There is something much bigger then climate change we should be worrying about.


Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am a lousy editor.

We have a crisis but it is not global climate change. It is far worse, it makes most world problems seem mild. Our food supply is going to collapse at the rate things are going. The destruction of the circle of life that keeps our food supply going is collapsing at an alarming rate. The toxins man is dumping into our environment is destroying our water ways, the oceans and even our air. This is effecting the fish and amphibian populations which other animals in the food chain consume. We have lost many species of insects especially ones that pollinate are being driven to extinction. Many farmers now have to rent bees and those who own the bees will not rent to ones who use chemicals because the farm chemicals are destroying our pollinators.

The biotech industry is creating the very problem they are falsely claiming to be solving. They claim they are increasing productivity and reducing chemical usage but in actuality they are increasing the use of them. They are causing super plants to arise that are immune to current chemicals so their strength and the amounts used has to be increased. Insect that the plants are supposed to be resistant to are becoming resistant to the toxins the shot gunned into the genes of the plants so they are having to make the plants more and more toxic.  Not only that but the farm chemicals being used have been found to have a dramatic negative impact on the health of those consuming the foods that contain them. The BT Toxins that are found in the genes of GMO foods have been found to cause the body to react in a way similar to how it would react if a person had food poisoning. It is why digestive diseases are rampant right now. The farm chemicals are known to cause autoimmunity , cancer, diabetes and many other illnesses. Now combine this with the effects of vaccines which are known to damage the body 100% of the time. They claim the body recovers from the damage they do but add that with the damage being caused by the toxins in our food and environment. The United States has the highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world. Our children are the sickest in the world. We need to start asking why?

There are microbes in our oceans that regulate our climate. Those are being destroyed by the toxins we are dumping into them. We consume the sea food from those oceans but populations of the things we eat are rapidly declining and ones that have not declined have become so toxic we have to limit what we consume or even avoid them altogether.

GMOs have been found to produce less and if they do get comparable production they have been found to be lacking in nutrients because the chemicals they use on them chelates important minerals from the soil and from the bodies of those who consume the foods containing those chemicals. Not only that but they also destroy the microbes plants need to take up nutrient farther reducing the nutrient content of the plants. Now combine that with over farming and the foods produced have very little nutritional value. The government hides the harm being done. They only care about power and money. Not only have they worked to hide the harm being done they have increased the levels of toxins they permit people to use. GMOs and over processing of foods have made it so most of our food is just filler and has very little nutritional content which is most likely contributing to obesity because food is not inflammatory which is known to cause obesity and a person has to eat more of it to get the nutrients they need.

Because the biotech industry has pretty much taken over the education on methods of farming children are indoctrinated to believe that they will make more profit and have better production with GMOs even though the opposite has been shown to be true. Those who use safer non chemical methods of farming get higher production with foods that taste better and have much higher nutritional content and it cost much less to produce.

Many scientist have estimated that the damage we are causing to our soil and water will cause us to lose the ability to produce food within a few decades.

Greed has made people easy to deceive into using less profitable and harmful farming methods. With the modern farming practices it is not a matter of if our food supply collapse but a matter of when it collapses. Once the extinction of our pollinators has occurred there is no recovering because they cannot be replaced. Once an insect or animal that pollinates has become extinct we cannot replace them. Man is trying to develop methods of pollinating because we are so close to losing our pollinators for good. We know how that goes, when man intervenes we usually mess things up even more. They do not want people to take note that this is occurring because the corrupt pharmaceutical industries own the biotech industries and they stand to lose billions if people take note of these things. I wouldn’t doubt if they are the ones promoting the climate scare and the false information claiming that GMOs increase food production and will end hunger.

Now ad this to the fact that people spray chemicals to kill the plants these bees use for a food source. Dandelions are one of the first foods bees have access to in the spring and most will spray chemicals to kill dandelions and other wild flowers needed by our pollinators.

These chemicals are killing amphibians, fish , shell fish and many other creatures. Other animals rely on those for food. Their destruction causes a break in the food cycle. So this even effects our access to animals as a source of nutrition. With man working against the earth we have a food supply very very near collapse. Once those creatures are gone they are gone and there will be no way to produce the amounts of food we do now days.

There is a lot of data showing that installing windmills in the Oceans is causing the death of many whales and dolphins. Governments world wide refuse to even acknowledge or look at the data.

Fake food

We are losing our ability to produce food.

Most recent oil spill, from the date I wrote this.

Government even works to hide the harm being done.

Effects of agriculture on the environment.

Terrible Effects of Agricultural Pollution

Things we can do to protect our biodiversity.

Loss of biodiversity.

Modern farming techniques reduces production.

Health of soil effects our health.

Oceans being destroyed.

Bayer has a sordid history and has bought Monsanto which has just as corrupt of a history and they both have histories of corruption and government collusion.

Food supply in our oceans is collapsing.

Effects of the pharmaceutical industry on our oceans.

The destruction of our health.

Should you trust Monsanto about the safety of their products?

GMO have lower yield and lower nutritional content.

Do GMO Crops Really Have Higher Yields?

Good sources of information on GMOs

GMO destroy the environment.

This is a post I did on climate change and things they overlook when they talk about it.

Global climate change is it real? What are some facts not discussed concerning climate change science?

Farm chemicals and pollution are destroying the mycelium which is the planets neural network. When it collapses so does many eco systems. This causes a collapse of our food supply it has reach what seems to be a point of no return. Studies have found that organic farming produces food with increased nutrient levels and increased production. Studies have also shown organic farming is less costly when done properly. There are many studies showing the importance of the mycelium but very few if any studies showing what the destruction of the mycelium will result in. I do know from personal experience that soil lacking the mycelium layer grows very low quality if any plants life.

The number of ways we are destroying the environment in a way that will destroy the worlds food supplies is too numerous to mention in one article. With this article I am only touching the tip of the figurative iceberg.

9 Bad Habits that are Destroying our Environment