Why those getting the Covid vaccine should be locked down and wear a mask.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not the best editor

Below I provide links showing whistle blowers are speaking out showing how the data concerning the safety of the vaccines was falsified.

I am going to present evidence that those getting the injections which most are calling vaccines so I will refer to them as vaccines pose a threat to the health of society. Not only that those getting the injections have a higher mortality rate, they are transmitting Covid and are the cause of the pandemic getting worse instead of declining. If you want to compare the research to the states just do a search and look at the stats. The areas with the heaviest vaccine rates also have the highest rates of Covid infection and deaths. I am also going to present evidence showing the ones getting the vaccines should be isolated, have their travels restricted and should be required to wear mask.

The lies about the Covid vaccines need to stop. They are killing thousands and thousands. Medical professionals are trying to speak out about the harm being done and they are either being fire, removed from social media and threatened with arrest. I have seen whole groups with over 100,000 talking about the adverse reactions or death they have seen first and get deleted on Facebook. Most social media sites are heavily censoring those who talk about their, or a loved ones adverse reaction to the vaccines or death. The vaccinated are the ones spreading Covid and they are also more prone to dying from Covid. Studies have shown 80% of those transmitting Covid were the vaccinated. Not only that but studies have also shown the vaccinated are more prone to getting Covid and other infections.

There are now reports of infants dying or having an adverse reaction while breast feeding from mothers who have gotten the injections. Keep in mind most adverse reactions do not get reported.

These Covid injections are causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and they are going unreported. Even though studies have shown that only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported it is most likely lower with these Covid vaccines because they are working very hard to hide the adverse reactions to these vaccines.

These vaccines are causing excess blood clotting which is resulting in heart damage, strokes, brain damage and organ damage which is resulting in death. Emergency rooms have been fill to capacity with people suffering from the very thing these vaccines cause to occur yet they are saying the reason for all these sudden rises in these events cannot be explained. I am going to discuss the things these vaccines are causing.

They are causing heart damage and inflammation causing myocarditis and other heart issues. They are causing strokes and organ failure from the excess blood clotting. The injections are causing spontaneous abortions. These injections are causing flaccid myelitis which is a polio disorder. These vaccines are causing lung damage that is life threatening. The symptoms of vaccine injury from these injections is the same as Covid so those dying from Covid who had the vaccines may actually be dying from the vaccine itself. These vaccines are causing a variety of autoimmune diseases that result in someone dying a slow and miserable death.

I have literally seen thousands of post and web articles of people stating they had been injured by these vaccines or even had a love one killed by them and they could not get anyone to listen to them. There are thousands and thousands of case reports of the harm these vaccines are doing. So many that thousands of medical professionals world wide have formed a variety of groups trying to get these vaccines banned.

These deaths from the vaccines are being brushed off and not reported. In the past when vaccines caused flaccid myelitits they would brush it off as having an idopathic cause, or say the cause was unknown. Often times they would cover it up by announcing there was an outbreak of polio. They may start announcing out breaks of marburg and Kawasaki disease because the Covid vaccine injury is very similar to these two diseases.

Since the vaccinated are the ones who are transmitting the infection they should be isolated from society. Mask have been shown to increase risk of getting infection but have been show to decrease the risk of transmitting infection. Since it is the vaccinated now keeping the pandemic going by transmitting Covid they should be required to wear a mask. We need a card that shows we have not been vaccinated so we can prove we are not transmitting infection and do not pose a threat to society. The travels of the vaccinated should be restricted to reduce the transmission of Covid and other infectious diseases which they have been shown to be spreading.

It seems to me some people should be getting arrested for covering up the harm being done by these injections. As for me I will not get vaccines because many of them contain fetal cells that were grown from aborted fetal tissue. Many of the Covid vaccines are grown using fetal cells. These cannot be completely filtered out. The FDA is so corrupt they actually gave the pharmaceutical companies permission leave this information and information on other toxic substances out of the vaccine inserts. But if you look up the patents for the vaccines you can find what ingredients they contain.

Data for the vaccines being safe is being falsified. Doctors sent a letter stating they could not report their own vaccine injuries. Doctors are having such a difficult time reporting adverse reactions that they started making videos to warn people the harm these vaccines are doing. Most main stream media sites had the videos removed why are they working so hard to hide what these vaccines are doing? I can list hundreds and hundreds of videos of medical professionals speaking out and many of them have been fired for doing so, yet there are still more and more speaking out. We need to ask ourselves why would they speak out , at the risk of their careers. Not only that but many medical professionals lost their jobs because they refused to get the Covid injection. What do they know? Some of these people spent their whole lives in medicine and threw their careers away in order to avoid getting the injections. If medical professionals who see the effects directly are refusing to get the Covid injections shouldn’t this inspire us to start asking questions about their safety?

I thought this article was a hoax because at first there was no proof the doctor mentioned worked for those doing the vaccine trials. She has since provided BMJ with proof of the things she stated. If you read the comments many other medical professionals are confirming the things this doctor stated.


Infants having an adverse reaction


The vaccinated are suffering from higher rates of infection






Many reports of spontaneous abortion caused by the vaccines.

A study based on VAERS showing the vaccines are extremely unsafe to use. Others are demanding the vaccines be discontinued based on the harm they are seeing occur.


People are suffering from sudden cardiac failure from the vaccines.

Covering up for the Covid vaccine injury.


Mortality is increasing from the vaccines.


More who get Covid are vaccinated then those who are not.


Thousands have already died from the vaccine.



To try and prevent the children from being dying from the Covid injections the FDA approved a blood thinner for children which has been shown to cause many severe health problems.


Cannot distinguish death from vaccine from Covid deaths.

CDC will not release the data on the number of deaths and adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Only 1% of adverse reactions to vaccines get reported and they are deliberately hiding the death and injuries from the Covid vaccines so the numbers for it are most likely very high.

Since they rarely report adverse reactions to vaccines the people who die from the cardiovascular failure will get brushed off as dying unexpectedly.













The vaccines have been found to damage the brain.






This site helps medical professionals and patients file a Vaccine injury report.


Since they are refusing to report adverse reactions to the vaccine your can report it here so it get published and people will know.

The Covid vaccines are damaging peoples lungs.


There are already reports of flaccid myelitis being caused by the vaccines.













Causing liver failure.












Many vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue.



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