Things that may help with Covid and Covid shot injury.

Written by Lee Stevenson. Sorry I am a lousy editor.

This is not medical advice if you are sick please consult an experienced and knowledgeable functional medicine practitioner. Please research the things I mention to understand how and why they work. Using naturals is safer then drugs most of the time but should be used under the guidance of someone experienced in their proper use.

If you are not eating organic your chances of healing are slim because GMOs contain BT Toxin which causes systemic inflammation and most non organic food contains high levels of glyphosate which has been connected to many types of chronic illness and cancer.

The covid vaccines inhibit innate immunity and increase adaptive immunity which dramatically increases the risk of cancer. Using turkey tail mushroom or reishi mushroom can increase innate immunity remember balance is the goal don’t over do it.

If the lymphs are swollen cleavers also known as bedstraw can help heal the lymphatic tissue and get infection out of the lymphatic tissue.

Covid causes systemic inflammation and over activation of the immune system. These things need addressed to heal. The vaccines are killing and injuring more people because it has toxins in it that amplifies those inflammatory and immune effects. If you are pregnant then the protocol I mention next should be used because some things like protease enzymes can increase the risk of miscarriage.

Ivermection does help with Covid and other viral infections. It also reduces the inflammation caused by Covid, it inhibits many many of the cytokines that are increased by Covid and the Covid vaccine that cause the excess inflammation. Cypress bark is a zinc ionosphore like Ivermenction. Studies seem to indicate it is as effective but I have not met anyone who has used it. So I do not know if the studies on cypress bark translate over to life. Ivermectin can reduce the inflammation but it can decrease magnesium and potassium levels so if a person takes ivermectin they should increase magnesium and potassium intake.

Those injured by the Covid vaccine are experiencing atheroma, which is caused by the break down and dsyfunction of glycocalyx. This can result in abnormal growths in blood vessels, excess blood clotting, blood vessel leakage, endothelial dysfuncton causing cardiovascular disease and heart damage, diabetes, renal damage, brain dysfunction from the blood brain barrier becoming more porous causing brain inflammation and brain damage, they will develop hypoxia like symtoms from the ischemia in the body. This also cause eNOS dysfunction which cause many health issues from decreased nitric oxide levels. Decreased nitric oxide inhibits ATP production, causes low BH4 levels and can can many cardiovascular issues. They can experience lung damage and lung fibrosis or pneumonia like symptoms. It can also cause sepsis. It makes them much much more prone to cancer. It is very important to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Things that will be high on test if glycocalyx is breaking down are syndecan 1, heperan sulfate, MMP-2, von Willebrand factor, thrombomodulin and usually caveolin 1.

Things that can increase glycocalyx are glucosamine/chondroitin complex, Fructooligosaccharide found in jerusalem artichoke root, agave, chicory root, asparagus, yucon, jicama, onions, leeks, barley and rye.

This is the protocol I have found to be most effective against Covid and Covid vaccine injury.

This would actually help with many types of infection.

Vitamin C with zinc in the morning daily.

Bonesett in the morning take it for a week then start taking it three times a week.

If the lungs have been injured mullein and lobelia will reduce the inflammation and help with lung infections.

Quercetin and Bromelain in the morning daily.

Nattokinase in the morning daily

Butchers broom in the morning daily

P5P with food in the morning daily

Grape seed extract in the morning daily

Vitamin D3 with vitamin K in the morning daily

Raw honey daily

Honeysuckle at night daily

melatonin at night daily

low dose selenium at night about three times a week.

red algae daily

Lemon Balm at night daily

Pau Darco at night daily

Rooibos at night daily

Beet root juice daily If the adrenals have been affected make lemon water and put a little Himalayan salt, 1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar and raw honey to taste.

Covid and Covid vaccine injury increases galectin 3 which causes a cytokine storm. Fruit pectin especially rhubarb pectin and citrus pectin help to reduce galectin 3. Also red onions, garlic, and meadow sweet flower inhibits galectin 3. Meditating has been shown ti inhibit dectin 3.

These are things that may help someone who is pregnant that has gotten Covid, the Covid shot or the spike protein from someone who got the shot and it has shed to them. The Covid shot and the shot shedding is seeming to cause miscarriages.

Foods that increase phorsphorous it is often times low in miscarriage.

Vitamin B12 and vitamin K are often times deficient in those who miscarry.

These supplements should not be taken in super high doses.

Any vitamin or supplement can be toxic when taken in high amounts for example above 5000 IU of vitamin D can cause kidney stones. Excess amounts of vitamin C destroys read blood cells and can cause minerals to chelate from the body.

Lemon Balm safe to use in moderation in pregnancy used every other day.

vitamin D3 use daily but do not use above 5000 IU

Beet Juice drink daily

maca root safe to use in small amounts. No studies done on amount larger then what would be eaten for food use when hormones are not normal or when adrenal levels are too high or when stressed.

cramp bark prevents miscarriage use when symptoms of spotting are bad.

partridge berry reduces uterine spasms use to prevent miscarraige

wild yam used to prevent miscarriages use daily

alfalfa prevents bleeding during pregnancy. Very high in nutrients use every other day.

Streptococcus mitis, S. Salivarius, S. Parasanguinis, Rothia dentolariosa, R. mucilginosa. Needed to produce nitric oxide increasing nitric oxide is very important.

A probiotic with mostly bifido bacteria in it. use at least three times a week.

NOW probiotic 10 use three times a week.

Ashwangha and a lemon juice cocktail would help with that adrenals use when adrenal levels are high or when stressed.

Vitamin D, Vitamin C vitamin C in excess can cause miscarriage get it from natural sources when possible,

selenium, Pyridoxal-5-posphate, sea algae use daily. Except for the selenium use it every other day. Selenium should be low dose.

Pine bark extract reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, reduces lung inflammation. If you react to antioxidants by having heart palpitations it means you are TH2 dominant.

Oat straw high in minerals has a relaxant affect. Use as often as needed.

dandelion high in calcium and vitamin k. Stimulates pon1 detox enzymes, inhibits herpes and corona virus replication. Use three times a week.

Nattokinase reduces inflammation, blood clotting and oxidative stress. Use daily and when excess clotting has been corrected slowly start reducing how often it is taken.

Rooibos safe during pregnancy can be used daily.

Mullein no research reduces lung inflammation and asthma , take if lungs have been effected or if spotting.

Coconut oil has strong antibiotic properties, promotes healthy growth of fetus , increases beneficial enzymes in breast milk.

Use daily Butter high in vitamin K2

Cod liver oil that is fresh and contains lemon use every other day. Alternate between it and olive oil.

Beans, Nuts and seeds daily

Jerusalem artichoke use daily

Leafy greens eat often as possible.

avocados eat as often as possible.

mushrooms cooked as often as possible

nutritional yeast use every other day.

zinc daily Evening

Primrose oil use daily.

Eggs as often as possible.

magnesium daily If they show signs of low progesterone.

Black haw prevents uterine contractions. Only use if hormone levels are out of balance.

Things to avoid. GMOs the BT Toxin has been shown to damage the infant and mothers brains, and causes systemic inflammation. Processed foods because of the toxins they contain Folic acid. It is man made and toxic to the body. Avoid excess caffeine, do not let glucose levels drop. Avoid smoked, aged or fermented foods. Papaya, Lichi and pineapple contain enzymes that can cause miscarriage. Aloe vera can cause the uterus to contract. Potatoes that still have the skin on them. Processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Most artificial sweeteners are very toxic to the body. Licorice Bitter melon Alcohol Pomegranate can induce uterine contractions. Sesame seeds Gotu Kola Angelica Cohash Carraway celery seed Chamomille comfrey Devil’s claw Fenugreek Feverfew Golden Seal Greater celandine Juniper berry motherwort mugwort nutmeg oregano parsley pennyroyal Rhubarb Rosemary Saffron Sweet majorum horehound wormwood , mugwort or any other herb that contains thujone. Things that contain berberine. Perriwinkle Saw Palmetto Chaste berry red raspberry stimulates uterin contractions Sour tasting things can cause the uterus to contract. Not sure why but it can.

Sweeten beverages with honey or monkfruit or another natural sweetener. Avoid fumes from gasoline or any other petroleum products. Try to avoid areas of high traffic to prevent breathing excess automotive exhaust when possible. Avoid cleaners that are toxic and if they must be used to not breath the fumes and wear gloves the skin is like a sponge and absorbs toxins.

The deaths and autoimmunity caused by the Covid vaccine is being labeled as MIS-C. It can cause paralysis. They will most likely falsely claim it is Covid causing it or new variants of Covid causing MIS-C. So they will probably announce there is an outbreak of Polio or they will say there is outbreaks of flaccid myelitis which they falsely claim they do not know the cause but the cause has been identified as vaccinations being the cause. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome C can be deadly and often times is fatal. It causes system wide inflammation which causes inflammation in all organs including the brain which eventually leads to their failure. Those who recover have life long chronic health issues. These symptoms are usually brushed aside or ignored. Many who are injured by the vaccine will go to the emergency room and they do not look at a persons vaccine history so will not connect the fact the person is vaccine injured. These are the symptoms:

A fever that last longer then 24 hours.

Low blood pressure.

Coughing and difficulty breathing.



Stomach pain

Discomfort or pain in chest.

Confusion, headaches, dizziness or lightheaded.

Enlarged Lymphs

Rapid heart rate.

Feeling usually tired but eventually a person my lose the ability to sleep.

Muscle pain and fatigue.

Sore throat

Rapid breathing

Red eyes

Redness or swelling in hands and feet.

Pale gray or blue colored skin, lips or nail beds.

I do not make money from this blog. By the time I recovered from the Lyme and the damage from  the fluoroquinolones I was too old for anyone to even look at my application, so I have not been able to find work. I suspect I do not get phone calls because of my age. I am 58 years old and they probably view hiring me as a liability. So I have no source of income. I do have a link where a person can donate to help me out. As long as I am not working I am going to try and post things I believe will help people. I post this information for free so don’t feel obligated to donate. I would prefer if it came from the heart and not because of a feeling of obligation. This is a link to my Cashapp.$TrulyWildHerbs

5 thoughts on “Things that may help with Covid and Covid shot injury.

  1. ciarocca October 5, 2021 / 5:32 pm

    Hi Lee it’s Mel, what do you think of the herb, Chanca Pierda? Especially for kidney stones. And what about diabetes or high blood sugar? Love your posts, hang in there brother Jesus is Lord!

  2. thehardybunch December 8, 2021 / 8:46 pm

    Lee, I only found your page through DuckDuckGo. I had 2 miscarriages back to back since May. My sister had one, my best friend had one, my other friend’s daughter had one and another friend had a stillbirth (all in the last 6 months). I also developed a massive blood clot in my arm from an IV that has since resolved. These are not just coincidences. I am freaking out. I read your page and I am overwhelmed in what I need to do to protect myself. I don’t even know where to start.
    I will never get the jab! The vaccine is shedding somehow! I work from home, only going to the store and church. God help us.. we are all really part of a massive medical experiment.

    • Lee December 28, 2021 / 10:38 pm

      I am so sorry. My friends and I started warning before they introduced these vaccines that these very things would happen. I talked to as many people as i could but it seems they were to driven by fear. Breaks my heart.

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