Linux fix PPD file cannot be found error.

My Linux

If you are using Linux and you get the no Ppd file, this means cups is not starting correctly this will fix it. If you start cups you will get a limit reached error or something like that. Open the bash prompt (command prompt). When you enter the first command you will be ask for you system password. You cannot see it when you type it, so type it out anyways. These commands will help you get your printer working again. You can copy and paste them into the bash prompt. This would happen to me when I used HPLIP install a printer. When I tried to use the system tools I would get an error cannot connect to server.

sudo mv /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /etc/cups/cupsd.conf-orig

sudo cp /usr/share/cups/cupsd.conf.default /etc/cups/cupsd.conf

sudo systemctl start cups

Base protocol for healing.

Wrtten by Lee Stevenson

This is not medical advice. If you are ill please find an experienced functional medicine practitioner. I am putting this here to give people an idea of what a base protocol to help start their healing will look like

Inflammation and oxidative stress.

P5P (pyridoxal 5-posphate)

Hydroxy B12

Pine bark extract

CoQ10 this one a person has to ease into because it does detox cells and a person can get ill at first when taking it.

Grape seed extract.

Alternate the type of Omega threes you consume I have found alternating them to be more effective. I alternate between flax seed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and fish oil. Make sure the fish oil is fresh, contains lemon to preserve freshness and store it in the refrigerator.

Melatonin, if you react to melatonin it means your vitamin D levels are low

Vitamin D3 do not take over 500 IU

Magnesium I usually alternate the types I take. Magnesium citrate and magnesium chloride but if you have depreassion magnesium tuarate may help.

Maganese and molybdenum three times a week.

Zinc picolinate but do not take high dose.

If you have high ammonia

yucca root

jerusalem artichoke root

TMG plant based do not get trymethylglycine HCL that is man made. Get Trymethylglycine from plants based.

This along with the base protocol

If you have infection

coconut oil



Pau Darco



Butyrate producers like Clostridium butyrica

A probiotic with a variety of bifidobacteria.

Now Probiotic 10

Lactobacillus acidophilus, lactobacillus heliviticus, lactobacillus Casei shiroto

Streptococcus thermophilus

If you have IC or excess blood clotting or numbness in hands or feet.


Butchers Broom

Grape seed extract


If you are gaining weight it indicates inhibite B oxidation. You need to increase Type 1 muscle and work on restoring mitochondrial respiration. Or if you are experiencing tight or fatigued muscles.



Eat foods high in B vitamins like mushrooms.

Increase nitrate by eating foods such as leafy greens and beets.

Increase vitamin C


If you have malabsorption you may have to use sublingual supplements until your gut heals or take megatribulus extract which increase absorption of nutrients it is consumed with.

Mucilage like kudzu root, marshmallow root or maca root

Devron bismuth but do not take too long or too often. High levels of bismuth can inhibit mitochondrial respiration.

If possible drink bone broth once in a while it give the gut the nutrients it needs to heal.

Also take a complete plant based digestive enzyme complex when you eat.

Fix permissions error when burning CDs in Ubuntu based Linux versions.

If you have and Ubuntu based Linux version like Linux Mint you may get an error when trying to burn CDs or the CD may get ejected. These are the things I needed to do to be able to burn the types of CDs I was trying to burn.

First I had to install Ubuntu-restricted extras.

I installed K3b. I also had to install the software seen in the image below. If you do not have them open one of your package managers like Software Manager or Synaptic. Then use the search feature to find them. Choose to install them. Make sure you have the things in the image below that is checked installed. You do this by opening K3b. Click on the settings tab and choose configure K3b. In the menu on the left click on programs this will give you a list of things K3b needs in order to  burn properly.




Make sure the software that is in the list with the checks are installed and checked.


Now to stop it from ejecting the CD or canceling the burn because of permission errors you will need to do these things.  In programs click permissions. If it says no change then you need to open the bash prompt which is the command prompt in Linux.


Now type these commands in. You will need your super user password and will be ask for it when type sudo in. This will correct the problem for most.

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrdao

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/wodim

sudo chmod 0755 /usr/bin/growisofs

If you still continue to have this problem which I did. Then you will need to type this in at the bash prompt. This corrected the last of my burning errors.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME

Video editing software that has worked the best for me.



Writtin By Lee Stevenson, sorry I am a lousy editor.

I am not a professional video editor. I am a novice and know very little about video editing. That being said I need something with a simple user interface and it has to be dependable. I use Linux mint with the gnome desktop.

I have tried most of the video editing software and they used to be easy to use and they were mostly the same but something has changed. Almost none of the open source video editing software will convert or render a video now they freeze at the initialization stage of rendering.

Shot Well and Open Shot and Pitivi were ones I used before and I used to like using Pitivi but none of them will render videos now. So the last one I tried was Kdenlive. I had to install FreiOr and dvdauthor in order to get it to function the way I needed.

I would upload the last video I made but the free version of WordPress does not support video uploading.


Linux Gnome Panel is not displaying open applications. How to fix it.

When Linux with the Gnome desktop is not displaying open applications in the panel it means you may have accidentally removed the “Windows List” from the panel.

Right click on the panel in a blank area. In the menu that pops up choose add to panel. Then click on “Windows List”. Then click and and close it and it should now show the applications you have opened in the panel.


Illness And Protein Intolerance.

Illness and Meat Intolerance.

I started this research because I wanted to help my fellow Lyme sufferers who had the MTHFR Gene Mutation. Which causes problems with the bodies ability to methylate. To learn more about that subject 

you can go to .  In my research I came to realize that anyone who has some form of chronic illness will have difficulty methylating. The more I read the more I realized I to was having methylation problems. So I am going to put the things that helped me and the things that I have seen others say have helped them. Please do research and listen to your body it will tell you what you need. When you try any diet change or herbal supplement only do one thing at a time so you will be able to identify anything that may cause you problems. If you are under treatment from a doctor always inform them of any supplements or diet changes you make.


One of the toxins that builds up is ammonia and our homocysteine levels to become to elevated. This can cause many toxins to build up in our bodies and blog clots can form. This condition is called homocystinuria.

When homocystinuria occurs our urine and body odor will smell like cat pee. When the condition gets worse the urine will become dark and smell like ammonia.

Remember the bible says do all things in moderation, listen to your body and do not over consume any one thing it can cause some very serious health problems.  

When we have difficulty methylating toxins build up in our bodies. We have difficulty processing proteins that contain Phenylalanine. We cannot completely avoid Phenylalanine because our bodies need them to survive  So the best we can do is limit our consumption of them.

Some things that contain Phenylalanine are milk products, nuts , animal flesh, eggs, seeds, wheat, and the worst one is aspertane.  Aspertane confuses the body and causes all kinds of health issues even a healthy person should avoid aspertane.

Reducing Toxins

One of the first things if you have not already done this is remove GMOs from your diet as much as possible. The bad health affects on the body have been proven. They have been shown to cause cancer, put wholes in the stomach and intestines, cause cellular damage and cause an imbalance in the enzymes in our bodies which gives things like Candida a good environment to thrive. A good website to learn about GMOs is 

Drink lots of unchlorinated water. Water can help flush the amonia and toxins from our blood stream.

One of the first things I introduced into my diet was a Betaine supplement (Trymethylglycine)it aids in the process of breaking proteins and fats down thus reducing the toxins that are released. It is produced from beets. If you overmethylate you should research before taking TMG.

The next thing we need to do is reduce our intake of refined carbohydrates and all types of sugar . They cause fluctuations in our sugar levels making it more difficult for our bodies to process proteins. Sugar comes in many forms such as fructose, brown rice syrup, tapioca syrup, rice bran syrup, maltose, glucose syrup, dextrose, sorghum pania, saccharin, carob syrup the list goes on and on, sugar is hidden in many forms. 

Any thing made with white all purpose flour is a processed carbohydrate and just about anything that has wheat that is packaged contains refined carbohydrates. most processed foods have folic acid which is man made and depletes enzymes that the body needs to utilize it quickly.  Folic Acid then builds up in the body and can cause many health issues. Folate is natural and far less toxic to the body.

Avoid artificial sweeteners they confuse the body and throw our  sugar levels off, some even throw our hormones out of whack which can contribute to the difficulty of the process of breaking down proteins.

Try your best to cut caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol from you diet because they affect the adrenals which will result in fluctuations in our sugar levels.

Now this is a list of things I have used or have seen others have success to assist the body at detoxing

Dandelion has many detoxing qualities and has been proven to protect the renal system. It has even been shown to inhibit cancer. It is very good at helping to remove heavy metals and other toxins from the body. The roots and leaves can be eaten, I prefer the flowers breaded and deep fried. You can also use it in tea form. There are tinctures but I have not tried them.

Chlorophyll has been found to assist in removing mercury and heavy metals and many other toxins. It has been shown to improve the health of our blood. 

I don’t know much about boron but if you are drinking chlorinated water then you have fluoride and bromide in your body which are toxic. Boron helps remove them from your body. Those are toxins that are very difficult to remove. 

Allicin is derived from garlic and has been shown to stimulate the liver into producing detoxifying enzymes. It comes in a supplement form.

Burdock root is not one I have experience with but spoke to many who have said it helped them to detox. I has been shown to be a diuretic which in itself would help remove toxins. Those with iron issues should not take it or curly dock they are high in iron.

Cilantro has been shown to remove heavy metals and remove many other toxins.

Ammonia is one of the most difficult things to remove and can accumulate in the brain and cause things  to easily cross the blood brain barrier that is why it is very important to follow as strict a diet as you can. I know it is difficult but the longer you do it the easier it gets. Once our kitchen gets adjusted for our new diet it actually becomes inconvenient to eat the bad stuff. 

Citrulline is another thing that helps remove ammonia from the body it has also been shown to fight infection. Citrulline is necessary for many of the bodies metabolic processes and helps maintain nitrogen balance. It can be found in melons, pumpkin, cucumbers and squashes. If taken in supplement be very careful I do not know anything about the safety of it or if you can take to much. Do your research before you try anything if you are not sure.

We need to increase our intake of the B Complex vitamins. I never take these in a supplement because most people have a bad reaction when they do this. If you do take a supplement form I would not take it on an empty stomach. The B Complexes needed are B12 (Colalamin) , B6 (Pyridoxine), and Methal Folate. These help with the methylation process and helps reduction the toxins. B12 is converted is converted to Methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin. B12 cannot be produced by animals or plants they lack the ability to produce it, it takes bacteria to produce it. some probiotic strains can produce B12 if takin with cobalt.

Some good sources of B12 are spirulina , some foods are fortified with B12, and shellfish. If you have methylmalonic aciduria or homcystinuria then it may be best if a doctor administered it intravenously. 

Vitamin B6 is dependent on B2 (Riboflavin) but they cannot be taken together. Most fruits and vegetables have sufficient amounts of B6. When they are cooked most B6 is lost. I do not recommend taking B6 in a supplement because the levels can become to high in the body and can cause serious damage.

Good sources of B2 are leafy greens, vegetables, yeast and mushrooms. 

The only source of Methyl Folate I have found is in a supplement form online they were under the Trade names of Metafolan and Deplin.

Diet Changes Needed

Because we can not get all the nutrients that we need because of our inability to consume certain proteins in the quantities that most would we may have some vitamin deficiencies. I prefer to acquire them from natural sources. If you find it necessary to take supplement be very careful because some nutrients can be very toxic and damaging to the body if the levels get to high in our bodies.

One of the first things I did was buy some whey protein it has protein that does not contain phenylalanine. Be careful they add phenylalanine to some brands of whey protein. I have seen some whey protein that is produced for those who have methylation problems online. We need protein because it is a slow steady energy so it helps keep our sugar levels steady. Whey protein can be purchased in most health food stores and in the supplement areas of most stores.  Remember we still need to consume foods that have phenylalanine because it is necessary for us to live we just need to limit our intake. Fats also help level our sugar levels out.

Since our intake of fats will be low we will need a source of fat because it is a very important nutrient for the function of our whole body. If our body fat gets too low it can kill you. I alternate which fats I use so my body will not get a build up of any one thing. For example Olive Oil has Oleanolic Acid which has been shown to unblock the Nrf2 pathways but it can also build up in the body and become toxic.

Another source of good fats is butter it contains phospolipids which help protect our bodies cells from damage. It has also been shown to protect the digestive system. It also gives our body things it needs at a cellular level. Another benefit of butter is it contains butyric acid which helps protect the digest system. It has even been shown to reduce cancer rates. If you have a lactose intolerance then you could use Ghee instead it has the parts that cause the lactose intolerance removed but still has the afore mentioned benefits.

Another good source of fat is fish or krill oil. When you purchase them make sure they are mercury free. These have their own benefits, there are Omega 3s which are very good antioxidants and very good at protecting the cardiovascular system. 

Coconut Oil is another source of good fats it has been shown to protect the brain even enhance memory and it also helps fight pathogens, It has some detoxing affects.

I forgot to list some sources of good carbohydrates so I will list them here because they also help keep our sugar levels steady. Vegetables, whole grains, unsweetened coconut, olives, milk, tomatoes and vinegar. 

Much of the iodine we get is from foods with refined starches and animal flesh that contains phenylalanine. Since we have to limit their intake our levels of iodine may drop. Iodine controls the functions of the thyroids which in turn has an influence on the metabolic processes in the body. It also helps optimize the use of our bodies calories. Most people need between 75 to 150 mcg of iodine a day.

Good sources of iodine are seaweed and seafood but I am not sure how to know if you are getting them from uncontaminated waters. Most table salt is fortified with iodine, other non ocean derived sources are watercress, eggs, and greens.  I do not recommend taking it in a supplement form because you can overload your thyroids with  it. 

When the thyroid glands become plugged or to protect you from radiation potassium iodide is used. Do not take this without a doctors supervision because you can cause some serious health problems because it will interfere with the good iodine in your body. 

Selenium helps protect the body from oxidative damage and infection. There are two types of selenium  , organic (Selenomethione) and inorganic (Selenate or Selenite). The Selenomethione is more readily absorbed  by the body but the inorganic will work also. This is something we may need to supplement  because the best sources are animal flesh and brazil nuts. I think I am going to try to find some brazil nuts because they are the best source and give us more then enough. Alternative sources of selenium are brazil nuts, brown rice, oatmeal, greens, bananas, potatoes and fruit.

Magnesium is important in pretty much  all functions of the body. Magnesium supports the immune system, prevents inflammation and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Magnesium and Calcium need each other. We need to try to balance the intake of them the best we can, don’t stress over it though as long as we don’t take one or the other in excess it will be ok.

Good sources of magnesium are greens, bananas, dried fruits like dates and figs, fresh fruits, asparagus, oatmeal, and chocolate. The recommended allowance is 400mg.

Calcium is important for more then strong bones and teeth, it also plays a rule in the function of our bodies sodium pumps which control the functions of our muscles and also many metabolic processes. It also helps maintain our bodies PH levels. When milk is pasteurized the calcium forms into a form that is difficult for our bodies to use.

Some good sources of calcium are greens, vegetables, oranges and shellfish.

Potassium helps balance our water and electrolytes. It helps in the metabolism of fats and also helps in removing waste from the body. It helps with the circulation of blood and helps stabilize our sugar levels. Too much Potassium can cause major health issues so I do not recommend taking a supplement try to get potassium from foods.

Good sources of potassium are oranges, bananas, coconut water which is also very good at balancing our electrolytes.

Sodium which most people know that we get from salt. They have spread so much paranoia on salt that there actually have been some deficiencies noted. Salt helps regulate fluid levels and is important in the functioning of the heart, muscles and nerves. Deficiencies in sodium can cause insufficiencies in the adrenals which can cause our sugar levels to fluctuate. Sodium also plays and important role in removing CO2 from the body. The recommended daily intake is 2300 mg.

I won’t get into the dangers of excess salt because most are aware of those dangers.

Zinc is important for vital function throughout the body including memory and the repair and functioning of the DNA. Zinc is also involved in the synthesis of protein and metabolism of carbohydrates. Zinc also can inhibit the production of cortisone.

Too much Zinc can inhibit the bodies ability to absorb copper. Some good sources of zinc are shellfish, oats, whole wheat.

Vitamin C dramatically increases the bodies ability to methylate and reduces oxidative stress. This is the most important vitamin in assisting with the methylation process along with it’s many other well known benefits.oo much vitamin C can damage red blood cells.

Good sources of Vitamin C are Oranges, Tomatoes, Apples, and many other fruits and vegetables. Magnesium citrate and Calcium citrate bare the easiest on the stomach if you choose to supplement. 

Vitamin D helps regulate essential pathways of cellular metabolism. Vitamin D also helps regulate gene expressions. It also helps regulate epigenetic DNA methylation. Manmade vitamin D can cause health problems also.

I take Vitamin D3 it is more readily available for the body to use. Some sources of D are sunlight. Our bodies produce Vitamin D when sunlight contacts our skin. 

Ubiquinol is the unoxidized form of CoQ10 this is the form you want to take because Ubiquinie is the oxidized form. It is oil soluble so it has to be taken with a fat. The recommended daily allowance is 90 to 120 mg.

Vitamin E (Tocopherols, Tocotrienols) . Sometimes there are letters in front of the names. If the letters are DL it is man made an not easily used by the body.

Vitamin E protects us from oxidative stress. When in food such as oils it protects it from oxidation. It has been shown to protect the cardiovascular system, helps protect the body from cancer. This is were it gets difficult for us to cut down on phenylalanine because most foods that contain vitamin E also contain Phenylalanine for example nuts, seeds, broccoli all contain them but are some of the best sources of vitamin E. Some non phenylalanine sources of vitamin E are Mango, Kiwi, Tomato, greens, red colored fruits and vegetables and most cooking oils. The recommended daily allowance is 15 mg.

It has been shown to protect the cardiovascular system. It is involved in the processes that generate energy for the cells.

Molybdenum is needed to metabolize fats and carbohydrates. Molybdenum also helps reduce the build up of sulfate/sulfite in our bodies. The recommended daily allowance is 45 mcg. It is usually not necessary to take a supplement. Molybdenum also helps reduce ammonia levels.

Some sources of Molybdenum are green beans,leafy green vegetables, sunflower seeds, melons and unfiltered water.

Cholesterol can be produced by the body if it is necessary. Cholesterol is one of the most important elements it is involved in all functions of the body including breaking down and absorbing fats. It is also an antioxidant. It helps repair damaged cells and play an important role in the function of the lymph glands. Cholesterol is also important for balancing hormones and the manufacture of them. It has been shown to protect us from heart disease.

The bad cholesterol to avoid is the oxidised cholesterol found in processed foods and grain fed animals.  

Studies have shown that the cholesterol from grass fed animals is low in Oxidized Cholesterol. 

Copper increases energy production, aids in the metabolic processing of amino acids, helps regulate heart rhythm, balance the thyroid glands, it also helps our bodies use Iron more efficiently. I would not take in a supplement form because it is very difficult for our bodies to get rid of excess copper. Touch zinc can cause you body to lose copper and vice versa.

Taking excessive amounts of Vitamin C and Zinc could deplete our copper.

Some sources of copper are Mustard, Peppers, Cumin, Coriander leaf and other greens, Onions, Mushrooms, radishes, shellfish, nuts, seeds and chocolate.

Choline is needed to break down fats. Goods sources of choline are eggs milk products, and greens. If you get indigestion when eating fats you may be choline deficient.  If you get ill or headaches you may be having trouble breaking choline down.

Iron helps metabolize proteins, it is one of the most important factors in our blood. Iron helps regulate body temperature. This is one we may have to supplement because of our limited ability to eat animal flesh. The recommended allowance is 20 to 30 mg. To much iron can cause many serious health problems.  Also if we are ill we can appear to be iron deficient when we are not.

Good sources of iron are beans, dark leafy greens, raisin, melons, nuts and seeds. Vitamin C improves the absorption of Iron.

L-orithine, Lysine, and L-arginine amino acids are needed in the methylation process. Goods sources of those are oatmeal, raisins, melon, beans, fermented foods, spirulina, sea food, seeds and nuts.

We should also take a probiotic with active acidophilus cultures at least twice a day. To helps replace the  good enzymes that we have lost. Yogurt and Kefir also helps restore good  enzymes. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, and Kimchi help restore our bodies good bacteria and are loaded with micronutrients. 


There are some adaptogenic herbs which are known for helping to restore homeostasis. 

Jiaogulan is a herb that has been shown to restore homeostasis. It has been shown to increase gluthione production and reduce nitrate levels.

Suma is a ground root that is used for teas, tinctures, or in capsules. It is also an adaptogen which means it helps the body achieve homeostasis. It is also extremely nutritious..

Maca Root is also an adaptogen. It is full of nutrients it is a super food.  It is loaded with the electrolytes and vitamins needed for methylation. It can be used as a powder added to food or used as an herbal tea. It has also been shown to help the body with detoxing.

Holy Basil is an adaptogen that has been shown to reduce Cortisone levels.

Licorice Root Tea has been shown to help break down stress hormones and to heal the digestive system. Make sure it is deglyhinized,  if not it could have toxic effects.

Rehmannia Glutinosa has been found to ease symptoms of autoimmune diseases, is an adaptogen. Rehmannia also helps to detoxify the body. There are side affects so I would be careful using this one. Some of the side affects are bloating, diahrea, palpitations. Recommand usage is 9 to 30 grams per day.

Things That May Help With Blood Clots.

Use these things at your own risk. I never got blood clots because I was already using many of these when I first fell ill.

Garlic thins blood and may help with clotting. 

Grape Seed extract thins the blood has been shown to heal the nerves and protect the cardiovascular system.

Ginger thins blood and has many micronutrients

Curry Powder has Salicylates which hinders the effects of vitamin K in clotting.

Cinnamon thins blood but can be toxic in higher levels.

Tumeric has also been shown to thin blood.

Paprika has salicytate.

Herbs That Help Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Green Tea Extract has many healing properties and has been shown to lower the oxidized cholesterol levels.

Artichoke Leaf Extract lowers LDL levels by limiting it’s synthesis also increases excretion from the liver. 

High Fiber diets have been shown to lower LDL levels and also will increase the butyric acid in your intestines. I mentioned the benefits of butyric acid earlier.

Apple Cider Vinegar, I am not sure how it works but have seen a lot of information claiming it reduces bad LDL

Policasanol prevents blood clots and helps regulate blood pressure. Has also been shown to balance cholesterol levels.

Coconut Oil has been shown to lower LDL levels and protects the good from oxidation.

Leaky Gut

I am not going to get into this deeply , I will cover it in another blog post. This is a list of things that help heal my leaky gut. Liquid Aloe Vera capsules twice a day. Ghee or butter about four ounces a day. I keep pepto-bismol on hand if things got too bad. I consumed a lot of fermented foods and yogurt.











Blog Navigation Page.

I am putting this page on here to help people navigate. It is a little difficult to organize things on here so I figured this would make it much easier. I am going to put the links to all my articles from health to spiritual. If you need to translate anything to your language or another language this is information on how to do that.

Also if you want to display scriptures that are on web pages this article will discuss that.

How To Display Scriptures That Are On Web Pages.

        These Links Are For Health And Illness

I wrote this because this is the advise that others gave me when I first found out I had Lyme. It is very scary and they helped me deal with all the issues that are involved with Lyme.

Lyme Disease Is Scarey.

This article is how to help strengthen your immune system.

Diet To Help Support The Immune System.

A lot of people who are suffering from infections have heart problems, this article is about foods that can help with that.

Diet To Help With POTS, AV Block And Detox Issues And Over All Well Being.

A lot of people when ill will have joint and never problems, this is information that may help with that.

Nutrients Needed For Joint, Nerve, Bone and Ligament Repair.

I wrote this from asking many Lyme sufferers what their symptoms were in the order they occurred. Some of these symptoms could be from coinfections that Lyme sufferers usually have.

Most Common Symptoms From Lyme Or Tick Born Disease.

I posted this link to another blog because this is something that is missed in a lot of Lyme Sufferers and they did a wonderful job of writing it.

Mycoplasma – The Hidden Co-Infection of Lyme

These are herbs I used that has really been helping me in my fight with Lyme.

Herbals I Used In The Fight With Lyme.

I did this post because I noticed that there are people taking herbs that can be dangerous. I will update it once in a while.

Dangerous Or Useless Herbs.

Spiritual Articles.

This article discusses how to use your bible.

How To Use Your Bible.

I did this article because of the evolution teaching and how much scientific theories get taught as fact when they are only theories.

Was Man Created Or Did We Evolve?

This articles discussed jealous and envy, and how they can affect us.

Jealousy Or Envy.

This article discusses why Jesus is the Amen.

Jesus Is The Amen.

I always wondered why Jesus was called the only begotten son. This study answers that question.

Why Is Jesus The Only-begotten Son?

Most people think that the earth was God’s first creation. This article discusses how that is not true.

What was God’s first creation, hint it wasn’t the earth.

This article discusses sin and how to identify it.

What Is Sin And Some Steps To Repenting.

This article is the continuation of what sin is and how to identify it.

What Is Sin, This Is The Continuation Of A Previous Study.

This article discusses why we should study the bible.

Reasons For Studying The Bible.

If you are worshipping in truth then you will be persecuted , this article discusses how to identify when you are being persecuted for righteous reasons.

Persecution Why And Who?

You may not view posting on Facebook as a spiritual issue but it can be. This article discusses that.

How Viral Posting ON Facebook And Blogs Can Be.

This article discusses how to identify false religion.

Apostasy, False Worship,

This article discusses how our speech can affect our standing with God.

Language or Speech That Offends God.

This article discusses how you  could be worshipping Satan with out even knowing it.

You could be worshipping Satan and not know it.

This article discusses what the number 666 means.

God marks his people, Satan’s marked also “666”

This article discusses what the heavenly kingdom is and exactly what it will do.

What is the Heavenly Kingdom?

This article discusses why we should not fight wars and why God approved of it in the past.

Why Does God Say Not To Fight Wars, When He Used To Have Israel Fight Wars.

This article discusses what God’s name is and why we should use it.

Why use God’s name Jehovah?

This article discusses how we can be happy even though we are living in perilous times.

Happiness, how can I be happy?

Most religions make God seem cruel or mean. It even seems like God doesn’t care about us. Why would such a loving God permit so much suffering. This article discusses that issue.

Is God cruel or mean?

This article discusses Love so we can learn to properly identify it so we can more easily find it.

What Is Love? How To Find Love?

This article discusses which bible is the most accurate.

What is the best New Testament? Colwell’s Rule of Bible Translation.

This article shows that those who fear man , or fear what others think will be destroyed.

Do you know those who fear what others think about studying and sharing the truth will be destroyed?

This article discusses how Satan is mortal just like us.

Satan and the Demons are mortal, they will die.

There are a lot of false teaching about death and this article discusses those false teachings.

The true condition of the Dead.

This article discusses that there will eventually be world peace.

No more war,there will be peace.

The pharisees received a baptism by fire to see what it is read this article.

Baptism by Fire.

This article ask the question how many times can someone die. Most people get the answer wrong.

This article discusses does God really work in mysterious ways?

Does God work in mysterious ways?


Kernel Panic error.

My Linux

This post is to help people that are installing linux and get a  kernel panic error. When you are installing linux sometimes you will get the kernel panic error when you are installing it. Sometimes the kernel panic error comes up after you have installed it and you are in the boot process. My experience has been one of two things that have caused this. Sometimes I have had ram that was going bad and other times it was the graphics card that was was going bad. When I changed the   bad hardware the error went away.

Fix synaptic locked error, and Ubuntu apt manager.

My Linux


If you have a package in most Linux versions that didn’t install all the way you will get a locked error. I don’t remember how the error is stated. It says synaptic is locked or something like that. Try running this it usually works. Works for Ubuntu package manager to, I have used it on debian and ubuntu and it worked both times. Open a terminal then type or copy and paste these:

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo rm -r /tmp/*

sudo dpkg –clear-avail && sudo apt-get update

Remember you won’t see your super user password when you type it.

I have used this on Debian and Ubuntu and it has worked for me. This works with any linux package manager. I have used it on all of them when they were locked.

Remove zeitgeist

My Linux

   For those who are using Linux. This is how to safely remove Zeitgeist. The first thing you have to do is go into one of your package managers and install the Gnome classic desktop.
After you do that at login choose Gnome classic for your desktop. Then open your terminal and type these commands in. If you are using the Unity desktop I don’t think you can remove it. It is a memory hog though.

Open the terminal and type these commands in.

sudo zeitgeist-daemon –quit
sudo apt-get –purge autoremove activity-log-manager-common activity-log-manager-control-center zeitgeist zeitgeist-core zeitgeist-datahub
sudo rm -fr {/root,/home/*}/.local/share/zeitgeist

The other files don’t matter. It is ok to leave them. I tried this on a variety of Linux versions and didn’t have any problems. Make sure when you install Gnome that you choose it at login before you remove zeitgeist. If you do not you will not be able to access anything you will only see your wallpaper. Everything else will be missing.

There is another way to remove zeitgeist. Remember before you remove zeitgeist be certain that you have Gnome installed and have chosen it at login. Then make sure you have Synaptic package manager installed. Open synaptic. Type zeitgeist in the search bar. Click on zeitgeist core and choose mark for removal, do not click on mark for complete removal you will not like what happens.  Then click on zeitgeist datahub and click on mark for removal. Once you have them checked click on apply.   Before I remove it I usually go into system tools and open system monitor.  Then I click on the processes tab and stop all the zeitgeist processes.  Then I open the terminal and use this command.

sudo rm -fr {/root,/home/*}/.local/share/zeitgeist




Linux Printer Settings

My Linux

    I just found a cool way to access Linux printer settings. Go to your browser and enter this in the address bar , without the parenthesis.  (  http://localhost:631/ )   . Your settings will come up in the browser. You are on your own with the settings   because just about every printer is different.

I believe this works with just about any browser in Linux.