Healing Interstitial Cystitis.

Written by Lee Stevenson, sorry I am not a very good editor.

I still have a lot of things to ad but I have decided to put all the research I did when I was working on healing on one web page. Hope it helps.

This is not medical advice and should not be taken as such. It is for informational and educational purposes only. Please find a qualified naturopathic doctor with a proven history of good work. Allopathic medicine only treats the symptoms, naturopathic treats the cause. For reasons I don’t have time to discuss I do not like homeopathy although it does have some good things.

It takes a lot of research and self discipline to get into remission from interstitial cystitis but I know it can be done because I can eat and do many things now. When I do have flare ups they do not last more then a day or two. For the most part the things that help me have become a habit and a part of my life so I forget I have it sometimes unless I eat some GMOs or a lot of sugar or something else I shouldn’t be eating.

The key to healing from IC is finding what the triggers were. I do know those who got the Covid vaccine are experiencing IC. Vaccines have been known to cause IC in the past. GMO foods also cause IC from the metabolic, mitochondrial issues and the farm chemicals they spray on them. IC can be caused by infection. Forskolin gets the infection out of tissue but a person still has to kill the infection. Some can have an overgrowth of lactobacillus which is called a cytosolic infection. Many medications especially fluoroquinolones can cause IC. Each has to be addressed by the causes. There is usually more then one factor that leads to IC, it is a synergistic effect of things coming together. But the Covid vaccines seem to be causing IC with no other comorbities.

Excess Oxidative stress leads to chronic illness there is a test to see if you have excess oxidative stress. If you do not get it resolved you cannot heal. You can get a test to check oxidative stress levels.


There are other test that can help identify which areas of the anti-oxidant system are working and which may not be working. This can help identify the sources of high ROS levels or other toxins produced in the body from oxidative stress.



If you have bladder issues and are not certain what the problem is this is a pdf you can download that is a symptom profile for interstitial cystitis.


Interstitial Cystitis can be put in remission. There are many causes like toxins in our environment, pathogens. Mine is caused by Lyme disease. There are studies that have shown that up to 80% of those with interstitial cystitis have tick born illness. Vaccine injury is also a cause of interstitial cystitis. BT Toxins in GMOs and the glyphosate used on them can cause interstitial cystitis. I will try to list links to sources to show the claims I make. These links list the possible causes. When we get an infection in the bladder it sheds and raises histamines and inflammation. This tell the body there is a problem and it will send an all out attack to try and get rid of pathogens or whatever is causing the problem. In those with interstitial cystitis the bladder get stuck in this cycle and the key is getting the inflammation down and getting the brain to believe that things are ok. That is why it is very important to address mental issues, health issues and reduce the inflammation, histamines and pain so the cycle can be stopped.



GP51 glycoprotein has been found to be deficient in those with IC. This causes the bladder to get stuck in a shedding and repair state. I have found adding source of glycoprotein to my diet helped me a lot. I did herx at first because glycoproteins also help kill pathogens.







Each persons IC is unique and has to be addressed according to their health issues. There is no a one size fits all protocol.


I will list things that have helped my friends and I at the end of this article.

Each of us is unique we have to figure out the cause. Many of us have metabolic issues like inhibited sulfation or upregulated CBS or BH4 pathways which causes interstitial cystitis. All this can be caused by toxins, endotoxins from infection and the toxins in vaccinations which stay in the body for years. The key to going into remission is figuring out what our metabolic and immune issues are and addressing them. Many of the things I mentioned cause leaky gut so it must be healed. All the things I mentioned above cause high oxalate levels so we must watch our oxalate intake. Also high doses of vitamin C and vitamin D can cause oxalates so we must do those in moderation. Most recommend we do not do over 4000 IU of vitamin D a day. Because our skin can make vitamin D from sun light life guards have the highest incidence of kidney stones. Sun light is good and needed but do not over do it.

That being said I am going to list sites of people who have gotten their IC into remission. The reason I say remission many I know who have recovered still have temporary short term episodes but because we have learned how to recover they do not last long. So I believe we never fully get rid of IC.



Many of the things in this article helped me but you must make sure they are organic. There are many herbicide and pesticide residues on and in foods now and they will make us much worse. To learn more read my post on GMOs.


Many articles will mention cranberry but most IC sufferers have high oxalates and we must try our best to consume low oxalate foods. D-Mannose in cranberries does help the bladder and you can buy it as a separate supplement. I do not recommend cranberry juice for any bladder issues because of it’s oxalate content. Also it has a high acid level and many IC sufferers have acidosis. The things mentioned in the article below have helped many but they do promote cranberry juice which could cause problems in the bladder. When you see articles that mention cranberry juice take it with a grain of salt.



Here is a list of the oxalate content of food. Remember we cannot completely avoid them but this knowledge can help us to avoid them.


This is a list of links to research of things that help with IC.


Diet changes that may help with IC.


Those who have IC usually also have fibromyalgia, the mechanisms that trigger it are the same.



All who have interstitial cystitis have mast cell activation issues. Which is also common in fibromyalgia.




Some have had good results at lowering histamines with Pentosanpolysulfate but you have to make sure you do not have sulfation issues before using it.


Studies have found that those with interstitial cystitis have an imbalance in their gut bacteria.


Hydrangea root helps with TH17 imbalance which is common in those with interstitial cystitis and psoriasis.


Bradykinins contribute to IC, grape seed extract reduces bradykinins.


Studies have shown many IC sufferers are low in vitamin D. I would not take over 4000 IU of vitamin D because studies have shown doses higher then that cause oxalates to form. Also make sure you use natural vitamin D man made vitamin D has been found to cause many negative side effects.


Many of the species of bacteria that cause IC cannot be detected. These types are usually found in rivers and lakes. If our Acidophilus bacteria is low we lose the protection they give. Antibiotics kill our good bacteria which would make us lose protection.



Vaccinations damage the HPA which is found to be common in IC.


Many have said the supplement CystoProtek has helped them.


Epigallocatechon Gallate helps with IC unfortunately many of the foods that contain them are also high oxalate or high histamine. Green Tea if consumed in high quantities can raise histamine levels. Also get organic and from countries that have strict environmental laws. Tea from China has been found to be high in heavy metals and cadmium. Their are many pesticides and herbicides found on non organic teas.


Sources of EPCG, I got mine from nuts like walnuts and hickory nuts and beans especially legumes like peas.


Green tea can be hepatotoxic if consumed in high amounts. So moderation is the key with green tea.



Leaky gut, toxins especially aluminum in vaccines, fluoroquinolones, glyphosate and glufosinsate can cause glycosylation issues. This has been found to be a problem in IC.


Vaccinations, tick born illness and toxins like fluroquinolones, fluoride, lead and mercury can raise substance P levels. The symptoms are burning in the skin, especially in the scalp area and down the spine. Burning or tingling nerves. Substance P increases at night so symptoms get worse at night. If levels get too high it can cause the body to start attacking itself. Feverfew, chamomille, daisy and baking soda lower substance P.



Mycoplasmas are hard to detect and can cause problems. Up to 80% of vaccinations are believed to be contaminated with mycoplasmas.


I know it is hard to get over the trauma of our past and things that may have happened through our life. But studies have shown trauma can cause interstitial cystitis. It is very important to let negative things that have happened in our lives make us stronger. If not then the one who caused the trauma still has control by mentally victimizing us over and over again in our minds. We need to take that back and not give anyone that kind of power.




When you have gotten all things addressed the histamines, mast cells, metabolic issues , inflammation and high substance P levels and learned to deal with stress and past trauma and the IC is still present then the brain is stuck in the shed and repair cycle. This can be caused by the pain in the bladder it signals the brain something is wrong. Many have had success with botulin toxin. It numbs the bladder for a while giving the brain time to reset. Some IC can be caused by spinal cord injury. This may help with that also.




Cox is over expressed in those with IC. Natural COX inhibitors help reduce the severity of IC it is also a common cause of leaky gut and is why many with IC have digestive issues. Inflammation also causes over expression of COX.



APF was found to be high in those with IC. I research this and found that lacking certain commensal bacteria ,inflammation and high histamines caused this. By using a suppository made of coconut oil with the strain of bacteria needed many found relief. It is also why many with IC have vulvadynia. Oxalates also will cause vulvadynia.




mTOR is usually high in chronic illness. They have found that reducing mTOR helps alleviate the symptoms of interstitial cystitis.


How to inhibit mTOR.


This study showed that real life experiences where more accurate then clinical research on finding effective treatments.



Many have had good result with cannabinoids but with the metabolic issues I have it made me worse.


High adrenaline levels can be caused by many toxins especially GMOs and the toxins used on them. This can result in IC.


This is a study of the many issues that can effect the bladder. It also shows why so many are effected differently and each has a variety of different symptoms.


Environmental factors determine who will be prone to IC more then genetics.


Many who have IC have been found to be deficient in Cathelicidin. This is why vitamin D helps with IC. For those who are not converting their vitamin D to D3 you may want to supplement with D3 instead.



Cathelicidin deficiency inhibits our ability to fight pathogens. GMOs, fluoride,fluoroquinolones,mercury, lead, aluminum,glyphosate and glufosinsate inhibit our ability to convert vitamin D which would result in an inability to fight infection. Those who have high levels of these substances may benefit from taking vitamin D3.



Butyrate found in butter and ghee and produced when we eat inulin (hard to digest fiber) increases Cathelicidin.


If you do not get inflammation addressed then your ability to make Cathelicidin will be inhibited no matter what your vitamin D status is.


If the ability to produce Cathelicidin is not inhibited and you are producing too much Cathelicidin then you can develop thrombosis (blood clotting) and will develop more inflammation. Homeostasis is the goal. Do not over do things.


TH2 cytokines down regulate Cathelicidin so if you are TH2 dominant you will be deficient in Cathelicidin. This can cause skin issues to develop. So balancing our T cells is important.


Vaccine injury can raise zonulin levels, leaky gut caused by GMOs and toxins can also raise zonulin levels which can lead to IC. Also antibiotics and glyphosate can kill our good gut and bladder bacteria which regulates our tight junction protein layers which leads to IC. So in other words modern processed food can lead to IC. To find out more on GMOs look at my post on them.



Chemicals especially farm chemicals on our food, drugs especially fluorquinolones and many toxins can cause inflammation in the bladder which causes endothelin-1 over expression. This can lead to interstitial cystitis. If you look at IC research many of the things found in our foods and given as medication is used to cause ischemia-reperfusion in lab animals. This causes blood flow in the bladder to be disrupted which leads to IC. Endothelin-A agonist helps reduce the severity but it will not get rid of the problem. It is not mentioned in this study but Endothelin-A is a protein in a family that encodes histone acetyltransferases (HATS) and plays an important role in chromatin remodeling which is involved in DNA remodling and cell apoptosis (death) . Histones play a role in cell cycle progression and development. It controls endothelial growth. Over expression of ET-A increases inflammation. Withaferin A decreases ET-1 which may help with the inflammation and over expression of ET-1. Resveratrol found in grapes skins, grape seed extract and wine reduces ET-1.




When chemical induced ischemia-reperfusion has occurred the estrogen and nicotinic pathways work together to reduce inflammation. 17-B-Estradiol and a nicotinic agonist help reduce inflammation.


Glyphosate, glufosinate, vaccine adjuvants, and heavy metals like mercury and lead can cause damge to the NMDA receptor. This has been found to be common in those with IC. I do not like this study because instead of addressing the cause they want to treat the symptoms which seems to be the main them of allopathic medicine. If I get a chance I will do a post on things that help repair the NMDA receptor. Mugwort, olive oil, CoQ10, P5P, and coconut oil have been found to help.


Some have found that the administration of GAGs have given them temporary relief from IC.


PI3K and mTor are over expressed in IC. Reducing their expression helps with inflammation.


This is a very good site for information on mTor and how to reduce it.


Milk should be avoided it stimulates mtor.



IC can be mistaken for cancer.


Thymoquinone found in many spices helps with IC.


Melatonin helps with IC. Many with Ic have been found to be deficient in melatonin which can be caused by vaccine injury, toxins and even EMFs.


Take some of the articles with a grain of salt each of us is different and each of us has foods we have to avoid which is unique to us and our metabolic and digestive issues. I believe the first article is the best I have found it to be the most accurate.




PARP inhibition helps with toxin induced bladder injury.


Querciten and Rutin are inhibitors of PARP


Heme Oxygenase 1 expression helps reduce the symptoms of IC.


Sunlight increases Heme Oxygenase.


Hypoxia increase Heme Oxygenase. This can be accomplished by breathing into a paper lunch bag but if done incorrect could deprive you of too much oxygen and make you pass out. Do research if you try something like that to see how it can be done safely.


Exercise stimulates HO-1


New stuff

Lipoxygenase Inhibitors along with Cox inhibitors. helps with IC that has been induce by toxins or drugs.


L-arginine improves bladder control for those who have issues with frequent urination. L-arginine increases NO so those who do not have this problems but have high reactive oxygen species this may make them worse.


A deficiency in PIRT causes excess bladder voiding.


Some have to retrain their bladders once the inflammation and other issues have been addressed.


Infection and metabolic issues can cause raised ammonia levels throughout the body and cause a break down of many things. Since the body gets rid of ammonia through the bladder it causes damage to the bladder. The infection or metabolic issue must be addressed.



Toxins like glufonisate and glyphosate used on our crops can cause high ammonia levels which damages many areas of the body especially the nerves which has been link to IC.


The high ammonia levels will cause raised glutamine levels which will give you headaches especially when you consume foods that are high in glutamine. If you are having issues consuming things that contain glutamine you most likely have high glufonisate or glyphosate levels which comes mainly from eating GMOs and foods that have been dried using those toxins.


I eat honey because it is high in zinc and zinc reduces inflammation and ammonia levels.


Our bladders are supposed to be acidic. Infection can make them alkaline which kills our good bacteria.


Zinc and Carnosine work together.


Carnosine also reduces oxidative stress.


Infections especially tick born illness can raise ammonia and quinolinic acid.


Oxidative stress and hyperammonemia can deplete pirt. This causes and over expression of P2X3 which will cause an over active bladder resulting in frequent urination.



They are experimenting now with things that reduce P2X3 over expression.


Antibiotic use is killing our good gut bacteria and may be contributing to the rise in the number of IC cases.


Acacia gum helped heal my gut. When we have digestive issues it can cause IC by raising histamines and inflammation in the body.


Magnesium Citrate helped me a lot. Magnesium helps reduce inflammation. I used magnesium citrate because it also reduces oxalates. The firs couple of days I took it, it gave me indigestion but the third day I started feeling much better and could not believe how much it reduced my pain. Magnesium citrate should not use often. Our bodies recycle citrate so it can build up in the body. If levels get to high then it can damage the liver , kidneys and red blood cells. Use it in moderation.


Histamines have been found to be high in those with IC and it is why so many with IC may have mental issues.


Melatonin reduces mast cells.


Tocotrienols a type of vitmaine E found in palm oil, rice bran oil, wheat germ, barley, saw palmetto and oats lower histamines and substance P. You have to be careful some of those are GMOs and the BT Toxins from GMOs have been found in mothers fetuses and human brains and causes the same symptoms as food poisoning.


Catalase helps restore the antioxident system back to homeostasis but many things that contain it are high sulfur so make sure you do not have sulfation issues. Eating high sulfur foods and meat when you have sulfation issues will make you worse if you do not address it.


Vitamin A deficiency can cause IC


Food sources of vitamin A. Always try to get your vitamins from natural sources, many vitamins are synthetic and have been shown to have many side effects especially folic acid it causes cancer and damages the NMDA receptor. Folate which is natural does the opposite.




Cat’s Claw helped me. Phytoestrogen has been shown to reduce IC symptoms. Cat’s Claw contains Phytoestrogen is most likely why it helps.


Some have said honey bush tea has helped them.


phytoestrogens are why Peuraria Mirifica and Maca root reduce symptoms of IC.


Malva is in the mallow family. Most plants in the Mallow family reduce inflammation and help heal the gut and tight junction protein layers in the gut and bladder. I grow the cheese plant which is in the mallow family and has the same benefits as marshmallow root.


Toxins, vaccine injury, GMOs and stress can increase glutamate levels which can make IC worse. Plants that helped calm me like honeysuckle, yarrow, opium lettuce and wild daisy really helped me a lot.


Tick born illness and mycoplasma inhibit IL 10, Our bodies use IL 10 to detect infections and rid the body of them. Then it will reduce inflammation. Inhibiting IL 10 causes excess inflammation. This cause the body to be unable to recognize the pathogen. When this happens the body will release hydrogen pyroxide which is a last ditch effect to remove the pathogens from the body. This cause a lot of damage throughout the body. This is why it is important to reduce inflammation and to support the function of IL 10. Hydrogen pyroxide will break down the tight junction layers in the gut, blood brain barrier and bladder. This cause inflammation in all those areas. When the tight junction layer has been effected in the digestive system food allergies and intolerances will develop. Warning increasing IL 10 can lead to weight loss.




Blocking Tumor Necrosis Factor will upregulate IL 10


Ways to inhibit TNF , they recommend ketosis. That worked great for me but those with type 1 diabetes that can result in death.




Lactococcus Lactis found in some cheeses and buttermilk increase IL 10


Sepsis can result in IC. This is caused from being given too high of a dose of antibiotics which kills of pathogens and fungus to quickly. The body becomes overwhelmed with endotoxins or afloxin resulting in a lot of damage throughout the body.


Methylene Blue which can be found in the urinary section at most stores and pharmacies help with sepsis but should not be taken if you are anemic or G6PD deficient. If you have high levels of glyphosate or glufonisate you can be G6PD deficient.



This site has a list of the various forms of Methylene Blue so you will know what to look for on the package.


Atropine also helps with sepsis and has the added benefit of detoxing glufonisate, glyphosate and orthophosphates.




Moringa is good stuff it helps with just about everything.


Proteus Mirabilis is acquire in hospitals usually from catheters and is one of the hardest to get rid of.



Epilobium helps with antibiotic resistant strains of infection. Known as willow herb.


Willow herb also reduces inflammation.


Helps restore antioxidant homeostasis.


Calcium supplements cause urinary tract infection can also raise oxalates. That is why I get my calcium from stinging nettles. If you eat fruits and vegetables you should be getting enough calcium. Most bone lose is caused by either silica or magnesium deficiency. Calcium deficiency is rare.




Joe Pye also known as Gravel Root helps. It is a calcium channel blocker also though and has an alkaloid that can build up in the body so should not be used in high doses or for extended periods of time.


There are toxins in feminine products that can cause IC. Organic or some alternative should be used. Cotton feminine products are from GMO cotton which contains BT Toxin which can cause many problems. This was not mentioned in the article.


I am not big on pharmaceuticals because they treat the symptoms not the cause but many of my friends have said Tempol has helped them. Please research first if you decide to try this.


If you read about glyphosate you will see how it could cause IC. Glufonisate is Bayers version of glyphosate and causes the same health problems. If you read my GMO post you will see that our food is heavily contaminated.


I seen many take metformin. They would do really good at first then get much worse so I don’t trust it. It also causes vitamin B12 deficiencies which can lead to permanent nerve damage.


Things that can cause frequent urination at night.




Many have had good results with lactoferrin. It helps the good bacteria get reestablished. It is not mentioned in the article but it chelates the bad iron from the body and builds up heme by giving the body good iron.



Lactoferrin has been found to break up biofilms and so has serrapeptase. Serrapeptase also breaks up scar tissue but can cause problems if taken in very high doses. It helped me a lot. Biofilms make many infections impervious to the immune system and even drugs.



Biofilm busters.



This article mentions nattokinase. I did not use it because it has estrogen like effects. I figured boobs would not look good on a man.


I got candida from antibiotics. I fell for the alkazing myth and things got much worse for me so I started doing the opposite. Lo and behold it started going away. Candida likes and alkaline environment and will actually switch from commensal (friendly) to a pathogen if the alkalinity of digestive system or bladder gets too alkaline. Our bladder and digestive tract is supposed to be acidic. We have bacteria that keeps our bladder and digestive system at the correct PH. If we are deficient in those bacteria then our digestive system and bladder can become alkaline promoting infection of many types of pathogens especially candida.


Japanese Honeysuckle helped me a lot. It is the one with the white and yellow flowers. Most other types of honey suckle are poisonous. It reduces inflammation and has pain killing abilities. It made me sleepy but the baby does of baby benadryl does that to me.


Golden rod helped me. It kills pathogens reduces pain and inflammation. I herxed the first time I used it. This is the European Golden Rod but Solidago Canadensis found in the US has just about the same properties.


I hate to say this because I love salt but salt makes things worse. But studies have shown that if you use see salt you do not crave as much salt because it has more nutrients needed by the body.


Flavocoxid is a combination of ingredients. I took these ingredients separately on my own and they healed me so fast that all heck broke loose from my nerves and muscles waking up when my blood flow improved and my nerves woke up. I got bad muscle spasms and my nerves felt hot. After about three days though I felt great. And each day after I could actually feel it healing me. I did not know about this supplement that already had them in it.


Even newer stuff.

If we do not get enough cholesterol we cannot heal. Cholesterol is needed by the cells to protect us from inflammation, infections, our heart , brain, liver and kidneys cannot function without it. Statins destroy brain cells in a way they cannot repair it almost petrifies them because they deprive them of cholesterol. Read my post on how high oxLDL is a symptom not a cause.



Sculletaria heals things all through the body. I used American Sculletaria which is much more powerful. I would not recommend that because it healed me too quickly and when things started waking from the nerves healing and improved blood flow all heck broke loose for a few days.


I am putting this here for a note, I have not gotten to research it. Pathogens in the bladder induce Indoleamine 2.3-Dioxygenase in the bladder which inhibits immune response.


Antiphospholipid Syndrome can present in the renal system. This can be cause by tick born illness, vaccine injury or farm chimicals in food especially glyphosate.

Thuja helps with cystitis but there are better source then white cedar. Mugwort and wormwood are much better alternative sources of Thuja.


Excess lipid peroxidation can cause many problems, high oxLDL, high ammonia , inflammtion, the list goes on and on. These naturals inhibit lipid peroxidation.


Inhibiting 5-Lo reduces inflammation. Mediterranean Sage an invasive weed in the western states of the United States ihibits 5-Lo.


Oxeye Daisy kills pain and reduces inflammation. I seen no studies on it being a sedative but when I drink it I end up going to sleep every time.


Ebselen is one of the few drugs I would take it reverses sepsis, reduces oxidative stress, heals the brain and bladder and does many other things. Unfortunately they will only prescribe it to people with psychosis.


A list of foods and their oxalate levels. I noticed a few of the low oxalate were GMO which is worse if you read my page on that.


I put five drops of tea tree oil in about 10 ounces of jojoba oil and it really reduced the burning and rashes on my skin. Tea tree reduces histamines and substance P. Do not consume it though.


Proteolytic enzymes helped me a lot. They have many benefits like reducing inflammation, aiding with digestion, kill parasites. They made it so I could eat.


St. Johnswort reduces pain inflammation and has antioxidant properties. I seen studies that claimed it was toxic to the liver. Those studies where vague as to methodology and lacking data. Most studies I have read on St Johnswort showed it to be non toxic and does the opposite it actually reduce inflammation in the liver.




This is a good article on reducing inflammation with food and why they work.


Antibiotics, GMOs and herbicides kill our gut bacteria. Certain gut bacteria use tryptophan to modulate our immune system. We become prone to infection if we are lacking those bacteria, especially candida infection. Consuming foods high in tryptophan helps restore them and our immune function. Our adaptive immunity comes from our gut bacteria. When we are low or deficient in certain ones we can have either an over active immune response or non at all. This also protects us from inflammation.




Tryptophan was found to be low in those with MCAD.


Foods high in tryptophan to feed the gut bacteria. Many of the things mentioned are dried using glyphosate and glufonisate especially beans and grains so make sure you eat organic. Those destroy our good gut bacteria making us prone to many pathogens.



The metabolic issues I had made it impossible for me to eat meat because of the high phenylalanine content, potatoes and other things high in phenylalanine were out also. I had to eat a vegetarian diet for a very long time until I corrected my metabolic issues. If you have sulfation issues or upregulated BH4 or CBS pathways your will develop very high ammonia levels because sulfite levels rise very high and causes you body to be unable to recycle phenylalanine. So as it is used the biproducts produced build up in the blood stream and ammonia is one of them.


Though NO can cause damage in the body it is needed to maintain health. So we do not want to reduce it too low. It will cause many negative health issues if we do. That is why many develop high blood pressure when under oxidative stress because it depletes NO. Homeostasis should always be the goal.


Olive leaves are very good for fighting infection but if you have a high metabolism they are not good for you. They speed up the metabolism. Olive oil has many benefits. It activates the Nrf2/keap1 pathway which is a key part of our antioxidant system that protects our cells. If you have pyrole issues you will have gall bladder pain and/or indigestion when you consume oils. Supporting sulfation will helps with pyrole issues. Also reducing histamines and inflammation help correct issues with pyroles.


Rehmania raises blood pressure. I have cardititis and this help get my blood pressure up which made me feel much better. I did not take it everyday though because homeostasis should always be the goal. It also reduces oxidative stress.



Before I got my gut straightened out my brain was a mess. We need butyric acid but our limited diets prevent us from eating the foods that contain it like milk products and the plants that contain the fiber many of us cannot eat because of sulfation issues which many plants that contain inulin which our gut bacteria produce butyric acid from are high in sulfur. Onions are one example of that and I was so lactose intolerant that milk products were definitely out. The solution for me was to make ghee. All the lactose is removed but the butyric acid remains. It made a world of difference in my health I had more energy and could think so much clearer. Since I have my gut healed and my metabolic issues straightened out I can eat pretty much anything.


If you have chemical sensitivities or sensitivity to odors then you have glucuronidation issues. Calcium-D-Glucarate helps address that. I had problems with this bad. Even the candle section in stores would make me ill and even affect my bladder.



If you have metabolic issues and try to change to a healthier diet it could backfire. We must take the nutrients that support those pathways. If not there will be a lot of food we will not be able to eat.


P53 role in cystitis.


This is only an abstract but it list illnesses caused by high TH17 levels. Vaccine adjuvants, many farm chemicals and heavy medals can cause high TH17 levels. Tick born illness can also if the endotoxin levels get high enough. If you notice you will see many commonalities with IC.


Antibiotics and farm chemicals kill our good gut bacteria that protects us from infection.


We have commensal bacteria that are related to pathogenic. When they are killed by antibiotics or farm chemicals we lose that protection and become prone to illness from the pathogenic ones. Ever notice how many will eat the same contaminated food but only some of them would get ill. They liked the commensal relatives of the pathogenic bacteria so were not protected. Unfortunately the only probiotic I found that contains the commensal E Coli strain is VSL#3 and it is very expensive.




These studies show the importance of our gut bacteria to the health of our organs throughout the body.





Modern day chemicals in our food supply and antibiotics can ruin our ability to produce FUT2 enzymes. These modulate our immune system and keep our gut bacteria balanced and happy. If we are not producing FUT2 enzymes then we cannot fight infection and our gut bacteria will get out of balance and we will even become deficient in some bacteria. Many will take probiotics with not results for this very reason.



If we are FUT2 deficient it indicates that we are lacking Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron which is supposed to be one of the most numerous of the gut bacteria. If we are lacking this bacteria we will have trouble eating certain carbs and cannot break down many types of fiber.


They claim it is a genetic issues but other gut bacteria regulate FUT2 secretion


This is a list of gut microbiotia and their effects on the digestive system and the body.


What complicates things is that the medical community cannot identify the difference between commensal and pathogenic. Often times they give antibiotics that kill bacteria we need. When we get an infection from a bacteria that is usually commensal it means something is out of balance in the body. Instead of looking for the problem they kill the commensal bacteria that we need.



Getting chlamydia shows there is a deficiency in Lactobacilli which balances the ph of our bladders and digestive system. Most pathogens cannot survive in an acid ph which is what the bladder and digestive system are supposed to be.


So an imbalance in our bacteria causes us to become prone to urinary tract infection.


Our bacteria even protects us from respiratory infection.


If you notice these are receptors involved in IC. This study shows that our good bacteria regulate our gene expression. It is the bacteria we inherit from our parents that determines what illnesses we will be prone to. Not only that but the foods we eat determines which genes they turn off and on.






Here is where it can get confusing. Some strains of lactobacillus are pathogenic. We have to make sure the strains we take are ones that reduce inflammation and histamines. We need inflammation and histamines for the body to heal and repair but when there is and imbalance in our gut bacteria the strains that cause them become more numerous and histamine and inflammation levels become too high.


Germ theory has been proven wrong repeatedly yet they base their research on vaccinations on it. Our gut bacteria modulate and train our immune system. So vaccinating overrides our ability to develop immunity which means the only thing it would do is confuse the body.






Our gut bacteria even regulate our biological clock.


Our gut bacteria determine if we will be obese or not.


Our gut bacteria regulate our mood and emotions.



An imbalance in our bacteria in our lungs can result in lung disease.


We even have a gut bone axis and our bone is effected by our gut bacteria.



Our gut bacteria even regulate our cholesterol levels.


This is why it is very important to get polyphenols, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides in our diets. It feeds our beneficial bacteria which promotes better health. There are myths about the sugars in foods like fruits and vegetables feeding candida when it becomes pathogenic but the opposite is true. Much of the false information out there drives me to believe that the pharmaceutical companies put it out there to keep people on a hamster wheel of poor health so they will have a steady customer.






Not only do we need to feed the good gut bacteria but our diets to manipulate our gut bacteria needs to be unique to each of us. A diverse diet gives us a diverse microbiome which protects our health.



The myth I see that is the most damaging is people being told to avoid all fats. They are a necessary nutrient for good health.



Another myth is to avoid carbohydrates. It is a good way to develop autoimmune disease. We need a variety in our diet.


I find it strange that almost all science surrounding modern medicine is being proven wrong by science that is thousands of years old.

We have commensal virome in our gut. What happens when antibiotics or farm chemicals kill them. How do we replace them and restore out health?


Our gut virome also regulate our immune system.


Our gut bacteria even secret non toxic antibiotics that do not kill the good bacteria like man made antibiotics do.


This is a study on female urinary biome and health.


Male urinary biome and health.


If you are prone to E Coli you may be lacking the phage or virus that protects us from it.




If you get tick born illness, yep lacking gut phages.


Peroxisomes secreted by our gut bacteria protect us from excess reactive oxygen species generated during oxidative stress.


This is a list of microbiota and their functions.




This is a symposium on microbiome.


When I ate anything including fruit I got very ill, probiotic yeast help a lot with that. It would feel like a brick was setting in my stomach after I ate. This helped me a lot. Also if I ate carbohydrates I would feel ill this corrected that also.


If you have problems eating dairy these are the strains needed. I had very bad dairy issues. Some of the strains that break down dairy also break down carbohydrates.




These are the strains needed for urinary and bladder issues.




If your microbiome imbalance persist it may be from your sexual partner.




These articles mention the probiotics to avoid if you have high histamines. The second link mentions the ones that reduce histamines.



P53 levels are found to be low in most IC cases. I did not pursue increasing this because most cancers have high levles of P53. I think it would be better to find out what is inhibiting it and correct that rather then trying to increase it.


It should be clear to most now that the genetic theory of inherited imperfections causing illness is not accurate.

11 thoughts on “Healing Interstitial Cystitis.

    • Lee October 6, 2019 / 11:42 am

      I hope it helps you.

  1. tergra December 9, 2020 / 8:07 am

    Hi Lee,

    Yes you are a great editor !! Thank you for organizing such a huge amount of information !!
    I by the way am also a Linux fan and very spiritual 🙂
    I’ve suffered with IC for 18 years and some of the info you mentioned here I have never found anywhere else. There are a few things I need to dig further (substance P, mTOR).
    One aspect I gathered though, is the possible connection between IC, Dupuytren disease and La Peyronie disease (I suffer from them 3 and I’m a rather young man : 36 years old)

    My urologist recommended unsaponifiables (from soy and avocado), 300 mg 3 times a day (I ordered them online in powder form since at the pharmacy it would be horrendously expensive), I take them with collagen (25 g a day) and they really help.

    Have you ever heard of such a connection ?
    Looking forward to your answer !
    Thank you so much !!
    Thank you !!

  2. tergra December 10, 2020 / 8:47 am

    Lee, thank you for this additional info. I just ordered serrapeptase 🙂

    As I’ve suffered from IC for a very long time, i’m gonna review every single item from your research and try it out one after another. Already bought for over 300€ of supplements lol, and I just started the “new stuff” part 🙂 I feel very very very grateful to you to have such bountiful information =)

    I never went through a protocol for tick-borne illness but I am interested in trying if you have an effective one to share with me. I tried kirkman biofilm defense and Dr Usman’s biofilm break protocol to see if I had a stubborn infection, I didn’t herx at all so I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have a chronic infection, but I might be wrong 🙂
    Interestingly my mother has fibromyalgia so either my disease is genetics based or she passed something to me in the womb (I heard that Lyme disease can be passed to the foetus this way).

    Also, I heard that fecal transplant (despite how disgusting it might sound) is one of the most effective ways to replenish gut bacteria.

    Another line of research to complete your post would be to look at heavy metals since it is said that chronic infections do use these as a shield to protect against antibiotics and natural antibacterials (not sure how true this is though). Andy Cutler has a protocol for that, but it only works for a few heavy metals (mercury, lead etc.). Anyway a hair-test is a must to determine if there is an issue regarding this.
    Also I can only highly recommend iodine which is nowadays my number #1 supplement for energy levels (sometimes doses of 15-50 mg a day can be needed at the beginning, yes “mg” and not “mcg”).

    For oxalates poisoning issues, I highly recommend Eliott Overton, very knowledgeable fellow. And a FB group called “Trying low oxalates”, they have a table where they test the content of every single food. Amazing !

    So yeah please share with me if you have a good protocol to address tick-borne issues specifically, I would like to know 🙂

    • Lee December 10, 2020 / 5:22 pm

      I could not recommend anything without speaking to you for a while because there really isn’t a one size fits all protocol. I did a blog post on Lyme explaining why many do not know they have it. It can get passed from mother to child in the womb.

  3. tergra December 11, 2020 / 4:14 pm

    Ok thanks Lee, I’ll read that ! By the way loved the post on the HPA, totally fits me… 🙂

    • Lee December 11, 2020 / 5:16 pm

      Hope you get well. Hope you find the information you need.

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