New strains of Covid? Really?

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

This is not medical advice whether you get a vaccination or not is up to you but I highly recommend you talk to a qualified functional and experienced medicine practitioner before making any health decisions.

They have always known RNA vaccines cause more virulent strains of diseases to arise. This is why polio became more and more infectious. It is the spike protein that causes Corona viruses to be able to jump species. Since past RNA vaccine caused mild infectious agents to become more infectious when they integrated the RNA from the vaccines into themselves, what do you think is going to happen when all these vaccinated people come in contact with other Corona viruses that usually do not pose a threat to humans. Just as in times past it will make them more virulent creating super strains of the virus. I would say the Corona vaccine will be the biggest mistake they have ever made because this spike protein is different. It can cross to other species of microbes giving them the ability to become infectious so not only will more virulent forms of Corona viruses arise but other viruses may integrate the spike protein making them more infectious. Pfizer’s own documents show the spike protein from the injection can shed. What happens when these shed to others. How many viruses will this cause to mutate and become more infectious? The spike protein on it’s own has been shown to cause severe blood clotting and lung damage this is most likely the reason more are dying from the Delta variant who received one of the vaccines then those who had not received it.

Arrogance and greed will prevent them from ever telling the truth so they will find many ways to gas light to deceive the public about the truth of matters. Vaccines have always killed and harmed more then the actual illness ever has and they have become very good at hiding that fact from people.

They gas light by blaming it on the unvaccinated. How can a healthy person transmit something to someone else unless the person is unhealthy. They should be asking why others are more prone to infection while the nonvaccinated rarely get ill. Instead they want to get rid of the proof their vaccines are a scam by forcing vaccines on the health non vaccinated people.

Since it has been shown the vaccinated are spreading the new variants of Covid wouldn’t it seem reasonable believe these vaccines are causing other viruses to mutate? Why are the non vaccinated less prone to dying from the new strains of Covid? They are doing the same thing they did with Polio. When they discovered it was the vaccine causing the outbreaks of Polio they started diverting the blame. They also started referring to it as flaccid myelitis and pretended like they did not know the cause.

Since we know the PCR test are a scam. How do we even know there truly was a pandemic? How do we know these supposed new strains are not vaccine injury and they are blaming on supposed new strains to prevent others from learning their vaccines are causing people to become sick and die? They have done this in the past and the CDC and FDA have been caught many times colluding with the pharmaceutical industry to hide the harm they are doing. Should you really trust ones who have more interest in your money then in your health?

Exposing the Covid vaccine lies.

This is not medical advice. If you are thinking about getting any vaccine talk with a qualified and experienced functional medicine practitioner before you make your decision.

The media and politicians are not a good source of information for making medical decisions. They both are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. They are not going to tell the truth they would be biting the hand that feeds them. Most pharmaceutical research has been shown to be either fraudulent, ghost written and often times the results cannot be reproduced meaning their research is pretty much useless. If you want accurate information try to find studies that were done independently. You cannot trust the CDC or the NIH because they are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry and have been caught lying many times. We really cannot trust them right now because they have been removing data from their websites showing the number of people killed and harmed by the Covid vaccines. We need to ask why are they doing that? The head of the NIH has gotten caught lying many times so he cannot be trusted. We should not have blind faith when it comes to our or our families health. The CDC director got caught lying about the number of Covid deaths among the vaccinated. It was 30 times higher then she was claiming. So it is very important we do our research and not count on non science related sources. Science is never settled and you should be suspicious of anyone who says that because anyone who knows science know it is never settled but always changing.

The Covid vaccine is useless when compared to natural immunity. They are trying to force the vaccine on those who acquired natural immunity. Studies have shown this offers not benefit to those who acquired natural immunity. Studies have shown that the vaccines offer very little protection. So again we have to ask why are they pushing these Covid vaccines?

If you look at the research it seems the vaccinated are the ones spreading the new variants of the Corona virus. This has happened in the vaccinated in the past , when the vaccinated come in contact with a person who has been vaccinated they cannot develop immunity but those who got natural immunity could so easily overcome the infection. Because the vaccinated cannot fight the infection it mutates and adapts learning how to overcome the immune defenses in the human body. This appears to be happening with those who have been vaccinated for Covid. The areas with the most heavily vaccinated populations are the areas the new variants of the Corona viruses are springing up. A study done by the CDC showed that three quarters of those infected with the Delta variant were vaccinated so it seems to prove history is repeating itself and the vaccines are causing Corona viruses to mutate and become more virulent. Studies have shown that by the time the vaccines came out most had already come in contact with and developed immunity against Covid and those who developed natural immunity are barely effected by the new Delta variant.

Why you will never know the truth about the Covid vaccines and the Delta variant.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am a lousy editor.

The CDC, NIH and many other health organizations around the world are pulling the data from their websites on the deaths and harm caused by the vaccines. They are also pulling the data that shows the vaccinated are the ones getting the supposed Delta variant. We have to keep in mind the CDC , NIH and many other health organizations are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry. They are going to protect their corporate sponsors. It is why they are removing data from their websites that would show the truth about the harm their corporate sponsors are doing. Those vaccines are not free governments around the world are paying the pharmaceutical companies to distribute the vaccines. They have made billions from governments world wide.

Since we no longer have access to the data we have to use reasoning and observational science which the pharmaceutical industry and biotech industry hates because it means you follow the clues, develop a theory and then prove the theory. All the clues point to the vaccines being either the cause of the new Delta variant or they are making people more susceptible to strains of Covid that are usually not very infectious. There are a variety of ways vaccines cause diseases to become more infectious and even jump species.

When you look at the data the states with the highest Delta corona virus infections are the states that are the most heavily vaccinated so either they are falsely claiming there is a new variant to hide the vaccine injury or the vaccinated are causing Corona viruses to mutate and become more infectious. The CDC themselves admitted that the vaccinated are spreading the Covid variant. The extremes they are going through to hide the harm the vaccines are doing and how they are completely failing to protect people is explained at this link .

To hide how ineffective the vaccines are the CDC has decided to limit the data on break through cases among the vaccinated. The CDC themselves admitted that the vaccinated were spreading the Delta variant. I provided a link to the leaked document below. Studies done in some of the most heavily vaccinated nations like Israel are showing that the vaccine offer very little protection if any protection at all. There are many studies showing the vaccinated are spreading the Delta variant. Even the UK is skewing the data to make things appear to be more positive then they are. They did a study that showed the Covid vaccine actually increased your chances of dying from the Delta variant but the skewed the data to make it appear the unvaccinated had a better chance of dying from it. President Biden ordered OSHA to hide the data from employees who had adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine.

As deaths from the Covid vaccines skyrocket and the numbers are very high the CDC and other government agencies are working very hard to protect their corporate sponsors by hiding this data from the public. President Biden has social media companies censoring those who have been exposing the harm the vaccines are doing. Governments world wide have been censoring the information so people will not know that the vaccines are causing more harm and deaths then the Covid virus itself.

In the mean time they are pretending these vaccines are free but governments around the world have been paying the pharmaceutical companies billions for the vaccines. Most politicians are heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry it looks like they are returning the favor.

The CDC , FDA and pharmaceutical industries have a history of deception and criminal activity. They have been caught many time colluding with big corporations to hide the harm being done by the products these corporations are producing. For anyone to trust a government who has many times deceived the public and worked with the pharmaceutical industry to deceive the public companies, they are either naive or stupid.,%20OSHA%20will,course%20of%20action%20moving%20forward.,%20OSHA%20will,course%20of%20action%20moving%20forward.