Global climate change is it real? What are some facts not discussed concerning climate change science?

This is my take on climate change. I am not ruling out the possibility that it is occurring but I am not entirely convinced of it. If it is occurring the present day models of how it could occur do not add up and are severely flawed. If the polar caps are truly melting at the rates the claim then New York and Florida should be under water by now because the ocean levels should have dramatically risen but they have not.

They use an IPCC model to determine worse case scenario outcome when it comes to climate change. It seems they ignore certain data and variables to get the desired worse outcome then what is realistic. They manipulate the data to support their preconceived notions behind their flawed climate change models. WHO which has a history of corruption is the biggest promoter of using IPCC model in predicting the outcomes of things. WHO has a history of being in error with their predictions. They pick and choose which research they will accept and reject any research that does not support their conclusions. This is about as unscientific as you can get.

Click to access NIPCC%20Final.pdf

Great Lakes Reveal a Fatal Flaw in Climate Change ‘Science’

Climategatekeeping: Siberia

‘Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist,’ a Swiss Physicist Challenges Global Warming Climate Orthodoxy

Most know how the toxins from farm run offs, toxins and chemicals being dumped in our water effects our health.

Here is a link to the EPA website explaining how these toxins get into our water.

They claim that the CO2 man produces causes the ocean to become more acidic. This CO2 model has been debunked and it is so flawed I am not even going to get into it. It is a waste of time and ridiculous.

Greenhouse gases cannot physically cause observed global warming

Run off from toxins and minerals and many other things man is putting into our rivers is changing the PH of the ocean. This is causing unintended shifts in the chemical makeup of the ocean which does effect temperatures globally. The change in PH makes it difficult for plants and animals to absorb the minerals man is dumping into the water ways world wide. It is river runoff that is causing the PH of the ocean to change which could be effecting the temperature of the planet globally.

Studies that show eutrophication is causing the temperature of the earth to become warmer are being ignored and they are blaming the rising temperatures while they promote a theory that green house gases are causing the global warming even though that theory has been proven to be nearly impossible to cause climate changes.

Eutrophication changes the makeup of the biome of the ocean. It increases biome that absorbs light. How is this effecting the tempeture of the ocean.

We know suspended solids can cause water to absorb more solar radiation. So consider the erosion caused by man, farm run off and other solids man has cause to be flushed into our oceans and lakes. No consider the algae dying off adding more solids to the ocean and the possibility is there for the ocean to warm increasing the temperature of the globe.

Even this model of global warming is flawed because the algal blooms prevent sunlight from hitting the water which would prevent the water from absorbing the solar radiation so would have a cooling effect on the ocean. So it seems the ocean has some pretty strict things in place to regulate it’s temperature. But there is one more often times overlooked idea that does contribute to micro-climates forming that have been shown to cause warming.

Man tends to like to gather together instead of spreading out. In order to do this we build cities. Cities do contribute to global warming and it has been will documented that they create micro-climates that are warmer then areas that do not have all the buildings, concrete, pavement and vehicles absorbing solar radiation. With thousands of cities world wide what impact is this having on our global temperature? You do not hear it mentioned often because there is no money to be made from the truth if it is those in control who are actually causing any possible climate changes but they are researching how to prevent what they know is really happening. They have been researching how to increase the folage in urban environments.

We know that the earth has went through cycles of drastic tempeture changes in the past there has been evidence of very warm and very cold cycles. What caused these to happen because they occurred before man built thousands of cities or polluted the oceans. In their models of climate change they fail to include in their calculations the normal cycles of the sun and the fluctuations in the amount of solar radiation it emits.

The methods climate science uses have many flaws in them and that is not including the variables they are excluding. NASA who everyone tends to believe to be the authority on climate change has been caught in massive data fraud so they could support their false claims. Many look to the United Nations as an authority on science but they are often caught in fraudulent activities and have been caught creating problems so they could extend their outreach and influence in areas. Climate science does not consider the Chandler wobble of the earth when they are making their calculations on climate. It goes in 20 year cycles and is believed to effect our climate. The climate scientist do not consider the fact that the earth travels around the sun in an elliptical and not a circular pattern , this has been shown to effect the climate of the planet.

Click to access Zotov.pdf

Why would the media and governments around the world be spreading false fears? Notice even they refer to it as the climate scare. What is to be gain by instilling fear in people? Historically fear has been used to get people to fall into submission. It has been shown when there is fear then we lose the ability to reason and instead of reasoning things out we become reactionary and do not think things through. Since we do not have the resources to effect what they falsely claim man may be doing then we will turn to someone who we believe has the power to correct these supposed climate changes. It is no different then the medical industry and pharmaceutical industries instilling false fears so they can get people to trust them. If you combine the number of deaths caused by the pharmaceutical industry and medical industry together it would be prove to be one of the number one causes of death in the world. It is best not to let fear in or to not make a decision when we are in a state of fear. Meditate and think about who the messenger of the bad news is and what is in it for them. If the message is a message to provoke fear be extra careful when making a decision because it is very easy to be deceived when in a state of fear. Using fear to control society is nothing new and many leaders throughout history has used it to deceive people into doing their will. The pharmaceutical industry and biotech industry have been caught paying trolls to use sarcasm and put downs because man fear ostracism and will avoid those who are ostracized so they do not become a victim of the ones doing the verbal assaulting. Those who are week minded will fall for this tactic and often times leave the victim at the mercy of the ones doing committing the verbal abuse. This empowers them even more because they have managed to instill fear into those observing.

Something the climate scientist do not consider in their flawed and even fake science are things like orbital precession. Our planet wobbles and this effects the climate.

The Climactic Effects of Earth’s Orbital Cycles

The earth’s magnetic field changes this effects how much radiation can enter the earths atmosphere. This is not considered in most of their climate research.

We also have to consider the moon and other planets effect the earths climate. Geological orrery considers the other planets effects on the earths climate.

They have no way to accurately measure the supposed green house gases on the earths temperature because there are so many other variables they do not even consider, when they are factored in you start to realize the number they come up with when they make the claims in their research certain gases cause global warming, you realize they are speculating. They cannot accurately calculate the effects of supposed green house gases on climate because of changes in the amount of radiation the sun puts out varies.

This is a good articles explaining the many tactic deceptive people use to deceive others.

Something the climate change scientist do not consider is that volcanoes also have effects on the climate. A super caldera is causing ice at the north pole to melt and they can cause volcanic winters.

Are Undersea Volcanoes a Cause of Melting Sea Ice?

Something overlooked in the climate change models is the fact our atmosphere has a microbiome and it effect the weather. It can influence the amount of rain we get, snow levels, it can even effect whether a hurricane occurs or not.

The ocean also has a microbiome so how are all the toxins going into the oceans especially the farm runoff effecting our weather?

There is something much bigger then climate change that is happening and we are very near to it being too late to do anything about it. That is the collapse of our food supply. The very ones causing the collapse of our food supply are the ones yelling the loudest about climate change. Could they have an agenda?

There is something much bigger then climate change we should be worrying about.

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