequent urinating at night

POTS which causes lightheadedness when standing or exerting oneself. This can also bey caused by neurological issues, and autoimmunity.

Behcet’s Disease caused by blood vessel inflammation can be life threatening.

Recurrent sores in mouth and genital area.

Skin and joint pain, swelling and redness and tenderness in effected areas.

Inflammation in eyes

abdominal pain

Skin lesions, when skin is pricked red bumps will appear.

Loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting


Esophageal ulcerations.

Symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Extreme fatigue

Pain and swelling in joints, hands, feet and around eyes.

Severe headaches

Sensitivity to sunlight or fluorescent lights

butterfly rash especially on checks and nose.

Chest pain when breathing

hair loss

sores in mouth or nose

Raynaulds disease. Fingers and toes turn white or blue and feel numb when a person gets cold or stressed.

Low red blood cell count or platelets. The low platelets are from excess blood clotting.

Kidney pain and dysfunction.

Confusion, depression, seizures


fluid around the heart

dry eyes

stomach pain

swollen lymph glands

Test used are antinuclear antibody test and clinical observation.

Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Patches of flaky dry skin. Excessive itchiness.

Pitted and cracked nails

Joint pain

testing skin sample is viewed under a microscope.

Leukocytosis caused by excess infection, inflammation and autoimmunity.

High white blood cell count

Weight loss





stomach ache

skin rash

systemic pain


confusion, difficulty making decisions or thinking clearly.

problems with vision

frequent bruising or bleeding in skin.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation

Frequent sweating


pain or tingling in lower extremities

Enlarged liver , spleen and lymphs

excess blood clotting.

Temporal Arteritis caused by excess inflammation and autoimmunity.

Jaw pain, difficulty chewing or talking.

Throbbing headache


tenderness in scalp or temple

double, blurred or vision loss which can become permanent.

Muscle aches in upper arms , shoulders hips, upper thighs , lower back and buttocks.

Stiffness and pain in joints and neck.

Flu like feeling.

Test used erthorcyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive, test for anemia, MRI or PET scan.


Systemic pain



jaw pain and stiffness or muscle fatigue in face

feeling of being constantly tired


irregular sleep patterns

Irritable bowel syndrome

tingling or numbness in hands and feet

painful menstrual periods

restless leg syndrome

heat and cold sensitivity

brain fog

vision problems


Pelvic and urinary problems

feeling like you have a cold or the flu.

Depression or anxiety

difficulty breathing

Symptoms can become worse with changes in the season or weather.


Inflamed thyroid

a person will be stressed easy or be worrisome, have a feeling of irritability

difficulty sleeping

rapid heart rate


unplanned weight loss

increase in sweating and heat intolerance

anxiety or nervousness

increased appetite



difficulty performing physical exercise

decreased ability to concentrate or focus

dry skin

Test used TSH, T3, T4, TPO or TRAb test, ESR Sed rate, ultrasound, RAIU test.

ASIA syndrome caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.



chronic fatigue

dry mouth

nuerological problems

cognitive problems difficulty remembering things.

Sleep is not refreshing

Pancreatitis caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.


nausea or vomiting

fast heart beat

swollen or tender abdomen, pain increases after eating

back pain

diarrhea and greasy stools which are foul smelling

weight loss

shortness of breath

yellowing of skin or whites of eyes

frequent gall stones

Vasculitis inflammation in blood vessels caused by autoimmunity.

Blood in urine



feeling of being ill

feeling weak, fatigued

skin rashes

joint pain

abdominal pain

kidney pain

numbness or weakness

systemic pain

cough or shortness of breath

Graves disease cause by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Increased appetite but has weight loss

anxiety or irritability or mood swings


heat intolerance or excess sweating

chest pains

rapid or irregular heart beats

increased stool frequency

irregular or stopped menstrual periods

muscle weakness


reduce libido or erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

enlarged lymph gland

Thyroid eye disease

skin thickening

increased metabolic rate

trembling in hands.

Guillain Barre syndrome

tingling in feet and hands or pain.

Pain in legs and back

Weakness on both sides of the body

widespread nerve damage

Bell’s Palsy

Difficulty with eye muscles and vision

Needle like sensations in hands or feet

Difficulty with coordination

Problems with digestion

Problems with bladder control

There are many many other types of autoimmunity caused by vaccines and this Covid shot has been the worst one. It is causing harm on a scale like never before. The deaths and injury from these Covid shoots have been extremely high but as usually they are hiding the harm being done.

Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and medical industry so they will be more inclined to serve them. It is up to us to do our research the information is out there on the harm being done. Many have worked very hard to warn people. When the information is readily available and people choose to ignore it then God holds them accountable because they chose to be ignorant and they carry blood guilt for the harm they leave occur to themselves or their family. Many seen the danger and warned people so they carry no guilt it is all on those who choose to ignore the warnings.

You can heal from these things but it takes a functional medicine practitioner because allopathic medicine is only designed to treat the symptoms of illness there is no profit in treating the cause. If you heal the patient you lose a customer. If you treat the symptoms then you have a life time return customer. Should you really trust those who profit from you to decide what is best for your health? Should you really trust a government who has repeatedly gotten caught covering up the harm the medical and pharmaceutical industries are doing?

You are responsible for you own health no matter who nice your medical professional of choice may seem if they are brushing your health issues aside they are protecting themselves, the pharmaceutical industry and helping to hide the harm modern medicine is doing and they do not care about your health.

Death in which the CDC is hiding.

12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Covid shots are causing autoimmunity through molecular mimicry.


Vaccine induced thrombosis.





Purpuric skin rash

Graves disease.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Identifying the symptoms of vaccine injury.

symptoms Myocarditis and Symptoms of Pots

Symptoms of thrombosis

Behcet’s Syndrome




Temporal arteritis



ASIA syndrome



Graves disease

Guillian Barre syndrome

Vaccines have never been properly tested for safety and efficacy.




vaccination-2722937_1920Written by Lee Stevenson , sorry I am a lousy editor.

Anyone who exposes the truth about vaccines have had their careers destroyed their reputation destroyed the pharmaceutical industry devotes millions to make sure this happens. The things they do you cannot make up. They use tactics very similar to tactics used by organized crime. They will intimidate, harass, and destroy. The devote large amounts of money to influencing most government officials and organizations world wide. They have acquired so much power I believe most political figures would be powerless against them. This is why the governments world wide with do nothing about the harm vaccines are doing even though the evidence of their harm has repeatedly been demonstrated. I could literally list thousands of case reports of autoimmunity and death induced by vaccines and I could list hundreds and hundreds of studies showing the variety of ways vaccines harm the body. Why do governments around the world ignore the facts? Why do they accept studies that have been proven to be flawed and cannot be duplicated over independent research that can be duplicated and often times has been? Keep this in mind many things our government has approved for use has resulted in thousands of deaths and millions becoming ill before they recalled them or banned them and almost every time they got caught colluding with the corporations to hide the harm that was occurring. We have seen this with the FDA, USDA, CDC even the IDSA has been caught colluding to cover things up. Look at how many drugs have been pulled from the market after being approved and even promoted by our government. It has become clear our government recklessly promotes very harmful things and refuses to look at matters more deeply because they do not want to upset their corporate sponsors. If we do not speak up then they will continue to get away with these things and it will only get worse. The U.S. has the highest rates of cancer, chronic illness and infant mortality in the industrialized world and as long as this continues it is only going to get worse.

If vaccines were safe then they would have no reason to grant exemption from liability to the medical community and pharmaceutical industry. This exemption needs repealed because it has given the medical community a license to injure and kill thousands. The governments world wide have even been caught colluding with the guilty parties to make the victims who speak out look like criminals and have colluded to hide the harm being down. In studies claiming to show vaccines are safe the date is cherry picked and they even exclude reports of adverse events stating they are only proof that the courts had accepted the claim and that it was not proof the claim of the adverse event had occurred.

Click to access miller.pdf

Diseases that were not very common now are common. They blame it on genetics even though research has shown that genetics contributes very little to chronic illness. The genetics model of illness is a smoke screen the pharmaceutical and biotech industry use to blind people to the harm they are doing. Diabetes, cancer, autoimmunity and many other illnesses have reach epidemic levels. There are new infectious disease springing up one after another because microbes that used to be benign are becoming dangerous to the populations world wide because everyone’s immune systems are being damage by biotech and pharmaceutical products. Many medications have been shown to damage the immune system making people prone to infectious diseases. Often times those medications aren’t even needed.

If a someone suffer no repercussions from producing defective and harmful products they have no reason to validate their safety and every reason to push this product even more because every single victim they make creates a life time customer. Those who’s immune systems have been destroyed have to heavily depend on antibiotics when they get an infections. Those who develop chronic illness from the vaccine injury have to depend on medications to help them endure they symptoms for the rest of their lives. This cause what I refer to as a medical hamster wheel because often times the drugs cause side effects and cause damage to the body requiring more and more prescriptions to be added to the ones they are already taking.

Vaccines being tested for safety and efficacy is a lie. The pharmaceutical industry has a history of lying and many of their studies were ghost written and some have even been found out to be fraudulent. This also demonstrates the corruption of governments world wide because even after they are presented with the evidence that shows the fraudulent research they base their decisions on that very research.

The vaccine manufactures and medical community are exempt from being sued for the harm and deaths caused by vaccines. The Department of Health and Human Services was supposed to monitor and research vaccine safety they never fulfilled that part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act. Not only that but they have plans on removing the ingredients list and list of adverse reactions to vaccines from vaccine inserts. Part of the agreement was informed consent. If you ask most medical professionals they cannot give proper information because many of them do not know how to identify or report vaccine injury and many of them do not know what is in a vaccine.

This shows you how corrupt our government is. Even though they know vaccines have never been tested properly for safety they still continue to lie and falsely claim they are. I have done blog post showing how WHO and the CDC are frequently caught in fraud and lies. If you read their manuals on vaccines they brush adverse reactions off and discuss in their manuals how to do this. They even discuss how to deceive people so they will be more receptive of vaccines. The media world wide follows this pattern of deception and so does the medical community. The corruption in the FDA has ran deep since it’s founding and it has a history of approving things and then having them taken off the market after hundreds of thousands are injured and killed. Often times the infections being transmitted were caused by vaccines but were being falsely reported by the CDC and pharmaceutical industry as being the wild type. So the vaccines are spreading the diseases and then they lie and blame it on the non vaccinated. Even the media has been caught faking disease out breaks.

CDC and WHO Corrupt Financial Entanglements with the Vaccine Industry

My blog post demonstrating how vaccine cause disease and spread it.

Vaccinations spread and cause disease.

The pharmaceutical industry spends hundreds of millions to lobby so things are most likely not going to change soon because the politician are going to look out for the interest of their corporate sponsors.

Since vaccines have never been tested for safety we have to look for the evidence elsewhere We have that evidence with the billions paid out in compensations for the vaccine injuries and deaths that have been caused. The saddest part of all of that is the media actually makes fun of those who have been victims of adverse reactions to vaccines and they even try to paint them as criminals. Not only that but those who have been vaccinated seem more prone to infectious disease. The said part is most adverse events caused by vaccines do not get reported. In many nations they have no compensation for adverse reactions of death from vaccines and no reporting system to record adverse reactions. The U.S. government says that as low as 1% to 10% of adverse events and deaths get reported meany most do not get reported. Many medical professionals say that the numbers are much lower then that. When the government funded a study on how to improve reporting of adverse reactions to vaccines it was showing that far fewer vaccine reactions and deaths were being reported then were actually occurring. How do the U.S. government respond to this? They suddenly pulled the funding for the study and ended it. If you follow the USDA who is responsible for tracking adverse reactions in veterinary medicine you find the same corruption is present.

Click to access CRPT-106hrpt977.pdf

Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?

Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Compensated through Vaccine Court

When the vaccine industry test vaccines for safety they do not do a true placebo or double blind placebo test. The placebo is usually another vaccine or toxins known to cause reactions. This skews the results making the vaccine appear to be safer then they actually are.

Injuries from medical treatment including vaccines are one of the number one causes of chronic illness and death in the U.S.

Less Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported in the Government National Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

Most test for infectious disease does not work at detecting them and they have a high failure rate that does not stop the CDC into trying to deceive people into trusting the faulty test used for infectious agents. The whole time they will look for ways to inject their corporate sponsors into the situation. One of many examples is the CDC test. They have been proven to be so inaccurate that WHO issued a warning not to use them to diagnose someone with TB. The failure and inaccuracy of test for tick born illness has caused it to reach epidemic levels and it is only getting worse. Those with Lyme disease know first hand the problems with this. Many have went decades without a diagnoses and by the time they have gotten diagnosed they have lost every thing they had because of the chronic health issues caused by going so long with out getting properly diagnosed for Lyme disease. Now consider the fact there are hundreds of infectious diseases with very similar symptoms. This shows it is very easy to miss identifying that someone has been infected with a specific disease because it is hit or miss with the test and hit or miss when deciding what disease to test for. The corruption is so severe I doubt this is a problem that will be resolved very soon. It seems the only purpose the CDC, FDA, USDA and other organization serve is to promote the increase in profits for their corporate sponsors.

I am not going to cover how vaccines are causing diseases to become more infectious and more persistent. I covered that in another article.

Ghost writing to produce fraudulent papers is rampant in the science community especially among the pharmaceutical industry and biotech industries it is why most of their research cannot be duplicated.

Studies have shown vaccines to be contaminated with substances that damage the immune system and often times vaccine are contaminated with dangerous pathogens or human or animal cells which can cause autoimmunity. So it seems to me the evidence that vaccines are very harmful is piling up. Many vaccines contain aluminum and mercury which are known neuro toxins that can take years for the body to remove. The aluminum in vaccines has been shown to cause granulomas to form in the body. As for the infectious agents found in vaccine these have caused diseases to jump species. I have covered that in a previous article. The producers of vaccine lie to the government and use phrases like “correlation does not mean causation” and other fancy saying to get the government around the world to ignore the evidence of the harm vaccines are doing. Seems if you have a fancy saying you can talk people into any lie. When the pharmaceutical companies get busted for the harm they are doing they will research other less common things in the environment that cause similar health problems in order to divert attention to the harm their products are doing. They point the fingers at infectious agents as a cause of the inflammation and autoimmunity that causes autism. If that is the case then it is also proof of the vaccines cause autoimmunity and autism because by design they do the very same things. The only difference is many of the things found in vaccines takes decades for the body to remove meaning these reactions would continue throughout the victims life after getting vaccinated. Many of the new superbugs that have appeared out of no where have been shown to be caused by vaccines. Not only that but studies are showing the more they vaccinate the more virulent it causes diseases to become. This causes the immune system to become activated for much longer which has been shown to damage the nervous system of infants in a mothers womb. Most of the toxins used in vaccines are known neuro toxins and known carcinogens. The safety of shooting these thing directly into the blood stream has never been tested but common sense should tell us that this would be extremely harmful because often times the amounts used in vaccines would be considered toxic if they were in the same levels in drinking water.

One such pathogen that has been linked to and found in many types of cancer is the Simian virus. It was a contaminant found in many vaccines and millions had received that vaccine. Not only that but the Simian virus was shown to be very similar to HIV. Often times when the vaccines would be found to have dangerous contaminants the vaccine manufactures would refuse to recall the products. They add nano particles to vaccines. Nano particles have been found to contribute to many types of chronic illness and has resulted in a new term being used to describe illness induced by nano particles called nanopathology. No accurate and cost effective method has been developed to detect if there is a pathogen contaminating a vaccine. H1N1 was a contaminant in a vaccine from it being injected into humans it caused it to jump from animals to humans. This is not an isolated incidence and it has occurred with mycoplasma and other infectious agents.

Vaccines have been found to reactivate pathogens that usually remain inert for the lifetime of an individual which causes many health problems. If you look at the exclusion criteria used by vaccine manufacturers they exclude any people they know will cause the safety of there vaccine to come into question in their clinical trials and they are very selective of who they use in their clinical trials which means the average citizens response to vaccines and the toxins used in them would not be comparable to or correlate with those used in the study. Doctors have a legal obligation to look out for their patients interest and to not forego that by receiving gifts and perks. But many do not fulfill that obligation. They receive perks and gifts from the pharmaceutical industry and studies have shown it influences their behavior towards patients and their actions towards patients. Studies have shown these perks and gifts make them more inclined to prescribe harmful medications and procedures they would not usually recommend when they are receiving the perks and gifts. Who knows how these perks and gifts are effecting our politicians. Many medical professionals get into medicine so they can help people but the pharmaceutical industry has many tactics they use to help them forget that. Considering all of these things what do you think the chances are of any of those involved admitting the harm vaccines are doing?

If a medical professional has lied to you and the statute of limitations has expired which I think is three years . If you can prove it then you can file charges for obstruction of justice. Often times they will refuse to report adverse reactions to pharmaceutical products and will lie to you about it. This is obstruction of justice and they can be charged. In Great Britain I think it is called perverting of justice. Learn the rules to filing a claim because the medical community most likely will not.

What the pharmaceutical and medical industry has proven is times have changed and theory has become more important then scientific fact.

If you want to take a deeper look at the corruption of the CDC and WHO take a look at these articles I wrote.

I have covered how vaccines make pathogens more virulent in other articles so I am only going to touch on it lightly but vaccines are causing new more virulent infectious diseases to develop and enhances their transmission.

Research funded by the CDC has shown adverse reactions to vaccines are very high.

As for autism, I disagree with many on that because autism is just one of many mental issues caused by vaccines. They have been linked to things such as Parkinson’, dementia, Alzheimners, autism, psychosis, personality disorders and many other mental issues.

Autism is just one of the many mental disorders caused by vaccines.