The Covid vaccine injured better fight if they don’t want to end up like those who got Lyme disease.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

Those who have been injured by the Covid vaccine are experiencing what those who have Lyme experience and those injured by fluorquinolones. They get ignored , gas lit by being told their symptoms are imagined. They ignore them , refuse to report them. When they do report them most governments refuse to acknowledge the injury or death. The only way this corruptions is going to stop is if those injured by the vaccine contact as many media sites as they can. Comment on articles promoting the vaccines telling the truth. Formerly having Lyme and being floxed I can tell all those injured by the Covid vaccine if you all do not group together and work together you will not get justice. It is very difficult to get the Lyme communities and those floxed online to work together and organize in a way to be effective. The Lyme battles and fluoroquinolone battles have been going on for over 30 years and they have gotten no where. The vaccine injured need to organize and work together in a way to be more effective. Maybe contact your politicians, share information showing they are hiding the truth. Start blogs, or websites. Contact as many media sites as possible. Tell people about your vaccine injury even when they deny your were injured at least you told them. Plant the seeds. Ask people questions they cannot answers unless they answer them truthfully. For example ask if the vaccines were supposed to save lives why have the death rates went up by 40%. Ask people if the vaccines worked and were safe and effective why have disability rates taken a dramatic climb?

I can tell you from experience you will be denied disability benefits and will be given very little in public assistance. If you do not fight back you will end up homeless and lose all you own just like those who got Lyme and who got injured by the fluoroquinolone drugs have.

Sites that help those who have been injured report the injury. Or if you had a loved one killed by one of the Covid vaccines these sites try to help and report the death or injury. They blamed all the deaths on Covid but it was actually the treatments being given to patients that were killing them and not Covid.

If you contact Children’s health defense they may have resources to help report Covid vaccine injury or death.

Legal help if you was injured by the vaccine or had a loved one injured or killed by the vaccine. Also links to legal information.

Legal info for Canadians.

How vaccine data is manipulated during vaccine trials.

Legal help for religious exemption from vaccine mandates.

This is a list of thousands speaking out on social media sites those injured by the vaccine or who had a loved one killed or injured by the vaccine need to tell their stories on any social media site not censoring. Twitter will not censor as long as you are telling the truth but many social media websites are censoring.

They are not compensating those injured by the vaccine.

Thousands of reports and the types of injury. Most are not being compensated. Some of these sites you can tell your story so the world will know the truth. If you or a loved one have been injured by a Covid vaccine or a loved one has been killed try to find sites and media outlets you can speak out on. When possible any site promoting the vaccine comment if you can telling the truth. We cannot leave them cover this up. This is worse then the holocaust. Millions world wide are dying and covering it up. If they get away with it they will continue to force the pharmaceutical and medical industries will on us. Hitler did the very same thing. He did medical experiments on the Jews.

If we remain silent they will continue to harm people and get away with it.

There is a good chance the vaccinated are transmitting prions they can be transmitted through body fluids.

Prions are contagious.

Covid vaccinated are producing prions. Prions are contagious.

Prions are forever

There are groups on social media but many of them get deleted especially the ones on Facebook. There are also support groups that can be found online.

Life insurance payments are off the charts.

Pandemic of the Vaccinated.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

The media, political figures, public figures, medical professionals , and the pharmaceutical industry keep lying and blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing. In actuality the studies and data are proving they are lying. It is actually the unvaccinated preventing the pandemic from being far worse then it would be. The unvaccinated are actually the heroes in all this but are being used as a scapegoat.
If it was not for the unvaccinated, pandemics of many types would be rampant right now because the unvaccinated are working as a buffer to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. If it was not for the unvaccinated many things that would normally be harmless would be making people ill at pandemic levels. Dr. Malone the inventor of the mRNA injections opposed them from the start because of the effects past mRNA injections had on animals in experiments. As with past vaccine the CDC and other government organizations are hiding data that would show the harm these Covid injections are doing.
It is no longer just a pandemic of Covid. It is now a pandemic of the Covid vaccinated because they are now vulnerable to a variety of infections. Not only that because their immune systems have been damaged they are breeding grounds for infectious diseases causing normally harmless microbes to mutate and become more infectious. The data coming out is showing not only are the vaccinated the ones keeping the pandemic going but they have become the sources of spreading other infectious diseases. So we can expect pandemics by a variety of disease that will be spread by the vaccinated. So this has not only become a pandemic of the vaccinated but it has become pandemic’s of the vaccinated.
The nations with the highest Covid vaccine rates have dramatically higher mortality rates. The nations with the lowest Covid vaccine rates have the lowest mortality from Covid and seem to be immune to the other infectious diseases that are springing up. In nations with the highest vaccination rates a variety of pandemics have sprung up such as monkey pox, new strains of Covid, a variety of lung infections are rampant in nations with the highest vaccine rates. The evidence is showing we now have pandemic’s of the vaccinated. The more they vaccinate the worst the mortality rates get and the more infectious diseases we are seeing spring up.
Studies and data coming out are showing those who have acquired natural immunity are much more resistant to many types of infection while the vaccinated are more vulnerable to infection. With the data coming out showing the vaccines are actually inhibiting the victims immune system and making them more vulnerable to infection, we have to ask why are they still promoting these vaccines? The vaccinated immune systems have become damaged. The studies and reports coming out show the Covid vaccinated have immune tolerance. In other words their immune system are now unresponsive to infections.
The studies and data coming out is showing the Covid vaccinated are developing self antigens especially in the lungs. Meaning they will be having an immune reaction to the cells in their lungs and this would cause symptoms very similar to pneumonia. So you can be sure, to hide that the vaccinated people’s bodies have turned on themselves they are going to announce one infectious disease after another. They most likely will blame the unvaccinated even though the research and data coming out is showing that the unvaccinated have better immunity against many types of infectious diseases so the unvaccinated are actually working as a barrier to prevent the spread of disease the media, pharmaceutical industry and government entities will lie as they have in the past to protect the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry. Both the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry has proven their lack of integrity in the past because they have a long history of criminal activity. If you look at their history you will find they have paid billions in fines for the illegal activity they have been involved in. I find it strange that people put their trust in entities that have such a long history of deception and a history of putting money over human life.
For those who wake up they can stop their bodies from turning on themselves by taking things such as GABA, lactoferrin and anti-inflammatory herbs to help restore balance to their bodies immune system. Pomegranate also seems to shut down the production of the spike protein in the victims of the vaccine’s bodies. Magnesium and iodine can turn on the cancer fighting genes that the Covid vaccines turn off. Fulvic acid and zinc can restore autophagy which will repair the DNA damage done by the Covid vaccines. The victims of the Covid vaccines need to restore the immune systems proper function because if they do not they will be in the news with the statement “Died Suddenly” . You used to only hear that phase when someone died in an accident. With the introduction of the Covid vaccines even young children are dying suddenly for reasons supposedly unexplained. To hide that the vaccines are causing it they are blaming ridiculous things such as climate change or playing video games as the cause of them dying suddenly.
My question is are there people stupid enough to believe that, or is society going to look at what they see happening and learn from it and admit the truth even though the media refuses to. The symptoms of infection are worse in the unvaccinated rather then the vaccinated because the unvaccinated still have working immune systems that can respond to infection and the vaccinated do not. It is most likely why so many of them are dying suddenly. Their bodies are being devastated by infection but their bodies are not launching a proper immune response to protect them resulting in severe damage to their bodies and they die suddenly. They have already shown the vaccinated are going to be much more prone to cancer because the vaccines inhibit the bodies ability to detect and remove cancer. So those who do not die suddenly from the vaccines will most likely die from cancer. Those who have died suddenly from the vaccines have died from cardiovascular disease or organ failures caused by their bodies attacking themselves. They have also died from supposed unexplained lung damage.
The studies and data coming out is showing the unvaccinated have longer lasting and stronger immunity. They are working as a barrier preventing pandemics of various types of infectious diseases from getting much worse. If it was not for the unvaccinated the pandemics that keep springing up for unknown reasons would be much much worse because the studies coming out are showing the vaccinated have damaged immune systems and are spreading many types of infectious diseases. The new strains of infectious diseases springing up are being traced back to the vaccinated. Their damaged immune systems are making them breading grounds for infectious diseases. Studies are showing the vaccinated cannot produce antibodies against future infections , but the unvaccinated are protected by a large variety of infections. Those who have gotten the vaccine can only respond to certain proteins during infection. Those who have not gotten the vaccine can respond to a broader variety of proteins. What this means is the vaccinated now have an inhibited ability to fight infection while the vaccinated not only have a stronger immune reaction and ability to fight infection better but their immune systems learn and develop improved immunity against a variety of infections with each infection they come in contact with. This ability is lost in those who have been vaccinated.
The vaccinated have been shown to have damaged lungs from the Covid vaccine. You can be certain the media, pharmaceutical industry and government entities will lie and say the unvaccinated who are least prone to infection are the cause of infectious diseases that is rampant in the vaccinated.
The unvaccinated are actually the heroes. They they stood their ground even at the loss of income, careers, being ostracized by media, government entities and even brain washed friends and family. In doing so they have prevented things from being much much worse because their bodies are defending against the infectious diseases being spread by the vaccinated. If it was not for the unvaccinated infectious diseases would be much more rampant right now because of the vaccinated being breading grounds for a variety of infectious diseases. You can be sure the lung infectious, digestive infections are going to be rampant now but the unvaccinated will be able to fight the infections working as a barrier to prevent the diseases from reaching pandemic levels. The vaccines are also causing blood clots in the lungs of the victims. You can be almost certain many will lie and some how find a way to blame the unvaccinated.
I am honestly confused by this all. Studies coming out are showing the more Covid injections someone gets the more their risk of infection and all cause mortality goes up. Even if someone does not look at the data or research you can see clearly the vaccinated are much much less healthy then the unvaccinated yet people continue to get the injections. Why? Why are they subjecting themselves to something that is going to dramatically decrease their life span? Hundreds and thousands of injuries and deaths from the vaccines are being reported world wide. Consider the fact that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported means the numbers are probably in the millions. Who would have thought society would become so blindly obedient that they would even give their life just to comply with the demands of society and their government?
There are many famous people who’s egos are so big when they experience illness because of their bad decision in getting the vaccine they are blaming the unvaccinated. Many public figures that promoted the vaccines are dead or dying. They died suddenly. The evidence is very clear the vaccines are causing death on a scale we have never seen before but peoples ego’s are preventing them from seeing the truth. It seems their egos are preventing them from admitting they were wrong and they look to blame someone else for their illness, in doing so it is preventing them from seeing the truth in matters and they are dying in large numbers. Even though studies are showing it was not the Covid that killed people but the medical treatment they received that killed most people they are still flocking to their medical and pharmaceutical gods. They are also complying with whatever their mainstream media gods tell them to do. They seem to have severe cognitive dissonance and are in denial and refuse to believe they made errors in trusting the people they have. All we can do is protect ourselves from the narcissist causing all the harm and the narcissist who want the harm that has been done to them forced onto others.
For those who wake up and realize they have been misled, we need to be prepared to support and help them the best we can.

When you add all the deaths from the vaccines are causing , the death from accidents from those flying plains, helicopters, and driving cars and having sudden heart failure they is probably millions of deaths world wide. Now add to that the fact people are losing loved ones who dies suddenly from the vaccine. This can cause takotsubo syndrome resulting in heart failure from the sadness or trauma from suddenly losing a loved one to death.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

Died Suddenly.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

It used to be when someone died suddenly it meant they were in an accident. Every since they introduced the Covid vaccine even young children are dying suddenly. Those medical professionals and government authorities are refusing to acknowledge the harm the vaccines are doing and even refusing to acknowledge the victims illness the Covid vaccine has caused. They are blaming the victims and gas lighting. God’s day of judgment is very very near all those involved in doing the harm and those involved in hiding it will have to face God. He does not take excuses for answers so he will not except excuses for the fact they put money and their careers over the welfare of their fellow man (meaning women and men). The bible tells us there will be a resurrection of the righteous and unrighteous. The unrighteous will experience a resurrection of judgment. The bible tells us that God will add tribulation many times over to those who caused tribulation. So what they have inflicted on others will be nothing compared to what they will experience during God’s great day of judgment. Now I will discuss the things they are doing and the lives they are destroying.

During the pandemic many of the news stations got caught paying actors to pretend they were ill , and staged many of the hospital scenes. My brother was in a local hospital. The news claimed they had so many ill from Covid that the hospital was filled to capacity. The truth is the staff at the hospital told my brother they only had one Covid patient in a month. Not only that the hospital has so few patients they had to close one whole floor. Your hear reports of this happening around the world. To add to it, they found out that many of the Covid deaths were caused by the medical treatment they had given the Covid patients. There were safer alternative drugs but the NIH, Dr. Fauci and the CDC would put pressure on medial institutions if they implemented those things and they were backed by studies that showed their safety and effectiveness. But All the above mentioned worked with social media and tech companies to silence those things and many medical professional lost their jobs for exposing the truth, because of pressure from the above mentioned entities. It is clear those entities not only violated peoples rights but they also cause many many deaths world wide. Who will be held accountable for what they have done? Millions have died and millions more have been injured and had their lives destroyed from the things they have done.

This all started because Fauci started doing gain of function experiments. When they were showing a lapse in safety protocols they had the experiments moved to China and everyone pretty much knows the rest of the story. Governments and public health authorities colluded with tech companies to hide how harmful the vaccine are and hide the harm they are doing. Whistle blowers working for the pharmaceutical industry literally started coming out stating how the vaccine trial were rigged in a way they could hide the harm being done. The FDA knew they were doing it and ignored it. They new these vaccines would cause a lot of harm because most of the animals in their research surrounding the mRNA vaccines died. Some died a slow and miserable death, some died from excessive blood clotting and cardiac failure. The very things those dying suddenly are experiencing.

There are hundreds of sites springing up around the world where victims of the Covid vaccines are trying to be heard because medical professionals refuse to acknowledge the damage the vaccine has done to them. I know people personally who were in the military and was harmed by the vaccine and were discharged because of the injury they received from the vaccine. Many have lost their careers and because there injury is not being acknowledge they cannot be compensated and are losing everything they have. Someone needs to be held accountable for all this. Even now whistle blowers are coming out left and right and they are being ignored and silenced. Medical professionals that do speak out about the harm being done are being silenced and having their careers destroyed by government entities and the medical industry which shows you just how much power the pharmaceutical industry has. This power has caused the loss of many people rights and lives.

These Covid vaccines have many documented cases of the excess blood clotting they have been causing and sudden cardiac failure . Not only that but many others are developing sudden liver failure and hepatitis.

The evidence has shown that not only are the vaccines keeping the pandemic going but the vaccinated are more prone to Covid and other infectious diseases. Many vaccine injured are developing a type of pneumonia cause by the excess inflammation the vaccines are causing in the lungs. Not only that but mental illness and mental decline is going to get worse because the Covid vaccines are severely damaging peoples brains and neurological systems. Many of the Covid vaccinated are showing signs of sepsis and should be tested for it. If you do a search on sites such as Pubmed you can pull up thousands and thousands of documented cases of the injury from the vaccine. Some are even developing flaccid myelitis. When driving now it has become clear this damage to people brains have effected their driving. I have had people constantly running traffic lights, swerving into my lane on a scale I have never seen before. The answer to why that has been happen can be easily found by reading the tens of thousands of case reports of the injury to the brains of those who had gotten the vaccine. Sadly many are being gas lighted and believe the medical professionals when they are told their symptoms are imagined. Or their symptoms are caused by something else so these people will continue to drive and pose a danger to people because they will not seek a functional practitioner that could help them learn to heal.

Many medical professionals on social media are reporting that most of their vaccinated patients are developing the most aggressive and fastest growing cancer they have ever seen.

The vaccines are damaging peoples immune system making them super carriers, meaning the vaccinated are keeping the pandemic going. Not only that but because the vaccinated have damaged immune systems they become breading grounds for other infectious agents. So we can expect there will be pandemics of many types of infectious diseases in the coming months. Many researchers warned these things would occur and they still did not listen so until the last of the Covid injected either dies or seeks functional medical treatment so they can heal, there will be one pandemic after another springing up.

These supposed outbreaks of infectious diseases they are announcing match The exact same types of damage the vaccines cause especially to the lungs. So there is a good probability that those they claim are getting infections are actually experiencing an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccine and not an infection.

Evidence has been coming out showing the tech companies suppressed the dangers of the vaccines. Even banned people on social media about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Government entities were working with the tech companies to suppress the truth about the pandemic and the Covid vaccines. They had statements on many social media sites especially Facebook making false claims that could not be backed by data because the data could not have been acquired because the vaccines were still experimental and the FDA was trying to block people from seeing the data for 75 years because the vaccines caused so many deaths and injuries. Someone needs to hold the tech companies accountable for the harm their lies have caused. Those who were injured because they believed the social media sites misinformation , or have lost a loved ones from the Covid vaccine injury should sue the social media sites because they blatantly lied about the safety of the vaccine when there was not data to support their claims.

What I find very suspicious is the government and Pfizer had been working on a pandemic plan in 2018 , and guess what virus they discussed you guessed it Covid. That is one heck of a coincidence. What is even more suspicious is the U.S. started doing gain of function research in 2017. If you follow the trail of documents it seems the U.S. started the gain of function research, then got sloppy and it became a safety risk so they move things to China. The U.S. was not alone, many other nations where funding the research in Wuhan. The rest is history. This has caused the loss of millions of lives world wide. It has caused financial ruin of many, it drove many people to poverty. Why is no one being held accountable? Our governments are supporting those who are guilty of the harm and protecting them. They are showing they could care less about their citizens but care more about money and power. Many virologist agree the Covid virus that caused the pandemic did not occur naturally. The harm mentally to the children and the set back education wise will take years for the children to recover from.

Even though the data coming out is showing that the vaccines have harmed and killed more then the Covid pandemic, they are still promoting and even forcing the vaccines on people, why? If the vaccines are harming millions and killing millions why are they still forcing them on people and mandating people receive them? The data is coming out showing that the nations with the lowest vaccine rates have the lowest mortality rates from Covid infections. The nations with the highest vaccine rates not only have the highest rates of mortality from Covid but are now experiencing pandemics of a variety of types of infectious diseases.

The number of deaths and injury from the Covid vaccines are much much higher then the data is showing because I personally know people who have been injured by the Covid vaccine and those who injured them are refusing to acknowledge the injury and refusing to report the injury. Consider the fact that previous vaccines only 1% of adverse reactions would get reported and it is much much lower with the Covid vaccine, you can be certain the number of injuries and deaths are much much higher. They will gas light the victims and tell them their symptoms are in their head or they are imagining things, or they are a hypochondriac. I got injured with the Dtap vaccine and that is exactly what I was told. The irony is they told me that I was imagining things based on information I seen on the internet. I rarely got on the internet at the time but I took that as a cue that I should be looking deeper into things and that is when I learned I was not alone many were being harmed by vaccines and the ones who harmed them refused to report the adverse vaccine reaction. With the Covid vaccine the medical professionals doing the harm are harassed and even lose their jobs if they report the harm being done. The governments world wide made it very very difficult for the individual to report their vaccine injury or death of a loved one caused by the Covid vaccine. The AMA even gave guidelines on how to gas light the victims of Covid vaccines, and the families of loved ones who were killed by the Covid vaccine.

I am going to try to provide links to the actual data and to websites set up to give victims a voice but many governments world wide especially Canada are having the websites removed or blocking them to hide the harm being done. Not only should those in positions of authority be held accountable but also any medical professional deliberately ignoring or hiding the harm being done should be Held accountable. The social media sites and tech companies have spread misinformation that convinced people to get the vaccines and many of they have gotten harmed and some have lost loved ones because of it. So the tech companies and social media sites should be held accountable for spreading misinformation about the dangers of the Covid vaccines, and hiding the harm being done by the vaccines and dangerous Covid and the treatments used that harmed and killed many.

Fauci should also be held accountable but never is. He experimented on infants and many of them died. He has a history of doing unethical things , often times he does them in other nations so he can avoid prosecution. Fauci committed fraud during the trials for the AZT drug. I remember it being on the news , HIV patients were begging Fauci to stop killing them. Tens of thousands died from the treatments he had recommended. The drugs he recommended and was promoting for Covid treatment had the same results on the Covid patients as it did with the recommendations he made for HIV patients that caused thousands of them to die.

I am adding this information after I wrote this. I kept wondering why no one was holding Fauci accountable. Turns out the one who is in charge of ethics at the NIH is Fauci’s wife. So it was up to his wife to hold him accountable.

Now he has been involved in gain of function experiments that have cost millions of lives yet the media paints him as a hero. What kind of world do we live in when such a brutal and uncaring person is labeled as a hero? Fauci was not alone the U.S. government was involved in helping to medically kidnap children so Fauci could experiment on them. Fauci and the NIH has pretty much had a license to kill world wide and no one has held them accountable. Fauci had people silenced who were offering valid medical solutions and even had them arrested and their research confiscated. He kept information hidden that would have helped the HIV patients, it was later discovered he had financial ties to the companies for the drugs he was recommending and benefited financially from them. So he was not concerned about human life but more concerned about fattening his pocket book.

We see the pattern Fauci, The NIH, FDA and CDC has of being corrupt and deceptive. Evidence is showing it has only gotten worse. Fauci and entities in the U.S. government worked with social media sites and tech companies to silence medical professionals who were telling people about safer and more effective treatments. So many died because they did not know that there were safer treatments for Covid. There is also a lot of peer reviewed research that got censored on nutritional recommendation that could help prevented infections that got censored. The data coming out show most of the deaths from Covid were most likely caused by the medical treatment people received. It seems like Fauci has struck once again, only this time it has caused a lot of death and many have been harmed. The numbers are most likely in the millions. Many have lost rights world wide and have had medical treatments forced on them that harmed and killed them. What Fauci, the NIH, CDC and FDA has done has caused more death and harm then many wars, and many pandemics. My question is, are they every going to be held accountable? If man does not hold them accountable God certainly will and he does not take excuses for answers. Whether they believe in God or not they will still have to face his great day of judgment and true justice will be served.

The medication and treatments used were causing people to die of things that supposedly Covid was causing. Many had been over ventilated resulting in their deaths. Now add to the fact because of the lock downs people did not have access to the medical care they needed and died, millions of none Covid related deaths have occurred because of the lockdowns. The lock downs have since been shown to only prolong the duration of the pandemic causing increased numbers of people to get infections. Studies have since shown the mask were useless against protecting from infection and could have made people even more prone to infection. There were many studies showing the safety and effectiveness of alternative medications such as ivermectin but medical professionals were being prohibited from using them. Often times the studies showed they were more effective then the much more harmful medications that were being used. Why was Fauci, NIH, the FDA and CDC pushing treatments that were very dangerous and harmful when there were more effective and safer treatments available? The trials using remdesivir for the treatment of Ebola killed 54% of the patients. Yet the U.S. government was paying hospitals to administer it to patients. Why would they do that knowing how lethal the drug is? Studies even showed remdesivir was infective against viral infection. So why would they recommend drugs with very harmful side effects that have been shown to be ineffective against viral infections. We know those in government positions do get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical industry and do not have to disclose it. Knowing the harm that has been done, I feel they should have to disclose if they are making a profit off the things they are promoting and supporting. Fauci, many at the NIH and FDA have made profits in the past from pharmaceutical products and medical products they recommended in the past. They should have to disclose when they are profiting from things they recommend.

Religious organizations became a part of the corruption and falsely labeled the vaccines “a gift from God”. They could not have honestly made that statement because the vaccines were still in experimental phase and the FDA was refusing to release the data. These organizations claim to represent God so they will be held more accountable for misrepresenting God and being deceptive. Vaccines are known to come with the dangers of permanently injuring a person and even known to cause death. These vaccine had been in the experimental phase when these religious organization called them a gift from God. Gifts from God do not come with hidden dangers, they do not come with the risk of permanent life altering injury or death. They will have to face God on his great day of judgment for their misrepresentation of him, because they carry blood guilt for the harm they caused to people by persuading them to get a product that harmed and killed so many.

Studies showed ivermectin and other much safer drugs were very effective against Covid yet hospitals were firing any medical professionals that had given their patients the safer and more effective alternatives. Not only that but the Biden administration was actually pressuring government entities to revoke the license of medical professionals who used the safer more effective alternative. If medical professionals reported on the injuries and deaths they were seeing the vaccines cause, the Biden administration was pushing to have their medical license revoked. Many medical professionals have lost their jobs because they refused to take part in the medical experiment. They are suing and winning because it was an experiment and no one had a right to force the vaccine on them. Many companies forced their employees to get the vaccine in order to stay employed. Those law suits are being won also, but the harm is done, the lives lost cannot be replaced, and the damage caused to so many peoples bodies is overwhelming.

The saddest part of all of this is many medical professionals and public figures who were promoting the vaccine are now dead or dying. The headline reads “Died suddenly”. They used to list the cause of death but they are no longer doing that because most media and government entities are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. If they admitted it was the vaccines or the medications used that are killing people they would lose that funding. They will face God and have blood guilt for the harm their deception is causing.

I could go on and on about the harm that has been done and is being done and the corruption surrounding it but I think this should have painted a fairly good picture of the truth about the Covid pandemic and the Covid vaccine which have been appropriately labeled the “clot shot” or the “death jab” by many. The CDC, FDA and WHO have a history of corruption and this pandemic and these Covid vaccines have thoroughly exposed how corrupt things are and how much control and power the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry have over governments and people world wide. It appears that the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry has put the whole world under their fascist control. Imagine the disappointment of those who got involved in the medical community , or a government entity thinking they were going to help people , only to discover the corruption and deception they are truly dealing with.

The world has fallen under the fascist authority of narcissist and this will not end unless people speak out about the corruption, expose it and take a stand. Those who remain silent are just as guilty because they are empowering the corrupt and leaving the harm continue. Their fear of losing their career, or losing their standing in society is causing a lot of harm and all will be held accountable by God.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

100% of the animals died in their previous experiments.

Most Covid deaths were staged or faked. Many of them were caused by the medical treatment people received.

Death from the covid vaccines are being hidden.

Updates on Sudden Death Among Athletes After Taking the Covid-19 Vaccine

Whistle blowers are being ignored.

The tipping point is here. Covid 19 is a scam.

Down played adverse reactions and even falsified data.

Very aggressive cancer.

Gives jab injured a voice.


Many types of injuries caused by the Covid vaccines.

vaccinated are keeping the pandemic going.

Links to many studies showing it is the vaccinated keeping the pandemic going.

Extensive Efficacy Studies that Rebuke Vaccine Mandates

List of Covid vaccine side effects.

lung damage.

Covid “Vaccines”; How Dangerous are They?

Vaccines are killing people.

Medical professionals being silenced.

Data on the harm being done.

Fauci has a history of brutality.

Treatment most likely the cause of death in the Covid patients.

Why the vaccinated are more prone to infection and are developing cancer.

Mental illness and mental disease is about to get much much more rampant.


Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am not the best editor.

Know the dangers before you get any medical procesure. Any wise person would weigh the benefits over the risk. They are trying their best to prevent society from seeing the data from this world wide medical experiment and have worked very hard to silence those harmed by the vaccines. I have seen thousands banned on social media for posting about being harmed by the vaccine. Those warning about the dangers have been banned. You only silence people when you have something to hide. The truth defends itself. What data has come out has shown that more are dying who have gotten the vaccines then those who have not. They have a higher all cause mortality rate. In other words those who die from the Covids often times they will lie and state cause of death unknown. I know personally I am not going to fly because they forced pilots to get the vaccines so they will have a lot of brain damage.

Be careful driving because the brain injury these vaccines are causing, is causing people to drive erratic. Some are having cardiovascular failure and strokes while driving and causing accidents. Notice since they require pilots to get the vaccines air plane and helicopter crashes have risen dramatically. We need to be careful also because these ones will be mentally unstable and most likely easily provoked to violence. These vaccines have made the world a much much more dangerous place so be careful out there.

Covid vaccines are also altering peoples brains causing psychosis, mania, depression and many other neurological issues. Lesions on the brain. It has even caused strokes and brain hemorrhages. They also cause prion disease which causes Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Vaccines are known to cause brain swelling and the Covid vaccines have been worse when it comes to damaging the brain then all vaccines combined.

Doctors are trying to report the harm the vaccines are doing but they are being blocked by governments world wide. We are about to see many forms of mental disease and mental illness on a scale we have never seen before. The vaccines cause excess blood clotting which also damages the brain.

So many have died from the covid vaccines they are now developing guidelines on how to do autopsies on those who died from the Covid vaccines. There are thousands of case reports of the covid vaccine damaging the cardiovascular system, causing excess blood clotting , and causing autoimmunity . They falsely claim and epi pen will prevent death. That is not true the person my survive longer but the damage the vaccine has caused them will make them die a slow and miserable death. They will be gas lighted and told most of their symptoms are in their head , or they may be ignored completely. Even medical professionals are having a difficult time reporting adverse reactions to these lethal vaccination.

Whether you get any vaccination is purely your decision but know the dangers before you decide. Weigh if you could live with life long chronic illness as a result. Vaccines are known to cause chronic illness and death. Most are not made aware of the dangers of vaccines and these Covid vaccines have been the most harmful.

Imagine all those people who’s brains have been damaged by the vaccines are driving our our streets. So be very careful and stay alert.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

They are challenging vaccine mandates and winning.

Written by Lee Stevenson,

Many are challenging the vaccine mandates and winning. Some have been awarded money. Since the data is coming out showing those who got the Covid vaccine had a much much higher mortality rate and a much much higher rate of infection people are winning their vaccine lawsuits. My question now is can the social media companies be sued for lying about the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines? They influenced many to get the vaccine with their lies. So many have been harmed by their lies. Should they not be held accountable? I would say more people need to start lawyering up. Even states are being sued and losing.

I would not be surprised if those injured or harmed by the vaccines start suing the social media sites because they were lying about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. If someone based their decision to get the vaccine based on the misinformation the social media sites promoted, because they censored information that showed the harm being done, it seems they most likely can be sued also. Information already came out showing that the social media site were deliberately censoring information when people where warning about the harm the vaccines were doing.

Won ten million.

Even states are being sued and losing.

Vaccine mandate lawsuits can be defeated.

Court decided government cannot force vaccine mandates. It is why private businesses are being sued and having to pay millions

Many states are fighting back on covid vaccine mandates see if yours is.

Appeals Court Raises Uncertainty Over Federal Contractor Vaccine Mandate

Now that the data is coming out showing that the vaccines were the number one cause of death lawsuits are being won.

Vaccinated 8x more likely to be infected. Covid vaccine dramatically increases risk of death and infection not just from Covid but many types of infection.

Vaccines actually have a negative efficacy, meaning they make you more prone to infection.

Thousands of deaths and the many ways the Covid vaccine kill people. They re calling it sudden adult death syndrome or cause of death unknown when people die from the Covid vaccine.

The media tried to paint vaccines in a positive light. That did not go well because they wanted people to tell their stories about loved ones who died from not getting the vaccine. They got flooded with people commenting saying they are watching people die from the vaccine.

Lyme Brain.

Written by Lee Stevenson.

The brain can heal but it takes someone very experienced to heal the brain from Lyme. Something not mentioned lyme can cause thrombosis that inhibits blood flow throughout the body. Covid and the covid vaccine can also cause many of these things to occur. The issues in the brain caused by Lyme is referred to as neuroborreliosis. Gut dysbiosis, mold exposure, many other infections especially herpes, and toxin exposure can cause much of this to occur but Lyme seems to really hit the brain. Many vaccine can cause this to occur.

Infection causes many of these things to occur. It can also occur in gut dysbiosis , tick born illness especially Lyme disease causes the most severe symptoms. I am going to discuss how the brain is effected by Lyme disease but keep in mind other infections and the things I mentioned can also cause these things to occur. Vaccine injury resembles the symptoms of tick born illness, especially injury by the Covid vaccines. Many who are vaccine injured often times get misdiagnosed with tick born illness. Vaccine injury makes a person more prone to getting tick born illness.

Somnolence which is excess sleepiness. This is caused by the brain swelling and many other injuries to the brain. A person will feel excessively sleepy no matter how much they sleep.

Insomnia difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Those who have had lyme call this wired but tired.

Emotional lability short emotional outburst, sudden episodes of laughing or crying. Over response to things emotionally. This can be caused by the brain inflammation or brain ischemia. Lyme causes both. Lyme can cause extreme episodes of depression.

Lyme causes impaired memory and concentration this is from the inflammation, damage to the brain and sometimes the ischemia.

Dementia impairments in memory , thinking, emotional problems, issues with language processing. Psychological symptoms can include depression, psychotic hallucinations and delusions, apathy, and anxiety. The most commonly affected areas include memory, visuospatial function affecting perception and orientation, language, attention and problem solving.

Lyme causes brain lesions which damages many areas of the brain.

Lymphocytic meningitis severe headache, possible fever, photophobia(light intolerance or light sensitivity) and meningism (swollen meningism usually causes neck stiffness, when severe it can cause severe swelling at back of the neck). Stiffness in knees, change in appetite, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, seizures, loss of consciousness, non-blanching rash (skin lesions that do not fade when glass is pressed to the.)

Cranial neuritis blurred vision, Bell’s palsy, tingling and numbness in various areas, skin sensitive to touch. Week or paralyzed muscles, visual changes like blurred or double vision, issues with hearing.

Radiculopathy pinching of nerve in spinal cord. This can effect a variety of areas , it causes weakness or numbness in limbs, can cause pain and tingling. There will be pain in the area the spinal cord is pinched. Pain in and around the chest while breathing.

Hemorrages in the brain. Bleeding in the brain.

Myelitis inflammation in nerves that causes pain, tingling in extremities, loss of strength in extremities, loss of feeling, pain in area myelitis has occurred. Could cause problems with bowel or bladder control. And can develop a fever.

Vasculitis which can result in stroke. This is inflammation in the blood vessels which results in inhibited blood flow. This can cause headaches, fatigue, weight loss, aches and pains throughout the body. Can cause pain after eating and cause stomach ulcers. Can cause numbness in hands or feet, you can develop shortness of breath and even cough up blood, and bleeding under the skin which can cause skin lesions.

Brain atrophy the brain pretty much starts dying.

Brain calcification calcium deposits in blood vessels in the brain which severely effects how it functions. This can cause movement disorders, mental dysfunction, muscle rigidity and muscle trembling. It can cause uncontrolled movement of the limbs, difficulty swallowing, decline in intellectual function, impaired speech, headaches, severe dizziness, seizures and either the inability to urinate or excessive urination.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

Those who got the Covid vaccines should be tested for Sepsis and CIRS.

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am not the best editor.

I probably should have called this article how to identify when someone has been injured by the Covid vaccine but the markers I mention for sepis and CIRS and heart damage are found in injury from many of the vaccines on the market.

The most common injuries that seem to be occurring with the Covid vaccines is Vaccine-induced thromobcytopenia and thrombosis. This is causing excess blood clotting and break down of blood vessels resulting in anuerisms.

The most effected areas seem to be the brain, renal system and the heart. It is causing tachychardia, myocarditis and many other types of heart damage. I will discuss below some test that can indicate if the heart has been damaged by the Covid vaccine or if a person is experiencing vaccine induced thrombocytopenia. Pulmonary embolisms seen to occur frequently after a person gets the Covid vaccine.

The most common things that seem to be occurring from the vaccines are cerebral venous sinus thrombosis which causes severe headaches, stroke-like symptoms resulting in partial facial paralysis or paralysis on one side of the body, abdominal pain, abdominal cavity fluid accumulation, and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Splenic vein thrombosis seems to be occurring frequently in the Covid vaccine injured. This cause damage to the lower esophagus, anal canal, spleen, pancreas, and damage to visceral fat.

Lactic acid levels should be checked to test mitochondria function because the hypoxia and ischemia caused by the thrombosis can cause mitochondrial dysfunction which will cause a person to be stuck in glycolysis while gluconeogenesis and oxidative phosphorylation can be inhibited causing high lactic acid levels.

A partial thrombin time test and platelet count can help to determine if the victim is experiencing excess thrombosis. D-dimer test can also help to test if excess blood clotting is occurring levels will be increased if a person is experiencing excess blood clotting.

Covid vaccine injured can develop antibodies against heperan, coagulation factor VIII or Platelet factor IV which can cause excess blood clotting.

Fibrinogen should be tested because the Covid vaccine causes low levels. This is why a person who is Covid vaccine injured will experience excess blood clotting but in other areas of the body they can experience excess bleeding.

Covid vaccine injury can cause innate immunity to be inhibited and adaptive immunity to be over expressed. This makes a person more prone to infection especially nasal and lung infection. This also increases the risk of lung and throat inflammation which can cause asthma .This can alter mitochondria function which can cause frequent episodes of hypoglycemia. A person will develop many allergies and sensitivities to the environment and foods.

When I talk to those who got the covid vaccine many of them show signs of Sepsis, post sepsis and CIRS. Because of that I would like to see these test performed on those who have gotten the vaccine because I believe all of them are suffering from severe immune system damage and damage to the body.

Testing for sepsis

a person would need a Complete blood cell count to measure leukocyte levels. Lactic acid levels should be measured, C-reactive protein levels should be measured, Prothrombine time should be measured because excess blood clotting occurs in sepsis. Partial thromboplastin time, platelet count should also be measured.

Test for various endotoxins.

Procalcitonin should be tested, when high it indicates an undetected bacteria infection.

Urin should be analysed.

Low grade inflammatory cytokines should be tested for such as Il-6, IL-8, Il-10, MCP-1, IL-3 , TNF-a, Proadrenomedullin should be checked. This also can indicate if a person has CIRS.

Myocardia biomarkers such as troponin, natriuretic petides and myoglobin to check cardiac function.

Arterial blood gases should be measure to test pulmonary function.

Bilbirubin should be tested to test hepatic function. Increased levels can indicate liver damage.

Creatine should be tested to test renal function. Persistently high levels can indicate kidney damage.

Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor is upregulated in sepsis so should be measured. High levels indicates bacteria infection and systemic inflammation. It increases mortality.

Presepsin levels are high during sepsis and severe infection.

Nuclear encoded transcription factor A (TFAM) support mitochondrial biogenesis. It’s expression is increased during beginning stages of sepsis but becomes very low during long term sepsis. TFAM is needed for ATP production so a person will have inhibited mitochondrial production of ATP.

Liposlysis is increased at the beginning of sepsis which is caused by the high acetylcholine, cortisol, catecholamine glucagon growth hormone and decreased insulin levels. Gluconeogenesis becomes inhibited and glycolysis is upregulated. This can cause weight gain and fatty liver disease if not corrected. This can cause low glucagon levels resulting in severe fatigue.

Cortisol is high in the beginning of sepsis but when the adrenals get exhausted cortisol levels will become low which you would find in post sepsis.

Post sepsis after a person has had sepsis for a while.

IL-10 levels become low. This ihibits the immune response.

CD4+ and CD8+ cells become low

MDSCS (myeloid derived suppressor cells, neutrophils), granulocytes which suppress T cell capabilities causes T cell to not mature which makes them lose their function.

Mitochondrial ATP production in low in post sepsis.

IL-6, TNF-a and IL-1B levels remain high in post sepsis.

Oxidative stress is increased from the inhibition of ATP production which causes ischemia throughout the body, inflammation and inhibits the cells ability to take up glucose. So glucose levels will be high in the blood, insulin resistance is common in post sepsis.

Calcium levels can be high in the blood because the cells ability to uptake calcium becomes inhibited.

Muscle loss is common because the body starts breaking down protein (muscle) to survive.

Nitric oxide levels should be measured . Levels become low during sepsis and post sepsis. This is causes by the break down of muscle for energy to compensate for the low ATP production. . Increasing protein intake can help to prevent the loss of nitric oxide. Hydrolysed whey protein usually works very well for preventing this.

Testing for CIRS

This is systemic low grade inflammation which causes chronic illness. It is referred to as SIRS by the government.

A visual contrast test helps to diagnose if a person has CIRS.

A person should be tested for mycotoxins to check if they have been exposed to mold.

They should be tested for tick born illness.

Microbe set enrichment anyalysis (MESA) measures microbiome interaction with the body.

Vasoactive intestinal peptide. Excercise and fasting can increase levels. Low levels can indicate CIRS. It is increased by glycine, limonene, leptin, creatine by increasing ATP. High substance P levels decreases VIP.

Low grade inflammatory cytokines should be tested for such as Il-6, IL-8, Il-10, MCP-1, IL-3 , TNF-a, Proadrenomedullin should be checked. This also can indicate if a person has CIRS. C4a levels are high when a person has CIRS.

Cortisol is usually low when a person has CIRS.

Vassoactive intestinal peptide levels are usually low in CIRS.

TGF-B1 (tranforming growth factor-B1)levels are usually high in CIRS.

MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) is usually low in CIRS and it prevents the body from being able to shut down inflammatory cytokines.

Anti-gliaden antibody (AGA) levels are usually high in CIRS. This causes high IgE levels when a person consumes gliaden.

Often times the complement system is over activate which can be determined by C2, C3 and C4 levels.

VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is usually low during CIRS.

Leptin levels are usually high from the increased systemic inflammation causing leptin resistance.

Anti-cardiolipin antibodies are high in autoimmune diseases such as CIRS. It indicates the body is attacking itself.

MMP9 is increased during CIRS and indicates there is systemic inflammation.

If a number of these things occur at once or is severe enough it can cause seizures, coma and even death.

Hepatitis another deadly side effect of the Covid vaccines.

So for there have been thousands of deaths reported from the Covid vaccines. There have been injuries that will take months to run their course but well probably result in death. The main injuries being causes is damage to the heart, cardiovascular system, excess blood clotting and fibrosis throughout the body. Many have developed flaccid myelitis which is the new name they gave Polio when they learned it was mainly being caused by vaccines and toxins.

Now the vaccines are being linked to hepatitis and some have had to get liver transplants after getting the vaccines. Yet the media and government entities world wide are lying and saying they do not know what is causing the sudden surge in hepatitis world wide. Studies have shown children have a much worse advers reaction to Covid vaccines. Children have a much much higher risk of dying from the vaccine then they do Covid. It seems children are much more prone to getting hepatitis from the vaccines. Yet they claim they do not know the cause and they are pretending to be researching it. When they say they are researching it they are actually looking for a way to gas light to hide that the vaccines are the actual cause.

Vaccine producers won documents showed the spike protein sheds to the infant from the mother. So you can be sure infants are going to start suffering hepatitis.

The data coming out is showing the spike protein that the injection is causing peoples bodies to make is causing excess blood clotting, hepatitis, cancer, and many other diseases. So you can expect this to occur to infants when the mother has shed the spike protein to the child.

Vaccinated are now the main route Covid is being transmitted.

Trust God and Jesus above any human.

How to use.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

Why why should trust Jehovah and Jesus above any human including those taking the lead among us.

When I speak of leaders , I will be speaking of spiritual leaders put in place by God and not political leaders though they sometimes do cross each other, their purpose was mainly to guide and lead Israel and prevent them from falling away from Jehovah. They were to make sure God’s people were taken care of spiritually. I am going to discuss the errors they made and how we are not to judge them or speak ill of them or murmur about their error. The errors those God chose made often times cost many lives. Some would survive. The bible doesn’t show exactly why some survived but it is most likely because they did their best to remain blameless while these things were occurring. I am writing this to show that God does some amazing things with imperfect humans. The bible tells us we all sin and fall short. So those leading us will error. We should not murmur against them. We need to know God’s word well enough and write it on our hearts well enough so that if our spiritual leaders error we will know what God would require of us.

When Moses was leading Israel through the wilderness. They had rebelled against God. They were complaining. God still commanded Moses to provide them with water by striking a rock with his staff. It may appear that Moses did as God ask but when he did this he did not sanctify God before doing it. Sanctify means to make holy, make clean, purify or venerate. Moses did not give a reason for his faith, he did not explain why Israel needs to have faith in Jehovah. He did not explain to them the importance of fearing God over anything else. Instead Moses judged the people and was bitter. He did not bring glory to God when he performed what God had asked him to do. He and Aaron did not give thanks, he did not remind Israel the things God had done for them when they were leaving Egypt. God continued to leave Moses and Aaron lead Israel but he and those who rebelled against God would not be permitted to enter the promised land. But God used Moses and Aaron to lead Israel to the promised land. Though the ones who rebelled did not get to enter the promised land God use two imperfect humans to guide their descendants to the promised land and their descendants got to see the fulfillment of the promise.

King David committed adultery. This was punishable by being stoned to death. Then he manipulated things so the womans husband would be killed in battle which is also punishable by death. Why did Israel not stone David to death? When a leader is appointed by God they are head accountable by God. He sent Nathan to king David to tell him a parable. Davids reaction revealed his heart condition. It left Jehovah knew David would repent and feel remorse when he was disciplined. God punished David and it resulted in David’s sins being exposed and he was humiliated. Not only this but David had lost some of God’s protections so he suffered many times and his sins even effected Israel and caused them to suffer. David again let God down. God had commanded Israel not to count the people. Yet David took it on himself to go against God’s will and count the people. Many died because of David’s error. David continued to petition God and he forgave David and showed him mercy. David continued to grow spiritually to a point God called him a man after his own heart. Israel for the most part continued to follow and obey king David as their king. Israel experienced peace after this and king David died knowing his son Solomon would build the temple.

God knows our short comings and when he chooses leaders he deals with them directly. We should not speak ill of them. Korah did this and lead many astray and it cost many of lives. By questioning Moses and Aarons right to lead Israel they were directly opposing Jehovah. He chose them and by questioning this they were actually questioning God’s authority and wisdom. I am sure the rest of Israel were aware of Moses and Aarons imperfections but they respected God’s authority and took God’s side in the matter when Korah rebelled and they remained loyal to Jehovah.

Aaron made an error when he gave into pressure of the Israelites and built an idol of a golden calf at the request of the people Aaron tried to down play his error by saying worshiping the calf was a celebration to Jehovah. While Moses was absent it was Aarons job to keep the Israelite’s from going astray. Aaron even made it seem as if he melted the gold and the calf just appeared. Aaron’ error cost 3000 people their lives because he did not stand his ground and gave in to the pressure of the people. If our spiritual leaders make errors we can be confident God will set matters straight. We should not gossip, or speak ill of them. Jehovah always set matters straight. Korah and others most likely knew what God required very well. But they cannot read hearts and also do not know what gifts a person has. Jehovah can read hearts and understands our gifts better then we ourselves do. God knows we will fall short the bible even tells us that. If we claim we do not fall short the bible tells us we are a liar. So to claim we will not make errors or fall short is arrogant. God can send his holy spirit to guide us but this does not mean we will not make errors. Look at Israel they were being directly guided by God and they still fell short many times.

Very soon we will be put in positions where we have to decide do we obey God or do we obey man. We know we are to obey the superior authorities, but we are also told we obey God first. This is why it is very important to know when to let our yes mean yes and our no mean no. Since we are in the last days we know many will fall away and quit worshiping in truth even some of the elite we have been warned may fall away. If we write God’s word on our hearts and let it guide all we do when these things occur we will know what to do. If we do not trust Jehovah we could become like Korah and rebel against the arrangements God has made. Peter stated we must listen to God rather then men. Meaning in times were man may want us to disobey God, or do something contrary to what he would want us to do we must obey God because there is no authority above his. We have the example of Daniel and his companions. They chose obeying God rather then men knowing at times could put their life in danger. They also had the faith that whatever happened God would take care of them. When Daniel and his companions were wronged they did not take matters into their own hands they trusted Jehovah. We are told to love even our enemies. Now I will discuss the things Daniel and his companions endured.

Babylon had besieged Jerusalem and had taken many into captivity. Jehovah left this occur because of the rebellion of Israel against God. The king had ordered that some of the younger men that had been captured learn the language and writing of the Chaldeans. They were to be younger ones who were full of, wisdom, knowledge and discernment. They were allotted daily rations from the kings delicacies. Many of the foods they consumed in Babylon violated the laws that God had given Israel. Daniel and his companions knew they would risk offending the king if they chose not to eat those foods. In those times offending a king could cost you your life. Daniel and his companions petitioned the king and ask if they could have vegetables to eat and only water to drink. The king showed them mercy. He ask the king to compare the health of the youths who were eating the kings delicacies to the health of he and his companions at the end of ten days. The king agreed to his proposition. At the end of the ten days their appearance and health was better then the youths who were consuming the kings delicacies. Daniel and his companions eventually earned the kings respect enough they were given a lot of authority. Daniel was put in positions that many of us will experience now days. For example many medical procedures violate the laws of the new covenant Jesus had given us. Some products contain blood. We really need to do our research because they do not list all the ingredients in their products nor are they required to. Some of these products carry dangers and some are even experimental. Do you think God would want us to blindly go into things without researching them and carefully considering if this would go against what God would require? Just as in time past refusing to submit may put us in a situation where our lively hood and even our freedom may be at risk. It may even hinder our ability to worship just as in times past when , true worship was hindered and obstacles were put in the way. Obedience to Jehovah is the most important because it is him who is the giver of life. Things have progressed now to the point Satan and his people are not only trying to force things on those who worship in truth that may go against what God requires. If you do not comply there is a lot of pressure put on people. There is a lot of hatred and anger directed at them and many have lost their jobs for refusing to comply. Most are aware of who the beast is in the bible and the beast has many sub organizations set up such as WHO. WHO has been pressuring member nations to enforced these medical procedures and to put pressure on those who do not comply. They have even petitioned religious leaders world wide to pressure those in their congregations to comply. This is laying the ground work for compliance because WHO is part of the United Nations. The United Nations and it’s allies are the beast mentioned in the bible. Very soon the beast will have authority over the whole earth and we will be ask to turn our backs on God and to bow to the beast receiving the figurative mark. Those who receive the mark by submitting to the beast will, are going to be destroyed. There is a fine line between obeying the superior authorities and obeying Jehovah. Satan and his people have done a good job of blurring these lines and making it difficult to know what we should do. Jesus warned that even some of the elect may fall away and Peter reminded them to stay alert so they would not be drawn away. If this could occur to even the elect, this shows us how much more we should stay on the alert.

These are frightening times for many. Disease is rampant, famine is rampant, man is destroying the earth almost to the point of no return, violence and wars are rampant. All these are being exaggerated to induce fear. Fear causes the brain to pretty much shut down and we lose our ability to reason. If we fear God above all other things it works as a protection and prevents others from inducing panic and fear. Many corporations especially the biotech, pharmaceutical and medical industries have been caught deceiving people and doing very harmful things and then covering it up. Governments world wide have been caught often times helping them cover up the harm these industries are doing. When we are weighting matters would it not be wise to consider those things when determining if we should trust those entities before we go forward with things they may be asking us to do? Even now there are experimental medical procedure practically being forced on people. The data coming out is showing these medical procedures are causing a lot of death and harm. There is a lot of reliable information coming out showing the medical communities and governments world wide are covering up the harm these medical procedures are doing. Greed for power and money has blinded many. Fear of the consequences that a person may suffer if they do not comply is blinding people. We need to put fear of God first so we cannot be blinded as these things occur. Very soon the beast will be fully in power. The lines have become so blurred that many will bow to the beast and not even realize it until it is too late. Even now if people do not get these experimental medical procedures their religious organizations are banning their members from attending the meetings. WHO has been pressuring religious organizations world wide to pressure their members into getting these experimental medical procedures. Thousands have already died from them. You can see things are being put in place slowly for the mark of the beast. Even now they are working on a currency that would be used world wide. The United Nations has already put things in place to control trade and they are working on implementing a method of payment for goods that would be used by the whole world. So very soon the beast will be in full power. Those of us who stay alert and know what God requires have no need to fear because when these things start to occur we know it is a sign our deliverance is near. We will be put in a position very soon where we will not be able to by sell or trade if we do not bow down to the beast. Daniel and his companions set a good example of putting fear of God first instead of fear of man or the consequences they would suffer for putting obedience to God over obedience to man when obeying man would mean they would have to rebel against God.

The king had built a golden idol. We know we are not to bow down to idols. Jesus and the apostles reaffirmed this in the new covenant. Daniel and his companions refused to bow to the idol. They were called in front of the king and told if they did not bow to the idol they would be thrown into the fiery furnace. The king ordered that the furnace be made exceptionally hot and for Daniel and his companions to be thrown into the furnace. They were not sure if it would be God’s will to rescue them or not. But they informed the king if it was God’s will he would rescue them from the fiery furnace. They informed the king even if God did not rescue them they still would not bow down to his idols. The fire was so hot that the men who threw Daniel and his companions in the fire died while doing so. The next day when the king came to check on Daniel and his friends he found they were unharmed there wasn’t even the smell of smoke on them from the fire.

Very soon we will be ask to do things that we should not do. We have to keep in mind that it is little things the beast will do to get us to bow down to it. It may not be obvious, if we do not know God’s word well and have it written on our hearts, or if we leave ourselves get blinded by fear. We need to keep in mind that even death cannot separate us from the love of Jesus and the love of God. Now I will discuss when something similar happened to Daniel and his friends.

The satraps were always trying to manipulate the king so that he would turn against Daniel and punish him. The satraps were the chief representatives of the king. They had a lot of authority and over seen many things. Daniel and his friends had been put in positions of authority over them. They clearly did not like this so were constantly trying to undermine Daniel and his companions. They knew that Daniel would refuse to pray to any other God but the one true God. They knew that Daniel would continue to worship the one true God no matter what , so they manipulated the king into putting into law that no one could petition any God in matters but would have to petition the king. A petition is when a person is making a request , asking for something , or asking for relief. Though we are instructed in the bible we should petition our leaders, we are also taught to pray to God on the matters first. By implementing this law the king was removing God from the picture because Daniel was no longer permitted legally to petition God. So the law was trying to remove Daniels right to worship the one true God. The first thing Daniel did was to petition God concerning the matter. This resulted in him being thrown in a pit with lions. These were not normal lions. Often times the lions were starved and would have been very hungry. God sent his angels to protect Daniel and the lions did not harm Daniel. When the king seen this he had the men who tried to ensnare Daniel thrown into the pit and because they did not worship the one true God but rebelled against him the outcome for them was not good. But you can see how the satraps used what would seem like a little thing to try and trip Daniel up. Daniel could have false reasoned and thought as long as I obey God , I could petition the king instead of God and I will not die. But Daniel refused to cut God out of his life and his decision making. We should always put God first and in the decisions we make it should be God we petition first.

As the conclusion of this system draws nearer we need to rely on Jehovah God more then ever in our decision making. We are told in “Proverbs 14:15 15 The naive person believes every word, But the shrewd one ponders each step.” , we are also told “Proverbs 27:12 12 The shrewd person sees the danger and conceals himself, But the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.” So we need to make sure we are not naive and we weigh our decisions and do our research and most of all we should pray to God on matters before we make our decisions. We are not to let ourselves be fooled. We have been warned the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one. We have also been warned Satan and the demons have been cast out of heaven and down to the earth and they know their time is short. We are warned Satan has great anger because of this. So we can be sure his deception and his attacks are going to increase. Jesus taught us how to stay in union with God. By trying our best to imitate him it will protect and guide us through these confusing times. As for these medical procedures they are a matter of choice. But when we make these choices we need to consider the time frame we are in. The history of the pharmaceutical industries , medical industries and government entities all working together to hide the harm being done by the pharmaceutical industry and of covering it up. These medical procedures are experimental. There is a very good chance they will cause a lot of harm. The evidence coming out now is showing this is true. Thousands have died and hundreds of thousands have been injured. They do not know what the long term effects of these experimental medical procedures will be but for many their lives have already been destroyed or even taken by these experimental procedures. Many medical professionals have been stating publicly when they try to report adverse reactions to the medical procedures they are ostracized and even lose their jobs. Their are still many medical professionals speaking out even though they know their lively hood and reputation is at stake. Many victims are speaking out stating their adverse reactions are not being reported. Why would people risk their careers and risk having their reputations smeared if these things are not true? Many medical professionals lost their jobs because they refused to get the experimental procedure base on the harm they are seeing it cause. So it would be wise to weight the risk. As for myself I will choose not to get the experimental medical procedure because of the long criminal history of the pharmaceutical industry. They have a proven record of betraying peoples trust. Many in the medical community has a history of covering up for the pharmaceutical industry. These are not conspiracy theories they are things that have been proven to occur many times. Would God really want us to put our confidence in an entity that has such a long criminal history? Not only that but would God want us to put our confidence in government entities that have been caught helping the pharmaceutical industry cover up their criminal activity? As I stated this is a matter of conscience but the bible tells us we are not to be naive, and we should be shrewd and conceal ourselves from danger.

How we treat those who make there choice should not be prejudiced, or with partiality or favoritism the bible warns if we do so we are sinning. As for me I will try to keep my distance from those who got the experimental procedure because the data coming out has shown they are the one keeping the pandemic going. This is not being partial or judgmental this is being cautious.

As for those taking the lead among us. We still have to obey and continue to take in the spiritual food they provide, but when it comes to secular decisions that is between us and Jehovah. When it comes to matters of conscience we need to consider all information, we need to look at all sides of a matter and determine the reliability of our sources. Do these sources have a reputation of being forthright and honest? Can those sources of information but trusted. We know in the last days many will fall away from Jehovah. We need to keep in mind they are imperfect humans also and will make errors. The bible says if we say we do not sin then we are a liar. The apostle Paul even mentioned the struggles he had in abstaining from sinning. If those taking the lead among us error we should not gossip or speak ill of them or do anything that may oppose Jehovah’s arrangement. Since they are appointed by Jehovah he will deal with them directly. It is not our place to question things. Jehovah always sets matters straight. He can read their hearts we cannot. We have to keep in mind we are imperfect also. Jehovah has done some amazing things throughout history with imperfect humans and he continues even now to do amazing things. Look how quickly he restored true worship even with the world conditions becoming worse. With opposition towards true worship being worse then it ever has and with all the distress and distractions now days, God still used imperfect humans to guide others back to him and taught us how to worship in truth and draw closer to him and Jesus. He accomplished all this using imperfect humans. If those taking the lead do make errors we can be certain Jehovah will set matters straight as he has in the past. This shows us the importance of being aware of our own short comings as the apostle Paul was , and the importance of putting Jehovah and what he would require before any man. We have many examples in the bible of those taking the lead falling short but they accepted God’s discipline and still carried out the work that God had ask them to do. So we have to be careful we do not judge those taking the lead. It is not our place to judge anyone especially those Jehovah has placed in position. We need to do as they have in the past. Those who knew what God required, still took in the spiritual food and did what God required while not partaking of the error. The bible tells us to test all we hear. This is something we should continue doing.

We can see how close we are to the beast being given full authority. The medical procedures were being forced on people. Those who refused them could not work, some were not even allowed to go in public so they could not go shopping for necessities. In some nations they even welded doors shut trapping people inside and they starved to death. WHO that is part of the United Nations put pressure on religious organizations to enforce much of this. This demonstrates how much authority and how easily the beast can influence people, nations and even religious organizations. We do not owe our faith to any human. Our loyalty and faith is to Jehovah God and Jesus first. We need to learn to be very aware of what the mark is and how to identify those who received the mark because it will not be as clear as people may think . If it was God would not of had it written in his world how to identify the mark and those receiving it.

Keep in mind what would be required because remember the mark of the beast is not a literal mark but a symbolic mark. So it will be acts of obedience to the beast. Putting the things the beast would require before what God would require. If we do not comply then our lively hoods, our homes, our security and even our lives will be threatened. We may even be required to put our petitions to the beast first instead of God. The symbolic acts will be subtle and not obvious. When this one world order is implemented, they will most likely implement a system of purchasing and selling things that will be used world wide. This most likely will come with things that are subtle that may require us to do things that may not seem very serious but remember God requires exclusive devotion and it is him we petition above man. We need to keep in mind that many who are worshiping in truth will also be deceived by the beast so now more then ever we need to make it a habit to give God thanks, give him glory and do all we can to sanctify his name. We should always petition God first and get in the practice of doing these things so when the time arrives we will be fully prepared and not easily deceived. We need to write this scripture of how Jesus responded when Satan was trying to tempt him. “(Matthew 4:9, 10) . . .” 10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

As things wind down we should question the things we hear even more. We were warned some would would sneak in among us and teach some deceptive things. Not only that but God is using imperfect humans , he told us if we know God we will know if something is from God or from their own originality. So is it wrong to question when those taking the lead tell us to do something and we have knowledge they may not have? Should we blindly obey. Of course not. The pharmaceutical and medical industry have a history of covering up the harm the pharmaceutical industry has done. Not only that but again the pharmaceutical industry had a long history criminal recored. It would not be wise for someone to blindly submit themselves to an experimental medical procedure. We need to question why the FDA tried to have the data hidden for 55 years. They have covered up for the pharmaceutical industry before. The fact they attempted to do that should have us asking questions. They are imperfect humans and cannot know everything. We are also warned there are some who can appear as angels of light so it is wise to be cautious. If they ask us to do something that we know Jehovah would not want us to do this is a matter of conscience. If they request we get an experimental medical procedure and the effects are still unknown is this something Jehovah would want us to subject ourselves to, especially considering the history of those who developed and those who are promoting these experimental injections. The information is now coming out showing these experimental medical procedures may have caused many more deaths then the Pandemic has. Many harmed by the experimental procedures are being discredited and pushed aside as being paranoid or even pretending to be ill. This will hurt their hearts but they also need to keep in mind we are all imperfect. To ignore the harm being done is a dishonor to those who have been harmed or families who lost loved ones because of the experimental injection. Jehovah knows the truth in matters and I am fully confident he will set matters straight. The apostle Paul said we must continue in the faith, this includes those taking the lead among us. So not matter what we may have to endure there is one truth and we have to continue taking in spiritual food and not let anything deter us, even things we may experience in the congregation. We need to work on developing the mindset of Christ so if something occurs that may not be what Jehovah would want us to do we will be certain of what he requires. When it comes to matters of conscience many of us know people personally who have been injured by the experimental medical procedures. To ask someone to submit to these and put pressure on others to submit to this experiment is putting undo burden on them this is something we have been told not to do. It can be a stumbling block. The apostle Paul warned all things are lawful but not all things are advantageous. The data is coming out showing those who submitted to the experimental medical procedures are the cause of the pandemic continuing. They are spreading the infections. We are to treat our bodies as our temple. If a person looks at the patents for these experimental injections they would see there are many disgusting and toxic things in those injections. They are not required to list all the ingredients so it takes diligence to find out what they contain. Often times the ingredients are in code and to find out what the ingredient is we have to do a search on Pubmed of that code. This is how I learned some of the injections have fetal tissue and animal tissues in them. Studies have shown these things cannot be completely filtered out of the injections. These experimental injections have been show to have a negative efficacy. They actually make someone more prone to Covid infection this is why those getting the injections are keeping the pandemic going. Not only this but with the new data coming out , it is becoming clear these injections severely damage the immune system making those who received them more prone to infection. We are not to seek our own advantage. If we demand someone submit to an experiment that is proving to be a dangerous and harmful one, Would we be truly seeking the advantage of others? With the data now being released showing how harmful these injections are making such demands and ignoring the evidence and demanding or pressuring people to get them could result in them being harmed or even killed. It also results in the pandemic being prolonged which could cause more harm and cost more lives could carry blood guilt. If this does occur it does not mean the person is blood guilty it may mean they do not have the knowledge or seen the harm being done and may truly believe making these types of demands are for the good of others. But this also comes back to things that are a matter of conscience. They should not ignore the concerns of others who have seen the harm first hand , or who has seen the data being released and are very aware of the harm being done. I do know Jehovah is going to hold all accountable who are responsible for the harm that is being done and has been done. Anyone who believes humans that even though the bible has warned are easily corrupted and fooled and who have a proven track record of corruption is being unreasonable if they ask others to blindly trust them or the pharmaceutical industry. This could cause a stumbling block for many. Surely we do not want this to occur. There are those who may choose the experimental medical procedure. We should not hold this against them. Some I am learning do not know how to find the information concerning these injections so only have mainstream media as a source of information. They truly may not be aware of the harm being done. It can take months for those who got the procedure to realize they have been harmed. By then the medical community will blame it on something else such as genetics or call their illness idiopathic, which is calling the cause of illness unknown. Fortunately many medical professionals and even those involved in the research are speaking out and the truth is becoming very difficult for them to hide. So much so they have been removing those speaking out from social media. But these people have been persistent and have become whistle blowers so the truth will come out. We just need to be patient and not let it deter us or cause us to lose faith and continue to cling to our spiritual family as much as possible. We may even have doubts about those taking the lead. We have to keep in mind that God restored true worship. We know the future promises he gave us. Though things may seem overwhelming , we can have confidence that some of the 144,000 will be with us through this great tribulation to guide us because the bible tells us in Revelation the end will not come until they have all been sealed. Keep in mind if someone is telling you not to question things they either have something to hide or they have doubts about what they are saying. If they had full confidence in what they were saying or recommending they would welcome questions. The truth defends itself. When a person has to be silenced there is something to hide.

Many claim that vaccines are a blessing from God. I provide a link below why this is not true.

(Numbers 20:9-13) 9 So Moses took the rod from before Jehovah, just as He had commanded him. 10 Then Moses and Aaron called the congregation together before the crag, and he said to them: “Hear, now, you rebels! Must we bring out water for you from this crag?” 11 With that Moses lifted his hand up and struck the crag twice with his rod, and much water began to pour out, and the assembly and their livestock began to drink. 12 Jehovah later said to Moses and Aaron: “Because you did not show faith in me and sanctify me before the eyes of the people of Israel, you will not bring this congregation into the land that I will give them.” 13 These are the waters of Merʹi·bah, where the Israelites quarreled with Jehovah, so that he was sanctified among them.

(Numbers 16:8-11) 8 Moses then said to Korʹah: “Listen, please, you sons of Leʹvi. 9 Does it seem to you such a little thing that the God of Israel has separated you from the assembly of Israel and allowed you to approach him in order to perform the service of Jehovah’s tabernacle and to stand before the assembly to minister to them, 10 and that he brought you near to him along with all your brothers, the sons of Leʹvi? Must you also try to secure the priesthood? 11 For this reason, you and all your supporters who are gathering together are against Jehovah. As for Aaron, who is he that you should murmur against him?”

(Numbers 16:28-30) 28 Then Moses said: “By this you will know that Jehovah has sent me to do all these things, that it is not of my own heart: 29 If these people die a natural death as all men do and if their punishment is the same as that of all mankind, then Jehovah has not sent me. 30 But if Jehovah does something extraordinary with them and the ground opens and swallows them and everything that belongs to them and they go down alive into the Grave, you will certainly know that these men have treated Jehovah disrespectfully.”

(Numbers 16:31-35) 31 As soon as he finished speaking all these words, the ground beneath them split apart. 32 And the earth opened and swallowed them up, along with their households and everyone who belonged to Korʹah and all their goods. 33 So they and all who belonged to them went down alive into the Grave, and the earth covered them over, so that they perished from the midst of the congregation. 34 All the Israelites who were around them fled at their screaming, for they said: “We are afraid that the earth may swallow us up!” 35 Then a fire came out from Jehovah and consumed the 250 men offering the incense.

(Deuteronomy 32:50-52) . . ., 51 because both of you were unfaithful to me among the Israelites at the waters of Merʹi·bah of Kaʹdesh in the wilderness of Zin, because you did not sanctify me before the people of Israel. 52 You will see the land from a distance, but you will not enter the land that I am giving to the people of Israel.

(Numbers 16:1-3) 16 Then Korʹah the son of Izʹhar, the son of Koʹhath, the son of Leʹvi, got up together with Daʹthan and A·biʹram the sons of E·liʹab, and On the son of Peʹleth, of the sons of Reuʹben. 2 They rose up against Moses along with 250 Israelite men, chieftains of the assembly, chosen ones of the congregation, prominent men. 3 So they gathered together against Moses and Aaron and said to them: “We have had enough of you! The whole assembly is holy, all of them, and Jehovah is in their midst. Why, then, should you exalt yourselves above the congregation of Jehovah?”

(2 Samuel 11:2-6) 2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the rooftop of the king’s house. From the rooftop he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful. 3 David sent someone to inquire about the woman, and he reported: “Is this not Bath-sheʹba the daughter of E·liʹam and the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite?” 4 Then David sent messengers to bring her. So she came in to him, and he lay down with her. (This happened while she was purifying herself from her uncleanness.) Afterward, she returned to her house. 5 The woman became pregnant, and she sent a message to David: “I am pregnant.” 6 At this David sent a message to Joʹab: “Send to me U·riʹah the Hitʹtite.” So Joʹab sent U·riʹah to David.

(2 Samuel 11:14-17) 14 In the morning David wrote a letter to Joʹab and sent it by the hand of U·riʹah. 15 He wrote in the letter: “Put U·riʹah in the front lines where the fighting is fiercest. Then retreat from behind him, so that he will be struck down and die.” 16 Joʹab had been carefully watching the city, and he stationed U·riʹah where he knew there were mighty warriors. 17 When the men of the city came out and fought against Joʹab, some of David’s servants fell, and U·riʹah the Hitʹtite was among those who died.

(2 Samuel 12:1-6) 12 So Jehovah sent Nathan to David. He came in to him and said: “There were two men in one city, the one rich and the other poor. 2 The rich man had very many sheep and cattle; 3 but the poor man had nothing but one small female lamb, which he had bought. He cared for it, and it grew up together with him and his sons. It would eat from the little food he had and drink from his cup and sleep in his arms. It became as a daughter to him. 4 Later a visitor came to the rich man, but he would not take any of his own sheep and cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him.” 5 At this David grew very angry against the man, and he said to Nathan: “As surely as Jehovah is living, the man who did this deserves to die! 6 And he should pay for the lamb four times over, because he did this and showed no compassion.”

(2 Samuel 12:7-12) 7 Then Nathan said to David: “You are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘I myself anointed you as king over Israel, and I rescued you from the hand of Saul. 8 I was willing to give you your master’s house and put your master’s wives in your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And as if that were not enough, I was willing to do much more for you. 9 Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? You struck down U·riʹah the Hitʹtite with the sword! Then you took his wife as your wife after you killed him by the sword of the Amʹmon·ites. 10 Now a sword will never depart from your own house, because you despised me by taking the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite as your wife.’ 11 This is what Jehovah says: ‘Here I am bringing against you calamity from within your own house; and before your own eyes, I will take your wives and give them to another man, and he will lie down with your wives in broad daylight. 12 Although you acted in secret, I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight.’”

(2 Samuel 12:7-12) 7 Then Nathan said to David: “You are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘I myself anointed you as king over Israel, and I rescued you from the hand of Saul. 8 I was willing to give you your master’s house and put your master’s wives in your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And as if that were not enough, I was willing to do much more for you. 9 Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? You struck down U·riʹah the Hitʹtite with the sword! Then you took his wife as your wife after you killed him by the sword of the Amʹmon·ites. 10 Now a sword will never depart from your own house, because you despised me by taking the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite as your wife.’ 11 This is what Jehovah says: ‘Here I am bringing against you calamity from within your own house; and before your own eyes, I will take your wives and give them to another man, and he will lie down with your wives in broad daylight. 12 Although you acted in secret, I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight.’”

(2 Samuel 12:7-12) 7 Then Nathan said to David: “You are the man! This is what Jehovah the God of Israel says: ‘I myself anointed you as king over Israel, and I rescued you from the hand of Saul. 8 I was willing to give you your master’s house and put your master’s wives in your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and of Judah. And as if that were not enough, I was willing to do much more for you. 9 Why did you despise the word of Jehovah by doing what is bad in his eyes? You struck down U·riʹah the Hitʹtite with the sword! Then you took his wife as your wife after you killed him by the sword of the Amʹmon·ites. 10 Now a sword will never depart from your own house, because you despised me by taking the wife of U·riʹah the Hitʹtite as your wife.’ 11 This is what Jehovah says: ‘Here I am bringing against you calamity from within your own house; and before your own eyes, I will take your wives and give them to another man, and he will lie down with your wives in broad daylight. 12 Although you acted in secret, I will do this in front of all Israel and in broad daylight.’”

(2 Samuel 24:10-14) 10 But David’s heart was struck with remorse after he had numbered the people. David then said to Jehovah: “I have sinned greatly by doing this. And now, Jehovah, please forgive your servant’s error, for I have acted very foolishly.” 11 When David got up in the morning, Jehovah’s word came to Gad the prophet, David’s visionary, saying: 12 “Go and say to David, ‘This is what Jehovah says: “I am giving you three options. Choose the one that I should bring on you.”’” 13 So Gad came in to David and told him: “Should seven years of famine come on your land? Or should you flee for three months from your adversaries while they pursue you? Or should there be three days of pestilence in your land? Now consider carefully what I should reply to the One who sent me.” 14 So David said to Gad: “It is very distressing to me. Let us fall, please, into the hand of Jehovah, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man.”

(Acts 13:21-23) . . .. 22 After removing him, he raised up for them David as king, about whom he bore witness and said: ‘I have found David the son of Jesʹse a man agreeable to my heart; he will do all the things I desire.’ 23 According to his promise, from the offspring of this man, God has brought to Israel a savior, Jesus.

(1 Chronicles 22:17-19) 17 David then ordered all the princes of Israel to help his son Solʹo·mon: 18 “Is not Jehovah your God with you, and has he not given you rest on every side? For he handed over to me the inhabitants of the land, and the land has been subdued before Jehovah and before his people. 19 Now determine with all your heart and soul to seek Jehovah your God,. . .

(Exodus 32:23-29) 23 So they said to me, ‘Make for us a god who will go ahead of us, for we do not know what has happened to this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt.’ 24 So I said to them, ‘Whoever has any gold must take it off and give it to me.’ Then I threw it into the fire and out came this calf.” 25 Moses saw that the people were unrestrained, for Aaron had let them go unrestrained, so that they were a disgrace before their opposers. 26 Then Moses took his position in the gate of the camp and said: “Who is on Jehovah’s side? Come to me!” And all the Levites gathered around him. 27 He now said to them: “This is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, ‘Each of you must fasten on his sword and pass through all the camp from gate to gate, killing his brother, his neighbor, and his close companion.’” 28 The Levites did what Moses said. So about 3,000 men were killed on that day. 29 Then Moses said: “Set yourselves apart for Jehovah today, for each of you has gone against his own son and his own brother; today he will give you a blessing.”

(Exodus 32:1-4) 32 Meanwhile, the people saw that Moses was taking a long time coming down from the mountain. So the people gathered around Aaron and said to him: “Get up, make for us a god who will go ahead of us, because we do not know what has happened to this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt.” 2 At this Aaron said to them: “Take the gold earrings from the ears of your wives, your sons, and your daughters and bring them to me.” 3 So all the people began taking off the gold earrings that were in their ears and bringing them to Aaron. 4 Then he took the gold from them, and he formed it with an engraving tool and made it into a statue of a calf. They began to say: “This is your God, O Israel, who led you up out of the land of Egypt.”

(Romans 13:1-4) 13 Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God. 2 Therefore, whoever opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves. 3 For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good, and you will have praise from it; 4 for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad.

(1 Peter 2:13-17) 13 For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation, whether to a king as being superior 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish wrongdoers but to praise those who do good. 15 For it is the will of God that by doing good you may silence the ignorant talk of unreasonable men. 16 Be as free people, using your freedom, not as a cover for doing wrong, but as slaves of God. 17 Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, honor the king.

(Acts 5:29) 29 In answer Peter and the other apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.

(Romans 12:17-21) 17 Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.” 20 But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.” 21 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good.

(Daniel 1:3-9) 3 Then the king ordered Ashʹpe·naz his chief court official to bring some of the Israelites, including those of royal and noble descent. 4 They were to be youths without any defect, of good appearance, endowed with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment, and capable of serving in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the writing and the language of the Chal·deʹans. 5 Furthermore, the king assigned to them a daily ration from the king’s delicacies and from the wine he drank. They were to be trained for three years, and at the end of that time they were to enter the king’s service. 6 Now among them were some from the tribe of Judah: Daniel, Han·a·niʹah, Mishʹa·el, and Az·a·riʹah. 7 And the principal court official assigned names to them; he gave to Daniel the name Bel·te·shazʹzar, to Han·a·niʹah the name Shaʹdrach, to Mishʹa·el the name Meʹshach, and to Az·a·riʹah the name A·bedʹne·go. 8 But Daniel resolved in his heart that he would not defile himself with the king’s delicacies or with the wine he drank. So he asked the principal court official for permission not to defile himself in this way. 9 And the true God caused the principal court official to show Daniel favor and mercy.

(Daniel 3:3-7) 3 So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the administrators of the provinces assembled for the inauguration of the image that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up. And they stood in front of the image that Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up. 4 The herald loudly proclaimed: “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and language groups, 5 that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, zither, triangular harp, stringed instrument, bagpipe, and all the other musical instruments, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar has set up. 6 Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.” 7 So when all the peoples heard the sound of the horn, pipe, zither, triangular harp, stringed instrument, and all the other musical instruments, all the peoples, nations, and language groups fell down and worshipped the image of gold that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up.

(Mark 13:21-23) 21 “Then, too, if anyone says to you, ‘See! Here is the Christ,’ or, ‘See! There he is,’ do not believe it. 22 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will perform signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, the chosen ones. 23 You, then, watch out. I have told you all things beforehand.

(2 Peter 3:17-18) 17 You, therefore, beloved ones, having this advance knowledge, be on your guard so that you may not be led astray with them by the error of the lawless people and fall from your own steadfastness. 18 No, but go on growing in the undeserved kindness and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

(Luke 21:25-28) 25 “Also, there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation. 26 People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 But as these things start to occur, stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.”

(Daniel 3:3-7) 3 So the satraps, prefects, governors, advisers, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the administrators of the provinces assembled for the inauguration of the image that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up. And they stood in front of the image that Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up. 4 The herald loudly proclaimed: “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and language groups, 5 that when you hear the sound of the horn, pipe, zither, triangular harp, stringed instrument, bagpipe, and all the other musical instruments, you must fall down and worship the image of gold that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar has set up. 6 Whoever does not fall down and worship will immediately be thrown into the burning fiery furnace.” 7 So when all the peoples heard the sound of the horn, pipe, zither, triangular harp, stringed instrument, and all the other musical instruments, all the peoples, nations, and language groups fell down and worshipped the image of gold that King Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar had set up.

(Daniel 3:13-15) 13 Then Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar, in a furious rage, ordered Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go to be brought in. So these men were brought in before the king. 14 Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar said to them: “Is it really true, Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go, that you are not serving my gods and that you refuse to worship the image of gold that I have set up? 15 Now when you hear the sound of the horn, the pipe, the zither, the triangular harp, the stringed instrument, the bagpipe, and all the other musical instruments, if you are ready to fall down and worship the image that I have made, fine. But if you refuse to worship, you will immediately be thrown into the burning fiery furnace. And who is the god who can rescue you out of my hands?”

(Daniel 3:21-23) 21 So these men were tied up while still wearing their cloaks, garments, caps, and all their other clothing, and they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace. 22 Because the king’s command was so harsh and the furnace was exceptionally hot, the men who took up Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go were the ones killed by the flames of the fire. 23 But these three men, Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go, fell bound into the burning fiery furnace.

(Daniel 3:16-18) 16 Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go answered the king: “O Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. 17 If it must be, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the burning fiery furnace, O king, and to rescue us from your hand. 18 But even if he does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold that you have set up.”

(Daniel 3:26, 27) 26 Neb·u·chad·nezʹzar approached the door of the burning fiery furnace and said: “Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go, you servants of the Most High God, step out and come here!” Shaʹdrach, Meʹshach, and A·bedʹne·go stepped out from the midst of the fire. 27 And the satraps, prefects, governors, and the high officials of the king who were assembled there saw that the fire had had no effect on the bodies of these men; not a hair of their heads had been singed, their cloaks looked no different, and there was not even the smell of fire on them.

(Romans 8:37-39) . . .. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers 39 nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Daniel 6:6-11) 6 So these high officials and satraps went in as a group to the king, and they said to him: “O King Da·riʹus, may you live on forever. 7 All the royal officials, prefects, satraps, high royal officers, and governors have consulted together to establish a royal decree and to enforce a ban, that for 30 days whoever makes a petition to any god or man except to you, O king, should be thrown into the lions’ pit. 8 Now, O king, may you establish the decree and sign it, so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be annulled.” 9 So King Da·riʹus signed the decree and the ban. 10 But as soon as Daniel knew that the decree had been signed, he went to his house, which had the windows of his roof chamber open toward Jerusalem. And three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed and offered praise before his God, as he had regularly done prior to this. 11 At that time those men burst in and found Daniel petitioning and pleading for favor before his God.

(Daniel 6:12) 12 So they approached the king and reminded him about the royal ban: “Did you not sign a ban stating that for 30 days any man who makes a petition to any god or man except to you, O king, should be thrown into the lions’ pit?” The king replied: “The matter is well-established according to the law of the Medes and the Persians, which cannot be annulled.”

(Daniel 6:16, 17) 16 So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the pit of lions. The king said to Daniel: “Your God whom you are continually serving will rescue you.” 17 Then a stone was brought and placed over the entrance of the pit, and the king sealed it with his signet ring and with the signet ring of his nobles, so that nothing could be changed with regard to Daniel.

(Daniel 6:18-24) 18 The king then went to his palace. He passed the night fasting and refused any entertainment, and he could not sleep. 19 Finally at the first light of dawn, the king got up and hurried to the lions’ pit. 20 As he got near the pit, he called out to Daniel with a sad voice. The king asked Daniel: “O Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you are continually serving been able to rescue you from the lions?” 21 Daniel immediately said to the king: “O king, may you live on forever. 22 My God sent his angel and shut the mouth of the lions, and they have not harmed me, for I was found innocent before him; nor have I done any wrong to you, O king.” 23 The king was overjoyed, and he commanded that Daniel be lifted up out of the pit. When Daniel was lifted up out of the pit, he was completely unharmed, because he had trusted in his God. 24 The king then gave an order, and the men who had accused Daniel were brought, and they were thrown into the lions’ pit, along with their sons and their wives. They had not reached the bottom of the pit before the lions overpowered them and crushed all their bones.

(1 John 5:18-21) 19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. 20 But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us insight so that we may gain the knowledge of the one who is true. And we are in union with the one who is true, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting. 21 Little children, guard yourselves from idols.

(1 Timothy 5:20, 21) . . .. 21 I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels to observe these instructions without any prejudice or partiality.

(James 2:8, 9) . . .. 9 But if you continue showing favoritism, you are committing sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors.

(Ephesians 5:6) Let no man deceive you with empty words, for because of such things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience.

(Hebrews 13:9) Do not be led astray by various and strange teachings, for it is better for the heart to be strengthened by undeserved kindness than by foods, which do not benefit those occupied with them.

(Revelation 12:7-9) 7 And war broke out in heaven: Miʹcha·el and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.

(Revelation 12:11, 12) . . .. 12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”

(Romans 7:21-25) 21 I find, then, this law in my case: When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. 22 I really delight in the law of God according to the man I am within, 23 but I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin’s law that is in my body. 24 Miserable man that I am! Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? 25 Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! So, then, with my mind I myself am a slave to God’s law, but with my flesh to sin’s law.

(1 John 1:8-10) 8 If we make the statement, “We have no sin,” we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we make the statement, “We have not sinned,” we are making him a liar, and his word is not in us.

(1 John 4:1) 4 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

(2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

(Revelation 13:11-18) 11 Then I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first wild beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And it was permitted to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast. 16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.

(Matthew 4:9, 10) . . .” 10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”

(1 John 4:1) 4 Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired statement, but test the inspired statements to see whether they originate with God. . .

(2 Thessalonians 2:1, 2) However, brothers, concerning the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you 2 not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be alarmed either by an inspired statement or by a spoken message or by a letter appearing to be from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here.

(John 7:14-17) 14 When the festival was half over, Jesus went up into the temple and began teaching. 15 And the Jews were astonished, saying: “How does this man have such a knowledge of the Scriptures when he has not studied at the schools?” 16 Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him who sent me. 17 If anyone desires to do His will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or I speak of my own originality.

(2 Corinthians 11:12-15) 12 But what I am doing I will continue to do, in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis for being found equal to us in the things about which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.

(Colossians 1:21-23) 21 Indeed, you who were once alienated and enemies because your minds were on the works that were wicked, 22 he has now reconciled by means of that one’s fleshly body through his death, in order to present you holy and unblemished and open to no accusation before him— 23 provided, of course, that you continue in the faith, established on the foundation and steadfast, not being shifted away from the hope of that good news that you heard and that was preached in all creation under heaven. Of this good news I, Paul, became a minister.

(2 Corinthians 1:23, 24) . . .. 24 Not that we are the masters over your faith, but we are fellow workers for your joy, for it is by your faith that you are standing.

(1 Peter 5:2, 3) 2 Shepherd the flock of God under your care, serving as overseers, not under compulsion, but willingly before God; not for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; 3 not lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock.

(Romans 14:13-18) 13 Therefore, let us not judge one another any longer but, rather, be determined not to put a stumbling block or an obstacle before a brother. 14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; only where a man considers something to be unclean, to him it is unclean. 15 For if your brother is being offended because of food, you are no longer walking according to love. Do not by your food ruin that one for whom Christ died. 16 Therefore, do not let the good you do be spoken of as bad. 17 For the Kingdom of God does not mean eating and drinking, but means righteousness and peace and joy with holy spirit. 18 For whoever slaves for Christ in this way is acceptable to God and has approval with men.

(Colossians 3:1, 2) 3 If, however, you were raised up with the Christ, go on seeking the things above, where the Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Keep your minds fixed on the things above, not on the things on the earth.

(1 Corinthians 10:23, 24) 23 All things are lawful, but not all things are advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things build up. 24 Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.

(1 Corinthians 6:19, 20) 19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit within you, which you have from God? Also, you do not belong to yourselves, 20 for you were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in your body.

(1 Corinthians 10:31-33) 31 Therefore, whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God’s glory. 32 Keep from becoming causes for stumbling to Jews as well as Greeks and to the congregation of God, 33 just as I am trying to please all people in all things, not seeking my own advantage, but that of the many, so that they may be saved.

(Revelation 6:12-7:4) 12 And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and a great earthquake occurred; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the entire moon became as blood, 13 and the stars of heaven fell to the earth as when a fig tree shaken by a high wind drops its unripe figs. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and every island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the high officials, the military commanders, the rich, the strong, every slave, and every free person hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16 And they keep saying to the mountains and to the rocks: “Fall over us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17 because the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” 7 After this I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, so that no wind could blow on the earth or on the sea or on any tree. 2 And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrise, having a seal of the living God; and he called with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, 3 saying: “Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.” 4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:

(Revelation 6:10, 11) . . .” 11 And a white robe was given to each of them, and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the number was filled of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they had been.

This is a link to information I put together showing vaccines are not a blessing from God.

Are vaccines a gift from God as some claim?

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

Some are calling vaccines a gift from God. This is ridiculous. Vaccines are known to have very harmful side effects and have killed tens of thousands over the years. The new experimental injections have already killed more people then all vaccines combined. A gift from God would not carry such risk so to consider something so harmful and so dangerous a gift from God is ridiculous and an outright lie. I cannot trust anyone who makes such a claim because I have seen so many harmed by vaccines and other medical and pharmaceutical products. The pharmaceutical industry has a very long criminal history. Do you really believe a gift from God is going to come from an organization with such a long criminal history and a history of deception. Often times the FDA and WHO have colluded with them in order to hide the harm being done. It stands to reason because much of their funding comes from the pharmaceutical industry.

Historically conspiracy theorist have a high rate of being correct. They had to take extreme measures to silence them to keep the truth from coming out. We are seeing that now. They are destroying careers of those exposing the truth about Covid and the Covid injections. Social media sites are removing any post of people talking about the adverse reactions to the vaccines. This is the most corruption I have seen in any medical treatment to date. The data coming out is showing not only have these vaccines increased the risk of infection they also increased the mortality rate. How is it possible that a virus is mutating and becoming more and more virulent so quickly? Why is it that these new variants are coinciding with the introduction of new versions of their vaccines. If these vaccines are working why are they requiring so many boosters? We know WHO is part of the United Nations and they oppose God. All this is being done at their request. They have so much influence that many religious organizations are not questioning their request, and readily submitting showing how easy it is to get religious organizations to submit to their will . So when it is time to receive the mark of the beast many won’t even realize they have been deceived into receiving it because they chose to believe the lies instead of listening to the supposed conspiracy theorist, who are usually ones who have been injured or have had family injured or killed by these experimental medical treatments. There are many carrying blood guilt I have seen the injury and deaths first hand and the governments world wide have been deleting the data when someone tries to report it. I have seen many medical professionals on social media who tried to report adverse reactions and they stated after they reported it the data had been deleted. Those injured by these injections are being told their adverse reactions are paranoia , genetic or even idiopathic. Mainstream search engines are censoring the harm the experimental medical procedures are causing.

Below I provide links to the data showing the harm being done.

Many studies have shown that injury to the bodies from medications and toxins in our food is making people more prone to infection from Covid. The arrogance of man thinking we could improve on the things God created has caused us to genetically alter plants and it has been shown they have a negative impact on peoples health. Now they believe they can provide better immunity then the immune system God gave us. This arrogance is causing many to become chronically ill and even costing their lives. Religious organizations world wide are being convinced to put their faith in man instead of the things God gave us. This is causing many to turn away from God who are aware of the corruption involved in all these entities. It is causing them to lose their trust in those who are teaching them. I see religious entities brushing the vaccine injured or those who have been injured by the vaccines as conspiracy theorist. How horrible does this have to be for them when the very people they turn to that should show them compassion are brushing them aside and ignoring them to the point they are even telling them to remain silent about what has happened. To cover over these lies and ignore them makes those who are doing it just as guilty as those causing the harm.

Once a person does their research they will get a full understanding, much of the funding for research at the CDC and FDA comes from the pharmaceutical industry . This is why the FDA tried to have the data sealed for 55 years to hide the harm these experimental medical treatments are doing. It can take months for a person’s injection injury to start presenting itself. Governments around the world have been pulling the data off the net that shows the truth about these injections but if a person searches they can find sites that uploaded that data. The truth defends itself but lies require more and more work to defend and a lot of hiding things and silencing people. Many have been removed from social media for post about their adverse reactions to the experimental medical procedure. If someone is telling us not to question things they have something to hide. Even God does not require us to obey blindly it is why he gave us his word. Man is corrupt and sinful to believe something without looking deeper into things and to brush of those who have been harmed by the pharmaceutical industry as being conspiracy theorist is dishonoring them and God for not giving them the compassion they need and deserve.

The evidence is very clear there is a lot of deception surrounding vaccine and the new experimental medical procedures. They are even hiding the harm being done. Sadly our own government did a study and only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported so the numbers harmed and killed by vaccines are probably much much higher then the numbers are showing. A blessing from God does not come with hiding facts of the harm being done and come with deception to hide the harm being done. Blessings from God do not come with the risk of life long injury and even death as a side effect which vaccines have been proven to cause. Vaccines cause so much injury that they had to pass a bill to protect the pharmaceutical and medical industry from the law suits. If a product was truly safe and effective such extreme measure would not have to be taken. Anyone saying vaccines are a blessing from God is promoting a falsehood.

Even last August the CDC knew vaccines were not preventing Covid from being spread.

I was a member of this group and another that had 150,000 members and Facebook deleted the groups. We were trying to teach them how to heal.

All this deception was done at the request of the U.S. senate. Showing how corrupted they have become. They are even removing highly trained medical professionals from social media to hide the truth in matters. If the things they were saying were true these people would not pose a threat because the truth defends itself but it is very difficult to defend lies and it takes extreme measures to cover over lies. Many of the politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry.

The pharmaceutical industry and WHO has not corrupted all politicians because some are speaking out and giving the vaccine injured a voice.,%20heard%20and%20believed%20after%20adverse%20vaccine%20reactions

I find it interesting they are releasing studies and in their studies they claim the vaccinated are protected even though the data shows not only are they not protected they are spreading Covid.

Doctors around the world are speaking out about the harm being done at the risk of destroying their careers and reputations.

The data being released shows it is the spike protein that is making people ill, the very spike protein that the vaccinated peoples bodies are producing. So the vaccines are shedding and making others ill.

The vaccines are causing many types of illness including vaginal bleeding.

DATA coming out is showing the vaccinated are developing ADE which is an autoimmune disease where the body attacks itself. This is if they survive the excess blood clotting.

The more you get vaccinated the more your immune system gets damaged.

The data coming out is showing the vaccinated are more prone getting and dying from Covid.

Studies are showing natural immunity is far better. This shows putting our trust in the immune system God gave us rather then man is far better.

Because no one is listening to the victims many have set up websites to give the people a voice to speak out.

Wow those are some wicked injections.

Written by Lee Stevenson

I was looking at VAERS at the types of injuries and deaths the vaccines were causing. There was such a huge variety if illnesses the Covid injections are causing I stopped and did not continue the list. But it causes many more illnesses then these. Here is just a few of the ways they are harming people and the things they are causing. Keep in mind only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported and with the Covid jabs far less are being reported. This means people are being told the cause of their illness is genetic or idiopathic. Idiopathic is a way of hiding that the pharmaceutical industry caused it or the medical industry caused it. These new injections seem to be causing the same harm of all vaccines combined. These are some wicked injections.

Flaccid myalitis

Brain hemorrage
Aseptic meningitis
Febrile seizures
Kawasaki syndrome
Myocardial infarction
Heart failure
Liver failure
Kidney failure
Hemorragic stroke
Venous thrombosis
Pumonary embolism
Erythema multiforme
Autoimmune thyroiditis
Appendicitis this occurs mostly in young people
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Neurological lesions causing neurological disorders.
Long term brain fog
Menstruation irregularities
Epstein-Barr syndrome

Why they cannot find a cure for Alzheimer’s

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor.

Many who have the supposed genes that cause Alzheimer’s do not develop Alzheimer’s so we need to ask why do some get Alzheimer’s while others do not. Sometimes Alzheimer’s will occur in those who do not have a family history of Alzheimer’s. I am going to discuss why I believe people develop Alzheimer’s and why I believe treatments for Alzheimer’s fail.

Often times for something to go wrong it takes many things going wrong in the body at the same time. This is how most chronic illness occurs. As a person goes through life they are exposed to many things that cause illness and the effects to the body can accumulate with time if a person does not address the issues cause by these health altering things, this includes addressing stress and trauma that may have occurred.

Shown that oxidative stress levels and inflammation levels are high in the brains of those who have Alzheimer’s. Oxidative stress can take it’s toll on the antioxidant system and the blood brain barrier starts to leak which leave toxins and even infectious agents enter the brain. When the brain becomes inflamed and is over burdened by oxidative stress this causes protein misfolding and protein aggregates to build up. Add to the fact that inflammation also causes this to occur. When inflammation and oxidative stress levels get too high the body losses the ability to remove the amyloid plaque build up in the brain. Now I will discuss what things can cause the excess inflammation and oxidative stress to occur.

Our food has become toxic. Much of it is Genetically modified and contains BT toxins. BT toxins in the food has been found in human brains. It has been shown to cause inflammation. Much of our food is contaminated with farm chemicals that cause oxidative stress and inflammation, glyphosate is one of the most toxic and has the most negative effects on the body and our food is heavily contaminated with it. Many consume a lot of processed foods that contain chemicals known to cause inflammation and oxidative stress. Foods now days are loaded with processed sugar. Processed sugar is known to cause systemic inflammation. Many drink water from a public water supply that is contaminated with many toxins including chemicals, heavy metals, cadmium and farm chemicals which cause inflammation and excess oxidative stress. Also public water has high levels of chlorine and fluoride which are known to be very toxic to the body and have even been found in the brains of humans. Many of these things also damage the gut and alter our microbiome in our guts and this also is known to cause excess inflammation and oxidative stress. Often times well water is contaminated with farm chemicals, have high iron or sulfur levels which cause excess oxidative stress and inflammation. Now look at vaccines they are known to damage the immune system and cause inflammation. Vaccines contain chemicals that stay in the body a long time are are very inflammatory. When they have measured the inflammation levels and oxidative stress levels after someone has been vaccinated they have been found to be very high. Then they hand out antibiotics now days like candy and they damage the gut and alter the microbiome. Some like fluoroquinolone drugs permanently damage the body causing autoimmunity, systemic inflammation and oxidative stress that continues to get worse if a person does not work to correct the damage caused in their body. These newer Covid vaccines are the worst they are causing excess blood clotting and myocarditis. Because of this we are going to see a dramatic climb in Alzheimer’s disease and it is going to occur in people at a much younger age now. Because the excess inflammation and oxidative stress causes dysfunction in the immune system people get infections much more easily now. Things that we used to be immune to are now causing infections in man. Infections cause excess inflammation and oxidative stress and they have found bacteria thriving in the amyloid plagues in those who have Alzheimer’s. So now, we need to ask why do the Alzheimer’s treatments fail?

When you research the treatments for Alzheimer’s I notice many mistakes they make. The Alzheimer’s is a symptoms and not the cause of the illness. They try to treat the symptoms without treating the causes of the illness. They have tried using anti-inflammatories and antioxidant protocols and have seen some improvement but they have failed to stop the progression of Alzheimer’s the reason for this is they have not addressed the cause. Stress has been found to cause excess inflammation and excess oxidative stress. Stress levels are higher now then they have been in most recorded history.

The body has protective mechanisms that prevent the build up of things such as amyloid plague. But if you are not addressing the excess inflammation, the excess oxidative stress set off but the things I mentioned earlier and addressing the health issues caused by them and doing their best to eliminate those things from the persons environment then they are not going to prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s. The things I mentioned earlier cause health issues that feed the excess oxidative stress and inflammation. To break the cycle the gut issues, the brain inflammation, and the excess oxidative stress need to be addressed while using the correct nutrients to help the person heal from the damage that caused this cycle to begin. The problem is science is now pretty much fake and controlled by the pharmaceutical industries and biotech industries and any who do not use their methods of research have their careers destroyed. If real science was used it would expose the harm they are doing. This is why Alzheimer’s, chronic illness, cancer, diabetes and heart disease has reach epidemic levels now days. Until they are heal accountable for the harm they are doing society is only going to become sicker.

Empower Covid shot injury victims and those who may want to be a whistle blower.

Written by Lee Stevenson sorry I am not the best editor.

In the past those who wanted others to have a better life made sacrifices. They lost their source of income. Sometimes starved and was even killed so the future generations would not have to endure the corruption and oppression, and outright abuse by the wealthy or those in positions of power. Many are in positions to expose the corruption causing all the harm now days. When they face God how will they explain that they did nothing about it when they were in positions where they could make a difference? What will future generations think if they did nothing , because things will get worse if people do not start making sacrifices.

Once these vaccines are approved for children no legal action can be taken for the harm they Covid injections are doing. The data is coming out showing the jabs have killed and harmed more people then Covid. The FDA, NIH and CDC receive a lot of funding from the pharmaceutical industry so they are trying to rush the approval for these jabs for children through because once they get approved for children you cannot sue if you have been harmed by the jabs. They have always put the interest of the pharmaceutical industry ahead of safety and protection of citizens.

Many politicians and medical professionals have prostituted themselves out to the pharmaceutical industry. This has given the pharmaceutical a lot of power world wide and even political figures have a difficult time going against them. So anyone who exposes the truth about them, medical experts or political figures surrounding the corruptions needs as much support as we can give them.

I am doing this article to hopefully empower others. I ask friends who have dealt with corruption what a person working for the government or pharmaceutical industry what a person could do to protect themselves. I also ask what a person they are trying to be forced to get the Covid shot could do to protect them. I put as many resources as I could find based on our conversations. I also included part of the answers of our conversations below. I tried to include resources and evidence that people may be able to use.

Most who have been injured by the Covid injections are being ignored and removed from social media so they have been starting websites.

The injuries being reported in databases kept world word on adverse reactions to the Covid injection is being ignored.

If you search WHO’s database you will find over two million have been harmed by the vaccines.

The vaccine adverse reaction database for the U.S.

Database for Europe.


The ones who need to stand up to end all this are those who are being silenced the most. They have a lot to fear from victims who are seeking public forums to expose what has happened to them. They have a lot to fear if these ones start seeking whistle blower protection. The more they get away with the more power that gives them. They only have as much power as those who are in positions to expose the truth will leave them. I know if you are a victim or you are someone who would like to blow the whistle may be afraid of the consequences but the consequences of not speaking out will be much worse.

People need to speak out. Whether it be pharmaceutical , medical or political corruption surrounding these vaccines those doing the harm are only going to become more power and make things even worse if no one speak out. I was embarrassed that I had been deceived and it took me quite a while before I had the courage to speak out. It is difficult to overcome the mental and emotional control the narcissistic abuse causes but once you do escape that fear you empower yourself and other victims.

Doctors are trained to brush aside adverse reactions to drugs and vaccine injury. These Covid injections are causing brain swelling, myocarditis, excess blood clotting , Chronic inflammatory response syndrome, mast cell activation sydrome. This is why people are experiencing numbness, breathing difficulty, mental lapses, confusion, rashes, muscle tremors, digestive issues, and many other problems. If these things are not addressed they can result in a slow and painful death. Doctors are being told to tell patients those things are proof the vaccine is working. They are being told to ignore when I patients states concerns when these things are happening as paranoia. The longer this goes on the more who are going to die.

There is a lot of blood guilt going on . We all will have to face our maker some day. When God ask why we chose to do nothing what would we tell him? God does not accept excuses. For those who are sick they should focus on healing before they try anything because the stress could make you sicker. I would get a lawyer to help you and I posted resources below that may help with that.

You can file your own VAERS report, but you need to have the lot numbers and administration information. I believe that would require getting your medical records first. They count on people being too lazy or unknowing to do all of that.

It’s important to file VAERS reports because there might be a chance of some kind of chance for change and for monetary awards . The sad thing is I have been asking friends to ask their doctors if they know what VAERS is and most of them have no idea what it is. Meaning they most likely cannot identify adverse reactions to vaccines and if they could they have no idea how to report them.

You should ask for both. If you have a v-card, that type of information might be on it already

Sure. If someone feels they have a vaccine injury, they can call to report it. They can call this number for assistance:
Depending on what state they’re in, they will just need to look up the state medical board contact information and that would be where they would let someone know that the doctor is refusing to help or submit any report for potential adverse effects.


  1. File complaint with employer if they work for a health system
  3. US DEPT of HHS
  4. Contact FRONTLINE DOCTORS .. they can refer you to others who are collecting this evidence for

Both Children’s Health Defense and The Highwire have their own reporting systems for vaccine injuries to make it simpler than the official ones.

OSHA encouraging employers not to report adverse reactions to vaccines.

If this is true now would be the time for whistle blowers to speak out.

They are firing medical professionals and even revoking their medical license. In order to protect themselves when they report adverse reactions to the vaccines they have to become whistle blowers.

A congressional report concluded only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines has been reported. Now consider how medical professionals careers are being threatened if they report adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. The percentage is most likely close to zero.

Doctors around the world are practically begging their governments to halt the use of the Covid vaccines but their request are falling on deaf ears.

If you have been injured or know someone who has been injured by the quackzine and they are refusing to report it. YOu can give a statement here. Please share this if you can.

Life insurance pay outs have increased 258%

Maybe the adverse reaction can be reported to the FDA since they are preventing them from being able to be reported through other means.

If you are a medical professional or a victim of the vaccines you may be able to contact these sites to be heard.

Injury and deaths world wide by the vaccines are far worse then they are reporting.

The Covid adverse reactions are not covered by former bills passed . This is information on where a person may be able to report adverse reaction.

Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) 1-855-266-2427 (1-855-266-CICP)

Click to access COVID_Vaccine_Claim_Information_20210901.pdf

Chances of being compensated are very low.

The counter measures act was implemented for compensation for the Covid vaccine injuries.

This law group helps whistle blowers and vaccine injured.

Here is a list of law firms that may be able to help.

Adverse reactions far higher then they are claiming.

Children’s health defense may help publicize if you have been vaccine injured. They also may have some legal resources to help.

[Home] Home 2023

This is other websites where you may be able to find legal information to help.

This site is being built but should have legal information soon.

Information on the truth about vaccines. If you have been vaccine injured and are not being heard you may be able to contact some of these sites and they may be able to help you be heard. If you are a medical professional and you are being silenced they may be able to help break the silence. This site tells you what steps to take if you do get the vaccine.

Pulse test should be done on those who had the vaccination.

Not a source for true information but a comprehensive list of the ingredients in vaccines.

Information on vaccine exemptions.

Vaccine friendly doctors.

Whistle blowers are coming out showing the harm being done but they are being quickly silenced by government organizations and media.

If a person wants to report what they are being prevented from reporting they can also become a whistle blower. It would give them some protections.

Information that may help those in the pharmaceutical industry that wants to be a whistle blower.

For those in government who may want to blow the whistle.

The pharmaceutical industry may not be protected if they committed fraud.

Vaccines increase risk of mortality.

Why mortality is higher in the vaccinated.

English version an English version

French have concluded the same thing.

Children are 52 times more likely to die from the vaccines.

Why those getting the Covid vaccine should be locked down and wear a mask.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor

Below I provide links showing whistle blowers are speaking out showing how the data concerning the safety of the vaccines was falsified.

I am going to present evidence that those getting the injections which most are calling vaccines so I will refer to them as vaccines pose a threat to the health of society. Not only that those getting the injections have a higher mortality rate, they are transmitting Covid and are the cause of the pandemic getting worse instead of declining. If you want to compare the research to the states just do a search and look at the stats. The areas with the heaviest vaccine rates also have the highest rates of Covid infection and deaths. I am also going to present evidence showing the ones getting the vaccines should be isolated, have their travels restricted and should be required to wear mask.

The lies about the Covid vaccines need to stop. They are killing thousands and thousands. Medical professionals are trying to speak out about the harm being done and they are either being fire, removed from social media and threatened with arrest. I have seen whole groups with over 100,000 talking about the adverse reactions or death they have seen first and get deleted on Facebook. Most social media sites are heavily censoring those who talk about their, or a loved ones adverse reaction to the vaccines or death. The vaccinated are the ones spreading Covid and they are also more prone to dying from Covid. Studies have shown 80% of those transmitting Covid were the vaccinated. Not only that but studies have also shown the vaccinated are more prone to getting Covid and other infections.

There are now reports of infants dying or having an adverse reaction while breast feeding from mothers who have gotten the injections. Keep in mind most adverse reactions do not get reported.

These Covid injections are causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and they are going unreported. Even though studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported it is most likely lower with these Covid vaccines because they are working very hard to hide the adverse reactions to these vaccines.

These vaccines are causing excess blood clotting which is resulting in heart damage, strokes, brain damage and organ damage which is resulting in death. Emergency rooms have been fill to capacity with people suffering from the very thing these vaccines cause to occur yet they are saying the reason for all these sudden rises in these events cannot be explained. I am going to discuss the things these vaccines are causing.

They are causing heart damage and inflammation causing myocarditis and other heart issues. They are causing strokes and organ failure from the excess blood clotting. The injections are causing spontaneous abortions. These injections are causing flaccid myelitis which is a polio disorder. These vaccines are causing lung damage that is life threatening. The symptoms of vaccine injury from these injections is the same as Covid so those dying from Covid who had the vaccines may actually be dying from the vaccine itself. These vaccines are causing a variety of autoimmune diseases that result in someone dying a slow and miserable death.

I have literally seen thousands of post and web articles of people stating they had been injured by these vaccines or even had a love one killed by them and they could not get anyone to listen to them. There are thousands and thousands of case reports of the harm these vaccines are doing. So many that thousands of medical professionals world wide have formed a variety of groups trying to get these vaccines banned.

These deaths from the vaccines are being brushed off and not reported. In the past when vaccines caused flaccid myelitits they would brush it off as having an idopathic cause, or say the cause was unknown. Often times they would cover it up by announcing there was an outbreak of polio. They may start announcing out breaks of marburg and Kawasaki disease because the Covid vaccine injury is very similar to these two diseases.

Since the vaccinated are the ones who are transmitting the infection they should be isolated from society. Mask have been shown to increase risk of getting infection but have been show to decrease the risk of transmitting infection. Since it is the vaccinated now keeping the pandemic going by transmitting Covid they should be required to wear a mask. We need a card that shows we have not been vaccinated so we can prove we are not transmitting infection and do not pose a threat to society. The travels of the vaccinated should be restricted to reduce the transmission of Covid and other infectious diseases which they have been shown to be spreading.

It seems to me some people should be getting arrested for covering up the harm being done by these injections. As for me I will not get vaccines because many of them contain fetal cells that were grown from aborted fetal tissue. Many of the Covid vaccines are grown using fetal cells. These cannot be completely filtered out. The FDA is so corrupt they actually gave the pharmaceutical companies permission leave this information and information on other toxic substances out of the vaccine inserts. But if you look up the patents for the vaccines you can find what ingredients they contain.

Data for the vaccines being safe is being falsified. Doctors sent a letter stating they could not report their own vaccine injuries. Doctors are having such a difficult time reporting adverse reactions that they started making videos to warn people the harm these vaccines are doing. Most main stream media sites had the videos removed why are they working so hard to hide what these vaccines are doing? I can list hundreds and hundreds of videos of medical professionals speaking out and many of them have been fired for doing so, yet there are still more and more speaking out. We need to ask ourselves why would they speak out , at the risk of their careers. Not only that but many medical professionals lost their jobs because they refused to get the Covid injection. What do they know? Some of these people spent their whole lives in medicine and threw their careers away in order to avoid getting the injections. If medical professionals who see the effects directly are refusing to get the Covid injections shouldn’t this inspire us to start asking questions about their safety?

I thought this article was a hoax because at first there was no proof the doctor mentioned worked for those doing the vaccine trials. She has since provided BMJ with proof of the things she stated. If you read the comments many other medical professionals are confirming the things this doctor stated.

Infants having an adverse reaction

The vaccinated are suffering from higher rates of infection

Many reports of spontaneous abortion caused by the vaccines.

A study based on VAERS showing the vaccines are extremely unsafe to use. Others are demanding the vaccines be discontinued based on the harm they are seeing occur.

People are suffering from sudden cardiac failure from the vaccines.

Covering up for the Covid vaccine injury.

Mortality is increasing from the vaccines.

More who get Covid are vaccinated then those who are not.

Thousands have already died from the vaccine.

To try and prevent the children from being dying from the Covid injections the FDA approved a blood thinner for children which has been shown to cause many severe health problems.

Cannot distinguish death from vaccine from Covid deaths.

CDC will not release the data on the number of deaths and adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported and they are deliberately hiding the death and injuries from the Covid vaccines so the numbers for it are most likely very high.

Since they rarely report adverse reactions to vaccines the people who die from the cardiovascular failure will get brushed off as dying unexpectedly.

The vaccines have been found to damage the brain.

This site helps medical professionals and patients file a Vaccine injury report.

Since they are refusing to report adverse reactions to the vaccine your can report it here so it get published and people will know.

The Covid vaccines are damaging peoples lungs.

There are already reports of flaccid myelitis being caused by the vaccines.


Causing liver failure.

Many vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue.

Is the Covid vaccine the mark of the beast?

If you don't read it how can you have faith.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not a very good editor.

Many are being fired for not getting the experimental vaccines. Many will not hire someone if they have not gotten the experimental Covid vaccines. Businesses are permitting customers to enter if they do not have proof that they have gotten the experimental vaccine. In some areas governments have ordered that a person must show proof of getting the Covid vaccine to work or enter a place of business like restaurants and stores. Some countries even require a vaccine passport. In some areas businesses and people can be issued fines for not complying. Even travel is being restricted in some areas if you do not have a proof of vaccination card or vaccine passport. Many nations are requiring proof that you have received the experimental vaccine.

In other words world wide you cannot by sell or trade unless you get the experimental vaccine. You have to comply with the will of the pharmaceutical industry even though these vaccines have been shown to offer very little protection and actually make a person more prone to illness. This seems to describe the mark of the beast mentioned in the bible. I will explain why it is not the mark but it is a sign that we need to be alert and ready because they are about to implement the mark of the beast.

It seems to me this is laying the ground work for something the bible prophesied would happen. If they can get people to comply with this then they could easily get people to comply when they demand people obey the beast and it’s allies. They will have to devote their loyalty to the beast and turn away from God completely. Those who refuse to receive the mark of the beast will not be able to by sell or trade. It sure seems like there would not be much of a transition, form what is occurring world wide now to getting the world to submit to the beast and receive the mark. The similarities in what is happening now are so similar it is difficult not to believe this is laying the ground work for what is going to occur when you will not be able to buy, sell or trade unless you receive the mark. I do not believe the vaccines are the mark of the beast but I believe they are being used to lay the ground work to make it easier to sway people to receive the mark.

The similarities between them requiring proof of vaccination to the mark of the beast is to numerous to ignore. As I stated I do not think it is the mark but I think it is being used to lay the ground work to empower the beast. The reason I am not convinced it is the mark of the beast is because it is not the beast and it’s allies enforcing these vaccine mandates. If it was the beast which is the United Nations and it’s allies enforcing this on a world wide scale as the bible prophesied then i would be convinced it was the mark of the beast. Also when you accept the mark of the beast you will be required to give up worship of God. This is not required with these vaccine mandates. So two things will have to happen for me to be convinced something is the mark of the beast. It would have to be mandated by the beast and it’s allies. It would be enforced by the beast and we would have to give up worship of God in order to be able to buy, sell or trade. So accepting the mark of the beast is a willful act or a choice. Many could still buy sell and trade even if they refused to get the vaccine. Many could still work, and many could still buy food. When they implement the mark of the beast all will be required to get it and if they refuse they will not be able to buy sell or trade. This did not occurs with the vaccines some could still by sell and trade.

(Revelation 19:19-21) 19 And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army. 20 And the wild beast was caught, and along with it the false prophet that performed in front of it the signs with which he misled those who received the mark of the wild beast and those who worship its image. While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur. 21 But the rest were killed off with the long sword that proceeded out of the mouth of the one seated on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.

(Revelation 13:11-18) 11 Then I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first wild beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 And it performs great signs, even making fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind. 14 It misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that it was permitted to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And it was permitted to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who refuse to worship the image of the wild beast. 16 It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name. 18 This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number, and its number is 666.

I posted more in depth about the mark of the beast on this blog post.

Exposing the social media fact checker and main stream media lies about the Covid vaccines.

Written by , Lee Stevenson I am not the best editor so there will be errors.

Some common sense questions we should be asking ourselves. If vaccines are safe why would the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry be protected from liability from the harm they do? That fact in itself makes a statement about the safety of vaccines. Our own government said that vaccines are inherently unsafe. We need to stop being guided by fear. Studies have shown once fear is induced a person will turn to anyone for answers even those who don’t have their best interest at heart. Studies have also shown when fear is induced all reasoning is thrown aside and a person can be easily deceived. Once the person has been deceived no matter how much evidence a person is shown they will not acknowledge it. So if we let social media and mainstream media induce fear we will lose our ability to be rational and think clearly and we will be more prone to being deceived, once convinced of something it can make us more prone to ignoring the truth no matter what amount of truth is presented. This is a very common tactic used now days to get people to do their will especially by government entities. Our governments have been caught dramatically inflating the number of Covid cases and the number of people who died from Covid, but there are so many people who are in a state of fear and can no longer reason for themselves that I am seeing people using double mask even though data shows the areas with the harshest mask restrictions were more prone to infection, Covid infection rates went up along with other lung infections. Meaning the mask actually increased chances of infection and mortality. Though these injections are not technically a vaccine most are referring to them as a vaccine so I will refer to them as a vaccine in this article.
I am going to cover the lies being spread by media and social media fact checkers.

The list of lies is:
The vaccines are not experimental
The vaccines have been tested for safety.
The effects of the Covid vaccine are reversible.
The vaccine will stop Covid from spreading.
The vaccine will prevent you from getting Covid.
The vaccine will stop Covid from spreading.
The vaccinated do not need to wear mask.
The vaccines do not contain genetically modified material.
Medical professionals and scientist are not speaking out about the vaccines.
The vaccines are safe and effective.
The vaccines have not caused deaths.

The media including social medias fake fact checkers keep making false claims. They claim that the Covid vaccines went through animal trials. When they attempted to do animal trials they found the test could not be done accurately because some animals were naturally immune to various types of Covid. In other trials almost 100% of the animals died. So sure they may have tried the vaccines on animals but the research failed because of the difference in the immune response between humans and animals. Not only that but in many of the experiments almost all the animals died. So what do they do? The president gets these vaccines fast tracked so they can start human trial when they research in animals failed. Meaning they had no idea how these vaccines would effect humans. In studies were the animals did not die they developed autoimmunity so would still die a slow and miserable early death. Research involving similar related species of Covid in animals show many adverse reactions and the animals had little or no protection and often times became more susceptible to a variety of infections after getting some type of Corona vaccine. Since they skipped animals trials by never having any that were successful they pretty much went straight to human trials. The animals that were vaccinated against Corona died when subjected to other Corona viruses. So they could no longer have an immune response against viruses in the Corona family. Now you can see why the vaccinated are the ones dying of the supposed new strains of Covid. They are actually strains that would normally be harmless to humans but since the vaccinated can no longer have a proper immune response to them they become very dangerous for them when they come in contact with the more benign strains of Corona viruses. The human trials of the vaccine will not be over until 2023. They are supposed to inform the recipient of the vaccine that they are participating in a trial but many I talked to signed the papers without reading them so they took part in a clinical trial and most do not realize it.

In post animals trials the animals developed excess blood clotting, inflammation in the heart and blood vessels. They developed liver and kidney disease. Since only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported the reports of people dying unexpectedly , dying from liver , kidney or heart failure is going to climb dramatically. All those involved will be held accountable by God this includes parents leaving their children be harmed by the medical and pharmaceutical industry and all those in the media promoting the lies to convince people to get the shots. It’s all based on greed. The media receives most of their funding from the pharmaceutical industry. God does not accept ignorance as an excuse when the evidence is readily out there and someone deliberately chooses to ignore it. Now the rate for the adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines being reported is going to be far below the 1% because we are hearing of many reports of medical professionals lying and telling people their adverse reactions to the vaccines are a sign they are working. Then later you hear reports the person has died from unexpected causes, from liver, kidney or heart failure. It does not say it was the vaccine and if signs show that it was the vaccine they will claim it was a comorbity that killed the person and not the vaccine. These comorbities are caused by the vaccines. So many are dying from the vaccines and the true numbers we will never know because they are working very hard to keep the harm the vaccines are doing hidden. Now we have to also consider the fact that these vaccines actually enhance a disease state so if a person already has a comorbity these vaccines are going to make it worse. How many who have had, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease, liver disease or kidney disease died became sicker from the vaccine when they most likely would have healed?

As for vaccines being tested for safety. No vaccine has been truly tested for safety because the biotech and pharmaceutical industries have used methods of research to work around testing the vaccines for safety for example there are many toxins in a vaccine that the body reacts very severely to. They put those toxins in the shots they give the placebo groups. They also hide certain data to help make their studies appear to be successful.
There are studies coming out now that show the vaccines may be altering peoples RNA in a negative way one that makes those who got the Covid vaccines more prone to chronic illness, cancer and infection. So as time goes by those who got the vaccines will start suffering from many chronic diseases, be more prone to dying from infectious diseases and be more prone to getting cancer. So those who got the vaccines if they do not die suddenly like some have they will most likely have a much shorter life span. All to protect themselves from a virus that had almost the same mortality rate as the common flu. There are also signs these vaccines may be causing sterility in men and women.

Most politicians are heavily funded by the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. So much so they have been working very hard to hide the harm being done. Those who refused the vaccines are much healthier. They are trying to force these vaccines on the healthy to get ride of the evidence. The healthy will be evidence, that the things the vaccinated are experiencing are not normal. So if they force vaccines on those that are healthy they can make illness normal thus hiding the truth.

They are required to have a placebo group in the clinical trials. It is unclear what the percentage of those receiving the placebo are but many state it is 20%. If that is true then twenty percent of the people are not have the reaction as those who get the actual shot would. They are using the total number of people who got the injections including the placebo group as proof the vaccines are safe. The data on who received the placebo is not available yet. So many who did not react the vaccine most likely received the placebo.

Studies have shown most already had immunity to Covid before the lock down. So the extreme measures they took were too late. Vaccinations ruin natural immunity and studies have shown the vaccine provide little immunity and it wanes rather quickly. Natural immunity has been shown to give life long protection not only from Covid but from similar Corona viruses. The vaccines actually make one more prone to a variety of infections.

Proof the Covid vaccines do not work is the fact they keep upping the number of vaccines a person should receive. First they stated they needed two injections when that failed to provide immunity they upped it to three injections. Now they insist to provide immunity they need to keep getting booster shots. If the vaccine worked why would they have to continually get the injections? Now those who have the vaccines are in even more of a state of fear because the supposed new variants of Covid they are more susceptible to they are falsely claiming are coming from the unvaccinated. Why are more dying from these new variants who are vaccinated? The reason is their immune systems are damaged. They are going to be more prone to dying from the cold and flu now also. They will hide this fact by announcing the outbreak of new super bugs. They will hide the blood clotting by declaring there is a pandemic of Marburg virus. They will hide the paralysis that occurs from the vaccines by claiming there are outbreaks of polio or flaccid myelitis. They have become very skilled at gas lighting and blaming the harm they are doing on others or on other things and even hiding them all together by ignoring those who have been injured and not even treating them after them have been injured. What the news reports of these events occurring will do is provide evidence that the same thing that happened in the animal studies is occurring. Those who got the vaccines are more prone to dying from infectious disease of a variety of types because of the changes the injections have made to the body. There are already reports showing the vaccinated are causing other Covid viruses to mutate and become more virulent so the vaccinated are spreading disease just as they have in the past. To try and make it appear that the unvaccinated are spreading the disease. The CDC declared those who have had the vaccine for less then two weeks or who has not had a second injections are to be considered unvaccinated. As usual the CDC is deliberately inflating numbers in favor of their message. They have gotten caught many times doing this and later it was shown they were hugely exaggerating things. Vaccinations in the past have been shown to cause viruses to mutate and become more virulent. They would blame the unvaccinated for the mutations even though research clearly showed it was the vaccines causing the mutations. Nothing has changed they are doing the same thing now , as new variants of Covid spring up they are blaming the unvaccinated even though studies have shown 80% of the new variants have been carried by the vaccinated. A document from the CDC was leaked showing they know this is occurring yet they are lying about it. We have to keep in mind the FDA, NIH and CDC get a lot of funding from the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. So it is in their best interest to promote lies that will benefit their corporate sponsors. The same goes for the medical industry and media. In the CDC memorandum it was recommended the vaccinated wear mask to prevent spreading the Delta variant. So while businesses are convinced forcing unvaccinated employees to wear mask will prevent the spread of disease. They should be requiring the vaccinated to wear mask to prevent the spread of the new Delta variant. Studies indicate mask do not prevent someone from getting infections but they do prevent those who have an infections from spreading it. So it seems it should be the vaccinated who are required to wear mask and not the unvaccinated.

Many media outlets especially the social media fact checkers claim the vaccines do not have genetically modified material , aborted fetal tissues or animal tissue in them. This is a lie many of the Covid vaccines have at least one of those ingredients in them. The FDA no longer requires vaccine manufactures to list all ingredients in the vaccines but if you look at the patents for these vaccines you will see many of them contain aborted fetal tissue. Some contain animal tissue and most of them contain genetically modified ingredients. All of those have been found to cause adverse effects in the body. So my question is how can you inject things known to cause illness into someone in order to prevent illness? These injections edit the genome and science still does not know the consequences of doing that. Very soon they will find out what the consequences are as those who have gotten these experimental injections start suffering the health effects of having their genome altered. That is another false statement being iterated by media that these vaccines do not alter DNA but it states in the patents for these vaccines they alter the recipients DNA. Studies have shown that nations that are the most heavily vaccinated against Covid has had dramatic increases in mortality rates.

The media and social media fact checkers claim doctors do not have concerns about the vaccines. Many have tried to speak out about the harm they are seeing being caused by these vaccines and they quickly get silenced and often times their employment is terminated. If they produce videos making statements about the harm they are seeing the videos quickly get removed from the net. Many medical professionals speaking out about the harm being done are being banned from social media. Many medical professionals have lost their jobs for refusing the vaccines. Some have worked in the medical field for decades. They are seeing things first hand so this makes a statement. If they are refusing vaccines this should be sounding and alarm and alerting us that something is seriously wrong.

The number of people having adverse reactions is alarming and most are fighting to get the adverse reactions reported. Death from the Covid vaccines is rarely reported and yet the number of reported deaths is alarming. Imagine what the real death tolls are from these vaccines. The number of deaths is so high the CDC got caught deleting that data from their website. Medical professionals and scientist world wide are speaking out against these vaccines but they are being quickly silenced, threatened and harassed. The only time you have to do those things is when you are defending a lie because the truth defends itself.

Mankind are now enslaved cash cows. Who has enslaved mankind?

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am not the best editor.

These Covid vaccines are not only the most harmful thing the pharmaceutical and medical industries have done but it’s the biggest con in the history of the world. They have developed a two cash cow system. They have manipulated things to the point mankind has become enslaved to the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Millions are paid out for quality of care to doctors by insurance companies.. This quality of care is based on a points system and they get well rewarded for including vaccines in that quality of care. This creates two cash cows because vaccines injure 100% of the time. It isn’t always noticeable at first but starts becoming noticeable over time as a person starts developing allergies and food intolerance. By the time the vaccine injury is noticeable enough time has elapsed they can easily lie and attribute it to something else, usually they will call the illness idopathic or genetic when it has been caused by some form of medical treatment especially vaccines and drugs. Doctors receive too much money from the insurance companies to risk losing their cash cows. This is most likely the reason only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported. I have personally seen doctors brush off peoples vaccine injury as paranoia.

Now you have the second cash cow the victims of the vaccines. These new Covid vaccines are causing severe vaccine injury. Most of them are causing excess blood clotting. So much so the FDA just approved a blood thinner for children. They call the blood clotting rare but in actuality it is rarely reported. When a person dies unexpectedly after getting the vaccine they blame it on a comorbity and not the vaccine. The vaccines are the most probable cause of the comorbity. Just as in times past they are hiding vaccine injuries and deaths. If you do searches you can find thousands of cases of excess blood clotting from the vaccines. Keep in mind only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported so there are probably hundreds of thousands of cases. Look at the obituaries. They usually list the cause of death now most obituaries are stating they died unexpectedly.

How these insurance companies cannot see they are being conned and so is society is beyond me. But I will provide links to blog post I did that shows thousands of studies showing the harm vaccines do. The Covid vaccine trials will not end until 2023. A certain percentage of those getting the vaccine are in a placebo group so they are not getting the actual vaccines. They are using the fact that not all are harmed by the vaccine to support their claims of it’s safety, but they are including the placebo group in those numbers. The medical industry does not make money from healthy patients they only make money from sickness. How they keep this con job up is beyond me but it has reached a scale I could not believed it could reach with this recent Covid vaccine. It has been the biggest con in the history of the world. The pharmaceutical industry and medical industry pretty much view everyone as cattle that generates cash for them. The pharmaceutical industry makes money from drugs that treat the symptoms of the injury caused. You even see commercial for drugs to treat the symptoms caused by other drugs. It has reached a point of being so beyond ridiculous that I couldn’t even think of words to state how ludicrous it is. People have replaced God with their pharmaceutical and medical gods and because of this they are constantly in a state of fear induced by the media that gets most of their funding from the pharmaceutical and medical industries. So even the media are beneficiaries of these cash cows. The media sets the stage. Then starts to induce fear, if this does not work the media will try to make people it is their moral responsibility to do their will. So even the media has become gods to people now days. People no longer reason for themselves but let others tell them what to think. They do not do real research by looking at independent research but they look at industry funded research which has been proven to be flawed and severely in error. Most pharmaceutical research cannot be duplicated because it is so fake yet our governments are so corrupt they will only look at pharmaceutical or biotech research when they make decisions on medical devices or drugs.

These cash cows are much bigger now but as those harmed by them start to die only those who could not be so easily lied to will be left then where will they get their money? They already figured that out. By forcing their harmful products on those who on onto their con game. Those who refuse to be enslaved they are trying to force into enslavement.

New strains of Covid? Really?

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

This is not medical advice whether you get a vaccination or not is up to you but I highly recommend you talk to a qualified functional and experienced medicine practitioner before making any health decisions.

They have always known RNA vaccines cause more virulent strains of diseases to arise. This is why polio became more and more infectious. It is the spike protein that causes Corona viruses to be able to jump species. Since past RNA vaccine caused mild infectious agents to become more infectious when they integrated the RNA from the vaccines into themselves, what do you think is going to happen when all these vaccinated people come in contact with other Corona viruses that usually do not pose a threat to humans. Just as in times past it will make them more virulent creating super strains of the virus. I would say the Corona vaccine will be the biggest mistake they have ever made because this spike protein is different. It can cross to other species of microbes giving them the ability to become infectious so not only will more virulent forms of Corona viruses arise but other viruses may integrate the spike protein making them more infectious. Pfizer’s own documents show the spike protein from the injection can shed. What happens when these shed to others. How many viruses will this cause to mutate and become more infectious? The spike protein on it’s own has been shown to cause severe blood clotting and lung damage this is most likely the reason more are dying from the Delta variant who received one of the vaccines then those who had not received it.

Arrogance and greed will prevent them from ever telling the truth so they will find many ways to gas light to deceive the public about the truth of matters. Vaccines have always killed and harmed more then the actual illness ever has and they have become very good at hiding that fact from people.

They gas light by blaming it on the unvaccinated. How can a healthy person transmit something to someone else unless the person is unhealthy. They should be asking why others are more prone to infection while the nonvaccinated rarely get ill. Instead they want to get rid of the proof their vaccines are a scam by forcing vaccines on the health non vaccinated people.

Since it has been shown the vaccinated are spreading the new variants of Covid wouldn’t it seem reasonable believe these vaccines are causing other viruses to mutate? Why are the non vaccinated less prone to dying from the new strains of Covid? They are doing the same thing they did with Polio. When they discovered it was the vaccine causing the outbreaks of Polio they started diverting the blame. They also started referring to it as flaccid myelitis and pretended like they did not know the cause.

Since we know the PCR test are a scam. How do we even know there truly was a pandemic? How do we know these supposed new strains are not vaccine injury and they are blaming on supposed new strains to prevent others from learning their vaccines are causing people to become sick and die? They have done this in the past and the CDC and FDA have been caught many times colluding with the pharmaceutical industry to hide the harm they are doing. Should you really trust ones who have more interest in your money then in your health?

Why are they hiding Covid vaccine deaths and adverse reactions?

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

When you can no longer question things you are living in a fascist society and you are no longer free. When you get silenced for questioning things it should frighten a person. When one group of people loses their rights it opens the door for everyone to lose their rights. We have the example of Nazi Germany first the Jews lost their rights by the time people realized what was happening they had all lost their freedom.

First there are those who will argue that the vaccines are not a vaccine technically they are not. They are gene therapy they alter your DNA. Many will claim that is not true but if you read the patents for the vaccines you will see they explain how they alter the DNA right in their patents. These vaccines have never been tested on animals they went straight to testing them on humans in a world wide clinical trial that is still ongoing so anyone who gets the vaccine has enrolled in a world wide clinical trial. The earliest these clinical trial will end is 2023. This means these vaccines which I use the term lightly but it is what most are calling them have never been tested for safety and they are testing them now on humans. So anyone getting these vaccines are participating in one big human experiment. Most vaccines have long term effects and the injury from them starts out subtle and gets worse over the years. You can be certain that will occur with these vaccines and the people will be told that the adverse effects are genetic or that the cause of their illness is unknown or as they have done in the past they will tell a person their illness is psychological and the need medications for the psychological issues they have.

The results of much of the research now days is false. We find out decades after just how errant it is even though many warn about the false science. This happens repeatedly throughout history people seem to prefer listening to the people who gain power or wealth from the false science. Most modern research has been proven to be wrong or falsified. It is more about careers then it is about scientific accuracy. Most modern research has been proven to be wrong, fraudulent and even ghost written yet it frequently gets peer reviewed and published. Many have even got paid to peer review and approve a paper that was written even if the results were in error. If the science concerning vaccines was real you would be allowed to question it but now people are being banned from social media if they question any medical or pharmaceutical science. The truth speaks for itself but you have to silence the truth when it is exposing the lies because it takes more lies to hide the the original lie and eventually the lies get too numerous to be able to defend them anymore so those telling the truth must be silenced because if they could prove those speaking the truth wrong they would not have to silence them. If you want to put their response to those not getting vaccinated into context compare how they are treated those who refuse the vaccine to how they treated the Jews in Nazi Germany. By the time people realize by taking others rights away they are losing their rights also and it will be much easier to take even more of their rights away once that door is opened. This is not about protecting people it if was they would promote health life styles and preventative measures which have a much safer track record then vaccines which our own government admitted were inherently dangerous.

We need to ask ourselves why are they hiding the deaths and injury from the Covid vaccines. They have even gotten social media giants involved and any medical professionals reporting how they are hiding the deaths and injuries from the vaccines not only have their post removed they even get banned from social media. I have even seen people get banned on Facebook and Twitter when they posted about the death or injury of a loved one. We need to ask ourselves why they would hide these things? Now they are hiding the vaccine injury by claiming Polio has re-surged, or there are new cases of flacid myelitis. They are even claiming there are new variants of Covid but offer no proof that is true. I was checking the CDCs website daily keeping track of the injury and deaths from the vaccines. All of a sudden that data started being removed from the CDCs website, we need to ask why? Consider the fact that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported and there have been so many reports and death by families and friends on social media that Biden declared anyone mentioning these things are considered terrorist and ordered they be banned from social media. Why are they working so hard to hide the deaths and injury from these vaccines? Now consider the fact that this is a clinical trial being conducted on a world wide scale so adverse reactions would not be reported but documented in the clinical trial data. Now we know the pharmaceutical companies have a history of omitting data to paint their studies in a positive light so they will most likely brush aside the adverse reactions and death from these vaccines and they will blame the paralyzes that results from the vaccines as polio or flaccid myelitis which is what they have done in the post. You can gaurentee they are going to start announcing outbreaks of polio and flaccid myelitis.

Fortunately if you use alternative search engines other then the mainstream ones you can pull up some sites where people screen shot the information before it got deleted. The mainstream search engine have been censoring the harm vaccines do for years.


Exposing the Covid vaccine lies.

This is not medical advice. If you are thinking about getting any vaccine talk with a qualified and experienced functional medicine practitioner before you make your decision.

The media and politicians are not a good source of information for making medical decisions. They both are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. They are not going to tell the truth they would be biting the hand that feeds them. Most pharmaceutical research has been shown to be either fraudulent, ghost written and often times the results cannot be reproduced meaning their research is pretty much useless. If you want accurate information try to find studies that were done independently. You cannot trust the CDC or the NIH because they are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry and have been caught lying many times. We really cannot trust them right now because they have been removing data from their websites showing the number of people killed and harmed by the Covid vaccines. We need to ask why are they doing that? The head of the NIH has gotten caught lying many times so he cannot be trusted. We should not have blind faith when it comes to our or our families health. The CDC director got caught lying about the number of Covid deaths among the vaccinated. It was 30 times higher then she was claiming. So it is very important we do our research and not count on non science related sources. Science is never settled and you should be suspicious of anyone who says that because anyone who knows science know it is never settled but always changing.

The Covid vaccine is useless when compared to natural immunity. They are trying to force the vaccine on those who acquired natural immunity. Studies have shown this offers not benefit to those who acquired natural immunity. Studies have shown that the vaccines offer very little protection. So again we have to ask why are they pushing these Covid vaccines?

If you look at the research it seems the vaccinated are the ones spreading the new variants of the Corona virus. This has happened in the vaccinated in the past , when the vaccinated come in contact with a person who has been vaccinated they cannot develop immunity but those who got natural immunity could so easily overcome the infection. Because the vaccinated cannot fight the infection it mutates and adapts learning how to overcome the immune defenses in the human body. This appears to be happening with those who have been vaccinated for Covid. The areas with the most heavily vaccinated populations are the areas the new variants of the Corona viruses are springing up. A study done by the CDC showed that three quarters of those infected with the Delta variant were vaccinated so it seems to prove history is repeating itself and the vaccines are causing Corona viruses to mutate and become more virulent. Studies have shown that by the time the vaccines came out most had already come in contact with and developed immunity against Covid and those who developed natural immunity are barely effected by the new Delta variant.

Why you will never know the truth about the Covid vaccines and the Delta variant.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am a lousy editor.

The CDC, NIH and many other health organizations around the world are pulling the data from their websites on the deaths and harm caused by the vaccines. They are also pulling the data that shows the vaccinated are the ones getting the supposed Delta variant. We have to keep in mind the CDC , NIH and many other health organizations are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. They are going to protect their corporate sponsors. It is why they are removing data from their websites that would show the truth about the harm their corporate sponsors are doing. Those vaccines are not free governments around the world are paying the pharmaceutical companies to distribute the vaccines. They have made billions from governments world wide.

Since we no longer have access to the data we have to use reasoning and observational science which the pharmaceutical industry and biotech industry hates because it means you follow the clues, develop a theory and then prove the theory. All the clues point to the vaccines being either the cause of the new Delta variant or they are making people more susceptible to strains of Covid that are usually not very infectious. There are a variety of ways vaccines cause diseases to become more infectious and even jump species.

When you look at the data the states with the highest Delta corona virus infections are the states that are the most heavily vaccinated so either they are falsely claiming there is a new variant to hide the vaccine injury or the vaccinated are causing Corona viruses to mutate and become more infectious. The CDC themselves admitted that the vaccinated are spreading the Covid variant. The extremes they are going through to hide the harm the vaccines are doing and how they are completely failing to protect people is explained at this link .

To hide how ineffective the vaccines are the CDC has decided to limit the data on break through cases among the vaccinated. The CDC themselves admitted that the vaccinated were spreading the Delta variant. I provided a link to the leaked document below. Studies done in some of the most heavily vaccinated nations like Israel are showing that the vaccine offer very little protection if any protection at all. There are many studies showing the vaccinated are spreading the Delta variant. Even the UK is skewing the data to make things appear to be more positive then they are. They did a study that showed the Covid vaccine actually increased your chances of dying from the Delta variant but the skewed the data to make it appear the unvaccinated had a better chance of dying from it. President Biden ordered OSHA to hide the data from employees who had adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine.

As deaths from the Covid vaccines skyrocket and the numbers are very high the CDC and other government agencies are working very hard to protect their corporate sponsors by hiding this data from the public. President Biden has social media companies censoring those who have been exposing the harm the vaccines are doing. Governments world wide have been censoring the information so people will not know that the vaccines are causing more harm and deaths then the Covid virus itself.

In the mean time they are pretending these vaccines are free but governments around the world have been paying the pharmaceutical companies billions for the vaccines. Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry it looks like they are returning the favor.

The CDC , FDA and pharmaceutical industries have a history of deception and criminal activity. They have been caught many time colluding with big corporations to hide the harm being done by the products these corporations are producing. For anyone to trust a government who has many times deceived the public and worked with the pharmaceutical industry to deceive the public companies, they are either naive or stupid.,%20OSHA%20will,course%20of%20action%20moving%20forward.,%20OSHA%20will,course%20of%20action%20moving%20forward.

Things that may help with Covid and Covid shot injury.

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

This is not medical advice if you are sick please consult an experienced and knowledgeable functional medicine practitioner. Please research the things I mention to understand how and why they work. Using naturals is safer then drugs most of the time but should be used under the guidance of someone experienced in their proper use.

If you are not eating organic your chances of healing are slim because GMOs contain BT Toxin which causes systemic inflammation and most non organic food contains high levels of glyphosate which has been connected to many types of chronic illness and cancer.

The covid vaccines inhibit innate immunity and increase adaptive immunity which dramatically increases the risk of cancer. Using turkey tail mushroom or reishi mushroom can increase innate immunity remember balance is the goal don’t over do it.

If the lymphs are swollen cleavers also known as bedstraw can help heal the lymphatic tissue and get infection out of the lymphatic tissue.

Covid causes systemic inflammation and over activation of the immune system. These things need addressed to heal. The vaccines are killing and injuring more people because it has toxins in it that amplifies those inflammatory and immune effects. If you are pregnant then the protocol I mention next should be used because some things like protease enzymes can increase the risk of miscarriage.

Ivermection does help with Covid and other viral infections. It also reduces the inflammation caused by Covid, it inhibits many many of the cytokines that are increased by Covid and the Covid vaccine that cause the excess inflammation. Cypress bark is a zinc ionosphore like Ivermenction. Studies seem to indicate it is as effective but I have not met anyone who has used it. So I do not know if the studies on cypress bark translate over to life. Ivermectin can reduce the inflammation but it can decrease magnesium and potassium levels so if a person takes ivermectin they should increase magnesium and potassium intake.

Those injured by the Covid vaccine are experiencing atheroma, which is caused by the break down and dsyfunction of glycocalyx. This can result in abnormal growths in blood vessels, excess blood clotting, blood vessel leakage, endothelial dysfuncton causing cardiovascular disease and heart damage, diabetes, renal damage, brain dysfunction from the blood brain barrier becoming more porous causing brain inflammation and brain damage, they will develop hypoxia like symtoms from the ischemia in the body. This also cause eNOS dysfunction which cause many health issues from decreased nitric oxide levels. Decreased nitric oxide inhibits ATP production, causes low BH4 levels and can can many cardiovascular issues. They can experience lung damage and lung fibrosis or pneumonia like symptoms. It can also cause sepsis. It makes them much much more prone to cancer. It is very important to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Things that will be high on test if glycocalyx is breaking down are syndecan 1, heperan sulfate, MMP-2, von Willebrand factor, thrombomodulin and usually caveolin 1.

Things that can increase glycocalyx are glucosamine/chondroitin complex, Fructooligosaccharide found in jerusalem artichoke root, agave, chicory root, asparagus, yucon, jicama, onions, leeks, barley and rye.

This is the protocol I have found to be most effective against Covid and Covid vaccine injury.

This would actually help with many types of infection.

Vitamin C with zinc in the morning daily.

Bonesett in the morning take it for a week then start taking it three times a week.

If the lungs have been injured mullein and lobelia will reduce the inflammation and help with lung infections.

Quercetin and Bromelain in the morning daily.

Nattokinase in the morning daily

Butchers broom in the morning daily

P5P with food in the morning daily

Grape seed extract in the morning daily

Vitamin D3 with vitamin K in the morning daily

Raw honey daily

Honeysuckle at night daily

melatonin at night daily

low dose selenium at night about three times a week.

red algae daily

Lemon Balm at night daily

Pau Darco at night daily

Rooibos at night daily

Beet root juice daily If the adrenals have been affected make lemon water and put a little Himalayan salt, 1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar and raw honey to taste.

Covid and Covid vaccine injury increases galectin 3 which causes a cytokine storm. Fruit pectin especially rhubarb pectin and citrus pectin help to reduce galectin 3. Also red onions, garlic, and meadow sweet flower inhibits galectin 3. Meditating has been shown ti inhibit dectin 3.

These are things that may help someone who is pregnant that has gotten Covid, the Covid shot or the spike protein from someone who got the shot and it has shed to them. The Covid shot and the shot shedding is seeming to cause miscarriages.

Foods that increase phorsphorous it is often times low in miscarriage.

Vitamin B12 and vitamin K are often times deficient in those who miscarry.

These supplements should not be taken in super high doses.

Any vitamin or supplement can be toxic when taken in high amounts for example above 5000 IU of vitamin D can cause kidney stones. Excess amounts of vitamin C destroys read blood cells and can cause minerals to chelate from the body.

Lemon Balm safe to use in moderation in pregnancy used every other day.

vitamin D3 use daily but do not use above 5000 IU

Beet Juice drink daily

maca root safe to use in small amounts. No studies done on amount larger then what would be eaten for food use when hormones are not normal or when adrenal levels are too high or when stressed.

cramp bark prevents miscarriage use when symptoms of spotting are bad.

partridge berry reduces uterine spasms use to prevent miscarraige

wild yam used to prevent miscarriages use daily

alfalfa prevents bleeding during pregnancy. Very high in nutrients use every other day.

Streptococcus mitis, S. Salivarius, S. Parasanguinis, Rothia dentolariosa, R. mucilginosa. Needed to produce nitric oxide increasing nitric oxide is very important.

A probiotic with mostly bifido bacteria in it. use at least three times a week.

NOW probiotic 10 use three times a week.

Ashwangha and a lemon juice cocktail would help with that adrenals use when adrenal levels are high or when stressed.

Vitamin D, Vitamin C vitamin C in excess can cause miscarriage get it from natural sources when possible,

selenium, Pyridoxal-5-posphate, sea algae use daily. Except for the selenium use it every other day. Selenium should be low dose.

Pine bark extract reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, reduces lung inflammation. If you react to antioxidants by having heart palpitations it means you are TH2 dominant.

Oat straw high in minerals has a relaxant affect. Use as often as needed.

dandelion high in calcium and vitamin k. Stimulates pon1 detox enzymes, inhibits herpes and corona virus replication. Use three times a week.

Nattokinase reduces inflammation, blood clotting and oxidative stress. Use daily and when excess clotting has been corrected slowly start reducing how often it is taken.

Rooibos safe during pregnancy can be used daily.

Mullein no research reduces lung inflammation and asthma , take if lungs have been effected or if spotting.

Coconut oil has strong antibiotic properties, promotes healthy growth of fetus , increases beneficial enzymes in breast milk.

Use daily Butter high in vitamin K2

Cod liver oil that is fresh and contains lemon use every other day. Alternate between it and olive oil.

Beans, Nuts and seeds daily

Jerusalem artichoke use daily

Leafy greens eat often as possible.

avocados eat as often as possible.

mushrooms cooked as often as possible

nutritional yeast use every other day.

zinc daily Evening

Primrose oil use daily.

Eggs as often as possible.

magnesium daily If they show signs of low progesterone.

Black haw prevents uterine contractions. Only use if hormone levels are out of balance.

Things to avoid. GMOs the BT Toxin has been shown to damage the infant and mothers brains, and causes systemic inflammation. Processed foods because of the toxins they contain Folic acid. It is man made and toxic to the body. Avoid excess caffeine, do not let glucose levels drop. Avoid smoked, aged or fermented foods. Papaya, Lichi and pineapple contain enzymes that can cause miscarriage. Aloe vera can cause the uterus to contract. Potatoes that still have the skin on them. Processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Most artificial sweeteners are very toxic to the body. Licorice Bitter melon Alcohol Pomegranate can induce uterine contractions. Sesame seeds Gotu Kola Angelica Cohash Carraway celery seed Chamomille comfrey Devil’s claw Fenugreek Feverfew Golden Seal Greater celandine Juniper berry motherwort mugwort nutmeg oregano parsley pennyroyal Rhubarb Rosemary Saffron Sweet majorum horehound wormwood , mugwort or any other herb that contains thujone. Things that contain berberine. Perriwinkle Saw Palmetto Chaste berry red raspberry stimulates uterin contractions Sour tasting things can cause the uterus to contract. Not sure why but it can.

Sweeten beverages with honey or monkfruit or another natural sweetener. Avoid fumes from gasoline or any other petroleum products. Try to avoid areas of high traffic to prevent breathing excess automotive exhaust when possible. Avoid cleaners that are toxic and if they must be used to not breath the fumes and wear gloves the skin is like a sponge and absorbs toxins.

The deaths and autoimmunity caused by the Covid vaccine is being labeled as MIS-C. It can cause paralysis. They will most likely falsely claim it is Covid causing it or new variants of Covid causing MIS-C. So they will probably announce there is an outbreak of Polio or they will say there is outbreaks of flaccid myelitis which they falsely claim they do not know the cause but the cause has been identified as vaccinations being the cause. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome C can be deadly and often times is fatal. It causes system wide inflammation which causes inflammation in all organs including the brain which eventually leads to their failure. Those who recover have life long chronic health issues. These symptoms are usually brushed aside or ignored. Many who are injured by the vaccine will go to the emergency room and they do not look at a persons vaccine history so will not connect the fact the person is vaccine injured. These are the symptoms:

A fever that last longer then 24 hours.

Low blood pressure.

Coughing and difficulty breathing.



Stomach pain

Discomfort or pain in chest.

Confusion, headaches, dizziness or lightheaded.

Enlarged Lymphs

Rapid heart rate.

Feeling usually tired but eventually a person my lose the ability to sleep.

Muscle pain and fatigue.

Sore throat

Rapid breathing

Red eyes

Redness or swelling in hands and feet.

Pale gray or blue colored skin, lips or nail beds.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

How safe are the Covid shots?

Written by Lee Stevenson sorry I am a lousy editor.

We need to ask ourselves are we doing our research or are we being led by the pharmaceutical industry , medical industry or media who is heavily funded by both those and they all profit from people being ill. Should we really be trusting a government that promotes abortion yet claims vaccines save lives. Should we trust those who profit from people being ill as our source of information. Not only that but much of the pharmaceutical industries research had been shown to be severely flawed and even outright faked. Should we trust a government that only looks at corporate sponsored research but refuses to look at independent research which is what the frequently do. We need to do our own research and look for independent sources who will not profit from us being ill. The pharmaceutical industry has a long criminal history, is this the people we want to put our trust in? I present the evidence that vaccines are not safe and our government, the medical industry and pharmaceutical industries know it.

I am writing this to set matters straight many are being harmed by the pharmaceutical industry and medical industries and they and the media are down playing it. The corruption in the government has them colluding with all the above mentioned to hide the harm being down. Studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported meaning most adverse reactions never get reported. The medical industry ignores the vaccine injured and figurative sweeps them under they carpet. All of them have blood guilt and will have to meet our maker some day. He does not accept excuses for wrong doing. The reason they get away with it is because adverse reactions to vaccines can take up to 28 days so it is easy to convince the patient something else caused their illness. It is very very important to keep very detailed medical records.

Many are being harmed by the pharmaceutical industry and medical industries and the media is down playing it. The corruption in the government has them colluding with all the above mentioned to hide the harm being down. Studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines are reported meaning most adverse reactions never get reported. The medical industry ignores the vaccine injured and figuratively sweeps them under they carpet. All of them have blood guilt and will have to meet our makers some day. He does not accept excuses for wrong doing. The reason they get away with it is because adverse reactions to vaccines can take up to 28 days so it is easy to convince the patient something else caused their illness. It is very very important to keep very detailed medical records and to keep copies so you can report the adverse vaccine reaction. The odds are most do not ever get a hearing and are turned down when they do report and adverse vaccine reaction or death. The government does everything they can to try and not acknowledge the harm being down.

That being said I will discuss how the medical community and the government lie and down play the harm being done. What inspired this blog post I am seeing people harmed more then ever with the new Covid shots which technically cannot be called a vaccine. These shots are still in the experimental phase so twenty percent of the people will not experience severe adverse reactions. The media is using that 20% as proof to claim the shots are safe but there are many people who have been injured and just as in times past they ignore adverse reactions to vaccines and do not report them it is happening on a scale now like I have never seen before. The deception and lies have piled up so high it has people who used to support vaccines asking questions. Only those who have blind faith or are stupid would be blind to the harm being done now.

Many people are vaccine injure and do not know it. I am writing this to clarify things for people and to let them know we need to hold those doing the harm accountable. They are destroying peoples lives with the harm they are doing.

Our own government admitted vaccine are inherently unsafe. In order to protect the medical and pharmaceutical industry they passed a bill to protect them from the liability of the injuries and deaths they cause. Studies have shown many medical professionals do not even know when and where to file and adverse reaction to a vaccine and many don’t even know how to identify vaccine injury let alone report it. If you ever read the training manuals on vaccines they are not even taught about adverse reactions they are only taught how to gas light if a patient is vaccine injured and how to divert their health complaints and blame it on other things like comorbities, genetics, life style or stress. They will try to make the patient think they are paranoid or read too much and are imagining the symptoms. If someone does die from the vaccine they blame it on something else.

Then there is the problem that patients tend to want to believe their medical professionals care about them and would not do something that would harm them. Many may not even know the harm being done because often times it can take a day to twenty eight days to have an adverse reaction. The patient usually goes to the emergency room and they do not check their vaccine history so the illness gets brushed off as stress , their imagination convincing them they are ill, or they will be told the cause is unknown or genetic. The more corrupt and dishonest doctors will even brush it off if the patient makes an appointment and explains their health concerns and often times if they mention they believe it was the vaccine that caused it the medical professional will write it off as paranoia, something they read making them believe they are vaccine injured. It can take years for a person who is vaccine injured to find out what is truly wrong with their health.

With this Covid shot it has been the most corrupt I have seen . Many people are being ignored when they are injured by it and many injuries and deaths are not being reported. If only one percent of vaccine adverse reactions have been reported in the past it means there are not thousands out there who are vaccine injured and being lied to or told the cause of their illness is not known or genetic but millions world wide. Now consider that the corruption surrounding this Covid shot is worse then in times past there is going to be millions and millions who are injured and do not know it. So I am going to list the most common injuries the Covid shots are causing and the symptoms. Many of them are life threatening and if not corrected can cost a person their life over the months or even years. Death from vaccine injury does not always occur suddenly but it is happening with the Covid shot. The most common injuries from vaccines are Myocarditis, thrombosis, Behcet’s syndrome, Lupus, Psoriasis, leukocytosis, Temporal arterisis, thyroiditis, ASIA syndrome, Pancreatitis, Purpuric skin rash, vasculitis, graves disease, and Guillian Barre syndrome. Vaccines cause autoimmunity by causing the body to attack itself and causing systemic inflammation and these processes do not shut down. They injure the body in a way that the body can no longer properly regulate inflammation and the immune system. It is very possible to have more then one of these conditions. All of the forms of autoimmunity caused by vaccines increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Thrombosis is excess clotting, vaccine have been shown to induce thrombosis but the Covid shots have a very high rate of inducing thrombosis. It is life threatening and can cause strokes , heart failure and death.

Symptoms of thrombosis:

Chest pain or shortness of breath.

Swelling in limbs often on one side of the body.

Confusion, being disoriented , dizziness, brain fog, or irritability.


Blurred vision

slurred speech

numbness or weakness on one side of the body

Muscle stiffness

Swelling and redness in the affected area

abdominal pain

Shortness of breath

Weakness and decreased alertness.

Loss of mobility.



Blurred vision.

Pain in calf muscles, inner thigh muscles or chest pain.

Testing for thrombosis a complete blood cell count, prothrombin time, D-dimer test, fibrinogen test, PF4-heparin enzyme test.

Myocarditis is caused by heart inflammation. If this goes untreated it can result in death. Myocarditis often times gets ignored or disregarded and many medical professionals do not know how to identify it on and EKG especially cardiologist surprisingly.

Symptoms of myocarditits are:

Vague chest pain that is hard to describe. Aching a squeezing pressure in the chest.

Abnormal or rapid heart beat.

Low endurance

Feeling of flu like symptoms

Fluid retention resulting in swelling in the legs and ankles.

Weight gain

Frequent urinating at night

POTS which causes lightheadedness when standing or exerting oneself. This can also bey caused by neurological issues, and autoimmunity.

Behcet’s Disease caused by blood vessel inflammation can be life threatening.

Recurrent sores in mouth and genital area.

Skin and joint pain, swelling and redness and tenderness in effected areas.

Inflammation in eyes

abdominal pain

Skin lesions, when skin is pricked red bumps will appear.

Loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting


Esophageal ulcerations.

Symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Extreme fatigue

Pain and swelling in joints, hands, feet and around eyes.

Severe headaches

Sensitivity to sunlight or fluorescent lights

butterfly rash especially on checks and nose.

Chest pain when breathing

hair loss

sores in mouth or nose

Raynaulds disease. Fingers and toes turn white or blue and feel numb when a person gets cold or stressed.

Low red blood cell count or platelets. The low platelets are from excess blood clotting.

Kidney pain and dysfunction.

Confusion, depression, seizures


fluid around the heart

dry eyes

stomach pain

swollen lymph glands

Test used are antinuclear antibody test and clinical observation.

Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Patches of flaky dry skin. Excessive itchiness.

Pitted and cracked nails

Joint pain

testing skin sample is viewed under a microscope.

Leukocytosis caused by excess infection, inflammation and autoimmunity.

High white blood cell count

Weight loss





stomach ache

skin rash

systemic pain


confusion, difficulty making decisions or thinking clearly.

problems with vision

frequent bruising or bleeding in skin.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation

Frequent sweating


pain or tingling in lower extremities

Enlarged liver , spleen and lymphs

excess blood clotting.

Temporal Arteritis caused by excess inflammation and autoimmunity.

Jaw pain, difficulty chewing or talking.

Throbbing headache


tenderness in scalp or temple

double, blurred or vision loss which can become permanent.

Muscle aches in upper arms , shoulders hips, upper thighs , lower back and buttocks.

Stiffness and pain in joints and neck.

Flu like feeling.

Test used erthorcyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive, test for anemia, MRI or PET scan.


Systemic pain



jaw pain and stiffness or muscle fatigue in face

feeling of being constantly tired


irregular sleep patterns

Irritable bowel syndrome

tingling or numbness in hands and feet

painful menstrual periods

restless leg syndrome

heat and cold sensitivity

brain fog

vision problems


Pelvic and urinary problems

feeling like you have a cold or the flu.

Depression or anxiety

difficulty breathing

Symptoms can become worse with changes in the season or weather.


Inflamed thyroid

a person will be stressed easy or be worrisome, have a feeling of irritability

difficulty sleeping

rapid heart rate


unplanned weight loss

increase in sweating and heat intolerance

anxiety or nervousness

increased appetite



difficulty performing physical exercise

decreased ability to concentrate or focus

dry skin

Test used TSH, T3, T4, TPO or TRAb test, ESR Sed rate, ultrasound, RAIU test.

ASIA syndrome caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.



chronic fatigue

dry mouth

nuerological problems

cognitive problems difficulty remembering things.

Sleep is not refreshing

Pancreatitis caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.


nausea or vomiting

fast heart beat

swollen or tender abdomen, pain increases after eating

back pain

diarrhea and greasy stools which are foul smelling

weight loss

shortness of breath

yellowing of skin or whites of eyes

frequent gall stones

Vasculitis inflammation in blood vessels caused by autoimmunity.

Blood in urine



feeling of being ill

feeling weak, fatigued

skin rashes

joint pain

abdominal pain

kidney pain

numbness or weakness

systemic pain

cough or shortness of breath

Graves disease cause by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Increased appetite but has weight loss

anxiety or irritability or mood swings


heat intolerance or excess sweating

chest pains

rapid or irregular heart beats

increased stool frequency

irregular or stopped menstrual periods

muscle weakness


reduce libido or erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

enlarged lymph gland

Thyroid eye disease

skin thickening

increased metabolic rate

trembling in hands.

Guillain Barre syndrome

tingling in feet and hands or pain.

Pain in legs and back

Weakness on both sides of the body

widespread nerve damage

Bell’s Palsy

Difficulty with eye muscles and vision

Needle like sensations in hands or feet

Difficulty with coordination

Problems with digestion

Problems with bladder control

There are many many other types of autoimmunity caused by vaccines and this Covid shot has been the worst one. It is causing harm on a scale like never before. The deaths and injury from these Covid shoots have been extremely high but as usually they are hiding the harm being done.

Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and medical industry so they will be more inclined to serve them. It is up to us to do our research the information is out there on the harm being done. Many have worked very hard to warn people. When the information is readily available and people choose to ignore it then God holds them accountable because they chose to be ignorant and they carry blood guilt for the harm they leave occur to themselves or their family. Many seen the danger and warned people so they carry no guilt it is all on those who choose to ignore the warnings.

You can heal from these things but it takes a functional medicine practitioner because allopathic medicine is only designed to treat the symptoms of illness there is no profit in treating the cause. If you heal the patient you lose a customer. If you treat the symptoms then you have a life time return customer. Should you really trust those who profit from you to decide what is best for your health? Should you really trust a government who has repeatedly gotten caught covering up the harm the medical and pharmaceutical industries are doing?

You are responsible for you own health no matter who nice your medical professional of choice may seem if they are brushing your health issues aside they are protecting themselves, the pharmaceutical industry and helping to hide the harm modern medicine is doing and they do not care about your health.

Death in which the CDC is hiding.

12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Covid shots are causing autoimmunity through molecular mimicry.


Vaccine induced thrombosis.





Purpuric skin rash

Graves disease.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Identifying the symptoms of vaccine injury.

symptoms Myocarditis and Symptoms of Pots

Symptoms of thrombosis

Behcet’s Syndrome




Temporal arteritis



ASIA syndrome



Graves disease

Guillian Barre syndrome

s and to keep copies so you can report the adverse vaccine reaction. The odds are most do not ever get a hearing and are turned down when they do report and adverse vaccine reaction or death. The government does everything they can to try and not acknowledge the harm being down.

That being said I will discuss how the medical community and the government lie and down platy the harm being down. What inspired this blog post I am seeing people harmed more then ever with the new Covid shots which technically cannot be called a vaccine. These shots are still in the experimental phase so twenty percent of the people will not experience severe adverse reactions. The media is using that 20% as proof to claim the shots are safe but there are many people who have been injured and just as in times post they ignore adverse reactions to vaccine and do not report them it is happening on a scale now like I have never seen before. The deception and lies have piled up so high it has even people who used to support vaccines asking questions.

Many people are vaccine injure and do not know it. I am writing this to clarify things for people and to let them know we need to hold those doing the harm accountable. They are destroying peoples lives with the harm they are doing.

Our own government admitted vaccine are inherently unsafe. In order to protect the medical and pharmaceutical industry they passed a bill to protect them from the liability of the injuries and deaths they cause. Studies have shown many medical professionals do not even know when and where to file and adverse reaction to a vaccine and many don’t even know how to identify vaccine injury let alone report it. If you ever read the training manuals on vaccines they are not even taught about adverse reactions they are only taught how to gas light if a patient is vaccine injured and how to divert their health complaints and blame it on other things like comorbities, genetics, life style or stress. They will try to make the patient think they are paranoid or read too much and are imagining the symptoms. If someone does die from the vaccine they blame it on something else.

Then there is the problem that patients tend to want to believe their medical professionals care about them and would not do something that would harm them. Many may not even know the harm being done because often times it can take a day to twenty eight days to have an adverse reaction. The patient usually goes to the emergency room and they do not check their vaccine history so the illness gets brushed off as stress , their imaginations convincing them they are ill, or they will be told the cause is unknown or genetic. The more corrupt and dishonest doctors will even brush it off if the patient makes and appointment and explains their health concerns and often times if they mention they believe it was the vaccine that caused it the medical professional will write it off as paranoia, something they read making them believe they are vaccine injured. It can take years for a person who is vaccine injured to find out what is truly wrong with their health.

With this Covid shot it has been the most corrupt I have seen . Many people are being ignored when they are injured by it and many injuries and deaths are not being reported. If only one percent of vaccine adverse reactions have been reported in the past it means there are not thousands out there who are vaccine injured and being lied to and told the cause of their illness is not known or genetic but millions world wide. Now consider that the corruption surrounding this Covid shot is worse then in times past there is going to be millions and millions who are injured and do not know it. So I am going to list the most common injuries the Covid shots are causing and the symptoms. Many of them are life threatening and if not corrected can cost a person their life over the months or even years. Death from vaccine injury does not always occur suddenly but it is happening with the Covid shot. The most common injuries from vaccines are Myocarditis, thrombosis, Behcet’s syndrome, Lupus, Psoriasis, leukocytosis, Temporal arterisis, thyroiditis, ASIA syndrome, Pancreatitis, Purpuric skin rash, vasculitis, graves disease, and Guillian Barre syndrome. Vaccines cause autoimmunity by causing the body to attack itself and causing systemic inflammation and these processes do not shut down. They injure the body in a way that the body can no longer properly regulate inflammation and the immune system. It is very possible to have more then one of these conditions. All of the forms of autoimmunity caused by vaccines increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Thrombosis is excess clotting, vaccine have been shown to induce thrombosis but the Covid shots have a very high rate of inducing thrombosis. It is life threatening and can cause strokes , heart failure and death.

Symptoms of thrombosis:

Chest pain or shortness of breath.

Swelling in limbs often on one side of the body.

Confusion, being disoriented , dizziness, brain fog, or irritability.


Blurred vision

slurred speech

numbness or weakness on one side of the body

Muscle stiffness

Swelling and redness in the affected area

abdominal pain

Shortness of breath

Weakness and decreased alertness.

Loss of mobility.



Blurred vision.

Pain in calf muscles, inner thigh muscles or chest pain.

Testing for thrombosis a complete blood cell count, prothrombin time, D-dimer test, fibrinogen test, PF4-heparin enzyme test.

Myocarditis is caused by heart inflammation. If this goes untreated it can result in death. Myocarditis often times gets ignored or disregarded and many medical professionals do not know how to identify it on and EKG especially cardiologist surprisingly.

Symptoms of myocarditits are:

Vague chest pain that is hard to describe. Aching a squeezing pressure in the chest.

Abnormal or rapid heart beat.

Low endurance

Feeling of flu like symptoms

Fluid retention resulting in swelling in the legs and ankles.

Weight gain

Frequent urinating at night

POTS which causes lightheadedness when standing or exerting oneself. This can also bey caused by neurological issues, and autoimmunity.

Behcet’s Disease caused by blood vessel inflammation can be life threatening.

Recurrent sores in mouth and genital area.

Skin and joint pain, swelling and redness and tenderness in effected areas.

Inflammation in eyes

abdominal pain

Skin lesions, when skin is pricked red bumps will appear.

Loss of appetite and nausea or vomiting


Esophageal ulcerations.

Symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Extreme fatigue

Pain and swelling in joints, hands, feet and around eyes.

Severe headaches

Sensitivity to sunlight or fluorescent lights

butterfly rash especially on checks and nose.

Chest pain when breathing

hair loss

sores in mouth or nose

Raynaulds disease. Fingers and toes turn white or blue and feel numb when a person gets cold or stressed.

Low red blood cell count or platelets. The low platelets are from excess blood clotting.

Kidney pain and dysfunction.

Confusion, depression, seizures


fluid around the heart

dry eyes

stomach pain

swollen lymph glands

Test used are antinuclear antibody test and clinical observation.

Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Patches of flaky dry skin. Excessive itchiness.

Pitted and cracked nails

Joint pain

testing skin sample is viewed under a microscope.

Leukocytosis caused by excess infection, inflammation and autoimmunity.

High white blood cell count

Weight loss





stomach ache

skin rash

systemic pain


confusion, difficulty making decisions or thinking clearly.

problems with vision

frequent bruising or bleeding in skin.

Heavy bleeding during menstruation

Frequent sweating


pain or tingling in lower extremities

Enlarged liver , spleen and lymphs

excess blood clotting.

Temporal Arteritis caused by excess inflammation and autoimmunity.

Jaw pain, difficulty chewing or talking.

Throbbing headache


tenderness in scalp or temple

double, blurred or vision loss which can become permanent.

Muscle aches in upper arms , shoulders hips, upper thighs , lower back and buttocks.

Stiffness and pain in joints and neck.

Flu like feeling.

Test used erthorcyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive, test for anemia, MRI or PET scan.


Systemic pain



jaw pain and stiffness or muscle fatigue in face

feeling of being constantly tired


irregular sleep patterns

Irritable bowel syndrome

tingling or numbness in hands and feet

painful menstrual periods

restless leg syndrome

heat and cold sensitivity

brain fog

vision problems


Pelvic and urinary problems

feeling like you have a cold or the flu.

Depression or anxiety

difficulty breathing

Symptoms can become worse with changes in the season or weather.


Inflamed thyroid

a person will be stressed easy or be worrisome, have a feeling of irritability

difficulty sleeping

rapid heart rate


unplanned weight loss

increase in sweating and heat intolerance

anxiety or nervousness

increased appetite



difficulty performing physical exercise

decreased ability to concentrate or focus

dry skin

Test used TSH, T3, T4, TPO or TRAb test, ESR Sed rate, ultrasound, RAIU test.

ASIA syndrome caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.



chronic fatigue

dry mouth

nuerological problems

cognitive problems difficulty remembering things.

Sleep is not refreshing

Pancreatitis caused by inflammation and autoimmunity.


nausea or vomiting

fast heart beat

swollen or tender abdomen, pain increases after eating

back pain

diarrhea and greasy stools which are foul smelling

weight loss

shortness of breath

yellowing of skin or whites of eyes

frequent gall stones

Vasculitis inflammation in blood vessels caused by autoimmunity.

Blood in urine



feeling of being ill

feeling weak, fatigued

skin rashes

joint pain

abdominal pain

kidney pain

numbness or weakness

systemic pain

cough or shortness of breath

Graves disease cause by inflammation and autoimmunity.

Increased appetite but has weight loss

anxiety or irritability or mood swings


heat intolerance or excess sweating

chest pains

rapid or irregular heart beats

increased stool frequency

irregular or stopped menstrual periods

muscle weakness


reduce libido or erectile dysfunction.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

enlarged lymph gland

Thyroid eye disease

skin thickening

increased metabolic rate

trembling in hands.

Guillain Barre syndrome

tingling in feet and hands or pain.

Pain in legs and back

Weakness on both sides of the body

widespread nerve damage

Bell’s Palsy

Difficulty with eye muscles and vision

Needle like sensations in hands or feet

Difficulty with coordination

Problems with digestion

Problems with bladder control

There are many many other types of autoimmunity caused by vaccines and this Covid shot has been the worst one. It is causing harm on a scale like never before. The deaths and injury from these Covid shoots have been extremely high but as usually they are hiding the harm being done.

Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical and medical industry so they will be more inclined to serve them. It is up to us to do our research the information is out there on the harm being done. Many have worked very hard to warn people. When the information is readily available and people choose to ignore it then God holds them accountable because they chose to be ignorant and they carry blood guilt for the harm they leave occur to themselves or their family. Many seen the danger and warned people so they carry no guilt it is all on those who choose to ignore the warnings.

You can heal from these things but it takes a functional medicine practitioner because allopathic medicine is only designed to treat the symptoms of illness there is no profit in treating the cause. If you heal the patient you lose a customer. If you treat the symptoms then you have a life time return customer. Should you really trust those who profit from you to decide what is best for your health? Should you really trust a government who has repeatedly gotten caught covering up the harm the medical and pharmaceutical industries are doing?

You are responsible for you own health no matter who nice your medical professional of choice may seem if they are brushing your health issues aside they are protecting themselves, the pharmaceutical industry and helping to hide the harm modern medicine is doing and they do not care about your health.

Death in which the CDC is hiding.

12,184 DEAD 1,196,190 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”

Covid shots are causing autoimmunity through molecular mimicry.


Vaccine induced thrombosis.





Purpuric skin rash

Graves disease.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Identifying the symptoms of vaccine injury.

symptoms Myocarditis and Symptoms of Pots

Symptoms of thrombosis

Behcet’s Syndrome




Temporal arteritis



ASIA syndrome



Graves disease

Guillian Barre syndrome