This stuff kills cows and sheep and they feed it to us? Really???


Written by Lee Stevenson , sorry I am a lousy editor so there will be error in my grammar.

GMOs are one big lie.

They say we need GMOs because of a shortage of food. That is a lie it is because of greed. Many nations are studying how to deal with the massive amounts of food wastage. They create false fears then offer a false solution.

They claim that BT Toxins in GMOs are safe for human consumption. They say the animals that died from eating them is anecdotal evidence. At what point does it become solid proof? When the corporation lying about it decides it is real evidence ? When the corrupt governments who have been proven to be colluding with the biotech industry to hide the harm they are doing decides the evidence is beyond anecdotal? It has become clear now days that our governments and many of those in them are overcome with greed for power and money. I feel sorry for those who have not been corrupted and are trying to fight for what is right. Why are they not required to test them for safety. Why are they allowed to falsely claim they have been tested when they have not. They claim they have but the studies are so flawed they are invalid. They read more like an advertisement for the biotech industry. Most of the studies they quote to promote GMOs have been retracted or proven to be flawed.

What gets me is the BT Toxin has been found in the human blood stream showing that consuming it does effect the body because the biotech industry claims that cannot happen. They have even found it in the blood streams of infants in mothers wombs. I would like to see if those BT Toxin crystals cause the same ill health effects as oxalates because they are sharp crystal shaped structures. Oxalates cause joint pain especially in the hips, they also cause inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation causes autoimmunity, cancer and chronic illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. I wonder how many out there have joint pain and it is being caused by BT Toxin crystals but since there is no research in it they are probably being told it is in their heads or it is stress. That is allopathic medicines go to solution when they do not have an answer.

BT Toxins have been found to cause genetic alterations in rats that consume them. Since they are making their way into human blood streams there is a good chance that is also occurring in humans. The worst part of it is they are now doing what is called stacking. They are splicing genes from a number of different BT Toxin producing microbes into GMOs making them even more toxic.

There are studies showing the body reacts to BT Toxins the same way the body would react if it was having an allergic reaction. Many believe they are gluten intolerant but it is BT Toxin and glyphosate intolerant that is really the problem. The BT Toxin works by pretty much by destroying an insects gut giving them leaky gut which in humans causes food intolerances and allergies. BT Toxin has been show to deteriorate the mucus membrane in the gut. Now add the toxic effects of glyphosate which does pretty much the same things but can cause gut paresis. BT Toxins have been shown to trigger an inflammatory response in the gut which reduces the gut mucus membrane were our gut microbes that keep us healthy reside. There is no study showing the health effects of this from BT Toxins but there are many studies showing when this happens we develop leaky gut , autoimmunity and chronic inflammatory diseases. Now you can see why inflammatory bowel diseases are rampant now days.

BT Toxin has been found to be toxic to the blood and causes anemia and many other blood disorders. It has been shown to negatively impact the adrenal glands, spleen, liver and kidney. Notice all those types of illnesses have taken a dramatic climb lately.

GMOs have been shown to be nutritionally inferior. When they alter the genes so the plant produces higher amounts of a certain nutrient it causes the plant to produces less of another. The glyphosate and glufonisate they use on them chelate nutrients from the soil and enter our blood stream and chelate nutrients form the body. I believe it is not a coincidence the U.S. government started requiring they fortify food with the very nutrients that those chemicals chelate from the soil and body. The bad part about that is they use synthetic vitamins which are toxic to the body. Folic acid is man made and has been shown to increase the risk of cancer. It builds up in the blood stream causing psychosis and bipolarism because it damages the NMDA receptor. If you search my blog I have posted on it. Folate which is natural has the opposite effects. The sad part is many medical professionals do not know the difference between folate and folic acid. Because they are fortifying foods with iron many in the U.S. have iron toxicity which causes oxidative stress which can lead to cancer and chronic illness and digestive problems.

They have shown that it is possible for the genes from GMOs to transfer horizontally to the gut microbiotia and in animal studies it has happened. Knowing what BT Toxin does to the body can you imagine if our microbiotia is producing BT Toxin adding to the levels of BT Toxin in the bodies of those consuming GMOs. I would like to see someone study that and I would like to see a study on the blood levels of BT Toxins in those who consume GMOs.

GMOs are causing insects and weeds to become resistant to herbicides and pesticides which has increased the need to use those harmful chemicals. This has resulted in the extinction of some insects that polinate. It has brought the monarch butterfly on the verge of extinction and many bees have been put on the endangered species list. Bees are not the only thing that pollinates and the BT Toxin has been killing a variety of pollinating insects.

It is also contaminating the environment because the BT Genes are transferring to plants in the wild. I have posted on how toxic GMOs are if you want to learn more you can read more at this link.

Genetically modified foods destroy our health glyphosate and glufosinate add to the toxicity.

GMOs are toxic to the body now imagine that combined with glyphosate and other farm chemicals.

Hundreds of studies showing insects build up a resistance to it which means they are now stacking a variety of BT Toxin genes into the GMO crops making them even more toxic to eat. Cattle and sheep have died from eating GMOs. It had a negative impact on rats fed even low doses of GMOs. The most notable are the changes to the rats intestinal system which matches many unexplained digestive disorders many suffer from now days.

BT toxin cause an immune response very similar to food poisoning.

Kills insects.

I could list many studies showing that organic crops produce comparable or higher yields at lower cost. Not only that but the herbicides used on them chelate nutrients from the soil and when consumed they enter the blood stream and do the very same thing.

Now imagine what the combined effects of glyphosate and BT Toxin does.

BT Toxin in GMO are different then the natural bt toxin. The natural was toxic to humans so imagine consuming it.

Click to access Bacillus-thuringiensis–danger.pdf

They have never been tested for their risk to humans.

Not only those issues but horizontal gene transfer has been shown to happen which can turn our guts into pesticide factories.

The hype surrounding GMOs is based on research that has been retracted.

There was a hidden viral gene found in GMOs this has happened with vaccinations which has led to new super bugs occuring.

They falsely claim they need to save the world from starvation when in reality many nations are trying to figure out how to deal with the massive food wastage.

The plants we eat effect our genes can you imagine what GMOs are doing to peoples genes.

Apple cinnamon muffins.

apple muffin


My first try at making muffins and they came out great. I all organic especially flour most know how toxic GMOs are now and the glyphosate they use on them.  These muffins come out really moist.

1/2 Cup of unsalted butter.

1/2 cup of honey.

3/4 cup of raw sugar.

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

1 Large egg.

1/4 Teaspoon of nutmeg.

1 cup and 4 ounces of unbleached all purpose flour. Unbleached taste much better.

1 teaspoon baking powder.

1 teaspoon baking soda.

1/4 teaspoon of salt.

1 Heaping tablespoon of cinnamon.

1 cup of buttermilk. I did not have butter milk so I used a tablespoon of vinegar in a cup of milk and they still came out fine.

2 cups of unpeeled sliced apples. I sliced mine pretty small. The peels are the most nutritious part and cook up fine.



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

Melt the butter then add the sugar. Mix until it becomes fluffy.  I kept the heat on low and then I gently added the milk. Add the vanilla and honey continuing to mix well.

Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them well then combine the dry ingredients with the wet and mix well. Next add the apples, I used a silicon spatula which works great for folding the apples into the mix.

I used a soup ladle to pour it into the muffin pans, filling them about 3/4 of the way from the top. Oh I forgot you will want to grease or oil the pans so the muffins do not stick or use muffin cups.

Place in the oven on the middle rack. The recipe called for baking it 25 to 30 minutes but mine only took 20 minutes. Use a toothpick to test them. When just a little of the muffin batter sticks to the toothpick pull them out. and let them cool. They will continue to cook for a few minutes after you pull them out. If you cook them too long they will be very dry.

I only had muffin pans that made small muffins. This made 18 small muffins. I do not know how many of the larger it would make. When they cool a little take them out of the muffin pan and put on a rack to finish cooling.


Eat fat to lose weight and be healthy. Time to stop believing the myths.

This is not medical advice I am posting this for educational and informational purposes.


Written by Lee Stevenson.   Edited by no one I am too tired to lol.

People in the U.S. have dramatically reduced their intake of cholesterol and fat. Since then cardiovascular disease, obesity and chronic illness has climbed almost 5 times what it was before the diet change. People need to ask why? Shouldn’t people be healthier by following the government guidelines. As usual you will find the government is wrong again as they often times are.

Sorry I did not summarize this like I have with other post but I am getting tired and I have no source of income and need to try to focus on finding a way to make some money with my limited resources. I am trying to get as many of my notes online as I can but I need to focus on making some money very soon.  to summarize this would take me about 40 hours to provide links with notes by the links take me about 18 hours.

If we have fat metabolism issues or dis-regulation it can cause chronic illness. Fat protects us from inflammation, infection and is very important in healing.

Symptoms of fat absorption issues or fat deficiency is sugar and carbohydrate cravings, poor digestion and constipation, fatigue, low hormone levels, dry skin and eyes, intestinal inflammation which will inhibit nutrient absorption, weight gain because polyunsaturated fats are needed to break down fats. Joint pain, vision problems, and depression or poor concentration because the brain is mostly fat. Vitamin deficiency can cause a loss in the ability of the body to use fats. This can be caused by a loss of the microbes in our guts that produce the B12 for us, or from malabsorption. Until I got my gut healed I had to use the type of B12 you put under your tongue so I could absorb B12 better.

How inflammation causes obesity.

How Inflammation Makes You Fat and Diabetic (And Vice Versa)

Another important nutrient for digesting fats is water. If you are dehydrated frequently in you will become ill and obese.

Your gut microbiome tell you what to eat.

It is a myth that saturated fats are bad for a healthy person. Only when you are ill do they cause problems.

Another myth is that if you eat less you will lose weight.

Eggs are a good food to eat in order to lose weight.

If you want a more in depth article about fats these articles explain them and their benefits and proportions we should eat.

Here is a good list of what fats are good to eat and what ones should be avoided.

Why we should get fats from natural sources.

There are many industries that get people on a hamster wheel of fear. There is no money in solving a problem but if you keep giving people false hope and they do not do their research and search for the truth they end up on a hamster wheel of false hope getting no where. They will jump from one hamster wheel to the next having their ignorance of things taken advantage of. If you want off the hamster wheels of fear and ignorance learn the truth in matters you are not going to get the truth from the industries who profit from ghost written or fake research papers. There is no money in solving a problem. I watch these people go on fad diets and pay for supplements they will lose weight temporarily but those diets cause the body to go into starvation mode, when they do consume food it will start storing fat so that when it is starving again it will have the reserves it needs the next times starvation occurs. Starvation and fat deprivation are different then fasting. Fasting has many benefits if done correctly under guidance of and experienced naturopath.

They push yogurt as a weight loss food but many have strains of microbes in them that cause obesity. They promote diet soda as a way to lose weight and they actually cause weight gain. Low fat foods actually cause weight gain because the body needs fats to process nutrients propertly.

How our gut microbiome can help us lose weight.

you inherit your microbiota from your family. They modulate the genes to determine if you will be obese or not. It is not genetics.

Reishi mushroom increases the fat reducing microbiome.

This link explains the falsehood of many myths about losing weight.

Adiposity Index

High triglyceride levels can indicate excess oxidative stress. It is not caused by excess fat or cholesterol consumption. It is a symptom not the cause. This is why lowering cholesterol and fat intake does not lower the bodies fat and cholesterol content. Also gut imbalance cause by farm chemicals in our food and antibiotics can cause lipid imbalance leading to high triglyceride levels.

Now Omega 6s when under oxidative stress cause inflammation. I have posted on addressing oxidative stress it is very important to address it.

If you want to learn the truth about fats this doctor has put together some very accurate articles about fat.

If a person is deficient in choline they will experience headaches and may get indigestion when they consume fats. There are also metabolic issues that can prevent the body from properly metabolizing choline that can cause those symptoms when we consume choline.

With fasting, enzyme turns off body’s production of fats, cholesterol

There is a myth about fat making you fat. There is fat that causes obesity one is man made trans-fat which also causes cardiovascular disease. Inflammation an imbalance or deficiency in our microbiome and metabolic issues can lead to obesity. Fat and carbohydrates do not cause obesity. Neither does laziness I know many obese workers who were very hard workers and I knew many skinny people who sat around doing nothing all day. I mainly want to focus on fats this is a good article on how our gut microbes effect our weight. It is processed carbohydrates that cause health problems and most likely from the things they add to them. The food industry is allowed to add toxins to the food to preserve it and enhance it’s color. They also contain GMOs and the body reacts to BT Toxins found in GMOs the same way it would react if you got food poisoning. Also most of the processed foods are high in glyphosate and glufonisate which have been linked to many types of chronic illness. Another problem with modern diets is the intake of Omega 3 oils and Omega 6 oils is out of balance. Our intake of Omega 3 should be higher then our intake of Omega 6. When they are in balance Omega 6 reduces inflammation. When Omega 6 levels get higher then Omega 3 levels then Omega 6 will cause inflammation. They claim high fat diets and high cholesterol diets cause raised blood cholesterol levels but this has never been proven scientifically and the opposite has been found to be true. Processed carbohydrates have been found to cause weight gain.–t6y9Yf-XXFaWx3mPxcojRWNAY7xBqsZnXAIa0v52M

Now combine trans-fat with aspartame which is known to cause obesity and diabetes and you are asking for trouble.

Natural trans-fat that is not hydrogenated and found in animal products are actually good for our health.

Berberine found in things like bayberries decreases the gut bacteria that causes obesity and increases the bacteria that promote health.

Lipid dis-regulation is endothelial dysfunction which can be caused by vaccinations or toxins which causes autoimmunity. Especially those found in GMO foods. Even statins have been known to cause it and cognitive dysfunction. This is why statins have been linked to higher mortality from cardiovascular disease. Autoimmunity can lead to hair loss from dis-regulated lipid metabolism. GMOs and glyphosate used on them causes leaky gut which leads to autoimmune disease. If a person develops issues with lipid metabolism it can cause sterol precursors to build up which inhibit cellular and even mitochondrial function. This causes a sensitivity to sterols including plant sterols.

Glyphosate is a double whammy because it causes gut dysbiosis and leaky gut which has been linked to lipid dis-regultion. It also inhibits Cytochrome P450 enzymes which causes lipid dis-regulation. Our gut bacteria dramatically effect our health and an imbalance leads to chronic illness.

Hair loss.

Berberine also helps reduce fatty liver disease.

Inflammation causes cardiovascular disease and guess what causes inflammation, sugar, trans-fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Transfats like that found in margerine and hydrogenated vegetable oils have been linked to obesity and cardiovascular disease. This was proven shortly after their introduction to the market and yet they still promote them as good for your health. Reducing fat intake does not reduce the risk of heart disease but changing the types of fats we take in does. Reducing consumption of tran-fats and consumption of hydrogenated oil reduces our risk of cardiovascular disease.

Processed sugar is more of a worry it can make men become feminine. Also eating bad fats like those from GMO fed animals can make a man feminine. Fat from grass fed animals do not have those effects. Sugar causes cardiovascular disease and the sugar industry paid a lot of money to hide that fact.

Not only that but because GMO are lower in nutritional value a person has to consume more the high food intake results in obesity.

Most beef in the U.S. is contaminated with BT Toxins and glyphosate which we consume and then end up with it in our blood streams because grains used to feed them are GMO. Grass fed beef has been shown to be better for our health. This holds true for most animals products those from grass fed actually promote health. What the animal eats is what determines their effects on our health when we consume them.

They are still stuck on the high cholesterol causes heart disease hamster wheel but if you read my blog post on cholesterol and statins you will see those with high cholesterol live longer. This myth got started from a flawed study produced in the 1950’s and had been discredited but the media ran with it and it become accepted as a valid scientific paper even though it was plagued with flaws. The results of that are that the diet in the U.S. changed. People consume for less cholesterol and fat in their diets. This has resulted in something like 5 times the obesity rate and cardiovascular disease. Studies still try to prove that cholesterol levels are linked to heart disease but when you read the studies you can see they have not proven they are linked to heart disease but to prevent attacks from the pharmaceutical industry or even the medical industry who makes millions from this deception they will and comments that are biased even though their studies show there is no link between high cholesterol and heart disease. Almost every cell in our bodies need cholesterol , our heart and brain cannot function without it. It is why statins have been linked to increased cardiovascular disease and mental decline. They deprive the heart, muscles and brain of cholesterol.

Even our government admits that increased cholesterol consumption is not linked to cardiovascular disease and so has many research papers.

It has been proven many times that fat consumption is not what determines whether we are obese or not. Eating fat actually causes weight loss because it increases satiety meaning we will eat less.

Antibiotics and glyphosate along with other farm chemicals can cause leaky gut and gut dysbiosis. This can lead to malabsorption issues. Vaccination increase B cell levels which can cause the same health problems. We need fat to absorb fat soluble vitamins so no matter how much we eat we will not absorb nutrients. When this happens we should switch to using short chain fatty acids because our bodies can readily use them without having to break them down. This causes bile production to become inhibited adding further to the malabsorption because inhibited bile flow also decreases the pancreatic release of digestive enzymes. If we do not eat enough fat we cannot produce bile and it will lead to chronic illness and can result in inflammatory bowel disease.

List of fat soluble vitamins.

Fat Soluble Vitamins and Water Soluble Vitamins

Higher fat intake lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease.

High fat diets prevent our skin from aging.

I have posted on things that can inhibit bile like gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, fat deficiency or pyrrole issues which prevent the body from being able to use fats properly. Issues with the citric acid cycle can also inhibit bile production. If that happens it can cause the bladder to develop infection and will have to be removed. Instead of letting it get to that point address the problems because the bladder is very important for proper health. A person can become deficient in lipase and will not be able to break down fats. If you have had it removed this is a site that has information on how to deal with it. To increase lipase production drink water from volcanic sources. Eat carbohydrates. Exercise increases lipase levels.

Symptoms of lipase deficiency are gallbladder problems, interstitial cystitis, arthritis, heart palpitations, deposits of lipid build up under the skin, allergies and food intolerances, spastic colon, high TH17 levels which causes skin rashes.

How to increase lipase.

Low Sirt levels can cause obesity or inflammatory bowel disease. Leptin resistance causes obesity increasing Sirt will increase leptin sensitivity.

Issues with sulfation , high sulfur digesting bacteria levels in the gut or sulfur deficiency can cause obesity. Glyphosate, fluoroquinolone antibiotics and mercury still found in some vaccines are the number causes of sulfation issues.

Another cause of obesity is hormone imbalance which can be caused by the toxins found in processed foods, farm chemicals which have been found to be high in our food supply and toxins in the containers used to store our food in. Also metabolic issues caused by inflammation, leaky gut or gut dysbiosis can lead to hormone imbalance.

Catalase is known as the longevity enzyme. It protects the cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and toxins. Consuming fat increases catalase. Higher the fat consumption the lower the mortality rate.

Those with autoimmune diseases especially interstitial cystitis need fats to reduce the high ceramide levels.

Before correcting metabolic issues, inflammatory problems or gut issues that may be causing obesity a person should detox and continue to detox as they lose weight because fat stores toxins to protect the body.

The fats that benefit health the most are polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, medium chain fatty acids are also very important for good health.

Now if you read this research paper fat activates Sirt1 which is known as the antiaging gene. So fat reverses againg. Since the research showing fat causes obesity is full of flaws and missing data then you have to look to find the data and why they left it out. There studies are conditionally biased they do not want people to know how to get healthy. A healthy patient is not a patient so the medical and pharmaceutical industry both lose money. They have no incentive to get people healthy and it is why they only research and treat the symptoms because treating the cause creates a lost customer.

Olive oil Is high in a variety of fats that promote health.

Omega 9 which is rarely mentioned has many health benefits. This article also list source of Omega 3. It is well worth reading. It mentions soybean oil and cotton seed oil. Most are GMO now and toxic. Unless you can find organic I would stay away from those.

The fats found in butter and ghee have amazing health benefits.

Flax seed oil and consuming fish that are high in fat improves the quality of life in those with MS. So does consuming fruit.

The endocanabinoid system is dependent on fats and if we do not get enough it cannot function.

I do not know anyone who had tried this but based on research I have read it should help with the many issues caused by inflammatory bowel and malabsorption if not taken in doses over 200mg.

People need to stop worrying about being fat and focus on being healthy. This woman states it best in the article she has written.

Fasting shuts down the production of fats and cholesterol. This should be done correctly and should be research before trying this and those with type 1 diabetes can cause ketoacidosis if they try fasting.

A safer alternative for those with type 1 diabetes may be a high fat ketogenic diet.

Leptin resistance causes obesity and cardiovascular disease so should be addressed.

Those who lose weight too quickly will cause very low leptin levels which will impact their health. In order to recover they will need to increase their leptin levels.

Ursolic acid found in apple skins, prunes, rosemary, basil, peppermint, thyme, oregano, hawthorn and bilberries helps correct metabolic issues and reduce fatty liver disease. It increases skeletal muscle and the healthy brown fat in our bodies.

Bile acid is very important in the regulation of fats in our body.

Statins cause alzheimers for the same reason low fat diets do. The brain is made mostly of fat. I cannot believe people have not figured out since fat and cholesterol has been dramatically reduced in the diet in the U.S. obesity, cardiovascular disease and chronic illness has taken a dramatic climb. Where did the myth they cause obesity and cardiovascular disease come from. I have only seen a couple studies and they read more like advertisements for the pharmaceutical industry. They were plagued with conditional bias and opinion which does not belong in research only the facts matter.

Inflammation causes heart disease not cholesterol.

If you are deficient in fat you cannot fight infection.

Bitter melon enhances lipid metabolism and reduces estrogen.

Lactobacillus Reuteri increases oxytocin which reduces weight gain from menopause.

Addressing Vitamin D Receptor Issues.

This is not medical advice I am posting this for educational and informational purposes. Naturopathic doctors usually already have this type of knowledge and it would be a good idea to seek one if you are ill.


Vitmain D Receptor.

Homeostasis should always be the goal. If you over do things you can cause just as many health problems as you are trying to address. If we have an inhibited VDR receptor we will develop gut dysbiosis. It is important in maintaining balance of our gut microbiome. Inhibited VDR also causes intestinal inflammation. A person can become deficient in iron and their GABA levels may become low. I have posted in other blog post how to increase GABA. Lactoferrin and Knotgrass help restore iron homeostasis. Knotgrass should not be mistaken for Knotweed they are very different plants.

If the vitamin D receptor becomes inhibited we will develop digestive problems , inhibited bile and malabsorption. We will also develop lipid dysfunction. We can also develop autoimmunity and will be more prone to herpes type virus infections along with tuberculosis. Toxins and infection inhibit the vitamin D receptor especially mercury and glyphosate. I have posted on detoxing. When proper function of VDR is inhibited a person may appear to be deficient in vitamin D.

In some with inhibited VDR taking vitamin D can make them worse they need to address the cause not the symptom. This is usually caused by infection which can inhibit cyp24A1 enzyme.

How to increase Cyp24A1 enzyme activity. Do not over do it because it can cause deficiencies in certain types of vitamin D from causing their depletion. Homeostasis should always be the goal. Decreasing inflammation should also be a priority because inflammation inhibits cyp24A1. Curcumin and resveratrol found in grape seed extract stimulate Cyp24A1. Curcumin chelates iron and should not be used for too long because if used for too long it can cause anemia. Forskolin increases cyp24A1 activity. High FGF-23 levels will inhibit VDR.

Reducing phosphate and adrenal hormones helps reduce FGF-23. Reducing inflammation also decreases FGF-23. They often time recommend ferric citrate to lower potassium which lowers FGF-23 but this can lead to iron toxicity so if used it should be done in moderation. Calcium carbonate and calcium acetate help reduce phosphate levels. Chocolate, soda pop, bottled beverages and beer should be avoided they are high in phosphate. Milk products, beef liver and fish eggs are also high in phosphate. Phosphate binders should be taken with meals.

Loss of VDR receptor can cause hair to become brittle and you may start losing your hair, you can develop osteoporosis, your insulin level may become high while your blood glucose levels will become low. You may develop joint pain and swelling and fibromyalgia like symptoms. You will develop severe bone pain.

Excess vitamin D will cause excess thirst, high oxalate levels, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, muscle fatigue, confusion and weakness.

Zinc, Vitamin K2, Vitamin A, Vitamin E are needed and sulfate which is found in water from volcanic sources. Those who are not sulfating right or have high levels of sulfide in their bodies need sulfate because they will not be able to convert food sources of sulfur and it will make them sicker. Brown seaweed and cod liver oil has many of the nutrients needed by the vitamin D receptor. Sardines and eggs are good sources of vitamin D.

Halogen light, sunlight or far infrared will help detox hormones from the body.

High adrenalin levels can also inhibit the VDR. Adaptogens may help to reduce adrenal hormones. Maca root and suma root helped me. Ashwanga is a very potent adaptogen but be careful because as I stated it is potent. Rhodiola and Eluethero have been shown to be very effective and safe adaptogens.

Excess estrogen can interfere with proper VDR function. Low dose boron can help detox excess estrogen. Soaking in epsom salt and then getting sunlight, far infrared or halogen light will also help detox carcinogenic estrogen. High estrogen levels causes high T4 thyroid hormone levels and low T3 hormone levels.

Calcium D Glucarate inhibits B-Glucuronidase which increase glucuronosyltransferase activity which helps remove glucuronide groups from the body. Many toxins are glucuronidated including carcinogenic hormones. This helps remove estrogen from the body. It also reduces DHEA and steroid hormones. I would not use this daily but I would pulse it. This has been shown to help with interstitial cystitis.

High dose vitamin D can inhibit the VDR receptor but low dose can stimulate it.

If the vitamin D receptor is inhibited Thymosin B4 will be inhibited. Thymosine B4 is needed for tissue regeneration and also needed for the body endogenous steroids to reduce inflammation. If deficient Thymosin B4 a person will develop dry eyes. Thymosin B4 is used to cure dry eyes.

If the vitamin D receptor is inhibited the absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium will be inhibited. Also vitamin D inhibits inflammation and the release of histamines.

Increasing Sirt1 can stimulate the vitamin D receptor. It is also known as the longevity gene. Fasting activates Sirt1. Resveratrol activates Sirt1. It is found in high levels in red wine and skins of grapes. It is also found in high levels in grape seed extract. When Sirt catalyzes a reaction NAD+ is required. Curcumin increases Sirt activity but should be used in moderation because it chelates iron from the body and can eventually lead to anemia if used for too long. Querciten increases Sirt activity. Berberine dramatically increases Sirt1 activity. Ferulic Acid found in wheat germ, white navy beans and angelica increase Sirt activity. There are many things that can increase Sirt.

Now the down side to Sirt1 and why homeostasis should always be the goal and we must be careful not to over do things. Over activation of Sirt can cause excess oxidative stress which can lead to damage in the body.

High adrenal hormones, high T4 level, high phosphatonin levels and high prolactin levels can inhibit the VDR receptor. Autophagy reduces all of those. Things that stimulate autophagy are fasting, fulvic acid, nobiline, resveratrol. High phosphatonin is a sign of leaky gut or other digestive issues. It is caused by high Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 which increases when we have digestive issues. Causes of high prolactin can be a dopamine deficiency, or issues metabolizing dopamine, or hormone imbalances. High FGF-23 inhibits the VDR.

High TGF-B levels can inhibit VDR. High TGF-B is and indication of T-cell or B-cell imbalance. I have posted on increasing T regulatory cell which help balance the immune system. High TGF-B can be caused by mold toxins. Symptoms of high TGF-B levels are low acetylcholine levels, muscle loss, bone loss, frequent infections, increased serotonin levels, decreased immune response but increased inflammation.

High Phosphatonins can be a sign of low klotho levels. High phosphatonins can indicate severe kidney disease, high cellular damage, high vitamin D levels or ketoacidosis. Symptoms of high phosphatonin levels are muscle cramps or spasms, bone and joint pain, bone loss, rashes or itchy skin. A diet low in phosphate will help reduce symptoms until the problem is corrected.

Vitamin A and K2 are needed for the vitamin D receptor to function properly.

Increasing klotho will decrease phosphatoin levels. To increase klotho decrease toxins in the body. Exercise can increase klotho. Carbohydrates increase insulin which increases klotho. Probiotics acidophilus, and Lactobacillus Lactis increases Klotho. There are natural ACE inhibitors which increases klotho. Some natural ACE inhibitors are whole cooked rice, peas, sea food, chitin , brown and red algae, Pleurotus cornucopiae mushroom, matsutake mushroom, walnuts, pomegranate, Onopordon acanthium also known as cotton thistle, banana, bitter melon, Lactobacillus Plantarum , Lactobacillus Casei, bacillus subtilis, termina chebula, cooked tomato skin, rice bran, and hemp seed. Our commensal E Coli produce ACE inhibitors.

If prolactin levels are high a person will lose their sex drive, experience hypothyroidism, and mental distress. In women it can disrupt the menstrual cycle, and they can have seepage from the breast, vaginal dryness and painful sex. High prolactin levels can cause headaches and blurred vision. A person may experience hot flashes.

Ashwagandha decreases prolactin and increases testosterone. Vitamin E reduces prolactin, cod liver oil is a good source of vitamin E. Vitamin B6 reduces prolactin levels. Maca Root reduces prolactin levels. Sleep and zinc help reduce prolactin levels. Chasteberry, ginger, clove and cayenne pepper lowers prolactin levels. Also avoid foods contaminated with endocrine dysruptors especially GMO which are high in glyphosate. Increasing dopamine decreases prolactin. Avoid foods in containers that have BPA in them. Do not use plastics for food that contains BPA.

Sirt1 increases VDR activity. I have posted on stimulating Sirt. Fasting, querciten , grapes seed extract and many other things can stimulate Sirt1.

Omega 3s found in fish oil, coconut oil and olive oil can activate the VDR receptor. Some who have pyrrole issues they may have to use medium chain fatty acids instead. Medium chain fatty acids can be readily used by the body without having to be converted. Some sources of MCFA are coconut oil, unpasteurized raw animal milk(goat milk contains some of the highest levels), palm kernel oil, Durio graveolens which is in the durian family but is red and does not smell like dead animal like the others. Macadamia nut and pumpkins seeds are also high in MCFA. Butyric acid found in Ghee and butter and produced by some of our gut bacteria provides MCFA. Cocoa butter made from cocoa beans is high in stearic acid. Nuts are high in MCFA. You may also see them referred to as medium chain triglycerides, MCTs.

For those who are not sensitive to methyl donors SAMe can restore VDR function but I would not take it excessively or for too long.

Here is a link with good information on the vitamin D receptor.

I covered vitamin D more in depth by this post.

Is it time to give up on the flawed modern day science of genetics?

Written By Lee Stevenson, edited by Tracey Northern

After writing this it made me realize that the pharmaceutical industry and biotech industry are using the lies about genetics to put a smoke screen up and convince the victims their genes are at fault for their illness when they are the ones actually causing all the chronic illness that has reached epidemic levels. Only 3% of chronic illness can be attributed to genetics. So why do people ignore what could be causing the other 97% which is our exposome.

Time to throw the modern day theory of how genes work out of the window along with GMOs and vaccinations which are based on it. As you learn about genes you come to realize plant and animal genes work as a network and a disruption or change in one gene affects the whole network and can have unintended results. We learned this from genetically modified crops. They are less nutritious and affect the body in the same way as food poisoning. It is why the GMO industry is destined to fail. They have lower yields and pests easily circumvent the qualities they have added to the plants to prevent pests so farmers end up with a crop that produces lower yields and is still attacked by pests. Take as an example the case that happened in India where farmers left their animals to graze on the cotton plants after they harvested the cotton, which was common practice, but with the genetically modified cotton crops the animals died.

They have shown that adding genes has unintended consequences. Genes are much more complex than originally thought and the theories that science clings to are being proven wrong daily. There are so many things that can affect how a gene functions and heritability only contributes a very small fraction of how our genes function. Humans share a lot in common with plants so I believe it would be safe to assume this is true also for plants.

When you see the many variables that affect genes you lose confidence in genetic testing in order to predict what illness a person may be prone to. I have seen those with supposed gene flaws who had no gene related disease and others who do not have those gene flaws and yet have disease specific to those very same genes.

This indicates we are missing something. It also shows how flawed science is. Some research papers that use anecdotal evidence have to be retracted while others, usually funded by corporate science, are plagued with nothing but anecdotal evidence and get accepted as fact and even promoted as proven science. Corporate Science has dumbed down true science, does not tolerate real science and will destroy the careers of those who mention real science or point out the fallacies of corporate science.

What we have learned from the bio-tech’s fake science is that it is more important to support cell signaling and the metabolic pathways than provide the proper nutrients needed to either stimulate or inhibit certain gene functions in a way that take other genes in the network into consideration. Something the biotech industry cannot and does not do.

Now we come to the fake science of the vaccine industry. Vaccines have been found to permanently alter genes and those changes get passed on to the next generation. We can see the effects on society. Children are being born with chronic illness that they must deal with all their life. Most of these things they will falsely claim are caused by our genes. The pharmaceutical industries studies are also plagued with anecdotal evidence and outright fake science that has been proven wrong. For example vaccination is based on germ theory but germ theory has repeatedly been proven wrong. Yes means yes and no means no except when it comes to corporate science. Yes and no mean what they determine them to mean. Now here is where I think the omnigenic model will go wrong. They will not consider the fact that humans/animals and plants have microbes that modulate their genes. Changes in the functions of those genes also change animal and plant microbial makeup. Microbiota can alter host gene expression. These things have definitely not been considered by the biotech industry or the pharmaceutical industry. Vaccinations have been shown to alter the bodies T and B cell balance. This has been shown to alter our microbiome which would alter the function of many genes that are modulated by our microbiome. Something as simple as altering our diet can change our microbiome and alter gene expression in the body. I firmly believe the omnigenic model is much more accurate then the polygenic model.

As you research more and more you can only come to one conclusion. Our external environment is just as important as our internal one for maintaining healthy genes. When all the facts and information are considered a person can only conclude that our internal and external environment and the external (enviromental) biome and our internal biome have more to do with gene expression then anything that is inherited. This is also true for plants.

When you look at the data and real science it starts becoming clear blaming genes is a smoke screen for the harm being done by the pharmaceutical industry, medical industry and biotech industry. It is a way of blaming the victims for the harm they are doing. Medical error is the number one cause of death in the world. Now add to that adverse reactions to drugs and vaccines kill many. Adverse reactions to pharmaceutical products rarely get reported. Keep in mind that the biotech industry is owned by pharmaceutical companies. There is more money in keeping people ill. A healthy patient is a lost customer. So when you consider all of these things it becomes clear modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry are the number one causes of death and chronic illness in the world and they use the flawed genetics science to blame the victims for the harm they are doing.

How our enviroment and our microbiome affect our genes;

Because plants are very similar to humans they also are effected the same way;

If our environment affects our genes more then anything, what are GMOs doing to those who are eating them?;

As can be expected this also occurs in plants;

GMOs change the microbe diversity of the soil. Since we know, just like humans, plants rely on microbes to break down food for absorption, this disruption of diversity would also inhibit nutrient absorption and probably explains why GMO crops contain less nutrients than their non GMO counterparts;

If a plant is genetically altered to produce more of a certain nutrient it will produce less of other nutrients;

Often the genetic modification in plants causes changes in their nutritional value and the chemicals used on GMOs have been found to chelate many nutrients from the soil. Altering the genes of plants alters human genes too;


Why many die before getting a diagnosis of Lyme disease.


Lyme disease destroys ones life. Because of the corruption and lies surrounding Lyme most do not get diagnosed until it is too late and their health has already been destroyed. They get no help from the government, medical community or family. I have seen many become homeless and die from being refused medical treatment and not having money to buy food.

There is a myth that a person will get a rash and this rarely occured in most I know who had gotten Lyme.

A myth that many governments around the world propagate is that a tick has to be attached for 24 hours for a person to become infected with Lyme. They can be infected immediately especially if they smash the tick while removing it because it can cause some of the fluids from the tick to enter the bite area. The quicker a tick is safely removed the less chance a person has of getting Lyme but the 24 hour time period is a myth. There is evidence showing Lyme disease can be rapidly transmitted. The worst part of it is There are many types of bacteria that cause Lyme but the test only test for a few of them. The test has a very high failure rate and because of the nature of borrelia and it’s ability to morph in order to evade detection by the immune system and to protect itself from the body the longer it goes without being treated the more likely a person is to develop chronic Lyme. day.html

Controversies and Challenges

Why the Lyme test fails.

Why There Can’t be a Real Lyme Test

Lyme destroys the heart.

Some are having to sue.

There is a lot of fraud and flaws with Lyme testing and it has been 30 years since the fraud was exposed and our government will do nothing about it. Lyme test do not work and the guidelines set out by the CDC and IDSA are based on fraudulent research. It is why people have to die first before they are properly diagnosed with Lyme. The test for Lyme was meant to be used to track Lyme disease cases it was not meant to be used for clinical diagnoses so why are they requiring it to be used before a person can be treated?

They will probably never be able to create a test for Lyme because of the complexity of Lyme iteslf.

Though the test may offer some hope if they get diagnosed chances are if they have Lyme even the most reliable test can be negative but it increases your chances of being able to be treated if you get tested and it shows you have Lyme.

There are many strains of Lyme but the test only test for two that I know of. So what happens of a person has one of the many other types of Lyme infections? It will go undetected.

Sadly they are still running on the Lyme testing hamster wheel and it is going no where and is why it should be a clinical diagnoses. Or they should have the blood put directly under the microscope to looke for live spirochetes. Sadly even that fails. I have seen people told they do not have Lyme after getting their blood put under a microscope when you could clearly see Lyme spirochetes in the persons blood. Why all the lying?

The true number of those dying from Lyme will never be known because unlike HIV, or other illnesses that they list on the death certificate complications of HIV or diabetes or things of that nature with Lyme they will list it as renal failure or heart failure. Also because Lyme damages the brain and causes depression suicide rates are very high with Lyme sufferers so there again though Lyme indirectly was the cause of death it is not what the death certificate would say.

Simple Facts For A Complex Disease: Lyme In The News

Here is a site with a lot of informative links. You have to copy and paste the links in to your address bar.

Easy and quick French bread recipe.

This is my first try at making bread. This French Bread recipe is so easy that I did it on my first try. Not the prettiest looking but for my first try I am happy with it. This took me about 2 hours but with practice I think I could reduce the time.

french bread



2 cups of warm water not too hot or it kills the yeast.

1 tablespoon of dried yeast.

2 teaspoons of sugar.

Combine yeast , water and sugar and store then leave set for 5 minutes. I leave it set while I prepare the dried ingredients.


6 cups of flour saving 1/2 cup for the second kneading.

2 Teaspoons of salt

Put in bowl then combine the yeast that you have let set in the water.Make a hole in the center of the flour and pore it into the hole it will mix easier that way. I mix it with my hands you have to mix it thoroughly to break up the gluten. Then I start adding the 1/2 cup of flour kneading it in until you can form a smooth ball. Do not add too much flour. Once it can form a ball let it set for 15 minutes. Rub a little olive oil around the ball of dough.

Divide the ball of dough in half. Make a rectangle and then roll until you have an oval shape about 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick. I use parchment paper to roll my dough on it does not stick to parchment paper and rolls a lot easier. Fold the ends under so it will raise better and cut slits across the top. Set on a baking sheet and let it stand for about 60 minutes. make sure it is in a warm area. Mine was only 72 degrees and it would not raise so I warmed the oven , turned it off and then I placed the dough in the oven to raise and left the oven door open. It raised very well doing it like that.  After about 30 to 45 minutes once it has raised You can place it in the oven.

The oven should be preheated to 400 degrees. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. Mine only took 15 minutes to bake.



Microbiome of Centenarions.


I was looking at the microbiome from centenarians that live around the world. One commonality they had is a very diverse microbiome. Centenarians had most of the microbiome we have but they had many others not found in most now days. They could eat things many could not now days because we lack the microbiome to digest them. They had higher levels of bifidobacterium. They had higher levels of Akkermansia, Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii, they also had a variety of microbiota from the clostridium cluster XIVa which is the commensal that protect us from infection and most are butyrate producing. These are strains I believe contributed to their longevity because I found they were common in almost all the centenarians but are not found in most others. Centenarians also had high levels of acetate producing bacteria like Bifidobacterium Longhum and Bifidobacterium Infantis.

Centenarians contain Coprococcus species like C Catus, C. Eutactus, C. Comes which produce short chain fatty acids and acetate. They break down glucose , fructose and other saccharides.

Anaerotruncus Colihomnis – spore forming, indole producing. It breaks down many types of sugars including glucose, manose and fructose.

Blautia Obeum – protects from vibrio cholerea.

Angerostipes Rhamnosivorans – butyrate producing. Can digest a variety of fibers and break down lactose.

Coprococcus Eutactus – butyrate producing, produces many types of short chain fatty acids.

Marvinbryantia Formatexigens – consumes oligosaccharides increases succinate. Can break down chitosan, xanthum, guar gum, and pectin.

Roseburia Inulinivorans – breaks down long chain inulin like chitosan, xanthum, guar gum, and pectin. It also produces butyrate.

Cristensenell Minuta – prevents obesity.

Christensenella Timonensis – prevents obesity.

Centenarians have low levels of bacterioidetes and Streptococcus species of microbiota. They had normal levels of bacteroides which is usually elevated in those with inflammatory bowel disease. They also did not have Fusobacterium which is high in those with inflammatory bowel diseases. They did not have the pathogenic clostridium species which is probably because of the high levels and variety of Clostridium XIVa species they have which protects from the pathogenic Clostridium. They also had lowe levels of prevotella.

Two things I also found they had in common but not related to gut microbiome they strongly supported family and were not as prone to getting angry and being hateful and they rarely took pharmaceuticals or needed allopathic medicine. Most chronic illness can be linked to pharmaceuticals and allopathic medical errors. Centenarins had higher bile acid production then those who did not live as long.

Causes of feet and leg swelling.


This is not medical advice I am posting this for educational and informational purposes.

Causes of feet or leg swelling.



Sometimes leg swelling can indicate a more serious health problem and may indicate that you need to see a doctor. If possible see a naturopathic doctor they treat the cause and allopathic are taught to treat the symptoms keeping a person on a medical hamster wheel. If it continues to reoccur or gets worse a person should see a doctor.

Magnesium or Potassium deficiency can cause leg or feet swelling. Usually if it is from a mineral or vitamin deficiency a person will develop cracks in the corners of the mouth, scaly or dry skin and the tongue may become red and swollen. Malabsorption or vitamin deficiency can cause it especially if deficient in B vitamins and magnesium.

Many drugs can cause swelling in the feet and legs.

Thrombosis or heart problems can cause leg and feet swelling. Addressing the cause is best which can be from any number of things from an imbalance in our gut microbiome, infection or metabolic issues. Things that may help until the problems is corrected is grape seed extract, hawthorne, and bacopa.

The obvious cause is being on feet too long and ill fitting shoes or pregnancy. Things that may help with this type is getting enough fluids, drink water, soak in Epsom salt, elevate feet above heart if possible. Try moving around and not standing in one place to keep blood circulating in the legs. Get enough nutrients especially minerals. Compression socks helped me when I worked a job that caused my feet to swell. Swelling that comes with bloating in the gut, back pain after drinking beer is gut dysbiosis or candida overgrowth. I have posted on correcting that also. Breaks strains and sprains are also obvious causes.

Leaky gut causes allergies and food intolerances which can lead to leg and feet swelling. I have posted on healing the gut, addressing allergies which are an autoimmune issue or vaccine injury.

Low carbohydrate intake. Much of peoples carbohydrates are low quality processed carbohydrates that can cause hypoglycemia which can cause swelling in the feet. Processed sugar can also lead to leg and feet inflammation. Getting carbs from grains, fruits,vegetables, nuts and beans is best.

Vitamin D deficiency or issues with receptors involved with vitamin D can cause feet swelling. Taking over 5000 IU of vitamin D a can have negative health effects. If there are issues with the receptors involved with the vitamin D receptor taking vitamin D may make things worse. It has to be addressed before taking vitamin D.

Excessive inflammatory cytokines, can cause issues with blood flow which can cause swelling including thrombosis. Figure out and correct the cause of the inflammation there are many causes including high glyphosate levels, high heavy metal levels, even vaccine injury.

Diabetes can cause feet swelling. I have posted on some things that may help with diabetes.

Lifestyle can cause it like excessive alcohol consumption or eating processed foods. Obvious remedy if this is the cause consume less alcohol or processed foods or any other lifestyle known to cause swollen feet or legs.

Protein deficiency or proteinuria can cause feet swelling. I have posted on things that help with metabolic issues that can cause proteinuria, pyrole issues or porphyria.

Kidney problems can cause leg swelling. This is complex because there are many causes of kidney disease from gut dybiosis to metabolic and autoimmune issues. Figure out which of these it is and address them. Many of the problems I have mentioned I have posted on some things that may help.

High TH17 issues can cause leg and feet swelling. My post on autoimmunity discusses TH17.

Lymphatic issues can cause leg and feet swelling. There are naturals that help clean the lymphatic system out and massage techniques. Cleavers also known as bedstraw is fantastic for cleaning the lymphatic tissue out.

Hormone issues can cause swelling in feet and legs. It takes time but many hormone issues can be corrected. A good indicator of hormone issues is if the swelling occurs at the time of menstrual cycles.

High ammonia levels, brain fog, fatigue.

This is not medical advice, I am posting this for imformational and educational purposes.




Homeostasis should always be the goal. If you over do things you can push yourself too far in the other direction and have a whole lot of new problems to deal with.

High levels of ammonia in the body can damage the liver and kidneys. It can irritate the bladder and damage the brain. A person will develop brain foga and, they will develop brain swelling because ammonia makes the blood brain barrier more porous. A person will also develop muscle weakness, blurred vision, confusion and possibly demensia. When ammonia levels get very high a person will start developing high glutamate levels. This will cause a head ache that will make your head feel like it is going to split in half. Dysbiosis, high glyphosate or glufonisate levels in the body can cause high ammonia levels. Infections can also increase ammonia levels, especially tick born illness. High aluminum levels causes a disruption in the cycle needed to convert glutamate to GABA. This causes low GABA levels and high glutamate levels. I have posted on the pineal gland which covers detoxing aluminum. Most species of bifido bacteria will produce GABA if they are provided with fiber or Galacto-oligosaccharide. A bacteria found I swiss chees Propionibacterium Freudenreichii produces substances that enhances the growth and health of bifidobacteria.

Most lactobacillus species of probiotic produce lactate which helps reduce ammonia levels. Glacto-oligosaccharide help increase lactobacillus.

Drugs like fluoroquinolones can cause metabolic issues that can cause high ammonia levels.

High ammonia levels also effect our bladder and our digestive system. It changes the ph increasing it. This causes commensal like Candida and H Pylori to go from commensal to pathogenic forms. In order to restore our health we must work on reducing the ammonia levels in our bodies. Metabolic issues can also cause increased ammonia levels. Porphyria, pronteinuria, BH4 deficiency, and upregulated CBS pathway can cause high ammonia levels. Another why that high ammonia can develop is if the bodies ability to metabolize phenylalanine is blocked or inhibited. Low zinc levels can impair the uric acid cycle which can cause ammonia levels to become raised. I found zinc pocalinate helped me a lot.

When a person is suffering from any of those issues high sulfur foods and meat will make things worse. Also consumption of fats will make someone ill if they have high ammonia levels. Medium chain fatty acids are the best to consume when we have those issues. P5P a bioavailable for of B6, magnesium chloride and getting micro nutrients helps reduce ammonia levels. Molybdenum also becomes depleted but should only be taken a few times a week it can become toxic if we over do it. We need selenium I prefer natural sources to prevent getting too much and messing our thyroids up. I eat about 4 Brazil nuts a day. If you have thyroid issues selenium can cause you to react in a way that resembles a food allergy.

High ammonia levels cause neurological damage throughout the body. It will also cause excessive blood clotting and damage to our blood vessels. Bacopa, grape seed extract and hawthorne help prevent that damage.

High ammonia levels can cause high histamines from leaky gut that high ammonia levels cause which can lead to mast cell degranulation which can result in mast cell activation syndrome or mastocytosis. To reduce histamines probiotics that reduce histamines may help. Avoid high histamine foods and fermented foods including most cheese. I have posted on healing the gut. It is very important to address that or you will not get your ammonia levels down. Also take probiotics that reduce zonulin levels, break down ammonia , decrease inflammation and increase T regulatory cells.

Detoxing any chemicals especially glyphosate and mercury is very important and I have posted on that also.

Determining the cause of your high ammonia levels is very important that helps pinpoint what is needed to help correct it.

Things that help the brain heal are mugwort or wormwood they are very similar chemically, sunflower seed lecithin, coconut oil, butyrate found in butter or ghee. Whey protein has glycoprotein that helps the brain heal, fights infection, and improves cell to cell communication. Mushrooms and oatmeal contain beta glucan which fights infection and helps the brain heal.

Reducing the bad gut bacteria and increasing the good is very important in order to reduce high ammonia levels. High ammonia levels can also be a result of gut dysbiosis especially if a person has too many sulfur digesting gut bacteria.

If we do not address high ammonia levels it can increase our estrogen levels and cause high T4 levels causing thyroid problems.

When we have high ammonia levels it causes our breathing to become slow and deep. This is to increase oxygen in the body because high ammonia levels cause a decrease in oxygen in the blood.

If the water we consume has too many nitrates or we get too many nitrite in our bodies it will increase ammonia levels and make a person suffer from oxygen deprivation from the effects on the read blood cells.

Consuming meat can increase the ammonia levels in the body. If too much meat is consumed it does not digest all the way and will ferment in the lower intestinal tract which causes ammonia to be produced.

Lactulose helps reduce ammonia levels in the intestines. It is fermented to lactate which binds to ammonia prevent it from entering the body. Betaine helps reduce ammonia by helping to recycle the enzymes in the body used to break down and convert proteins. Those with PEMT issues should be cautious with betaine (trimethylglycine). Onithine, arginine, yucca root, butyric acid, vitamin C which should be acquired from natural sources also help reduce ammonia. Manganese ad molybdenum help reduce ammonia in the body but should not be taken in high doses and should not be taken for more then a few times a week they are toxic in high levels in the body. Oligosaccharides and inulin help reduce ammonia in the body. Supporting the pathways that are involved with sulfation will help reduce ammonia levels. Magnesium chloride and P5P (pyidoxal 5 Phosphate).

High ammonia levels can cause other metabolic problems which can lead to high ketone levels which can inhibit many metabolic pathways.

Gingko Biloba helps repair the damage in the brain from high ammonia levels but should not be used for more then a couple of months. Many studies I have read show it starts damaging the liver after about two months. The first three days I took it, all heck broke loose because with the improve blood flow to my brain it started to heal. When it started to heal I got pain in my eyes and a bad ache in the front of my head. I continued taking it and after the third day I could feel my mental clarity coming back and I could focus better. Things with biacelin like skuletaria, plantaine herb and fleabane help repair the damage high ammonia causes. Mugwort, coconut oil and other medium chain fatty acids also help the brain to repair. Creatine levels can also become low but I did not have the money to supplement it so I do not know if it would have benefited me or not. Mugwort helps increase GABA. Rooibos tea also helps increase GABA and helps improve brain function.

A person with high ammonia levels may have problems oxidizing fats. Medium chain fatty acids can be readily used by the body which can help promote healing.

Because protein can cause ammonia levels to become low I added glycoproteins to my diet which helped me a lot. I got those from mushrooms and whey protein. We still need to consume some meat. When I had to consume meat I would take protease enzymes like papain, bromelain and beataine with my meal to help increase the break down of the protein thus preventing the build up of ammonia in the gut. I still had to address the metabolic issues.

Though I am not big on drugs rifaximin and neomycin taken together has been shown to help with gut dysbiosis. You will have to take probiotics to replace the good gut microbes. I have posting on taking those. You must do it with caution. Taking too much of one type or taking them too often can lead to gut dysbiosis putting you back to where you started.

High ammonia levels can inhibit autophagy which will contribute to lysosomal issues. This will increase ammonia levels even more. Nobiline and fulvic acid stimulate autophagy but should be used in moderation.

Another problem that can develop is high insulin levels and low glucose levels. I found snacking often helped keep the proteins in my body from being broken down. Most with high ammonia levels have protein deficiencies from the many metabolic issues. I have posted a summary of my notes on metabolic issues and information on things that may help. I would make small shakes with whey protein. You have to make sure they did not add phenylalanine in the whey protein or it will make you worse. Many whey protein shake mixes and proteins and phenylalanine will increase ammonia levels in the body. I also bought bee pollen because it is high in protein and micro nutrients. I added it to my shake. I grow purslaine which has almost all the nutrients the body needs and I added that to my shakes. If I did not have any of those things I would eat carrot sticks or a couple of nuts. I found walnuts helped me the most. Hazlenuts and and pecans helped me a lot but if I ate too many they gave me an upset stomach. Pecans helped me but I could only eat about five of them, anymore then that and I would become nauseated. Brazil nuts helped me a lot but they are high in selenium so I would not recommend more then four or so a day. By preventing our sugar levels from dropping it helps preserve our proteins in our bodies. Once your ammonia levels come down your insulin levels and glucose levels will normalize.

Addressing inflammation is very important because the high ammonia levels causes systematic inflammation. This leads to metabolic issues and can cause and imbalance in the immune system.

I posted on the vitamin D receptor. It becomes inhibited when we have high ammonia levels. Taking Vitamin D is useless unless you address the other receptors that work with the vitamin D receptor this is why vitamin K, vitamin E, Vitamin A and other oil soluble vitamins are important. They must be taken with an oil for the body to absorb them. I used cod liver oil that had lemon juice to prevent it from oxidizing. Cod liver oil contains many of those nutrients. Studies have found that synthetic vitamin C does more harm then good so use natural vitamin D if you take it. Also studies have shown doses of vitamin D over 5000 IU can have a negative impact on our health. Most studies show that taking vitamin D had benefits at first but as it build up in the body it would start negatively impacting our health. I pulsed the vitamin D I took to just maintain levels in my body. I did not take it until I had the other oil soluble vitamins needed.

Antioxidants help reduce the oxidative stress from the high ammonia levels but should be used in moderation once the oxidative stress has been reduced because we need oxidative stress for healing and nutrient absorption. If we reduce reactive oxygen species too low we start losing the ability to heal and to absorb nutrients. Those who have hepatitis need to avoid things that contain resveratrol like grape seed extract because resveratrol activates hepatitis virus. L-lysien, and helicase inhibitors found in the skin or red apples, self heal and lemon balm help with hepatitis and herpes type viruses.

Branched Chain Ammino Acids help restore metabolic pathways and stimulate healing. Whey protein in high in branched chain ammino acids. Though whey protein has to be digested and broken down taking the supplements will help the body more readily absorb them. Eggs are high in BCAAs but many with sulfation issues have problems with consuming high choline foods and may feel ill after eating them. Isoleucine, valine and leucine are the three branched chain ammino acids that could be taken in supplement form.

Calcium-D-Glucarate helps with the brain fog from high ammonia levels. It can be found in the area for urinary tract infections at most pharmacies. Calcium-D-Glucarate also reduces ammonia in the body produced from breaking down protein. Calcium-D-Glucarate also reduces estrogen levels in the body which is often times high in those with high ammonia levels. It also helps the body to reduce toxins.

Bicarbonate rich mineral water can help restore insulin levels and improve blood glucose levels. I could not afford it so I used a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water about three times a week and it helped me a lot.

Citrulline helps reduce ammonia in the body but should only be taken a few times a week. If citrulline is taken daily it should be low dose. The liver recycles it and it can build up in the body. If levels get too high it can start causing liver damage and damage to the red blood cells. Citrulline also helps those who have lysinuric protein intolarnce. Those with Lysinuric Protein intolerance may benefit from taking the bioavailable forms of proteins L-lysine, L-argine, L-carnitine and L-ornithine because they are deficient in them. Malabsorption issues can also cause a deficiency in these. If a person is experiencing this their bones may become brittle and they may experience hair loss.

The reason I do not recommend glutamine for those with high ammonia levels is because the liver is usually stressed and it can add to the liver stress.

This is a link to another blog post I did on high ammonia levels just in case I missed something here.


Candida, SIBO, or H. Pylori?

Feel bloated, flatulence smell like rotten eggs?

This is not medical advice, I am posting this for educational and informational purposes.

Boating, stinky flatulence that smell like rotten eggs, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, Bile acid refux, headache, fatigue, muscle pain?

If we have to many Hydrogen Sulfate producing bacteria it can negatively impact our health. This occurs if we eat GMOs which are high in glyphosate and glufonisate or from taking antibiotics for too long. H2S inhibits butyrate oxidation in colonic epithelial cells which causes many health problems even psychosis. This also compromises the intestinal barrier function which causes an energy deficit.

Bismuth blocks H2S production ,Lactobacillus Plantarum and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae reduces Desulfovibrio , and other producers of H2S but there are others that produce it. Glycomacropeptide found in whey protein reduces Desulfovibrio bacteria. Lactoferrin and lactulose have been shown to reduce sulfur digesting bacteria. Galacto-oligosaccharide has been found to increase the good microbes that reduce the sulfur digesting and methane producing bacteria. Fiber also helps reduce sulfur digesting bacteria.

High H2S causes increased inflammation, increased Reactive Oxygen Species, and increase neutrophils in order to convert H2S to thiosulfate. If thiosulfate levels get too high in the blood it can cause a type of anemia called Heinz Body anemia. If a person is G6PD deficient this will make their symptoms much worse. Low thiosulfate levels in the urine could indicate low or inhibited Thiolmethyltransferase. High thiosulfate in the blood can also be caused by excess garlic consumption.

There are urine test for thiosulfate. High levels can indicate high H2S producing bacteria in the gut or it can indicate a deficiency in Thiolmethyltransferase. This can lead to CoQ10 deficiency and NADPH deficiency. This can also lead to inhibited sulfide oxidation which can impair fatty acid oxidation. This also causes glutathione to become depleted. You can also test the urine for H2S.

This can effect each differently depending on the level of H2S. They can either become constipated or get diarrhea. It can result in inflammatory bowel, pouchitis, halitosis, fatty acid deficiency from inhibited fatty acid oxidation and malabsorption. Lower H2S stimulates intestinal contraction and higher levels causes relaxation of the intestines.

High sulfur foods and meat increase H2S levels if the sulfur digesting gut microbiota are high. Most fats can also increase H2S and medium chain fatty acids are usually the best to consume when there are high sulfur digesting bacteria levels. Many of our processed foods contain sulfur as a preservative.

In a lactulose test if the levels of methane and hydrogen are not high then it is most likely dysbiosis caused by high sulfur digesting bacteria levels.

H2S cysteine activates GLUT increasing the transport of glucose into the cell. The excess hydrogen sulfide in the body will cause a person to develop sulfur intolerance. High sulfur foods will cause a reaction or they will become ill.

Polyphenols reduce the H2S producing bacteria. Wine and green tea in moderation can reduce the H2S producing bacteria.

The bacteria that can be found in the stool that are sulfur digesting and produce high levels of H2S are Desulfovibrio, Streptococcus, Enterococcus, and Prevotella.

Often times when a person has dysbiosis they will tell them to avoid starch but resistant starch reduces the H2S producing microbiota. Butyrate found in butter helps reduce the effects of high H2S. We can increase our Butyrate by taking a butyrate producing probiotic and making sure they get the starches and sugars they need.

High H2S levels increases Trimethylsulfonium in urine. High trimethylsulfonium levels can effect indolethylamine-N-methyl-transferease enzymes which is needed for the methylation of thiols. When this is effected It can effect hormones throughout the body. Glyphosate uses a sulfonium salt which could increase the negative effects to add gasoline to the fire glyphosate kills the microbiota that help keep sulfur digesting bacteria levels down.

H2S inhibits nNOS which causes nitric oxide production to become inhibited. This also increase NADPH levels and decreases NADH levels. Increasing BH4 counters the effects of H2S. Leafy greens and beet root increases nitric oxide which will help to increase BH4. Working on improving mitochondrial respiration will help to restore energy production in the mitochondria. Inhibited respiration in the mitochondria causes the high NADPH levels. High NADPH increases oxidative stress so a person may need to increase super oxide dismutase to help reduce the oxidative stress.

Home made graham crackers.

Graham crackers



I live in an area that is pretty backwards. Most in my area are clueless how toxic GMO foods are. If I want something organic I have to make it myself , the nearest store that would carry things like organic graham crackers is about 50 miles away. I seen a friend post an awesome recipe that required graham crackers. I will post the recipe on here if it works out.

I did not have graham flour so I used regular flour even though the recipe called for graham flour. The did not taste too bad. I over cooked the ones in the picture a little too much. The recipe said to cook them 15 to 18 minutes. I should have cooked them for 15 minutes.

10 Table spoons of butter.

1/3 cup of brown sugar.

1/3 cup of honey.

1 Large egg

1 Teaspoon of vanilla extract.

2 cups of graham flour, you can use unbleached if you do not have graham flour.

¾ cup of unbleached flour.

¼ cup of cornstarch or arrow root flour

¾ Teaspoon of baking soda.

½ Teaspoon of salt.

Mix the butter and brown sugar together until creamy. Then add the rest of the wet ingredients and mix well.

Mix the 2 cups of flour saving the ¾ cups of flour for after you have mixed the 2 cups of flour and other dry ingredients. Then as you mix it add the ¾ cups of flour until it can form a ball that is not sticky to the touch. You may not need all the extra flour I had some left over.

Roll dough to 1/8 inch thick. You can get rolling pin rings that will help to get the correct thickness but I cannot afford them. Use a cookie cutter to cut them to desired size. I had to use a canning jar lid but it worked fine. Make sure you poke holes in them. I used a fork. This prevents them from bubbling up.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Bake about 15 to 18 minutes. Mine only took 15 minutes.

Chocolate cake using acorn flour.

acorn cook

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

Chocolate cake with acorn flour. You can make it using regular flour.

I used a little acorn flour and it gave it a slightly nutty flavor.

Chocolate cake.

I used a little acorn flour and it gave it a slightly nutty flavor.

1 ¾ cups of sugar

1 cup of unbleached organic flour. To many farm chemicals in non organic.

¾ cup of acorn flour if you do not have acorn flour you can use regular flour.

1 teaspoon aluminum free baking powder.

2 eggs

2 cup of buttermilk or sour milk

1 cup of black coffee

½ cup of oil make sure it isn’t canola or corn oil they are very bad for your health.

1 teaspoon of vanilla

¾ cups coco powder.

This will make one 9” round cake or one 13”x9” cake.

Mix the dry ingredients, then and the wet ingredients and whip until mixed well. Pour into a pan that you have greased so it does not stick. Back at 350 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes. Cake keeps cooking for up to 8 minutes after you take it out. If you want a moist cake use a toothpick when there is only a little of the cake sticking to the toothpick take the cake out of the over. It will finish cooking all the way and still be moist. If you accidentally over cook it, take the cake out of the over and immediately cover the top with foil and let it sit. The moisture will even out in the cake which will make it seem moister.

I made this icing up. It was an experiment that succeeded. It kind of taste like chocolate fudge.

1/3 cup of unsalted butter.

1 ½ cup of raw sugar

½ cup of milk

1 teaspoon of vanilla

3 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder

melt the butter in a pan then add the cocoa, whip it so it is thoroughly mixed together. In a separate pan add milk and vanilla and sugar. Heat and whip until the sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Combine the melted butter cocao mix and the milk ,vanilla sugar mix continue heating until it starts to thicken.

I pour it on my cake while the cake is still hot and the icing is still a little warm.

Digestion probably more then you wanted to know. Enzymes and bile and stuff.

This is not medical advice I am posting this for informational and educational purposes.

This is not done I have a lot to add to it but I am kind of burned out. I will finis it later after I take a break.

Gastrointestinal motility and digestive enzymes.

This is mostly on bile but I wanted to cover the other areas of digestion before I covered bile.

Inhibited bile causes constipation. Frequent constipation increases Bilophila Wadsworthia which causes appendicitis. Trans-fats and saturated fats should be avoided when bile is inhibited or when constipated because they increase the growth of Bilophila Wadsworthia. Trans-fats should be avoided anyways they are very bad for our health.

Most know how digestion works but we need a refresher. When we chew our food it is mixed with saliva which has some digestive enzymes in it. When we swallow it is propelled down the esophogus where it is mixed with enzymes and gastric acid. The end result is called chyme. The chyme is pushed into the small intestine (duodenum). Many will ask me how to increase bile production but doing so could cause more harm then good. The problem causing the inhibited bile flow needs to be addressed. For example a dam can only hold so much water. If there is more water then the dam can hold it will flood over the top. Adding more water to the dam adds to the problems and could break the dam. When there is a blockage causing bile flow to be inhibited then increasing bile would be like adding water to a dam that is already overflowing. Most health issues mentioned in this article I have discussed elsewhere on my blog.

Peristalsis is the movement of food through the digestive system. It is the cause of the gurgling sound you hear when you are hungry or digesting food. Usually you cannot hear it. I do not know why but I and my friends experienced this. As we healed our digestive system you could feel the food moving and the sounds of digestions were very loud. As we healed they became quieter and quieter.

In the small intestine the food is combined with bile and pancreatic enzymes to break it down further and for nutrient absorption. The smooth muscle in the intestines are ring shaped and alternate between contracting and relaxing. This causes the food to move slow enough through the digestive tract for it to be broke down and for the nutrients to be absorbed. The neurons are stimulated by acetylcholine, and substance P to get them to contract. Nitric oxide, vasoactive peptide and ATP relax the muscles. This causes a motion that moves the food through the digestive tract and occurs the most in the small intestine. There are health issues that can cause a high acetylcholine and high substance P levels. High noradrenaline reduces substance P which can interfere with intestinal motility and can lead to constipation. High estrogen levels can inhibit substance P. High substance P levels can cause inflammation and lead to inflammatory bowel disease. There are health issues that can cause low acetylcholine and low serotonin levels. This also will cause a loss of motility leading to constipation. An imbalance in our immune system can cause bile flow to be inhibited. Estrogen inhibits bile flow and progesterone pormotes bile flow. This causes the liver and thyroids to become sluggish. This can also lead to interstitial cystitis. All the above mentioned things can inhibit receptors and throw hormones out of balance. If not addressed it will become chronic and start a cycle that is difficult to break and can take months to years to heal from.

If the gurgling in the gut is excessive and there is cramping, abdominal pain, and possibly nausea and vomiting it could indicate slow gut motility or a blockage. This can be caused by intestinal damage, hormone imbalance, inflammation in the intestines, dysbiosis, candida overgrowth, a deficiency in certain gut microbiota, slow or inhibited bile. This causes gas, bloating, and distention (inflammation in the gut). If we have a T cell imbalance or high B cell levels this can also cause it. If not addressed it can result in a decline of intestinal health our the health of the body. High histamines can cause inflammation that can cause blockage. We do not want to inhibit them because histamines are needed to stimulate gastric acid. It is best to work on reducing them.

If the digestive system is injured and we do not give it the things needed for it to heal then it loses the ability to sense nutrients and food that has entered it so it cannot respond to them. The longer it goes like this the worse it gets and the longer it will take to heal.

Bile acid is needed for the healthy brown fat to be produced. Bile acid is synthesized form cholesterol. Excess oxidative stress or inflammation in the liver can cause low cholesterol levels or can inhibit it’s production which would prevent the bodies ability to produce bile properly. This can also cause bile to become inhibited. When this happens bile production is reduced and it becomes thick. Phosphatydylcholine is needed to store bile in the gallbladder. I have found most who have problems with choline metabolism have benefited from sunflower seed oil. Excess oxidative stress can cause methionine and choline to become depleted. This inhibits the bodies ability to produce bile.


If you are deficient in certain enzymes often times there are plants you can consume that will helps digest foods that require those enzymes.

Lactase- (B-Galactosidase)- deficiency causes lactose intolerance. It breaks down Lactose down to glucose and galactose. Damage in the gut can cause it to not be reabsorbed. If this happens the gut microbiome will break it down causing gas and bloating. Those who are lactose intolerance will usually also be intolerant of FODMAPS until they get their gut healed enough to correct the malabsorption issues. Those who have malabsorption issues may benefit from taking Lactase when consuming dairy products. Saccharmyces Boulardii has been found to increase enzyme function in those with Lactose and FODMAP intolerance. If a person is lactose intolerant if they avoid dairy products while supplementing galactooligosaccaride for about a month, it has been found to increase Lactose metabolizing bacteria which prevents the bloating and ill effects of lactose. Also slowly introducing dairy into the diet a little at a time can increase the gut microbes that produce lactase. That would prevent a reaction to lactose also.

Alpha-galactosidase- helps break down digested fats and saccharides a deficiency causes lysosomal storage diseases. If defficient in Alpha-Galactosidase when eating fiber and high sulfur foods a person will develop gas and bloating. Those who have a deficiency in Alpha-galcatosidase will be intolerant to complex carbohydrates and may be intolerant to gluten. Beans will be a problem for a person lacking this. Infection can cause A-gal to be inhibited from the LPS produced. Inducing autophagy can testore A-gal. Tick born illness can cause autoimmune disease that can cause the body to make antibodies against a-gal. Balancing the immune system is very important. If not addressed it can lead to a sensitivity to meat.

Things that help with lysosomal storage disease should help with this.

Sucrase- secreted in the small intestine. Catalyzes sucrose , fructose, and maltose. A deficiency will cause lactose intolerance, gas , bloating and diarrhea when things containing sucrose are consumed. Inflammation can cause it’s excretion into the small intestine to be inhibited. Sucrase is also known as invertase. Thyroid hormones and corticosterone stimulate sucrase and maltase. Inflammation and intestinal damage will decrease it’s secretion. High CD8 T cell levels inhibit Sucrase. I have posted on balancing T cells.

Amylases-work with other enzymes to break down polysaccharides. It is the major form of amylase found in humans and breaks down starch to maltose and dextran. It prevents bacteria from producing biofilms by breaking them down. It is secreted in saliva and from the pancreas.

endopeptidase (enterokinase) that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides (it is a protease) It is produced in the stomach and is one of the main digestive enzymes. It transforms trypsinogn into trypsin. procarboxypeptidase into the active enzyme carboxypeptidase which is involved in the maturation of proteins produced. Carboxypeptidase is also involved in enzyme and hormone production throughtout the body. It is produced in the mucus membrane showing the importance of restoring the health of the mucous membrane. This can result in protein and enzyme deficiencies in the body.

Trypsinogen- is the precursor form of trypsin it is found in pancreatic juice that is released in the small intestine. Trypsinogen is activated by the protease enteropeptidase which is produce by the mucus of the duodenum. Trypsin breaks down proteins to ammino acids.

Chymotrypsinogen- precursor for chymotrypsin. It is activated by trypsin.

Pancreatic Lipase- It is secreted into the small intestine in it’s completed form. But it only becomes effective in the presence of colipase which is a co-enzyme.

Phospholipase-converts lipids(fats) to phospholipids.

Lipase-breaks down triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol. Deficiency causes a lack of fats needed by the body and fats in stools. Lipase also protect the body from parasites and pathogens. If deficienct a person will suffer from malabsorption. There are microbe derived lipases that have been shown to be effective for Lipase deficiency.

Na+ Taurocholate Cotransporting Polypeptide (NTCP) is used by the liver to extract BA returning to the lever through the portal vein. Should not be stimulated in those with cholestasis it can damage the liver. A deficiency causes muscle weakness. If it is inhbited bile salts can build up in the liver resulting in liver damage. This also results in an increase in blood levels of bile acids.

Pancreatic Polypeptide self-regulates pancreatic secretion activities. It’s secretion is increased from protein consumption, fasting, exercise, and is decreased by glucose and somatostatin. It can inhibit gallblader contractions and pancreatic exocrine secretion.

Pancreatic Elastase – help finish breaking down foods. If there is excess oxidative stress , inflammation or immune imbalance that effects the pancreas it can inhibit pancreatic enzyme secretion. They usually test for this enzyme in stool to see if the pancreas is functioning properly.

Digestive hormones.

Most of these hormones are effected by our brain especially the hypothalamus. If we have endotonins, heavy metals , glyphosate or other toxins that effect the brain then our digestion will be effected which further effects our brains. The hormone imbalance causes mental issues. They can be corrected if you address what is causing the imbalance. Many will take medications, which only treat the symptoms. Most medications for those types of things effect digestive hormones adding to the problem. Then when a person starts correcting the problem their mental issues become worse because of the drugs they are taking and the body starting to function correctly will swing hormones in the other direction. When the digestive system is damaged our cells that produce hormones become less numerous. We must try and protect the so healing can begin. Also nerve cells become less numerous which makes our bodies digestive responses to be much lower. Regular and electric acupuncture have been shown to help restore normal hormone levels. Bile acid also regulates lipid and glucose homeostasis. If bile acid become inhibited Thyroxine (T4) levels increase and Tiiodothyronine (T3). Low T3 levels inhibits oxidation which is needed to use lipids and cholesterol in the body. This will cause low LDL levels and high HDL level. Low T3 levels inhibits the bodies ability to synthesize proteins. Insulin loses it’s ability to inhibit glucogenesis. This cause glycolysis to be inhibited. This also effects the heart and can cause heart palpitations. High T4 levels can cause a decrease in serotonin.

Ampulla of Vater blocakge– inflammation, oxalates, toxins, infection or damage in the body can lead to pancreatic enzymes building up causing the pancreas to digest itself.

If you have blockage inhibiting enzyme secretion I would not advice stimulating the secretion until the health problems causing the blockage have been addressed.

When we have metabolic issues, inflammation or any other of the health issues I have describe these enzymes can be effected. Especially if we have damage to our digestive system.

Serotonin – (5-HT) regulates gut motility. It is produced in the mucosa of the gut. It increases peristalsis (movement of food through digestive tract). It has been found to be low in those with inflammatory bowel diseases. A deficiency can cause gastroparisis and bile reflux. It also stimulates adenylyl cyclase which is involved in cell signaling throughout the body. Most drug agonist of the 5-HT receptors damage the liver and heart. Acupunture stimulates serotonin. There are some disorders which inhibits 5-HT from exiting the cells. This causes a build up in the cells and a person will be senstitive to 5-HT but would still have symptoms of 5-HT deficiency.

Motilin – triggered by fasting, and fatty foods. Controls peristalsis by stimulating smooth muscle contraction and relaxation to coordinate the movement of food through the digestive tract. The antibiotic erthromycin stimulates motilin. Motilin had been found to be low in those with inflammatory bowel diseases. Acupuncture increases motilin. Motilins effects are influenced by PH. Low PH motilin inhibits gastric motility at higher PH it stimulates gastrointestinal motility. Food intake slows the production of motilin. Insulin also inhibits the secretion of motilin.

Reflux can be cause by bile issues in two ways. If there is a blockage a person could experience bile acid reflux. If there is insufficient bile production the the acid from the chyme does not get neutralized by the bile and will cause acid reflux. L-taurine and betaine also known as TMG helps with bile production. Cysteine is also needed and taking NAC (N-acetylcysteine) about three times a week has been found to help. If it is taken more then that the benefits are lost.

Gastric Inhibitory Peptide – triggered by glucose and fatty foods. Decreases gastric emptying and stimulates the release of insulin. It promotes fat storage.

Vasoactive Peptide – increases blood flow to the gut, supplies eleyctrolytes to pancreatic enzymes and bile.

Guanylin – causes secretion of chloride , decreases absorption of water from the gut. It prevents the sodium levels from the body from getting too high by inhibiting salt absorption and by stimulating the secretion of bicarbonate and chloride.

Glucagon – glucagon supresses CYP7A1 which reduces bile production. This can lead to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Glucagon prevents blood sugar levels from getting too low. It is involved in gluconeogenesis which produces glucose form proteins.Glucagon also breaks down fat stores in the blood stream. Excess glucagon leads to diabetes and thrombosis.

Glucagon Like Protein-1 (GLP-1) Whey protein increases GLP-1, glucose also stimulates GLP-1. Slows down digestion. It increases the size and health of pancreatic B cells. Stimulates brain repair. It’s release is stimulated by TGR-5. GLP-1 is involved in appetite suppression and glucose homeostasis. Low levels causes glucose deficiency. Carbohydrates and elevated blood levels of proteins helps stimulate glucagon . If we are deficient in glucagon glycogen can build up in the livers. It brings down glycogen in the liver by breaking it down to produce glucose. Somatostatin inhibits glucagon production. Excess glucagon cause weight loss and deficiency causes weight gain. Fasting stimulates glucagon production.

Secretin- helps regulate water homeostasis in the body, helps regulate the PH of the small intestine by gastric acid. Secretin inhibits gastic acid production and stimulates the production of bicarbonate. Secretin also stimulates bile production. It is produced mainly in the mucosa of the small intestine and jejunum. It is release from the low ph caused by chyme entering the small intestine.

Secretin deficiency causes a loss of neural progenitor cells. Progenitor cells are similar to stem cells. Since secretin increases neural progenitor cells it helps with autism, motor coordination and improves memory. Secretin helps with asthma by acting as a bronchorelaxer. Secretin reduces symptoms of pancreatitits.

In order to function properly levels of cholecystokinin and insulin need to be normal. If they are dis-regulated it effects secretin levels. It also stimulates polyamines in the pancrease which is needed for cell growth. Polyamines also regulate ion channels including the NMDA recemptors, AMPA receptors and potassium channels. Excess polyamines can cause the blood brain barrier to become more porous. Showing the importance of secretin homeostasis. When H Pylori in in it’s pathogenic form it will cause a secretin deficiency. Secretin promotes the production of mucus. A decrease in secretin decreases the function of angiotensin 2. Secretin increases thirst. Secretin increases the feel good hormone oxytocin.

Now the bad if a person has bile blockage like cholestasis it can cause liver damage. I discuss things that can help with that at the end of this blog post. Secretin causes Zollinger-Ellison syndrome to worsen.

High levels of somatostatin inhibits secretin.

Cholecystokinin- stimulates the release of digestive enzymes and bile from the pancrease and bladder. Whey protein stimulates CCK. Fat intake also stimulates CCK. A deficiency in CCK causes malabsorption and can lead to Type 1 diabetes. Damage to the mucus membrane can cause a deficiency. This can also be caused by autoimmunity. This is where a dilemma occurs. High levels of bacteroidetes or high levels of methane producing bacteria can inhibit CCK. Protein stimulates CCK. I believe working on bile blockage and then once that is corrected increasing bile flow first to reduce the bacteroidetes levels and methane producing bacteria then adding protein into the diet once they are reduced would most likely correct the problem along with restoring the health of the mucus membrane.

Intrinsic Factor-important in the absorption of vitamin B12. Often times B12 deficiency is caused by a lack of the microbiota that produce B12 but is mistakenly attributed to and intrinsic factor deficiency.

Haptocorin-binds to B12 in our food protecting it from our gastric acid so it can survive the stomach. It is found in our saliva. This shows the importance of making sure we chew our food very well.

Gastrin- hormone that stimulates gastric acid secretion. It is released from the pariental cells in the stomach. It also aids in gastric motility. Elevated gastrin can cause hypergastrinaemia. Low levels can cause hypergstrinaemia. Infection can effect gastrin levels and so can histamines. Histamines are needed for Gastrin stimulation if histamine levels are too low the we will not produce enough stomach acid. If they are too high then we can get acid reflux. If someone is not producing enough acid then they most likely have low histamines and would benefit from fermented foods and aged meats which are high histamine.

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide- an inhibiting hormone of the secretin family. It stimulates insulin secretions based on how much glucose is present. It stimulates glucagon secretion and fat accumulation. It is found in intestinal mucus, small intestine, and jejunum of the gastrointestinal tract. Has many other functions throughout the body including bone growth.

Vasoactive intestinal peptide- serves functions throughout the body but relaxes smooth muscles in the trachea, gall bladder and stomach.

Bombesin- stimulates gastrin release from the pancrease. It also stimulates adrenal and pituitary hormones. It increases the thickness of the mucus membrane. It modulates the neural firing rate in the intestines so is involved with gastrointestinal motility.

Somatostatin reduces histamines which will reduce the gastric acid stimulating effects of histamine. In those with inflammatory bowel issues somatostatin in usually very high. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce somatostatin. Most lactobacillus bacteria will reduce somatostatin. Somatostatin prevents the over production of certain hormones in the body. If there is excess somatistatin it will inhibit hormones especially insulin. Somatostatin inhibits glucose and fat absorption. It inhibits insulin and glucagon in the liver. It stimulates muscle contractions in the intestines speedingup transit times. Protein stimulates somatostatin.

Cholecystokinin, glucagon-like-peptide, gastrin-releasing peptide stimulate somatostatin.

Substance P, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide, and opioids inhibit somatostatin.

Excess somatostatin inhibits bone growth, disrupts sleep, and increases dopamine, norepinephrin and epinephrine.

High levels somatostatin will cause high thyroid hormone levels because it inhibits thyroid stimulating hormone which senses hormone levels and shuts them down if they get too high. This causes weight loss no matter how much a person consumes , flushing or hot flashes, and heart palpitations.

Insulin- breaks down blood glucose. Excess insulin can lead to cancer and many other health problems. Glycoproteins increase insulin. Whey protein increases insulin and reduces blood glucose levels. This is one that confuses me and makes me believe those with inflammatory bile have blockages. Many with inflammatory bowel have high insulin levels which stimulates CYP7A1 which should increase bile production and still they have low bile flow and often times CYP7A1 levels are low. It may be that inflammation is inhibiting the receptor.

Ghrelin-triggered during hunger or calorie restriction. Stimulates appetite. Whey proteins increases Ghrelin. Ghrelin is involved with gastric emptying.

Deacyl-ghrelin – DAG decreases gastric emptying, induces postprandial fullness and improves insulin sensitivity.

Peptide YY- secreted after eating it cancels out the effects of ghrelin.

Pheonixin – expressed in the hypothalamus, it stimulates appetite.

Peptide YY- produced in the gut where short chain fatty acids are produced. Proprionate and butyrate increase expression of Peptide YY. It reduces appetite. It is stimulated from the consumption of fiber from fruits and vegetagles. It also reduces pancreatic secretion.

Leptin – regulates body fat.

Bile Acids

Bile stimulates the secretion of electrolytes and water into the intestines which stimulates digestion. Biles acid stimulates the release of 5-HT. Those with inflammatory bowel diseases have been found to have high levels of bile acids Taurocholic Lithocholic Acid, Taurocholic acid and Taurocholic Deoxycholate.

Bile acid promotes liver regeneration by activiating BA recperors Farnesoid X receptor and G-Protein-coupled BA receptor1 (GPBAR1 or TGR5) . This shows the importance of bile acid homeostasis. Proper bile acid production is very important for maintaining a balanced gut microbiome.

Inhibited bile can cause gall stones and lead to liver and kidney disease.

There are many things that can inhibit bile production. Inflammation, toxins, metabolic issues, especially inhibited receptors involved with bile production. Infections can cause bile to become inhibited and so can the endotoxins they produce. If we develop leaky gut the LPS (lipopolysaccharide) which is produced by pathogens and our commensals can enter the blood stream. Our microbiome uses LPS to communicate with our bodies but when it gets into the blood stream it causes the same problems a pathogen would. We also have commensal microbes that break down LPS antibiotics and farm chemicals especially glyphosate and glufonisate can kill our gut microbiome. They modulate most organs in our bodies including our brains. They even modulate some of our genes. Without them we will not have an immune system and we cannot restore the body to homeostasis. Metabolic issues can cause acidosis or alkalosis which will also interfere with the propper function of our organs and causes a lot of damage which progresses and becomes more severe if the problems causing them are not addressed. Infection can also change the PH of the body. There is a myth that alkalizing the body will make us healthier. This is not true but it promotes things that are usually commensal like Candida and H Pylori to turn pathogenic. If a person has candida and H Pylori problems they most likely have high ammonia levels. This causes BH4 to become depleted increasing the ammonia levels even more. If not addressed they will start having problems eating high protein foods and high sulfur foods. Another thing that can cause blockage that effects bile flow is oxalates. They can be produced endogenously or we can get them exogenously. If we have leaky gut oxalates that are usually excreted in our feces can easily enter our blood stream. Also many will consume a lot of raw greens. Spinach and Kale are very high oxalate and can increase oxalates in the body. We have oxalate degrading microbiota and if antibiotics or farm chemicals in our food kills them our oxalate levels can indrease. I have posted on my blog on how to deal with those issues.

Bile, an aqueous solution produced and secreted by the liver, consists mainly of bile salts, phospholipids, cholesterol, conjugated bilirubin, electrolytes, and water.The liver cells are mostly hepatocytes. Bile travels through the liver in a series of ducts, eventually exiting through the common hepatic duct. Bile flows through this duct into the gallbladder where it is concentrated and stored. When stimulated by the hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), the gallbladder contracts, pushing bile through the cystic duct and into the common bile duct. CCK is usually deficient in those with inflammatory bowel disease. Cholecystokinin is released after a meal is consumed. It is stimulated by the production of stomach acid. It is secreted along with secretin. Secretin stimulates bicarbonate in response to the acid from the chyme that enters the small intestin, and It stimulates pancreatic enzymes and forces bile into the small intestine. If we do not produce enough stomach acid then Cholecystokinin is not released and our food will sit in our stomach and ferment. This causes and increase of either methane producing bacteria or sulfur digesting bacteria. Methane and sulfur digesting bacteria cause lower motility in the intestines slowly digestion even more. Bile is needed to stimulate the Vitamin D Receptor.

Simultaneously, the sphincter of Oddi relaxes, permitting bile to enter the duodenal lumen. Lumen is the space in a tubular shape. The hormone secretin also plays an important role in the flow of bile into the small intestine. By stimulating biliary and pancreatic ductular cells to secrete bicarbonate and water in response to the presence of acid in the duodenum, secretin effectively expands the volume of bile entering the duodenum. In the small intestine, bile acids facilitates lipid digestion and absorption. Bile is needed to absorb many nutrients especially lipid (fat) soluble vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin E, , Vitamin A and Vitamin K. Only approximately 5% of these bile acids are eventually excreted. The majority of bile acids are efficiently reabsorbed from the ileum, secreted into the portal venous system, and returned to the liver in a process known as enterohepatic recirculation. Ileum is the final section of the small intestine.

If bile becomes inhibited it inhibits the vitamin D receptor further inhibiting bile production and adding to the problem because cholesterol production and conversion becomes inhibited. This will make bile become sludgy leading to low bile flow which will increase estrogen levels and cause high unbound copper levels in the blood. Bitter herbs increase bile flow but the vitamin D receptor has to be addressed along with balancing the microbiome in the gut and healing the intestinal tract. Inflammation needs to be reduced , and prevent thrombosis. There are many things that can block the portal vein. The above mentioned things and also thrombosis can cause it. Thrombosis is blood clotting.

This is why I often times recommend grape seed extract and bacopa to people. It prevents thrombosis. Inflammation because endotoxins can cause thrombosis. Grape seed extract and bacopa reduce inflammation and prevent thrombosis. If thrombosis occurs in the portal vein it will effect the liver, pancrease, and digestive system. This causes pain in the stomach, bloating, inflammation, pancreatic pain, pain in the gallbladder. This can lead to death. Bile flow will become inhibited speeding up the progression of portal vein thrombosis. Those with hepatitis need to use hawthorne or something else. Resveratrol activates hepatitis.

portal vein thrombosis

gastrointestinal symptoms (ex: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea), fever and constitutional symptoms (ex: fatigue, malaise, and anorexia/weight loss) [3]. We can also find hepatomegaly with elevated liver enzymes and jaundice [3], when associated with liver abscess or cholangitis [2]. Laboratory tests usually demonstrate elevated markers of inflammation [2]

If not addressed in time it can lead to portal hypertension. This results in brain swelling, abdominal swelling . Confusion, anemia and low white blood cell count.

How Bile is Formed.

Bile is produced by hepatocytes, which is then modified by the cholangiocytes lining the bile ducts. The production and secretion of bile require active transport systems within hepatocytes and cholangiocytes in addition to a structurally and functionally intact biliary tree. If this becomes blocked by stones from poor bile production, oxalates or infection a person can develop choledocholithiasis. This will cause problems with the gall bladder, liver, kidneys and digestion. This can also lead pancreatic problems. The symptoms are upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Initially, hepatocytes produce bile by secreting conjugated bilirubin, bile salts, cholesterol, phospholipids, proteins, ions, and water into their canaliculi (thin tubules between adjacent hepatocytes that eventually join to form bile ducts). Unconjugated bile is when heme is released during red blood cell break down, the remainder is converted to unconjugated hemoglobin. This form of bilirubin travels from the blood stream to the liver. If the liver cannot convert unconjugated to conjugated it will build up in the blood and a person will develop a yellow like glow. It is normally excreted through the intestines. If there is a rapid destruction of blood cells this can also happen. Infections, toxins, excess vitmin C and excess iron can cause the red blood cells to break down. Conjugated bilirubin is water soluble and if there is a blockage it will be excreted in the urine. Testing for high bilirubin in the urine can help identify blockage.

The canalicular membrane of the hepatocyte is the main bile secretory apparatus which contains the intracellular organelles, the cytoskeleton of the hepatocyte and carrier proteins. Fluctuations in cytosolic and organelle Ca2+ following glucagon or epinephrine stimulation play a major role in hepatic control of glucose production, bile fluid movement and excretion, fatty acid, amino acid and xenobiotic metabolism, protein synthesis and secretion, cell cycle and cell proliferation, among other functions. I discussed in some of my other post about autophagy. It can help issues like this.

The carrier proteins in the canalicular membrane transport bile acid and ions. Transporter proteins found within the canalicular membrane use energy to secrete molecules into bile against concentration gradients. The citric acid cycle is involved in providing the energy for this to occur. Mitochondrial disfunction and a loss of ATP can also interfere with this process. If this occurs cholestasis can occur causing a backup of bile and it can enter the blood stream. If the problem causing the obstruction is not addressed it can lead to fibrosis and vanishing bile duct syndrome. Symptoms are frequent itchy skin, elevated triglycerides, fat growths that appear under the skin. Drugs are often times the cause especially fluorquinolones.

Through this active transport, osmotic and electrochemical gradients are formed. When conjugated bile salts enter the canaliculus, water follows by osmosis. The electrochemical gradient allows for the passive diffusion of inorganic ions such as sodium. The most significant promoter of bile formation is the passage of conjugated bile salts into the biliary canaliculus. The total bile flow in a day is approximately 600 ml, of which 75% is derived from the hepatocyte, and 25% is from the cholangiocytes. Approximately half of the hepatocyte component of bile flow (about 225 ml per day) is bile salt-dependent and the remaining half bile salt independent. Bile Salts are formed in the body by combining bile acids and alcohol sulfates. Bile acid is combined with glycine or taurine to form bile salts. This is a good article explaining how to increase bile salts and the benefits of doing so. Taurine has been found to increase sulfur digesting bacteria which would increase H2S which can inhibit bile production. The is most likely why the western diet causes health problems it is high in taurine.

Osmotically active solutes such as glutathione and bicarbonate promote bile salt independent bile flow. Canaliculi empty bile into ductules or cholangioles or canals of Hering. The ductules connect with interlobular bile ducts, which are accompanied by branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery forming portal triads. Bile is subsequently modified by ductular epithelial cells as it passes through the biliary tree. These cells, known as cholangiocytes, dilute and alkalinize the bile through hormone-regulated absorptive and secretory processes. The hormones are scecretin, acetycholine, ATP, and bombesin. So you can see the importance of making sure we address any issues we have that can inhibit acetylcholine production or cause ATP to become depleted. Issues with glycolysis can cause a loss of ATP. I do not know much about increasing ATP except that creatine helps increase ATP production.

The cholangiocytes have receptors which modulate the bicarbonate-rich ductular bile flow, which is regulated by hormones. These receptors include receptors for secretin which regulates water homeostasis, somatostatin decreases stomach acid production, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) not sure how to describe this one. It is kind of an ion channel/ABC transporter and chloride-bicarbonate exchanger this is where electrolytes are important. These are listed in order of importance sodium, calcium, magnesium and postassium .

For example, when secretin stimulates receptors in the cholangiocyte, a cascade is initiated which activates the CFTR chloride channel and allows the exchange of bicarbonate for chloride. In contrast, somatostatin inhibits the cAMP synthesis within the cholangiocytes causing the opposite effect. While bombesin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, acetylcholine, and secretin enhances bile flow, somatostatin, gastrin, insulin, and endothelin (endothelin are involved in electrolyte homeostasis) inhibit the flow. I do not have enough experience with reducing insulin levels and had to have a friend help me with that on facebook. Some metabolic disorders can cause low glucose levels and high insulin levels. It can be corrected but takes someone who is knowledgeable.

Bile Acids Cholesterol catabolism by hepatocytes results in the synthesis of the 2 major primary bile acids, cholic acid, and chenodeoxycholic acid. This process involves multiple steps, with cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) acting as the rate-limiting enzyme. It is effected by steroid hormones, inflammatory cytokines, insulin and growth factors.

Primary bile acids undergo dehydroxylation by bacteria in the small intestine, forming the secondary bile acids deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid, respectively. Deoxycholic acid breaks down fats. High protein diet increases deoxycholic acid. Excess lithocholic acid speeds up aging and is carcinogenic. Eating lost of fiber reduces lithocholic acid. Artichoke reduces lithocholic acid and stimulates bile production. If the vitamin D receptor is inhibited then lithocholic acid cannot be detoxed by the body.

Both primary and secondary bile acids are conjugated by the liver with an amino acid, either glycine or taurine. Conjugated bile acids are known as bile salts. Bile salts inhibit cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) , decreasing the synthesis of bile acids. Despite the increased water solubility of bile salts, they are amphipathic molecules overall (has both hydrophobic and hydropholic molecules). This critical property allows them to effectively emulsify lipids and form micelles with the products of lipid digestion. The bile acid pool is maintained via mainly the enterohepatic circulation and to a small extent (about 5%) by hepatic synthesis of bile acids, as long as the daily fecal loss of bile acids do not exceed 20% of the pool. Micelles help with fat absorption.

Venous blood from the ileum goes straight into the portal vein, and hence through the sinusoids of the liver. Hepatocytes extract bile acids very efficiently from sinusoidal blood, and little escapes the healthy liver into systemic circulation. Bile acids are then transported across the hepatocytes to be resecreted into canaliculi. The net effect of this enterohepatic recirculation is that each bile salt molecule is reused about 20 times, often two or three times during a single digestive phase. When the digestive system is healthy bile gets easily reabsorbed.

Chenodeoxy cholic Acid and Cholic Acid are the primary bile acids produced. From Chenodeoxy cholic Acid many other bile acids are produced.

Bile acid gets reabsorbed and returned to the liver to be recycled. There are secondary bile acids produced in our digestive tract by our gut bacteria. Our microbiome deconjugates bile. Deoxcycholic Acid is a secondary bile acid produced by our microbiome. It is recycled by the body and is conjugated with glycine or taurine and circulated with primary bile acids. It constitutes about 20% of biles acids.

Lithocholic Acid is a secondary bile acid. It is conjugated with glycine or taurine and sulfated producing sulfolithocholylglycine or sulfolithocholyltaurine. Lithocholic Acid is toxic and can destroy the liver. Sulfation is an important part of detoxing deconjugated bile acids. Sulfation of bile acids decreases their absorption rate which prevent them from reentering the liver so when sulfation is functioning properly then the body can easily detox the toxic bile. Sulfation can become inhibited by metabolic issues, high sulfur digesting bacteria raising hydrogen sulfide and sulfide levels in the body. If there are problems with the CBS or BH4 pathways sulfation can be effected. The SULT genes are effected by our hormones. A change in our gut bacteria, toxins, glyphosate, vaccine injury, infections, leaky gut and many other things can change our hormone levels. This can inhibit the ability for the liver to sulfate bile acids. The pregnane X receptor also know as the xenobiotic sensing nuclear receptor has been found to be inhibited in those with bile blockage disorders. Inhibited PXR can inhibit SULT genes. Those with upregulated PXR have been found to be protected from the negative effects of LCA. Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR) is involved in sensing and removing endobiotic, and xenobiotic substances. It detoxes foreign substances and drugs. It has be found to protect form LCA when upregulated by inducing SULT genes. CAR is also involved in energy homeostasis. Fasting can induce CAR. Vitamin D receptor, Liver X receptor, and Farnesoid X receptor are also involved in sulfation and upregulation hve been found to protect from LCA. Most of those receptors have been found to be inhibited in those with bile blockage. Showing the importance of supporting their proper function.

When there is an obstruction biles acid can spill over into the blood stream through OST a and b transporters and also can enter the blood through Multidrug Resistance-associated proteins M1M3,M4 and M6. When there is an obstruction urinary excretion of bile is the primary route of bile removal. If this continues for an extended period of time it can lead to bladder irritation from the caustic effects of the bile acid to the bladder. Constipation form inhibited bile flow is common in interstitial cystitis. This can also take place through the organic acisd transporter.

This is an interesting article on bile acid blockage.

When Lithocholic Acid cannot be sulfated it remains toxic. Lithocholic Acid is highly carcinogenic and causes cancer. High Lithocholic Acid levels inhibits cortisone production this can cause many health issues including chronic fatigue.

Cellulose has been found to increase the mucus membrane which improves bile flow.

Not sure where to go with this information but took note of it. High nitrogen levels increases bile acid oxidation, high hydrogen levels inhibits bile acid oxidation.

Medium Chain Fatty Acids stimulate bile production which decreases bacteroides and actinobacteria which has been found to be high in those with dysbiosis and inflammatory bowel disease. Low bile acid production increases levels of microbes that produce potent LPS. Tempo a product made from fermented soy has been shown to reduce bacteriodes and inhibit our microbes ability to produce bile salt hydroxolase which inhibits FXR receptor. By decreasing our microbes bile salt hydrolase bile production is restore which reduces the bacteria that inhibit bile flow. If you try this route you would want to use organic because the BT-Toxin and glyphosate found in soy products destroy the gut and alter our gut microbiome causing an increase in microbiota that have a negative impact on our health. The FXR receptor is responsible for homeostasis throughout the body. If the FXR receptor is inhibited a person will develop diabetes, dislipademia, cancer, metabolic disorders, atherosclerosis and renal diseases.

If a person has cholestasis stimulating bile will damage the liver and cause excess bile to enter the blood causing many other health problems. If a person has cholestasis they should not stimulate bile production. Elevated bile production is a sign and symptom of sepsis which indicates cholestasis.

Things that can cause cholestasis is drugs, infection, metabolic issues, gene issues, gut dysbiosis,inflammatory bowel diseases,hormone imblance, T cell imbalcance, excessive inflammation, toxins and many other things. If a person has cholestasis they will have dark colored urine and light colored stools. Pain in the abdomine, excessive itching, fatigue and nausea. In more severe cases the skin and eyes my get a yellow color.

You have to address the cause of cholestasis if it is drug induced then you may have to discontinue the use of the drug, address infection and inflammation, correct metabolic issues and gene issues. Work on reducing gall stones and oxalate stones.

Some things found to help with bile blockage. Gaur Gum, milk thistle, dandelion, vitamin K, Vit D, Calcium but we must make sure we get the right type, sunflower seed lecithen, antioxidants but do not over use homeostasis is the goal. We need some oxidative stress if we completely disable ROS we will defeat the purpose. Radishes have been shown to help with bile blockage. Cod liver oil helps with bile blockage, medium chain fatty acids help with bile blockage, curcumin helps with bile blockage but after a while it should be pulsed because it chelates iron from the body and can cause anemia. Activated charcoal helps with cholestasis but should not be taken close to meals or we will lose nutrients. Soaking in epsom salt and then getting far infrared, sunlight or halogen light gives us magnesium sulfate which helps with cholestasis. If it is caused by gall stones apple juice and apple cider vinegar has been found to reduce gall stones. Lemon juice has been found to reduce gall stones. I had to put lemon juice in water because straight lemon juice was to strong for me and made my stomach hurt. Artichoke has been found to reduce gall stones. We need a variety in our diets, eating poorly can cause bile stones. The more processed foods we eat the better our chances of getting them are. Losing weight too quickly can also cause gall stones. Low HDL levels can cause gall stones that can be caused by hormone imbalances especially high estrogen levels. Citrus fruits reduce gall stones especially the white part of the fruit. Rosemary has been shown to reduce gall stones. Pear juice has also been found to dissolve gall stones. Beet root, carrots and cucumber has been found to reduce gall stones. Drinking excess amounts of soda pop and consuming excess amount of processed sugar can cause gall stones and oxalate stones.

Excess vitamin C can cause oxalates but normal levels help dissolve oxalates. High meat consumption increases oxalates, excessive salt consumption can cause high oxalates, soda pop contains phosphoric acid which increases oxalates and causes kidney stones. Excess vitamin D intake can cause oxlates most do not recommend get more then 5000 IU of vitamin D and many say 60 IU is enough. High meat consumption can decrease citrate in the body, citrate prevents oxalates. If a person take magnesium citrate it should not be taken often because the body recycles citrate and it can build up in the body causing liver and kidney damage. If a person has metabolic issues that cause acidosis it can lead to oxalates, I post on addressing acidosis. DNA damage from oxidative stress or health issues can cause high uric acid levels which can increase oxalates. Omega 3 oils help reduce oxalates. Celery, carrots, pomegranate, watermelon, pumpkin seed oil. Helps reduce oxalates. Horsetail herb helped me a lot but has an alkaloid that can build up in the body so should not be taken more then three times a week. Citric acid not to be confused with vitamin C reduces oxalates this is why lemon is very good for reducing oxalates. Bear berry and uva ursa contain berberine which reduces oxalates and uric acid. Stinging nettles reduces oxalates and toxins that can cause oxalates. Stay hydrated but avoid water that has been chlorinated or fluorinated it is toxic an increases oxalates.

High Trymethylamines produced from our microbiome breaking down choline and carnetine is converted by Flavon Mono-Oxygenase 3 to Trymethylamine-N-Oxide. TMAO inhibits bile production. Olive oil has been found to prevent our gut microbiome from producing Trymethylamines.

Crushed flax seed and oat haul increases bile flow.

If we do not correct the health issues causing our bile receptors to be inhbited it can lead to Non Alcohol Fatty Liver Disease.

Balancing the immune system

Reducing oxalates.

Healing the gut is very important.

Things that can go wrong in the gut and how you may be able to correct them.

information on our gut microbiome.

True cause of illness and things that may help.

Things that may help with infections.

Things that can break down scare tissue in the body is autophagy which I have posted on and HSP70 which is another thing I have posted on. Serrapeptase has been shown to break down calcium deposits and aggregates in the body. It must be used with caution. High dosage can start breaking down tissue in the body but low dose will reduce inflammation and help the body heal.

Heat Shock Proteins and their effects on our health.

Inflammation and toxins is why so many are ill now days.

True cause of illness and things that may help.

Things that can go wrong in the gut and how you may be able to correct them.

This is not medical advice I am posting this for educational and informational purposes.

Always remember homeostasis is the goal.

This is not finished but I need to work on other things and I figure this will give people a good foundation to research and build on.

If your gut becomes inflamed it will become leaky. You will stop absorbing nutrients. This can cause bile to become inhibited. If the gut is inflamed you can develop a burning pain. In more severe cases the pain will travel and a person will feel the burning pain under their right breast , it can even travel to the side below the arm pit. When it gets that severe they start developing a lot of food intolerance. So they are limited on what they can eat, also digestive enzymes can leak into the blood. From the digestive enzymes being in the blood and the body catabolizing the muscles they will also start to burn. This can also cause the calf muscles to hurt and feel heavy. When this occurs a person will need to keep snacking because when the gut is empty it will cause the inflammation to increase. They need to find foods they do not react to, so they can snack on them and always try to keep something in the gut.

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is usually used when referring to pathogens. Our commensal microbes produce LPS which our body uses to identify them. Normally they are not harmful to the body and some of the other commensal consume LPS keeping levels down. But a loss of those commensal or leaky gut can cause LPS to enter our blood streams which can lead to sepsis so it is very important to protect and maintain the health of our guts.

If we develop leaky gut and do not correct it toxins like mercury that can be in our food and usually will get excreted can now easily enter the blood stream and a person may develop high levels of mercury, cadmium or other toxins in the body.

If you have leaky gut oxalates that usually get excreted can enter the body. It is very important to heal the gut because oxalates are very damaging to the body. Calcium will bond with oxalates preventing them from being absorb and is why if a person is lactose intolerant they need to work on correcting it because milk with meals would help prevent that. Some calcium supplements are not good for you so if you decide to take that route make sure you do your research. Once oxalates build up in your body it prevents the gut from healing so it is very important to reduce oxalate levels. I have posted on reducing oxalates.

There are 2 components to the intestinal barrier. Intrinsic barrier and extrinsic barrier.

Intrinsic barrier is composed of the epithelial cells lining the digestive tube and tight junctions that tie them together.

Our gut bacteria maintain the health of our gut but damage to our gut can inhibit FUT2 production. Our gut microbiome cannot get established if we are deficient in FUT2. Lactobacillus Casei increases FUT2 production by inducing ERK/JNK. Inducing ERK/JNK stimulates FUT2. Nitric Oxide induces ERK/JNK, arginine rasises NO levels. Hypoxia induces ERK/JNK. Interleukin 10 inhibits FUT2 so a person may want to be cautious when taking probiotics that stimulate IL-10. Lactobacillus species of microbiotia stimulate IL-22 especially L Johnsii. IL-22 stimulates FUT2 secretion.

Extrinsic barrier consist of secretions and other other influences like microbes that influences the epithelial layer but are not physically part of the epithelium cells and maintain their barrier function.

Intrinsic Intestinal Barrier.

The gut is lined by sheets of epithelial cells that define the structure of the mucosa they are tied together by tight junctions, which paracellular spaces and thereby establishing the basic gastrointestinal barrier. Paracellular spaces are were nutrients are transported into the blood stream and toxins can be transported to the intestines for removal. Toxins and microbes that are able to breach this barrier have unimpeded access to the circulatory system. The tight junction layer and the mucus membrane for the most part prevents this from happening when healthy. Some cells in the epithelial are not effected by acid but others do not have the protection so count on the mucus membrane to protect them.

Extrinsic Barrier

Mucus that coats the entire epithelium. Hormones and cytokines that regulate the function of our digestive system and maintain digestive health. Our gut microbiome are a part of the extrinsic barrier. They reside in the mucus membrane.

Tight junctions encircle the epithelial cells and are an important part of the intrinsic layer. Their permeability is regulated by zonulin.

Tight junction controls the equilibrium between tolerance and immunity to non-self antigens. It is involved in macromolecular transport and tolerance and immune balance. If the tight junction layer becomes too porous a person may develop autoimmunity and their bodies immune system will turn on the body and start causing autoimmune disorders. A person will develop food allergies and food intolerances. The longer this goes without being addressed the more a persons health will decline. They will develop many metabolic, genetic and immune dysfunctions. Many things can damage this vaccines have been shown to raise B cell levels which causes the tight junction layer to become more porous. BT Toxins in GMOs have been shown to cause the body to react in a way that the tight junction layer becomes more porous. Many farm chemical cause it to become more porous especially glyphosate and glufonisate cause it to become more porous. Stress and trauma can also cause the tight junction layer to become more porous.

Zonulin is the only intercellular modulator of the tight junctions. If zonulin becomes over expressed the gut becomes more porous leading to leaky gut. It is involved in the transport of macromolecules and in balance between tolerance and immune response balance. If zonulin becomes deregulated it can cause inflammatory bowel, anemia, systematic inflammation, red sore areas on the skin known as Sweet’s syndrome that can eventually develop into blisters that eventually turn ulcerative which is known as Pyoderma Gangrenosum. They can develop swelling and sores in the mouth. The eyes can become red sore and inflamed. This condition is called sceritis it can lead to uveitis which effects the iris and can lead to blindness. Bones may thin and become brittle. Oxalates will develop causing stone formation this can also effect the liver. Not only can it cause endogenous oxalates to be produced but now oxalates consumed in our foods that are normally excreted can readily enter the body. Gall stones may form because bile production and pancreatic enzymes become inhibited and a person can develop chronic diarrhea, constipation or alternate between the two.

When the bile is inhibited it is called Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis. From food particles and toxins entering the blood stream a person could start having excessive blood clotting. A person will start developing nutrient deficiencies from being unable to absorb and break down nutrients properly. A person will eventually develop high histamines if this continues they may develop asthma, they can start developing sarcoidosis throughout the body. Mast Cells can start to degranulate leading to mastocytosis or mast cell activation syndrome. This effects our immune system as you will see below. It can lead to diabetes, heart disease and many other chronic illnesses. It can also lead to obesity or anorexia depending on how the person has been effected.

In order to restore zonulin levels to normal the genetic, metabolic, oxidative stress, changes in ph for example if you have developed acidosis or alkalosis it will have to be addressed along with infections that come along with our immune system being disabled. I have posted on most of those issues and correcting them. There are three isoforms of zonulin. ZO- 1 , ZO-2 and ZO-3.

When we get an infection it is a sign we are lacking a nutrient or gut microbe that protects us. The infection produces lipopolysaccharide (LPS) which stimulates zonulin making our guts more porous. Also antibiotics can kill the butyrate producing gut bacteria which makes our gut more porous. Butyrate keeps many things at homeostasis. We cannot restore normal zonulin levels if we do not replace the butyrate producing bacteria and feed them with fiber, oligosaccharides, galactosaccharides, and fructooligosaccharides. The lower the diversity of our gut microbes the higher our zonulin levels will be showing that our digestive system needs feedback from a variety of microbes to function properly.

The fun part of all of this is they will tell you all this in in your head until you are so ill it will take months or years to heal. In the mean time they will still continue to treat the symptoms instead of the cause. It is a common theme with allopathic medicine. I have seen this with naturopathic also but for the most part naturopaths treat the cause and not the symptoms.

Things that can reduce zonulin is meditating, if you have experienced trauma work very heard to move forward. It is difficult not to look back but constantly looking back causes stress and can increase zonulin. Anger increases zonulin so try to learn to deal with frustration and bad situations in a calm way , the calmer we are the lower our zonulin levels will be.

Replace the butyric acid producing bacteria I listed many microbes that produce it if you search my blog.

Inflammation and immune dis-regulation and can increase zonulin so the microbes that increase T regulatory cells and inflammation will reduce zonulin. If your immune system has been disabled then microbiome that stimulates IL-10 will help restore immune function.

High LPS levels will increase zonulin so we need the gut microbes that reduce LPS. Studies have shown the higher our guts diversity the less ZO-1 is express which prevents leaky gut and inflammation.

Under normal conditions things with gliadin , glutin and lactose will not effect a healthy gut but increase zonulin when the mucus membrane is damaged.

There are many molecules that interact with each other to maintain the Zonulin layer and the tight junction layer.

Occludin plays a role in tight junction maintainence and assembly which is regulated by phosporylation of serine, threonine, and tyrosine risidues. It is important for maintaining TJ stability and function. Loss of occludin can lead to leaky gut, inflammatory bowel, and hyperplasia most likely from the inflammation. Occludin also regulates cell survival or death through the intrinsic system. It is important in receiving and transmitting cell survival signals. Occludin has a strong inhibitory effect on cancer. Loss of Occludin leads to cell death.

If Phosphorylation of tyrosine, threonine and serine residues is inhibited it reduces occludins interaction with zonulin. Dephosphorylation of ser/thr residues and poor phosphorylation of tyr residues causes a reduction in occludins interaction with ZO-1 leading to it’s seperation from the junctional complex and TJ disruption. It also leads to excess ROS production which increases gut permeability. Inflammation reduces occludin levels. Endotoxins also reduce occludin. Another function of occludin is in modulating the TJ response to cytokines to protect and heal the tight junction. Occludin plays an active role in cellular location of caveolin-1. Caveolin-1 is required for cytokine induced TJ barrier changes, where it is required for TJ remodeling. So addressing endotoxins, high B cell or T cell levels and reducing inflammation is very important for preserving occludin. Many of our commensals that increase T regulatory cells balance our immune system which would restore proper T and B cell levels. Many of our commensal microbes reduce inflammation and reduce LPS (endotoxins). I have posted on my blog which of those accomplish these things. TNF-a is involved in caveiolinn-1 mediated internalization of occludin which increases occludin, alleviating cytokine induced gut permeability. This can be induced by TNF-a which is an inflammatory cytokine.

Mucous Membrane

The mucus membrane is thin in most inflammatory bowel diseases but is thick in Chron’s disease which I have not researched much on. Inflammtion usually causes the globin which are the mucin secreting cells to become depleted but for some reason this does not happen in Chron’s disease.

All these genes listed below are negatively effected by leaky gut. It is very important to reduce inflammation and work on getting the gut healed to restore the mucous membrane. Damage to the digestive system and mucus membrane causes many genes to become dis-regulated. MUC2 gene is the major gene responsible for the secretion of gel-forming mucin in the intestinal tract. It coats the endothelial surface protecting it from inflammation,chemicals, damage and infection. There are 20 MUC genes. There are many mucin categories that are enriched with proline, serine, and threonine. They are modified by o-glycosylation that creates oligosaccharides that confer on mucins their individual functions. Mucin is made mostly of fat. Those with inflammatory bowel and ulcerative colitis have low B-oxidation which is needed for the break down and use of fats. Since the mucous membrane is mostly fat this causes it to become dysfunctional. This makes people sensitive to fats and is why it is best if they consume medium chain fatty acids because the body can readily use them. Eggs yolks are a good source of phosphatidylcholine which is what the mucus membrane is mostly made of. Most with inflammatory bowel or colitis are sensitive to lecithin. I used sun flower seed lecithin and I did not react to it and it helped me a lot with my healing. Most other sources of lecithin I had to avoid. There are many studies showing that using sun flower seed as a source of lecithin has been shown to heal the gut. As for Chron’s disease I have a theory I have not had a chance to research but I believe they may be deficient in commensal microbes that digest sialic acid. Many of our commensals need it to thrive. Bacteroides Fragilis, Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron, Bifidobacterium Bifido, Bifidobacterium Longhum, Bifidobacterium Infantis, Akkermansia Muciniphila all need sialic acid to thrive. Another theory I have about Chron’s that I have not gotten to research is they may have an overgrowth of those and that inflammation or LPS is stimulating the production of excessive sialic acid causing and overgrowth of those microbes.

Phospholipase A2 activity is higher in those with inflammatory bowel and colitis.

If a person is having trouble with methyl donors they will not produce enough phosphatidylcholine because methyl groups are used in the process of producing phosphatidylcholine for the mucous membrane. So combine that with the low B-oxidation and you see why it can be so difficult to heal. Disulfide bridges are also a component of phosphatidylcholine showing the importance of addressing things that can impair sulfation.

Phospholipase A2 is high in those with inflammatory bowel and colitis. Phospholipase is stimulated by inflammation. It is a mixture between inflammation and substance P and is why those with leaky gut have high substance P levels. When substance P levels get high the skin will have a burning sensation especially in the scalp and it may go down the spine. Substance P levels increase at night so the symptoms will worsen at night.

Annexin also known as lipocortin keeps PLA2 in check. Adrenal hormones increase Annexin but in many people with inflammatory bowel the adrenals become depleted from being over activated and they develop Addison’s disease which is a deficiency of adrenal hormones. Adaptogens help alleviate this which would help restore annexin levels. Annexin also helps repair our immune system. If annexin gets low the blood brain barrier becomes porous because it helps maintain the blood brain barrier. Annexin is also involved in protecting the brain from infection. It is very important to support the adrenals with the proper nutrients and to reduce inflammation so the adrenals can recover. Oddly Okadaic Acid a toxin found in shell fish increases annexin. This is something a person would definitely need an experienced medical professional to do. IL-6 increases annexin expression. To restore normal cortisol levels stress management is very important. Increased stress depletes cortisol. Getting rest is important, even if you cannot sleep just laying and resting can help increase cortisol. Avoid, caffeine, alcohol and smoking. Our mucosal layer will take up fats and integrate them to strengthen itself. Omega 3 oils, cod liver oil, nuts, and avocados help increase cortisol. Avoid processed sugar it depletes cortisol levels. Citrus fruits especially grape fruit increases cortisol but grape fruit inhibits certain cytochrome P450 enzymes so should not be eaten too often. Eat foods high in melatonin or take melatonin supplements at night which will increase cortisol. Non processed carbohydrates help increase melatonin. Magnesium is important for maintaining proper cortisol levels. Reducing inflammation can help normalize cortisol levels. Earth grounding and getting sunlight help to normalize cortisol levels. I still laugh when I mention earth grounding because I thought how could something so simple have so many health benefits. So I was determined to find research to show those earth grounders were crazy instead it was I who was crazy and the earth grounders are correct. I could find no research to prove them wrong but plenty of research showing the many health benefits of earth grounding.

We have to keep in mind goblet cells build our mucus membrane and when inhibited by inflammation, toxins or even damage to our digestive system our ability to produce mucin is reduced or inhibited. Bismuth even though it is a metal, is for the most part none toxic it takes very high doses for a very long time to reach toxic levels. It helps the gut heal. It kills many pathogens and can cause commensals that have turned pathogenic to go back to commensal. Mucilage helps protect the gut so it can heal. I have posted on reducing inflammation if you search my blog. Oatmeal is high in mucilage but you must get organic because they use glyphosate and glufonisate on grains and beans to dry them and those destroy our gut and kill our gut microbes. Three very good sources of mucilage is okra, arrow root and oatmeal. Make sure the oatmeal is organic. Most non organic oatmeal has farm chemicals that destroy the gut.

Here is an in depth article on mucus membranes.

About me

Sialylation has been found to be increased in those with inflammatory bowel dieseases. Excessive sialylation increases inflammation. IL-10 inhibits Sialylation. Their are probiotics that increase IL-10 but IL-10 inhibits FUT2. So an oligosaccharide,galactosaccharride and fructosaccharide would probably have to be supplemented with it. I suspect the body is trying to increase the commensals that rely on the nutrients produced by sialylation and they have been depleted by antibiotics. Some commensals rely on FUT2 but others rely on sialylatin. Some do not produce the enzymes to break down sialic acid and rely on other commensals to produce it. A deficiency in either of them is probably what is causing the high sialylation. The body is trying to feed them. It is not getting the feedback from those commensals.

The bacteria this would help thrive are B Fragilis, B Theaiotaomicron, B Bifidum, B Longhum, B Infantis and A Muciniphila. I believe those with inflammatory bowel especially those with Chron’s will be deficient in those because those with Chron’s have a thicker mucous membrane.

The increased inflammation and infection caused by the above mentioned things results in an accumulation of ROS which can lead to further damage and it disturbs mitochondria function and autophagy. Once the mucus membrane has been damaged all the things mentioned below lose their protection and become dysfunctional. It may be necessary to take mucilage and bismuth to help protect them and restore their function. Once the mucus membrane breaks down it creates a cycle that has to be broken because the mucus membrane needs the things mentioned below to function properly and they need the mucus membrane to protect them and to function properly. Dysfunction in either of them from infection or toxins can start a cycle that has to be broken to heal. Our gut microbiome cannot become established without the mucus membrane because it also protects them. Our mucus membrane is a mediator between host and microbiota interactions. Decreased mucus membrane thickness causes a change in our gut microbiome and makes us more prone to infections.

This is where addressing sulfation issues, methyl group issues and issues with thiols comes in because the production of mucin requires all of those to be functioning. I have posted previously on how to deal with those issues. For the production of the oligosaccharides the endoplasmic reticulum and stem cell are required.

L-cysteine, L-arganine, L-threonine, L-serine, and L-cysteine increase mucin production in the digestive system and have been shown to promote gut microbiome homeostasis. Citrus fiber increases mucin especially the white part of the fruit. Pectin stimulates Goblet cell formation which secretes mucin. The microbiome that help restore gut health are Bifidobacterium Bifido, Bifidobacterium Breve, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Enterococcus Faecium, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactococcus Lactis

For those who do not have glutamate issues bone broth heals the gut very quickly. Those who have high levels of sulfur digesting bacteria will have problems with the consumption of bone broth also.

The small intestine is the portal for the absorption of most nutrients in the body. The chyme which is the digested food that has exited the stomach enters the small intestine pancreatic enzymes and bile is secreted. This breaks the food down and if functioning properly it will be almost liquid when it enters the lower intestinal tract. Bicarbonate is also added by the body to reduce the acidity before it enters the large intestine. The enteric nervous system and gastrointestinal hormones regulate this process and the intestinal motility. Intestinal dysbiosis can cause incorrect communication or inhibited communication which leads to inflammation, intestinal damage and it could lead to a loss of the ability to produce bile and digestive enzymes. To restore proper function we must reduce the microbe causing the problem. Those who have high sulfur digesting bacteria will develop high hydrogen sulfide levels which interferes with sulfation and can interfere with the proper function of the CBS and BH4 pathways. This can lead to high sulfide levels in the body. BH4 levels will become low causing ammonia to build up when protein is consumed. The high ammonia levels will cause some commensals to go into protection mode and they will become pathogenic. Candida and H Pylori are two examples. To make matters worse they also start producing ammonia to protect themselves from the acidic environment. The digestive tract is supposed to be acidic. Ammonia alkalizes it this also makes us more prone to infections because the commensal microbes that protect us cannot survive in an alkaline environment. When we lose our commensal bacteria we lose proper immune function and our zonulin levels increase and our gut becomes more porous leaving things enter the blood stream that could not normally enter. Inflammation and oxalates can inhibit bile flow causing it to back up, when this happens the gallbladder is effected. Instead of addressing the problem modern medicine gets rid of the symptom by removing the gallbladder thus the illness continues to worsen and taking the gallbadder out can contribute to it’s progression.

If bile becomes inhibited it inhibits the vitamin D receptor further inhibiting bile production and adding to the problem because cholesterol production and conversion becomes inhibited. This will make bile become sludgy leading to low bile flow which will increase estrogen levels and cause high unbound copper levels in the blood. Bitter herbs increase bile flow but the vitamin D receptor has to be addressed along with balancing the microbiome in the gut and healing the intestinal tract.

This is why I often times recommend grape seed extract and bacopa to people. It prevents thrombosis. Inflammation because endotoxins can cause thrombosis. Grape seed extract and bacopa reduce inflammation and prevent thrombosis. If thrombosis occurs in the portal vein it will effect the liver, pancrease, and digestive system. This causes pain in the stomach, bloating, inflammation, pancreatic pain, pain in the gallbladder. This can lead to death. Bile flow will become inhibited speeding up the progression of portal vein thrombosis. Those with hepatitis need to use hawthorne or something else. Resveratrol activates hepatitis.

portal vein thrombosis

gastrointestinal symptoms (ex: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea), fever and constitutional symptoms (ex: fatigue, malaise, and anorexia/weight loss) [3]. We can also find hepatomegaly with elevated liver enzymes and jaundice [3], when associated with liver abscess or cholangitis [2]. Laboratory tests usually demonstrate elevated markers of inflammation [2]

If not addressed in time it can lead to portal hypertension. This results in brain swelling, abdominal swelling . Confusion, anemia and low white blood cell count.

Autophagy is very important in maintaining health and we need a proper balance. It can be disrupted if we have intestinal damage. If autophagy is inhibited we become prone to infection and mitochondrial dysfunction. Autophagy is the housekeeper of our cells. One common theme you will see is inflammation and shows the importance of reducing inflammation. Which could involve diet changes, addressing metabolic issues, reducing toxins and infections. Addressing detox issues and detoxing in an appropriate manor for the individual. Addressing gene issues which could be caused by any number of things including a lack of the microbe in the gut that may modulate that genes function.

The mucus membrane in our digestive system protects us from infection, physical and chemical harm. Our commensal bacteria cannot exist without it. It is very important to restore our mucus membrane when damaged in order to restore intestinal homeostasis. Many genes mentioned below are effected when it is damaged because it causes a dysfunction in them. Autophagy is very important for the maintenance or proper gene function.

Paneth cells are located within our mucus membranes and provide immunity, prevent damage to the digestive system and is involved with nutrient absorption. Loss of our mucus membrane from loss of microbiotia, drugs or farm chemicals found in our food can destroy our mucus membrane. This causes damage to the digestive system which can further inhibit the bodies ability to produce mucin. This makes us more susceptible to infection. Paneth cells stimulate the production of AMPs which fight infection and modulate commensal microbiome and innate immunity. A list of AMPs are defensin-like human lyzosome, defensin (HD)-5 and 6, lyzosome, regenerating islet derived gamma(Reg3y), and phospholipase A2 group 2A(sPLA2) as well as inflammatory cytokines such as Transforming Tumor Necrosis Factor A (TNF-a), Growth Factor B1 (TGF-B1), and Postaglandin E2. AMPs are sensitive to ER stress which I discuss below.

Autophagy protects against infection by producing Antimicrobial Peptides and degrading organelles that break down misfolded proteins and AMPs break down pathogens. This can ease the over activated inflammatory response and over active immune response. Some AMPs are defensin and cathelicidens which protect against microbes.

Intestinal Epithelial Cells. (IECs) – form a physical and chemical barrier involved in inflammatory response and immune reaction. IECs work as an interface between the quantitive microbial ecosystem in the intestinal lumen. Lumen is inside space or opening in a tubular structure.

There are 6 types of IECs

Goblet Cells which secrete mucin to build up the mucin barrier.

Enteroendocrine cells which produce gastrointestinal hormones that communicate with the nervous system, the brain and organs throughout the body. They respond to nutrients within the intestines. Helps restore intestinal tissue.

Absorptive Enterocytes – epithelial cells in small intestine. They are involved in nutrient absorption, absorption of conjugated bile acid, lipid uptake, Issues with Absorptive Enerocytes can inhibit glucose absorption and can result in lactose intolerance and many other food intolerances. It can also result in an electrolyte imbalance. Enterocytes secrete a series of chemokines and cytokines which regulate immune responses of subjugant mucosal. (Mucosal control)

Tuft Cells – brush cells which are chemosensory cells in the intestinal epithelial lining. Tuft refers to microvilli projecting from the cells. They increase during parasite infection. They are the sole source of Interleuken 25 which induces NF-kB activation which helps protect from infection. High levels of IL-25 raises eosinophils which causes inflammation and is suspected of causing inflammatory bowel diseases. Eosinophils have been shown to kill many types of cancer cells. Infection also stimulates Tuft Cell to produce IL-25. They are increased through a T cell response through a type of lymphatic tissue. Tuft cell also secret endogenous opioids. Eosinophils cause asthma, cardiovascular disease and can even cause headaches, mood swings and brain fog.

Microfold Villous Cells – are found in the Gut-associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) of the Peyers Patches in the small intestine and the Mucus-associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALT). M Cells initiates mucosal immunity. They allow the transport of microbes and across the epithelial cell layer. From the gut lumen to the lamina propria. M cells contain Epidermal growth factor which acts as a sensor to stimulate repair through the intestines including the mucus membrane , tight junction protein layer and it stimulates goblet cell differentiation and many other things in the colon.

Endoplasmic Reticulum are organelles within our cells and plays a major role in the production of proteins and lipids. So this is where our enzymes , hormones and even our detox enzymes are produced.

Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) is activated in response to unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. It stops the production of unfolded or misfolded proteins it is the quality control mechanism. It will stop production and start cleaning the bad proteins out. If it continues for too long then it will induce apoptosis which is cell death. If overactivated which vaccines and many farm chemicals can cause to happen it can lead to prion disease. It plays a valuable role in intestinal endoplasmic reticulum survival and function. Dysfunction of endoplasmic reticulum can result from genes that have been effected from infection, toxins, or even stress can result in abnormal UPR function. This is referred to as Endoplasmic reticulum stress.

ER stress activates three kinds of proteins which reside in the ER membrane to detect UPR in ER Lumen and resolve them. Autophagy reduces ER stress.

inositol-rquiring membrane kinase endonuclease1 (IRE1) via a really long pathway that I am certain you do not want me to type out. Issues with the genes involved in these mediators in intestinal endothelial cells will change the histological structure of the intestinal epithelium.

XBP1- inhibition will exhibit impaired Paneth Cells, which leads to dysbiosis and spontaneous intestinal inflammation which may induce activation of NF-kB pathway which can lead to inflammation, anxiety, chronic depression, insulin and leptin resistance, it increases risk of cardiovascular disease and high TH17 levels which can lead to psoriasis or lupus, Many who have intersitial cystitis have high TH17 levels. It can cause bone lose and Alzheimers. On the other end of the scale not enough NF-kB can produce many health problems. Like lower cognitive function, inhibited ability to heal, inhibited nerve growth and brain plasticity. This is a good article covering it in more detail.

The second gene that can increase risk of inflammatory bowel disease is oromucoid-like3 (ORMDL3). Over expression can lead to immune/inflammatory diseases. It has been linked to childhood asthma. Over expression causes inhibited calcium buffering capacity of the mitochondria. This can disrupt endocytosis, enzyme control , cell growth and proliferation and cell apoptosis. ORMDL3 takes part in protein folding and in regulating UPR. It is believed ERs induced inflammation in paneth cells may disturb ORMDL3 levels leading to inflammation.

TREM1 (Triggering Receptor Expressed On Myeloid Cells-1) inhibits autophagy and increases ERs stress levels. This has been shown to increase the severity of inflammatory bowel diseases. Defective autophagy in the endoplasmic reticulum can predispose someone to inflammatory bowel diseases form a decreased clearance of IRE1 during ERs. High IRE1 levels impairs insulin signaling this can lead to many metabolic diseases. TREM1 can either increase inflammation or decrease it. During infection TREM1 increases inflammation. TREM1 also interacts with other inflammatory pathways which can also result in TREM1 increasing inflammation. TREM1 is high during septic shock. Sustained increased levels of TREM1 can lead to inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. TREM1 is needed to help clear infection. Unfortunately when an infection that contains OspA protein that are difficult for the body to clear like HIV and Borellia (Lyme Disease) it can cause TREM1 levels to remain high. This is why it is very important to work on reducing inflammation and address infection. Most infectious diseases there are no test for and the test they do have has a high failure rate at detecting the microbe responsible for the illness. But the body and what genes are effected and cytokines present can indicate when there is an infectious agent present. The more difficult infections can be killed but it takes a multilevel approach because most that carry the OspA take multiple forms and have to be addressed differently for each form it has taken.

Inflammatory bowel disease have been shown to have a dis-regulation of T Cell which can be induced by toxins, drugs, vaccine injury, farm chemical or processed foods.

Autophagy is a conserved lysosome-dependent catabolic process involved in degrading and recycling aggregates as well as damaged organelles. Enhancement of autophagy promotes the survival of various cells including intestinal endothelial cells, and nuetrophils by protecting them from microbial toxins. A disturbance in autophagy could disturb the function of intestinal endothelial cells and influence inflammatory response, immune response, ROS levels and endoplasmic reticulum stress. This can lead to inflammatory bowel diseases. Autophagy plays a vital role in alleviating of intestinal inflammtion, degredation of damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPS), which can help prevent inflammatory bowel diseases. PAMPs refer to various kinds of endogenous materials produced by stress, impaired or dying cells covering DNA, RNA, ATP, histones, hyaluronan, uric acid, heparin sulfate, the S100A calgranulins, IL-1, HSP, and chromatin-associated high motility box1(HMGB1).

Basal autopaghy occurs in nearly every cell to maintain homeostasis of the ammino acid pools. There are three types of autophagy.

Macropahy – targets material such as cytoplasmic components or invasive bactria which are surrounded by a double-membrane bound autophagosome.

Autophagosome when combined with lysosomechanges into a single-layer membrane autolysome with a strong degradative and digestive ability.

Microautophagy – during the process of microautophagy lysosomal/vacuolar membranes invaginate (fold in on itself) to engulf intracellular components via a non-selective degradative mechanism.

Chaperone-mediated autophagy transports organelles and proteins into lysosomes only with the assistance of chaperones which are located in lysosomal lumen. Chaperons are proteins that assist in convalent folding or unfolding and the assembly or disassembly of other macromolecular structures. They assist in the assembly of nucleosomes which are basic units of DNA.

Two steps of Autophagy.

The first step of autophagy cup-shaped double membrane phagophores are shaped in the cytoplasma of the cell, and then misfolded proteins, damaged organelles or bacteria are engulfed to become sperical double membraned autophagosomes. Autophagosomes are usually considered to be produced from the nucleation and membrane expansion of phagophores.

During the second step autophgosomes fuse with lysosomes and endosomes to form a single-lipid layer autolysome, which is regard as basal units for degradation and digestion. Autophagy process is induced by the detection of various specific cues such as starvation or invasion by pathogens.

Two proteins are known to participate in autophagy which include Mammaian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) as an inhibitor and adenosine monophosphate activated protein kinase as an indicator. mTOR is often activated by lower levels of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) caused by nutrient sufficiency or several growth factor stimulations. mTORC1 inhibits autophagy in the presence of nutrients. mTORC1 regulates glycolysis, lipid biosynthesis, and the pentose phosphate pathway has been found to be under the control of mTORC1. mTORC1 mediates upregulation of SREBP-1 activity which is necessary for lipid biogenesis. mTORC1 increases mitochondrial DNA copy number and as well as encoding many genes involved in oxidative metablolism. It has been found that mTORC1 promotes transcriptional activity of PPARy coactivator (PCG-1a) which is usually low in those who have inflammatory bowel diseases. This leads to the inability to break down fats and cholesterol causing many health problems because lipids are needed by almost all cells of the body especially the digestive system to maintain proper function and health. Ironically mTORC1 inhibition leads to longer lifespan. mTORC1 inhibits autophagy. mTORC1 increases NRF2 activity the master regulator of the antioxidant system.

Excess mTORC1 activation can cause endoplasmic reticulum stress and excess ROS production.

Low ATP levels inhibits mTORC1. Inhibiting mTORC1 increases glucose uptake. Hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) inhibit mTORC1. Amino Acid deprivation can inhibit the citric acid cycle (TCA cycle) this also inhibits mTORC1. The body inhibits mTORC1 when it senses DNA damage. Autophagy reactivates mTORC1 whose activity then promotes the replacement of lysosomes consumed during autophagy.

Symptoms of excess mTORC1 . Since there is no information on what excess mTORC1 does I will have list the symptoms of inhibited autophagy and high ROS levels since those are issues caused by high mTORC1 levels.

Symptoms of inhibited autophagy. Nuerological problem , inhibited autophagy can lead to inflammation in the brain, mental illness. Mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased antioxidant function which can lead to high levels of ROS. Pancreatic inflammation. Fat accumulation throughout the body and can lead to fatty liver disease. Issues with lysosomal storage, diabetes and sickle cell anemia. Frequent illness from infectious agents.

Symptoms of high ROS. ROS is needed for redox signaling but becomes damaging if levels get too high. High levels of ROS cause inflammation. Leaky gut and can cause a leaky blood brain barrier. This also can lead to nuerological damage and brain inflammation causing mental illness. Can cause liver damage resulting in a hepatic liver. Fatigue from reduced energy levels. Mitochondrial dysfunction which can lead to MS. Here is a link to a good article on oxidative stress.

What is Oxidative Stress? The Health Impact of Free Radicals

Things that stimulate mTORC1. Resistance training, amino acid L-Luecine, Beta Hydroxy Beta-methylbutyric acid which is a precursor of butyric acid. High intake of Iron stimulates mTORC1.

Inhibitors of mTORC1 are green tea, resveratrol, curcumin, caffeine and alcohol. Iron deficiency inhibits mTORC1. Green tea can damage the liver if taken for too long and curcumin chelates iron so can make a person anemic if consumed too long.


Vitamin D receptor (VDR) mediates the activities of vitamin D3 which is the activated form of vitamin D. A deficiency can effect our digestive system in many ways. The VDR is involved in regulating 33% of the genes in the body so problems with it can effect many things. VDR and Retinoid X receptor interact to with each other and can activate each other so issues with either one can effect vitamin D homeostasis. Inhibited VDR effects calcium homeostasis, electrolyte balance, and blood pressure.

Vitamin D3 acts as a hormone a hormone and helps regulate innate and adaptive immune responses. Those with low vitamin D levels or inhibited VDR receptor are prone to infection with Mycoplasma Tuberculosis. VDR is involved in producing the antimicrobial peptide/IL-37, defensin beta B, CLDN2 encoding claudin 2 and ATG16L1 related autophagy which protects us from inefection.

The VDR receptor is involved in gut microbiome balance and autophagy. Autophagy is the house keeper of our cells it helps clean them out, protect them from infection and helps to prevent misfolded proteins. Inhibited vitamin D receptor can cause inhibited bile flow and a decrease in LDL and increase in HDL. The reduced LDL causes bile to become sludgy which leads to biliary issues and gallbladder problems and can result in gall stones and biliary blockage.

When the VDR receptor is inhibited or there is a vitamin D deficiency we can develop inflammatory bowel diseases. IKBa is an inhibitor of pro-inflammatory NF-kB.

VDR inhibition or vitamin D deficiency alters the composition of intestinal microbiome. Butyrate producing bacteria become less numerous. Butyrate increases expression of VDR so a deficiency in Butyrate would further add to the inhibition of the VDR receptor. Butyrate also suppresses intestinal inflammation and enhances AMPs. AMPs help protect us from infection.

Toxins, mold toxins, infection and a lack of nutrients can inhibit the vitamin D receptor. High levels of vitamin D3 indicates the body has recognized an infection and is trying to fight it.

Farm chemicals especially glyphosate and glufonisate inhibit the vitamin D receptor. Many toxins found in processed food can also inhibit the vitamin D receptor.

Symptoms of inhibited VDR.

If the VDR is inhibited a person may experience problems with methyl donors and low dopamine levels. They may experience frequent infections and be low in GcMAF. Inhibited VDR can cause bone loss, hair loss, brain fog, increased TH17 levels resulting in lupus, psoriasis and/or skin rashes, tooth decay and poor oral health, inflammation throughout the body, can lead to high blood pressure. Low LDL which inhibits bile production resulting in biliary and gall bladder problems and can lead to stone formation. Electrolyte imbalance and iron deficiency. Low dopamine and GABA levels is a result of VDR inhibition. Prolactin level become low when VDR is inhibited. Gut dysbiosis and inflammation in the digestive system. Increased creatine and albumin levels and decreased alkaline phosphatase are symptoms of low vitamin D or inhibited vitamin D receptor. VDR inhibition or vitamin D deficiency can result in mast sell activation syndrome. CYP3a4 an enzyme needed for detoxing xenobiotics and drugs becomes inhibited. Hormonal imbalance is also a result of VDR inhibition. Hashimoto’s syndrome can result from VDR inhibition. Heart disease can be a result of VDR receptor inhibition or vitamin D deficiency. In more severe cases VDR inhibition can lead to liver and kidney disease.

Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.

Joint stiffness or pain, back aches, tooth decay, bleeding gums or gum disease, muscle cramps, hair loss, bone loss, weakening of bones, increases risk for cancer, sleep apnea, brain fog, fatigue, depression, leaky gut, excess sweating especially in the head area.

Excess vitamin D can lead to many health problems and can result in loss of bone from a disruption in the mechanisms that control calcium homeostasis. Though it is needed for calcium absorption high doses can have the opposite effects. High levels of vitamin D can lead to oxalate formation. Many studies show anything over 5000 IU a day can lead to oxalate formation and many health problems.The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 600 IU. It is best to get vitamin D from food sources. Exposure to sunlight, far infrared, halogen lights can increase the bodies production of vitamin D. Short term raised levels have been found to be beneficial but long term raised vitamin D levels have been found to be harmful to our health. High levels of vitamin D can contribute to the inhibition of the VDR. Excess vitamin D can result in high levels of calcium in the blood resulting in calcium deposits forming in the organs including the lungs.

Sources of vitamin D. Sunlight, halogen lights, far infrared light increases the bodies production of vitamin D. Excess sunlight has been shown to cause high levels of vitamin D and is why life guards have some of the highest rates of kidney stones. Fish oil contains vitamin D. Sardine , salmon and cod liver oil are good sources. I try to make sure the fish is not from contaminated areas. Most sea food is high in vitamin D. Mushrooms and eggs are a good source of vitamin D. Animal liver is another good source of vitamin D. Cestrum Diurnum, Waxy leaf nightshade (solanum glaucophyllum), yellow oat grass (trisetum flavescens) are plant sources of vitamin D. Those plants are so high in vitamin C that they cause calcinosis in grazing animals. Brown and read seaweed are also sources of vitamin D and cholesterol. Mercury found in fish is for the most part only a problem if we have leaky gut. When the gut is intact only about 5% of the toxins like mercury get absorbed that have been consumed and when healthy the body can easily detox that amount unless it is shot directly into the blood stream. I mention this because even though they claim vaccines do not contain mercury some still do.

Things needed for the body to be able to use vitamin D. Vitamin K2, Vitamin A, zinc, sulfur is needed to sulfate vitamin D so sulfation issues need to be addressed. Magnesium increases the bodies response to vitamin D. Boron increases vitamin D in the blood stream. Water is needed, dehydration inhibits many receptors in the body. Silica helps improve the function of many receptors in the body. Sunlight helps to sulfate nutrients. DAO and lysine are also needed to sulfate vitamin D. Boron is touchy, low levels reduce estrogen high levels increases estrogen.

Things that enhance vitamin D receptor activity. Parathyroid hormone, Sirt 1, Dopamine, Omega 3 , Omega 6, Phytoestrogens, Testosterone, Postaglandulins and bile activates VDR. Bitter herbs stimulate bile production. Even if you do not swallow bitter herbs just tasting them stimulates bile production. Resveratrol activates the vitamin D receptor. Querciten enhances vitamin D receptor activity. Curcumin stimulates the vitamin D receptor but if taken for too long it can lead to anemia because it chelates iron from the body. So one may use it at first to help stimulate the VDR receptor but probably should just take maintenance doses to make sure it continues to function. Human Growth Hormone stimulates the vitamin D receptor. Sleep, fasting, and strength training increase HGH.

Things that can inhibit VDR are cortisol/glucocorticoids, high prolactin levels, imbalance in thyroid hormones, TGF-Beta, phosphatonins which regulate phosphate homeostasis, and ubiquitin can inhibit VDR. Many of these things are inhbited by autophagy which would prevent them from inhibiting the VDR receptor. Caffeine can also inhibit the VDR. High TGF-B levels can be an indication of T cell imbalance and/or B cell imblance. Probiotics that reduce inflammatin and increase T regulatory cells should reduce TGF-B. High phosphatonins is a sign of low klotho levels. Exercise increases klotho, Most Acidophilus bacteria and Lactobacillus Lactis increases klotho. Cordyceps mushrooms increase kltoho. PPAR Gamma activators stimulate klothos, Some PPAR gamma activators are berberine, magnolia, and Omega 3s. Those who are obese should not stimulate PPAR gamma because they are usually PPAR gamma dominant. Adaptogenic herbs like suma root and maca root can help normalize adrenal levels. Ubiquitin levels are reduced by autophagy. High prolactin levels can result from toxins in plastic containers used to store food and some farm chemicals found in our food supply. There are also chemicals in processed foods that can cause high prolactin levels. Those who are taking drugs should not use berberine or things that contain it because it inhibits the cytochrome P450 enzymes needed to detox medications.

Fulvic acid and nobiline induce autophagy. We do not want to overstimulate autophagy. Fasting also stimulates autophagy but those who are Type1 diabetics have to be careful fasting can induce ketoacidosis in them. Branch Chain fatty acids can inhibit autophagy. Tumeric, ginger, berberine, gensing, mushrooms and elderberries can stimulate autophagy.

NOD2 – Nucleotidebinding Oligomerization Domaincontaining Protein 2 whew that was a lot. A member of the NLP family which is a group of immune regulating proteins. It is a sensor of muramyl dipeptide which is a constituent of both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. It is found in macropages and paneth cells. When inhibited a-defensin numbers are decreased, lower sensitivity to bacteria infection, and altered immune function from Toll Like Receptors becoming suppressed. This results in the inability to clear bacteria infections from the intestines. Inate and adaptive immunity is impaired. Nod2 induces autophagy through the NOD2 pathway. NOD2 is induced by NLP or bacteria infection, this promotes the delivery of NOD2 which enhances inflammation. Showing that if You have high NOD2 levels you would not want to induce autophagy. NOD2 prevents infection in cells which is mediated by ROS and MAPK pathways. NOD2 altered expression can lead to inflammatory bowel disease. Many cellular proteins interact with NOD2 directly and regulate it’s function positively or negatively. Among these proteins is Erbin. Erbin regulates Erbb2 if Erbin is inhibited Erbb2 levels can go up resulting in cancer growth. Centaurin B1 which I have no idea what it’s function is. Angio-associated migratory protein which is involved in endothelial tube formation and endothelial cell migration. It is involved in angiogenesis. Carbamoyl-phosphate synthase 2 is involved in the production of nucelotides in cells. Mitogen-activated protein 1 which helps down regulate NOD2. Heat shock protein 90 interacts with NOD2. HSP90 is involved in folding , intracellular transport and the degradation and maintenance of proteins. I have post on heat shock proteins like HSP90 and HSP70.

NOD deficiency. NOD2 is involved in maintaining balance between the microbiome and immune response. NOD2 deficiency results in loss of epithelium integrity, and increased susceptibility to intestinal inflammation. NOD2 deficiency can cause dysfunction in intestinal paneth and goblet cells. Deficiency increases IFN-y, and decrease ROS production which protects from infection so we need a balance because excess ROS can damage tissues in the body.

NOD2 upregulation. Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to increase NOD2 which helps to fight infection. Excess NOD2 can lead to rheumatoid arthritis, and systematic inflammation. Excess NOD2 has been linked to cardiovascular disease and pulmonary disease. NOD2 prevents inflammation in the eyes.

NOD2 deficiency causes low TH17 levels, inhibited immunity, and will be more prone to cancer. NOD2 is also involved in the detection and eradication of viruses.

Excess NOD2 causes systematic inflammation and sarcoidosis. Often times it is mistaken for cancer or copd. High NOD2 levels is a sign of infection.

Damage to the mucus membrane and intestinal tissue can cause it’s dis-regulation. This shows the importance of restoring mucus membrane and work on healing the gut.


Autophagy-Related Protein 16-like Protein 1 – Deficiency in Atg16L1 impairs recruitment of Atg12-Atg-5 complex which impairs the engulfment of pathogens and cellular organelles during the process of autophagic catabolism. Atg16L1 defeciency cause Paneth cell dysfunction and increases inflammation. Atg16L1 causes high leptin and adiponectin levels. A deficiency in Atg16L1 leads to intestinal lesions. Leptin tells the brain we do not need to eat. Leptin increases inflammation in the body. High leptin levels lead to chronic fatigue. Leptin can cause Th1 dominance. Those with high IL-10 levels would want to avoid probiotics that increase IL-10 because leptin increases IL-10. Leptin causes mast cells to become more inflammatory. Leptin causes lower T regulatory cells which keep our immune system at homeostasis. Leptin can cause excess blood clotting (throbosis). Leptin can cause high blood pressure. Leptin increases estrogen levels. Adiponectin is a protein hormone involved in glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown. High adiponectin levels causes a loss of appetite it causes weight loss and works synergistically with leptin. Adiponecton decreases gluconeogenesis. It increases B-oxidation of fats. It protects against endothelial dysfunction. It increases insulin sensitivity. So you can see the importance of Atg16L1 homeostasis.

Mir223 restores autophagy and Atg16L1 homeostasis. Mir233 downregulates inflammation. Mir233 is reduced in sepsis. Mir233 increase HDL cholesterol levels. But Mir233 is upregulated in inflammatory bowel diseases. Increasing Claudin-8 inhibits Mir233 inflammatory effects.

ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species)

ROS or Reactive Oxygen Species modulates cellular function under normal conditions. ROS is produced during the process of oxidative phosphorylation and can be handled by instracellular antioxidants. Injury, toxins , vaccine injury, infection, and stress can cause an over production of ROS which can exceed the generation of antioxidants leading to oxidative stress which can cause a lot of damage throughout the body. It causes inflammation, cell damage and even cell death. When the mitochondria become dysfunctional this can cause a rearrangement of the cytoskeleton which is framework of the plasma membrane and effects the balance between kinases, and phosphatases which promotes the ability of microorganisms to enter the cell and contributes to many inflammatory diseases. Excess ROS increases the permeability of intestinal epithelial. When levels of ROS are normal it will induce autophagy and microphagy which reduces inflammation. Reducing ROS levels too low can have the opposite effect because it would prevent it from inducing autophagy and we would lose the protection it gives us from infection.

Antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress but when homeostasis is achieved a person should only take maintenance doses. Over use of antioxidants can promote cancer by protecting it from apoptosis it also increases our risk of infection by reducing ROS levels too low.


Xenophagy is the clearance of pathogens regulated by autophagy. Reduces Xenophagy leads to alterations of intestinal microbiota. This leads to a higher rate of infection. The microbiotia induce xenophagy in basal paneth cells which is induced by INF-y to maintain intestinal integrity. This impairs sensing of intracellular micro organisms in the intestinal endothelial cells and contributes to the progression of inflammatory bowel disease. Showing the importance on healing the intestinal tract so that the mucus membrane can be restored. Prebiotic fiber and the tryptophan metabolizing gut microbiota increases IFN-y. The commensal strains of E Coli increases IFN-y. Lactobacillus Gasseri increases IFN-y. Bacteroides Fragilis increases IFN-y and has been found to protect from many types of infections. Butyric Acid must be present to maintain IFN-y homeostasis. So it would also be a good idea to make sure the butyrate producing microbes are established.

IRGM (Immunity Related GTPase Family M protein) – is involved in killing of bacteria, vacuolar trafficking and acidification, it is also involved in autophagy. It is involved in fighting mycoplasmas. Damage to the digestive tract can impair it’s function which wold make you susceptible to mycoplasma infection. Inflammation inhibits IRGM. Our digestive tract needs to be acidic. If it becomes to alkaline then it creates an environment that promotes infection and dysbiosis and we lose our commensal microbiota.